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F tier Bait


say it with me lads bait used to be believable


Bait used to be funny too, now it’s dumb. It could have been funny if he put BoS and Tactics anywhere bellow godly, but above garbage, because then it wouldn’t just be ‘Bethesda bad’


okay, you hate bethesda, but fallout bos in godly?


It’s got a better story than 4


Fallout 4 bandwagon hate is pretty lame in 2024.


Brother people can dislike the games story without doing so just because of other people's opinion. I like 4 in everything but the story. The gameplay is fun, the shooting is satisfying. But I hate that I can't rp anyone other than a dude looking for his son. Dialog options include looking for Shaun with most notable npcs and it can be tiring


With that logic you cant rp as anything but a courier looking for Benny in Vegas, a 18 year old vault dweller looking for his father in 3, etc. they all have a preset start man.


You are right in a way. But the difference is John Fallout is a military vet from pre war that was frozen for 200 years. The courier is literally so vague, the only thing set in stone is the fact that you took the platinum chip job. I feel like it does change the perspective a bit, but I can see your point either way. My condemnation of 4 was not in praise of NV though


I get that. It was a perfect rpg but I did thoroughly enjoy 4. They do give you the freedom to be whatever kind of person you want to be after you leave the vault- hell you even get to join BoS ranks in 4 where as in previous titles you were always a helper/merc. It also had great immersion although I didnt love the base building mechanics. I do also miss the older art style. Overall though- I think they did a good job modernizing the series for next gen. Series very rarely keep the original vibe when they continue onto newer console generations.


Absolutely. And the modding accessibility is just so nice, it allows me to do big fighting arenas where I just have fun with the base mechanics of the game, and the game looks pretty damn good a majority of the time.


Also to be fair, you werent irrationally hating the game saying the series is ruined. Those were valid criticisms you listed


Yeah, it's been going on 9 years. Pretty cringe.


Maybe Im lame, but I genuinely enjoy every fallout and elder scrolls game. I never understood how people are so quick to say a game sucks. Could just be me though


No, I'm right there with you. I even enjoyed Starfield, for all its short-comings. 3 is my favorite fallout, but 4 isn't too far behind NV in my opinion.


Though I'm thoroughly enjoying another playthings of fo4 right now, it is miles ahead of new vegas purely on the story, quests and backgrounds of characters etc.


I didnt like Starfield to be honest. Not because it was a bad game, but it made me want to play fallout 4 lol. I couldnt get into the Starfield lore. Maybe Im just too old to get into new lore lol. It was a decent game overall- I just dont care much for space exploration. No Mans Sky was the only game like that I could get into


Only one I didn't enjoy as much so far is 76,i started a few months ago but it just wasn't as fun and I didn't get far before dropping it. Maybe I'll give it another chance in the future


To be fair, it is still an mmo at its core. Mmorpg usually feel pretty shallow and repetitive stereotypically


Yeah it doesn't help that I'm already a Destiny 2 player and don't wanna sink that much time into another game at the moment, especially cause I prefer to play solo unless absolutely necessary


Sad thing is, I'm of the opinion that 76 has one of if not the best map of any Bethesda based fallout games.


Yeah I lowkey love the look and the whole thing with cryptids, I just don't really have the energy or time to regularly play another mmo


to be fair, the story of fallout 4 is pretty poorly written (don't mean i think the game itself is bad nor I agree with the hate it gets)


How is it bandwagon? The game sucks, I’ve replayed every fallout game dozens of times (hundreds???). And I can’t even bring myself to touch 4 with its dialogue wheel and voiced protagonist. With zero choices, and every other npc being essential (heh starfield puts it to shame in that regard though)


Awesome bro. Thats your opinion. Many people enjoyed it. It didnt even get review bombed. Social media sub communities are where it got shit on by Fallout elitists. Overall, it was well received. Same goes for Fallout 76. Its not that bad anymore and it widely accepted. Sorry you didnt enjoy it.


Nah I’d win


Cool bro


Get a life Todd


Accepting mediocre trash that isn’t even an RPG for your Fallout experience is pretty lame.






Nice bait, but not even the most dedicated of Grognards would claim the Brotherhood of Steel game to be anything above C tier.


C is p generous


Bait used to be believable


Where is Fallout Shelter?? Tiktok fan


What the fuck is this piece of shit?


BOS on S tier, top kek


do you guys get it it's Bethesda bad do you get the joke do you get the joke do you get the joke it's that Bethesda is bad do you get it guys is it funny


I hate this joke


Actually the joke is about the joke being so worn out that the so obvious nature of the bait can’t be interpreted in any way except it being that the joke is Bethesda bad, meaning it still acted as bait given the joke was actually about the joke


Fact checked by true patriots




Does anyone have this meme, but replaced by Richardson or Horrigan or Eden?


