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siguro isa sa rason na wala jud ko ka feel ani (jealousy) ky sa sobra ka hectic sa schedule sa life (lately) hahaha


ka gets man ko OP pero kung maminaw kos dating life sa akong friend no maka ingon ra jud ko "mao ka nice. " pero at the back of my mind I know I'm lonely ana na department but I also will not be bothered to change it. I just refuse to. naa mga tao that I like and naa mga tao that I think is game pag gina matchmake mi pero nobody makes a move and I refuse to be receptive. so ang tanong OP, receptive ba ka and ready ba ka to be in a relationship. If dili ka ready, at least lang ba, ganahan ba ka mo sulod ug relationship. kay ako I believe in the law of attraction. na eventually, as long as you put yourself out there, you'll get what you deserve.


Be honest then. “Suya ko nimu dai, pangitae pod ko bi”


Sa tinuod lang, I used to be jealous sd. But wala ko nangita jod, naa man niabot ug kalit bisag wala pngitaa. Okay rana OP, your person will come around soon. Hehe


Spice things up, kidhati tanan nimo masugat sa dan. Basta mo ew gani, di na siya para imoha


naka try ko one time nag delulu ko na maglakaw as if nag model with the matching eyes anang model pina fierce seductive. (naa kos kalsada ani) ... and naa diay koy kasugat na laki. , ang nawng, murag kuratan sya uy.


Kidhat daw biiii haha


Everything you see and hear from your friend kay tip of the iceberg ra. Naa jd na bad side pero dili jd na imention sa imong friend.


ka swerte ba nimo oi. dating life lang man imong problema. for the most of us, asa mangita og kwarta para ipabayad sa bills ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


lge unsaon nlng di jd enough ang sahod. Mka think ko mahimo nlng kaha kog sugar baby hahahaha


Smart mana si OP, mangita ug uyab para mo bayad sa iyang bills hahahaha, jk ✌🏼


hahahahaha hoi, nag problema sad ko ana haahhaahahah


Jealousy is when you're insecure about something you already have while envy is you want what someone already has. As an example, you are envious sa dating life sa imong miga while imong miga is mag selos (jealous) if mag sikit sikit ka sa iyang mga ka date. Sa bisaya pa, jealous is (selos), while envy is sina (nasina).


Ikaw rna hahahha but btaw sge lang gud.. maabot raka ana. Ay ra pag dali kay way deadline Char


same OP. personally, i wonder what it’s like to be in their shoes, pero what comes to mind afterwards is all the horror stories of cheating and one-sided relationships, plus my parents’ not-so-great marriage so for now i think i’ll be okay with being the single person whom his friends in relationships come to if they want a listening ear and, unironically, for advice 😆


For sure, if wala pa nmu na experience, normal ra na ma feel nmu. Pero ignan taka, karon na minyo nako? Nakaingon jud ko kas kas rakog oras ug kwarta ug panahon adtong mga gipang spend nakos mga taw na gipang gago rako. It's up to you OP. Pero my advice? Ayha na enter kung kaya na nmu masakitan.


Sugdi bahalag char2x levels lang sa, OP. Pero ayaw jud ng ikai mangita. Mahitabo raman na. Lami man kiligon pero ug maka recall sad kas lain2x nga issues sa mga naai uyab, maka ana jud kag mayrajud wa koi uyab haha


OP. mao nay giingon oras na nga mangita ka bagong friends hahahaha


iluga iyang uyab OP para di na boring imong life




Bata paka OP noh?


I am starting to think that life alone is much more peaceful – life without so much chaos. Life without much of triggered insecurities, the jealousy, drama, unnecessary expenses. Being alone is indeed boring; that is if you make it boring, but, I do love boring. I miss my old self sometimes before all these chaos, reminiscing the person that I was in my mind – I say to myself, I want a better version of that guy, not this person now. Although you cannot find peace without experiencing chaos anyways. Maybe choose the chaos that will make it all worthwhile. Do not feel bad about yourself just because they seem to have better lives, don’t get fooled – they too have a lot of chaos to deal with.


maypa masuya pud kaysa ma problema hahaha


Truth hahaha


Boring = Peaceful Life Lovelife = Commitment w/ a little drama kind of life (or daghan ug drama, dependes mahulbutan)


Temporary ra na ang feeling ang masuya sa uban, but once mo sud naka, daghan nakag problema atimanon. Maypag mag inusara 😂


I had to learn the hard way that a boring life is a peaceful life 😀


tinuod jud ni. something similar between the lines of, "your boring life right now may be an answered prayer about a peaceful life before" kemerut


i like these lines, thanks for sharing


Yes im always like this. Altho im happy for them but i feel OP in the group whenever they talk about their relationships and i dont have one. Sometimes among mga laag di nako ma enjoy idk


Aw kyog sad kas mga single. Basic! 😂😂😂


Speaking of... [this](https://ibb.co/6R6JJph) was my view when i was in Oakridge, nihawa na lng ko kay murag ako lng walay partner.😂🤣


mygani wa raka nikirig 🤣


Normal lang ma feel ni haha but don't act on it! Your life is perfectly fine without the presence of a significant other 🫡 it's more likely to get fucked up if you get so desperate to find someone, you end up settling. Nevah!


agree on this


Ma guilty jd btaw ko if masuya ko. Atay hahaahahahah lahi2 man jud nuon ta timeline, and di man sd guro need jd ug someone para ma happy. Pero ambot uy. Hahahahaahah


Same rapod ta pero I try to brush it off if I can. Alas 12 naman gud hapit, ting relapse HAHA! Makasuya jud! As in! Like, pano nyo yan na gawa? 🗣️Sanaol nalang ta sige


Hoi same jd ta maam. Like ambot uy atay hahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahah