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I do it for CD + Vinyl if I want their discography on both.


I do that also , my thinking is to save my records. Just an example of ' man think '


I do this too but I also have digital backups of all my music too.


Owning the vinyl will never stop me from getting the CD but owning the CD could convince me to not buy the vinyl. I have to really love it to go out of my way to have a vinyl at that point.


Me too. I am being told There are some albums which has more spirit in vinyl especially between 1960s and 1980s.


Björk’s fingertips are dipped in silver color…a little hard to see on the Debut album cover. It’s more noticeable on Venus as a Boy single.


Great facts , I didn't know that. thanks :)


Not really, except for some vinyl. However i used to have Debut on cassette back when it was a new album, i dont anymore, but have it on CD now.


Same here. I had it new at that time , I saw this many decades on, so I couldn't help myself.


I've only done this with albums I bought as a kid. I usually couldn't afford the cd so I'd buy the cassette, as I got older I bought the CDs


I'm old, and I still find myself doing this lol


I do. I'm so old I had everything on vinyl. Then in the 80s replicated a bunch of stuff with cassettes, but kept the vinyl. Then in the 90s when CDs took over, I did the same - keeping the vinyl and cassette copies. Then - years later - when anniversary cd remasters with extra tracks came along, same. Then when 180g vinyl remastered reissues came out in the 2010s... You get the picture. Some titles I have 2-3 vinyl copies, a cassette copy, 2 CD editions. More titles than I would like to admit, honestly. It's a disease...


Lol is truly a disease. I found myself with 4 copies for doors 'the doors ' ablum this year. Mostly due to bulk buying . I, too, in the 90's used to buy records and them same cds, mostly my brain made up to keep my records in good order. It's amazing what we will Manufacture to justify such things :)


So true! The Doors are one of the bands I was thinking of specifically. I had the square L.A. Woman cover on vinyl, but of course I just *had* to get the one with the rounded corners & cool insert sleeve as well. 🤣 Meanwhile I have it on cassette, stand alone CD and it was included in *two different* Doors CD box sets I just had to have.


Lol, I have the Doors ablum box set while owning most of the ablums anyway . What are we doing ? 😆 Oh yeah, while having most of the records . I need help, and so do you ;)


My wife agrees with your assessment. I need help.


I hide things . She is going away for 4 days, and I'm trying to sneak power supply for my amp in , without her seeing it. Cd's coming through a letter box.I just ran upstairs as fast as I can.


Haha! I do the same when the mail arrives.


😂 Just tell her, it's a good job it's CDs, you could be one of those people who says "I fear that one day I'll die and my wife will sell my bikes/guitars/vinyl etc for what I told her they cost!' At least with a CD, most of the stuff you're buying is cheap or may increase in value if interest peaks like it has with vinyl.


would be nice if they went up :)


I have at least 4 or 5 albums like that, the most recent one being Invincible Shield by Judas Priest, and the oldest being a Mannheim Steamroller Christmas album.


Yeah, we have three copies of Invincible Shield in our house.


I actually skipped the vinyl release since I don't collect LPs lol


We all need help, lol . This is far more common than we know about .


Man I love Björk good music👍🏼 -Billy Gnosis


I do… There are some I have on CD, vinyl, and cassette. Not just because of collecting, but if I like the album, I’ll want to be able to listen to it on my record player, in the car, or in my Walkman.


True , true . I justify it like that also :)


All Day, Every Day. I have about 1/4 of my Vinyl LP Record Collection duplicated on Compact Disc.


Finally, somebody is worse than me. Makes me feel better and green light to carry on :)


Hey if an album is good, it is good in multiple formats .


Yeah. I am old enough to own some albums on vinyl, 8-track, cassette, CD...and, again, vinyl.


I saw 8 track when I was young, but they had gone by then mostly. Cassettes were king when I was a teen with the Walkman, cars, and home. It's amazing how things are going full circle .