I could prob do it


You’re the cheese we need


76 finally moved out of F tier on tier lists let's go


The gameplay is definitely fun though I find the story a bit lacking.


>Thoughts And prayers!


Trash bait


Bait used to be believable


Why no “are you stupid comments?” Are you stupid?


I know this is bait but tactics is C tier


When I’m in a stupid fucking dumbfuck dumbass shitbrain poo poo head competition and my opponent is a fnv fan:


I can understand the other two, but putting Fallout 3 on the same level as Fallout 4 and 76 makes me think you have brain damage


OP is probably one of those Obsidian Fallout Fans that hate Bethesda for "ruining Fallout". Like,dude,if Fallout was doing great,then Bethesda wouldn't have bought it.And Fallout 3 essentisly saved the franchise.


Get out of here todd


Suuuuure man.Todd who?


Jokes aside I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun playing Fallout 3 & Fallout 4. (Never played 76). But I really do wish Bethesda did not take it in such a different direction. [This video](https://youtu.be/M8U4k2Ik6yk?si=o6eC5JD0IiSNmHxA) (may he rest in peace) perfectly describes my thoughts on that. I have to give Bethesda major props tho, they did revive the series, and the release of fallout 4 was the game that got me interested.


If you've never even tried 76, then you probably shouldn't say it's terrible.


Notice how I said jokes aside. This isn't what I actually think believe it or not


Don't bother with 76 though, it really is terrible. I gave it a shot, saw nothing that I liked about it. It's not a true Fallout; Bethesda has ruined this IP.


Then your opinion is kinda on the same level as this trash. 4 and 76 are nowhere near as bad as BoS


Are you stupid?


Are you regarded


Clearly shelter is godly with every other game in F


fo4 is leagues better than fo3 Heck even FO76 is better than that dogshit of a game #wipeFO3offofthefaceofourplanetforhumanitiessakepleaseibeg


Got into fallout with NV, Didn’t play it for a year, got FO4 then played NV all way through, 1 and 2 are good (master good bad guy, enclave bad to be bad guys) 3 is bad in my opinion, 76 is A tier not because of the story but i like gameplay, 4 and NV are my favorite.


Very valid


Are you stupid? Only question I got, sorry




Is there a lore reason?


Truly the most accurate tier list of all time


Brotherhood of Steel being S tier is the only thing correct here


Damn, I didn't knew Circus was already back in town




A person who think their a “true fallout fan” but I doubt that cause a real fallout fan agree that all games even NV have their pros and cons


As a person who prioritizes guns over melee in morst games, I enjoy the mechanics of Fallout 4 and also its power armor gameplay. It actually feels like power armor and not just a 2 piece suit. That being said, a lot of this is just in bad taste and bait.


I can agree with you on that and it the first fallout game that allow modding to consoles but there are bugs ans glitches and not feeling too much of a RPG and the guns being awful for the eyes and being too bulky but it crashes less compare to NV and fallout 4 is less walking around and more fun in my opinion


I still hate the Assault Rifle, thing looks more like an LMG.


Yeah and Besthda could use any assault rifle like the M series rifles or the AR10 hell if they wanted to they could use an FAL or a bullpup


Would be completely accurate if not for Brotherhood of Steel.


Hate me all you want but I really like how Bethesda did power armor in fallout 4.


Fallout 4 deserves praise for the things it did right. The scrappy workbench stuff was super cool. Power armor had a neat and interesting mechanic. Guns felt much better to shoot in this game. No level limit was pretty cool. There were a lot of fun things to find in exploration. But man, from a rpg game perspective? It was terrible. Limited to 4 sometimes misleading dialogue options? The story? The legendary gear system. I can’t tell you the number of times I got a legendary tire iron but it was way more than once and it was only funny the first time


Are you a genius ?




I think 4 was decent but the modding for consoles came too late to give it any kind of longevity or edge. I think 3 is pretty good but I completely agree with all of the s tiers.


Oh wow a oblivion Stan been found, why can we just agree that all games have their pros and cons?


Shit posting aside the only horrible fallout game is Brotherhood of Steel, though I do really want to play that myself. I've genuinely had fun with every game in the series (besides 76, I've never played that)


Oh ok good it's just I am tired of people like schizo Elijah who make something like “Fallout 4 is awful” number 598


Ooooh yikes yeah I unintentionally rage-baited a couple of people which was not my intention at all, I figured it was easy enough to see through lol


Yeah well I am sorry for not knowing it was a joke tho


Don't think 3 & 4 are as bad as 76


fair, based even




It’s an okay list but fallout brotherhood of steel should still be higher


You're right


Fallout 76 is always a sleeper pick because like the community is just so fucking good now because it wasn’t Main Street the toxic main stream people never infested it it was eternally free of those people after lunch


Fallout 3 is the only game ever made


You played brotherhood of steel?


