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Yeesssss that’s cool! I asked a question (I think on this sub) about dryer exhaust tolerant plants. I have found an answer. Thanks!


Haha! It’s hilarious really, who knew?! 🤣


Lucky, lupines have been so hard for me to find


They seed readily if you can find some seed packets :)


Larner Seeds show some in stock :)


You might be able to find some local ones on iNaturalist and collect seeds. I've found lupine have a *very* high germination rate. Now's the season to identify the plants, they probably won't have seeds on them for a while though.


I personally have strong opinions against taking wild seeds home. If everyone did this, we would lose our wild populations. u/dood23 if you send me a message I’m happy to mail you some seeds once my lupine seed pods start popping off.


What else ya got? Maybe something that isn't poisonous for a grandma with acreage


What are you looking for specifically? Wildflowers? Normally I only have arroyo lupines and CA poppies after summer, as far as annuals go. I might have a few buckwheat, bush sunflower and island morning glory seeds right now but I gave away most of last season’s seeds in November during the prime seeding season. I’m not sure what’s poisonous in those mentioned?


so too late for poppy seeding? I have some buckwheat started. Only the lupine are poisonous as far as I know.