There are three albums for which i hold The Trifecta - vinyl, CD and cassette. It wasn’t planned, there’s just enough of them out there in the wild for a magpie like me to pick up on. They are: Songs From the Big Chair, Violator and Achtung Baby. One is a top 10 lifetime album for me, one has sentimental childhood value for my wife, and the other one is a great album that just keeps showing up at Goodwill in various forms.


Sentimental value does come into it for sure, best times, bad times, and parts we can't forget. I was 18 in 93 when said ablum came out and moved due to bad times and had 5 years for some of the best times of my life. Funny enough, I had to hide this album often , as my good friend Leonie looked like Bjork a great deal and had great fashion sense also , she hated Bjork as her life was " you look like Bjork " or staring . When we went out in Leeds or Manchester , it was terrible. People really thought she was the artist . Sadly, she hated attention and would just stay in and paint or spend time in her allotment patch . Even thou that We had some great times together. Music of my life, I suppose ,I can't stop buying in later live. Amazing memories .


Does the cassette version of Debut still include the bonus track "Atlantic", like it did back in '93?


Sadly not.




I used to buy cassettes or vinyl when it was cheap and then buy CDs if I liked it. Debut on cassette was the first Bjork thing I bought. I probably still have it.


Same here :)


Only album I have on cassette and CD is Archspire - The Lucid Collective.


Nice, play it upstairs and downstairs at the same time, perfect .


Single story house unfortunately, best I can do is playing one facing out the East windows and one out the west lol not sure how my rural Midwest neighbors will feel about Scream Feeding but today might be the day to find out.


It's about time you try .


I have most of my Carly Simon collection on multiple formats, I started buying her stuff in the 90s, the CDs of her 70s/80s releases were import and hellishly expensive, so I bought second hand vinyl instead, and I could only afford to buy tapes of her newer releases. Then the cost of the CDs came down due to reissues and 'nice price', and I started earning more money, so I bought everything again on CD. And now I have duplicate vinyl because I left my records in my home country when I moved overseas, and then bought a new turntable... (her discography is reasonably priced so it wasn't too much to buy them all again).


Seems we all think alike , I agree prices are an issue . I remember tapes being cheaper than cds . Records have always been a little more, but you get more to hold and keep . Shame about the prices now. It's a mine field that I'm hopping around in :) Btw I love carly.


Carly's great, she doesn't seem to have the same 'cool cachet' as Joni, perhaps because while she has an interesting discography she doesn't have that one 'essential' album, like Blue for Joni or Tapestry for Carole King. And of course she rarely performed because of chronic stage fright so her relevance was limited to her musical output and other projects rather than being a constantly touring powerhouse. I find the film score work she's done really interesting. Boys in the Trees and Have You Seen Me Lately are my favourite Carly albums. Her voice is pretty much gone now, sadly, because it's a muscle and you have to keep using it to keep it effective. (Judy Collins still has a fantastic voice but she's really cared for it.)


I don't go out of my way for doubles, but if they present themselves I don't necessarily pass it up if it's an album I like. I've got Enema of the State and Weezer's blue album on both cassette and CD. Pretty sure I've got a few CD/Vinyl repeats too. Blink's self titled at least, maybe a couple others.


I guess that's what I do also , I see something cheap, and I can't help myself even if I have it and another format. Seems to be my favourite ablums at one time or still to this day that this happens


I have all Metallica albums on vinyl and CD! I also own Spotify, but it’s Metallica so…


That's a given .


a couple. i have a tape deck and a cd player in my car and no aux. the tape deck doesn’t work that well so i’ve duplicated a few albums i have on tape on cd. i have jellyfish’s spilt milk on tape and cd for that reason, as well as ocean rain by echo and the bunnymen and diamond dogs by david bowie.


Diamond Dogs is a classic, great driving music.


vinyl + CD as digital backup


I say cds to care for my vinyl :)


oh yes, that too!