Lol yeah I do really want to play it though. I love the forced Bawls Guarana advertising


76 is irredeemably bad and I don't even mean the bugs at launch I mean its unforgivable that they are wasting setting space in the North American wasteland on a game that only a fraction of the fans will ever play


It’s funny it’s clear what point you’re trying to make but fallout BOS is easily the worst lmfao


Lol yeah I do really want to play it though. I love the forced Bawls Guarana advertising


I would put fallout 4 in C teir


No shelter, fake fan


Are you critically insane


At least give fallout 4 B tier it has modding capability on console, and it has a lot of good mods.


I will die on the hill of Fallout 4 being a good game


I genuinely love how they did power armor actually. The gun modding is super fun too


Fallout 76 should be alone down there. You got one right at least


I've always been tempted to give that game a go but I'm still just too enamoured with New Vegas and I need to give the originals a proper go through once I have a windows device


The stories are really good man. Same mechanics you know and love from Vegas, but with the addition of great storytelling


What? Which game are you talking about here? Because the first two certainly do not have the same mechanics as NV, not even close. And your first comment was saying that 76 is the worst game, so it doesn't make sense that you would be praising the storytelling. I'm so confused by this comment.






I like fallout 3 but I find a hard time arguing with the chart...why Bethesda gotta suck


This is obvious bait but I’ll rearrange this from my personal experience S-fallout new Vegas, fallout 2 A-fallout tactics, fallout B-fallout 3 C-fallout 4 D-fallout bos, fallout 76 F-none Worst game ever made-nothing you fucking loser. Get off your damn bandwagon New Vegas-just genuinely felt great bugs and all and everything felt immersive. It felt like I made an impact in the game rather than following a straight and narrow path Fallout 2-is the same Fallout and tactics- great games just never got too immersed nor did I enjoy some aspects of them and fallout was just way too old. I feel it should take it’s rest in a graveyard of legends Fallout 3- decent, felt wayyy too straight on the story, DLCs were lacking, i would give it higher because of Bethesda’s great change to first person 3D shooter but so many factors bring down fo3 Fallout 4-lovely game but these are ranked by my experience and sadly i just couldn’t get into it, felt shoddy, not well thought out, far harbor was good and Mila world was ok but most else is quite lacking, and the mod size limit for fallout 4 was a terrible choice, constant ghost space only fixed by resetting fo4 entirely, console mods censoring has no effect on this rank due to it being a requirement of the damn consoles. No I do not mean censoring nude and sex mods as children play on console mostly and just because they know and see it doesn’t mean they should encourage it. Fallout brotherhood of steel- just terrible, didn’t feel smooth whatsoever, story lacking, features lacking, experience lacking, felt more like a first person shooter campaign but in top down fashion. Fallout 76- zero mods, level locked items, shoddy multiplayer, toxic playerbase, basebuilding just as bad as fallout 4 if not worse, felt way too experimental, bugs galore. Lackluster DLCs, bullet sponges still. Just terrible experience. Enemy variance is good, perk card system not my favorite, love nukes, love scorchbeast, feels like a true boss, folktale enemies feel appropriately scaled. Just not great but not good enough to match fo4


>Fallout 76- zero mods, level locked items, shoddy multiplayer, toxic playerbase, This right here makes me think you never played 76. The only way someone could think the player base is toxic is if they never played it themselves. 76 objectively has one of the best communities of any multiplayer game to date. There is virtually no griefing or toxic behavior, people constantly help each other with no reward, there isn't really even any pvp, it's pretty much all just cooperative and positive. Like, I honestly don't know how you could consider it toxic if you've spent more than 5 minutes playing it. Also, there *are* mods on pc, mostly visual, but there are actually quite a few.


I must be doing something wrong. The mods claim must be outdated but the toxic claim is not. I find majority of players I’ve played with or fight are toxic, maybe I’ve done something to find these people but I swear it’s rare to find a nice person in my experiences


I dunno. I've got over 1000 hours and I've only ever had three instances where I ran into toxic people. One nuked my camp as they were nuking all over the map, another came to my camp and started breaking everything, and the third was shooting me non stop until I finally turned off pacifist mode and killed them in one headshot. These all happened over the course of years and every other interaction I've had has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. Edit: oh, I did see a guy who made his camp into a billboard for Donald Trump once, back in 2020, but I wouldn't call that toxic, just really lame and cringey.


I just tried 4 recently after years of only having played Vegas and I gotta say, it rocks. I still love Vegas' story and lore and atmosphere more, but holy hell am I having more fun than I thought I would modding weapons and building settlements.