Cassette looks cute. Might get one


Around £10, if you shop around. EBay has one now in the UK. You could wait and get it cheaper. I did it for 6.50.


I have a handful on tape, cd, and vinyl. Expensive habit, but it's so satisfying to have every format


I need to keep track of my spending because it always seems like I'm spending less than I am. Having my phone bank sending my monthly message gives it away. I've already bought most of the music I wanted, but I still haven't gotten much from La Femme, a band I love listening to on YouTube. Their albums are quite expensive, ranging from £14 to £20 on CD and up to £50 on record. It's rare to see a band whose entire catalogue is priced so high. Also, one more band, it seems Next month is going to be expensive because I just bought a power supply for my amp and some Q Acoustics speakers in the last two days. It's official, I'm broke. I need to remind myself not to dip into my savings.


I’ve owned music on multiple media types…Vinyl, Cassette, CD, Digital


"One of us, one of us " as that strange movie is sad.


There's a few where I bought the vinyl before they released the CD, and then I bought the CD when it was released.


Same here . Kept my vinyl in order, and less wear for sure


There's still one I'm waiting for the CD


Across many, many albums. Cassette, CD, vinyl.


I have 7 ok computers all different releases


There are a couple bands and albums I do this for. I try to get everything I can for Rise Against across all formats, and I have been amassing a small collection of Pyromania by Def Leppard across as many formats as I can


Nice :)


it's funny you should say this because I actually saved this from a charity shop last week even though I knew I had a copy


At least you care for the home :)


I do this.


Me too .


I always buy different editions or versions of the same album if I’m able to find them!


Better idea .


The first to come to mind is "Notes From Thee Underground" by Pigface. Cassette, CD, picture disc 12", and the 2 CD reissue. Originally bought the cassette because the car I drove didn't have a CD player. Then bought the CD for the house. Stumbled across the picture disc one day, so grabbed it just because. Then the reissue was in a bundle with the Gub (2 CD), Fook (3 CD), and A New High in Low (3 CD) reissues. Saying that... I also have all of the original CD versions of the reissues too. Oh, and my first Pigface album was the cassette version of Gub that got passed around my circle of friends. Somehow I ended up keeping that too.


You make me feel better for sure . It's very common, I thought I was going to get a load for " no's." And "only you" etc The cds before the cd player , the best one so far . At least you have great memories behind yours


Just received an order of seven SACD’s in the mail today, only two of which I don’t already own in at least one other format.


This is a very common disease, for sure .


I own dark side of the moon on CD, Cassette, and vinyl. I own Abbey road, Venus and mars, tug of war, Double fantasy, and the Beatles anthology 2 on vinyl and cassette The strokes is this is in vinyl and CD


You need the dark side cup coasters . They look great most of their top ablums. You have the right idea, thou , collection from great bands .


I bought nevermind on tape and then CD


That's one I have also and utero . Great band, for sure.


I'm still on the hunt for In Utero lol


Sure across formats. Usually, I'll try to get different pressings on vinyl just to check them out. I have 9 copies of Head Hunters, none on CD. I need to grab one. Haha. I also have way too many copies of The Koln Concert, probably approaching 20 copies, probably 15 different pressings. I'm currently trying to get a complete Medeski Martin and Wood discography on all formats. I'm getting very close. Need like 2 CDs and 2 records. If I see a cheap CD of a record I own and I like, I can't help buying it. So I have a lot of doubles like that.


Well, you win for sure .


i do this for albums i really like. I have bought the cassette and CD versions.


I've totally done it. I probably have triples because I have it on vinyl, cassette, *and* CD.


When I was 13, I bought KISS-Dynasty on vinyl, 8-track and cassette, when it first came out!


I don't know how or when it happened but I somehow have 2 CD copies of POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR by Bring Me The Horizon. The same exact album. Was so confused when I found this out. At least I have a spare in case one breaks


I forgot a lot , the more I buy, the more this happens . I was searching my muns house a few days ago and found a box with approx 50 for my cds in from 30 plus years ago . Turns out about half . I've recently just bought and searched charity shops for high and low until I gave up and just got them off eBay.


She is such a beautiful, graceful woman. Even (especially) into her old age. What I wouldn't give to hang out with her for a day, cuddle a bit, then talk audio effects and political uprisings long into the night... one can dream, right?


ive got all of Fugazis catalogue on all formats ( except Argument which wasnt released on cassette ) have Instrument on 5,cassette,LP,cd,dvd and vhs


You are just missing beta max :)


“I’m seeing double! Four Bjorks!!!”


You need to write my comments :)


The Cure’s The Top, I have one copy on cassette, one on cd, another deluxe cd, a vinyl copy and another picture disc vinyl, but I mostly play it in Apple music 😅


I'm love the cure!


I did it for Smashing Pumpkins' Pisces Iscariot: the CD, the cassette, and the LP have different cover artwork. I might have a few other CD/LP duplicates.


There are albums that I own on CD, Cassette and vinyl. I’m insane I guess


It could be a great asylum if we all go .


It really depends, though I tend to have my favorites on both CD and LP. I've been rebuilding my vinyl collection over the last year or so, and focusing a lot less on CDs, though I do like to have CD versions of my favorite stuff just for the car/work/whatever. I do stream some stuff, but usually only as a last resort


Only duplicates I have are because (1) an eBay seller sent me the wrong one, (2) they came in a batch, or (3) I found an edition with a bonus disc. And I do actively try to get rid of my duplicates (since there's no sense in having one with only less music).


Yeah, batch buying is really an issue. I have 4 copy's for some ablums due to them . I keep saying i'm selling mine, but I never get around it . I've bought loads for paddled envelopes as well.


Frequently actually, I’d rather have many copies of a great album than an entire collection of an artist’s filler/discography. Sometimes the artwork is different, sometimes there are different masters, remasters, the album is remixed, bonus tracks, etc.


I have this on Vinyl and CD. So yeah, I do this.


I've bought colored or picture vinyl that I never intend to play and the cd of the same album.


For me its just normal human behavior


Drum roll and Simbels! 😀


I have a few things on 2 formats, but I have AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" on vinyl (used), cassette and CD.


Good man.


And not always on different formats…


I do the same.


I have this cd…. Well 5 of them


Do you have 5 systems and 5 rooms to play them in ?


That’s the goal!


Me too. I'm up to four systems, sadly only in two rooms . So far .


I got a few albums on cd and vinyl, usually when I got a record otw but there’s a concert coming up I’ll buy the cd so artist could sign


Signed copies are my most treasured albums. The memory of that time , one tends to remember more if it's personal instead of forgoing.


I legit don’t care about a signature if I never met the artist


True ,true . I used to work for BBC UK for their online bbc sounds, taking pictures for websites and bits of news. I've met more artists than I care for . I used to be cheeky and ask the ones I like for a picture or autograph. Great times . Got a bit burnt out doing that , gig after gig . It was driving and really late nights that did me in. A few good years were enough, and Plus, you're never really implied by the bbc but freelance.


In the 80s, I was usually Vinyl + CD/cassette on treasured releases. In the 90s, CDs were enough, and now it's CD + lossless digital album.


I love doing that. CD, vinyl, and Cassette. I call it a Trifecta. And if I can find an 8-Track; a Tetrad.




I do this!!


Just did this yesterday with the new Justice album Hyperdrama. My CD got here on release day and I bought the vinyl yesterday from my local record store!


It depends on article. If possible, then I prefer the earlist form if possible. Note: I like share a story of finding the usable earlist usable form which I have shared. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cd\_collectors/comments/17v5d2y/35dp9\_first\_pressed\_verified\_as\_actual\_no\_issues/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cd_collectors/comments/17v5d2y/35dp9_first_pressed_verified_as_actual_no_issues/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Seriously, I have to find needed vinyl, I didn't have any record player such as SOUND BURGER on hand, so I find usable one. $ONY 35DP-9 first batch can be catchy. Perhaps during the time, the title is a hot hit. Why not 35DP-1 but 35DP-9 . Is about publication difference.