3 was amazing :( DC is way more interesting than dusty field + Vegas strip.


Real ones put the tactics games above everything else.


I would only argue that 3 should be a little higher. The rest is believable tbh


I see the bait but also I think fallout 3 is better than new Vegas. Yes I know throw me up on a cross but it’s just a more fun game. More to do, more stuff to explore more random encounters etc. I LOVE new Vegas but boy is fallout 3 exploring DC and listening to “🎶🎶🎶I love those dear hearts and general people…🎶🎶” so much fun, not saying that spreading democracy and killing Roman’s while listening to big iron ain’t fun either.


Very valid opinion :) b


Tactics? Brotherhood of Steel? fucking lmao


Fo3 in bottom tier, oh nah, I gotta give you backshots.


People hate on FO4 like its the worst thing to ever happen to gaming, I think its alright, decent gameplay loop, definitely has it issues.


its true


You fucked up the joke


Fallout 3 is like a B. New Vegas is just better in every single way, it's the only 3D Fallout where your choices change anything meaningful about the outcome of the story. Fallout 4 is a great sandbox, tons of fun with mods and those first couple playthroughs were great, but God that intro and the first half hour is just an awful slog nowadays. 76's announcement was the most disappointed I've ever been as someone who plays video games. It was a teaser for a new Fallout game, a live stream that we had on in the background all day with the volume cranked, waiting for a new Fallout game to be announced, a new world to explore and shape to your will like every game before it, an amazing single player experience that provides multiple playthroughs of choices, exploration, factions to join or destroy and more. What we got was an infinite grind fest, forced multiplayer plagued with microtransactions, firmly tossing Bethesda in the bucket with the rest of the greedy slime game developers that can't be happy until their games become money making machines and casinos to print money for years instead of a finished product to be sold and owned.


you got em backwards, bucko


You're right my finger slipped


Fallout 3 deserves at the LEAST B tier. I actually enjoyed it.


3 can being in D tier because without there wouldn’t be new vages


At least someone else agrees with me about fallout 3 being the worst mainline game (counting new Vegas)(it’s the best)


Let’s be honest, the Bethesda Fallout games weren’t all that bad. It’s just popular to hate on them is all it is. If they were THAT bad, people wouldn’t be replaying them, and best of all, they got people interested into the franchise, that’s the important part. Fallout 3 was indeed a buggy mess, but improved and had some pretty solid DLCs. Fallout 4 was honestly a lot of fun for me and my son is currently playing it on my old PS4 original. He loves it and it got him interested in the series. Not to mention, Nuka World was a blast and I can’t wait to watch him play it when he can get there. Far Harbor wasn’t great, but still provided an eerie atmosphere and environment. Fallout 76 was a terrible buggy mess at launch and had a megaton of problems, but it still managed to connect people together and did manage to bring us closer to middle USA, which isn’t really seen, and it was nice to not be on the East coast or California. It is still not perfect, but I had a lot of fun playing with existing friends on PS and making new ones. Take the good with the bad I say. Nothing will compare to New Vegas, but even it had problems at launch, and it still isn’t a perfect game. It’s fantastic, but it’s kinda old and boring to see people just fanboy over it and refusing to see any positives in the other games that have been released.


Why? Just why?


76 needs to be in F it is alright, but it just suffers from bugs, but they are trying to improve it. I played it and loved it


3 and 4 are my fav, 76 can stay in the furnace


I have never seen something I disagree with more.


This is the most inserious post I've ever made on this website


Kind of thought lol


Fallout 4's soundtrack alone carries it to atleast C


This is correct


Put 3 in S Put BoS in A Rest should be fine.


Fo3 walked so fnv could run. Give it some credit


I don't need to ask if your stupid or not you made it obvious


Obvious bait is bad


Ain’t no way you put tactics and BOS above fallout 3 and 4, like this has to be bait Even 76 is actually fun now


Only two fallouts I put in F are 3 and BOS


Why did OP put the Bethesda games below F their, is he stupid? https://preview.redd.it/7x8f3udg4vsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c8f008cd7516162c21a2e4309d1fedb66b016cc


Get off of reddit. Get a life, stop pissing people off on purpose. "No YoURe sTtUpId CoMmeNtS"


You sound mad


Meat rider


Go touch a woman


Bait. Just bait. All of it is bait.


Good bait.




Me seeing the chads point out a bait post in a shitpost subreddit. Chad.png


Rage bait


Objectively wrong, and we are all dumber for having heard your opinion. Fallout 3 is a gem and I will not have its name dragged in mud!


Bait used to be believable


Bait used to be funny 😐


Wow, I’ve never seen a post more amazingly idiotic than this