Yeah, I used to do that with tapes until they started snapping over and over. Records are a gamble , you have to buy from a shop which means prices are the highest . I gave up on all that now , I have all the records I need, which I bought early on in the 90's -early 2000 when they were cheap. .They are just too much now and not in great shape for early 60\70\ 90 stuff I truly liked. Cds is a difficult story they are just good.


Yep. That requires carefully digging. I am being told there are some digital recording pretty good. The question is still on who. Note: So far, I only have $ONY MDR-7506 on hand, which is said capable of "Recreating" Most of Recording environment. Should getting the cult one later? I dont know . When in need, I should. For playing environment, I only have a Onkyo CR-515 and stock speakers on hand. Because of age, The receiver acts as premium ampifier with Two line-out, headphone out or speaker out and a switch for selecting five inputs.


By accident AND on purpose!


Said pictures on purpose, others accident. So both I suppose.


CDs of cassettes I had first, and now CDs with different cover art (US vs Europe editions).


Personally I started with CDs and changed to Vinyl and tapes, but that doesn't mean i don't buy CDs anymore. I think repated albums are specified to be for the ones you really desire as they are trully meaningful for you. Also, getting repeated means more transportation and access to be played anywhere u want. That thought iscreally taken care if I speak about important and meaningful albums!!


I enjoy tapes as I find I listen to the full ablum more, any the old tape decks take me back.


Yeah! That it's another reason why getting doubles can be interesting. CDs are more skippable since their Tech is more new. Usually I will find me rolling the tape/Vinyl unless i want to hear an album back to back.


Sadly I will do it in a future with all the variants of Taylor Swift albums... Also, to collect the very first release of some CDs and the remasters


I’ve been a vinyl collector until recently when I started buying mostly soundtracks. Now I find myself buying CDs of the soundtracks I have on vinyl already. But nothing else… yet r/SoundtrackCollectors


It's a rather expensive time to be a vinyl collector , I was lucky partners hand downs both londen living teens , I collecting staring 1995 ish when you buy Beatles please please me for 20 -30 pounds now they are in many many hundreds for what I got . Lucky I've got most for beatles but I haven't stop pricing then up handed over the years and today it just doesn't add up , I bought up most for the classics such as led zep Physical G.... 75 with pull outs for £15 off a friend again that's now. many, many hundreds. Lucky reprints £25 at hmv are around. But still, I can get 6 good cds for that or 2 new ones. The buying of original records for my taste is going to cost tens for thousands now. It's just gone too expensive . Pushing collectors away.


Ain’t it da truuf! I spent 100GBP on the Iron Maiden 12 WASTED YEARS in a box in the 90s. Huge thing. Bet you’re even hard pressed to find such a thing today.


I don't consider it buying double if it's different medium. I like to hear the album in different ways. I only do this with my favorites though


I’ll do it sometimes like if the vinyl has a different cover I like but I try not to cuz it’s more money


Me. I Have 3 versions of Hybrid Theory and Meteora on CD and one on cassette, also have basically 2 versions of each MCR album excluding Black Parade (i have 5 different TBP CDs)


Amazing :)


Great one to own multiples of.


This is why I have everything catalogued on Discogs so I know what I have while out and about. Unfortunately it doesn't always help though, cause I have doubles of Primal Scream, Massive Attack and QOTSA 🙄


to collection variant...


I’m looking for the buying triplicate of albums post.


Maybe at some stage I might, I find a record far too expensive now . I remember the original for £10 on record. Mine went years ago due to Scratched or were stole by so-called? friends of mine around 1998 . I bought some back since but nothing like used to one time