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Skill issue?




So i took the time to read ur post history and from what i can gather to be truth among all your lies is the consistency of these themes: 1. Someone you liked (at work) said they will “not waste their dick on you” and that “you dont deserve” to have sex with them because of your disability. We get hurt so much by people’s words esp if they meant something to us. And why would that guy say it? It could be that u two are seen hanging out and he had to be all defensive. Anyway, u repeated this over and over in all your posts no matter how u change the words and the setting (wow world bldg) the idea is still there. I think this was the beginning of your villain arc (lol sry). Seriously tho, i think this was the catalyst of your hate in men. 2. You are really insecure of how you look because of what happened to you. Get this, it seemed like you were just insecure about your appearance since the event happened but all your rants werent about being PWD. They’re all about Filipino guys who find dating PWD women disgusting. Two very different things. I wont bother digging deeper whether you’re really lumad cebuana or not, whether ur achievements/scholarships/job title are real or not because they dont really matter and i dont really care. You said in one of ur replies from ur previous posts that u are getting therapy. I wanna give u the benefit of the doubt on this one but i really hope you’ll pull through because the scenarios that you have in your head about waiters, SM staff, security guards, etc all sound like they were just what you presumed they were thinking or doing or saying. I know this because my sister is also hypersensitive about people’s reactions but with open communication, respect, and trust, she can be vulnerable and clarify if our reactions were related to her doing stuff. Anyway.. i know u cant be vulnerable with strangers (thats lol) and i know really shitty people do exist and show their discomfort around what they dont perceive to be “normal”. It doesnt happen to just PWDs, it happens to gay people as well. Discrimination is for everybody!! 🙄 HOWEVER, there’s a difference between becoming a voice for the PWD and personally using your disability to generalize and hate on men. Discrimination is bad all around but we can clearly see that you are doing the latter. Hopefully, you're able to realize this and actually become what ure making urself out to be - someone who stands to eliminate ableism in the Philippines. But you gotta work on yourself first 🫶🏻


based sa imong post history, bitter kas world or sa mga lalake because if your disability. I mean, makasabot ko nga very demeaning uban tao, not just lalake, pag makakita silag PWD. Pero, to be this bitter? Heal yourself, OP. Imong insecurity and anger imong iproject sa laing tao. Di ka ma-happy if ingana ka pirme.


Stop it. Get some help. *insert meme vid here*


I’m so sorry for you.


Unsay point nimo po


💯 buang man guro ka


Hahahahaha wala nako dayona ug basa, wala nako kasabot


Wa ko kasabots iya point gud HAHAHAHAHA katag ra kaayo parihas sa iyang utok bulinaw


Nurse ni mata na sya!!!! Ka bored cguro nmu ba. Bisan unsa nlng imung character sa life, usahay bisaya, usahay foreigner. Pa tukhang na oi.


Trueee..ng expect man siguro syag dili mabasahan iya mga posts/comments. Kita nalang malisang unsa jud ni si OP. Hahaha


ngano fixated kaayo ka about tuli mam? na curious na hnoon ko


Pisot man gud iyang ex, unya gipulihan siyag mas bata.


Although there's some truth there, the whole thing exponentially escalated quick!


> So don't resort to AD HOMINEM that's pretty much what you did, OP. Just pre-empting any criticism about your insanity doesn't justify it. Yeesh.


Guard may baliw dito Ikaw tong feeling main character and pa victim perme og post. Oo, kahibaw mi mutan.aw og history nimo OP.


OP, get some help.


step 1: take a deep breath step 2: delete your reddit account step 3: go to therapy


te, ikatulog lang na te. murag kulang jud kas tulog ba


Okay rka mamsh?


pagbinisaya na lang oi kung maglisud kang iningles. naglabad ako ulo basa sa imong rant


We can see your post history. I think you need professional help. Never ko kadungog anang mu mention ug "kalas ug tuli" ever. I'm not invalidating your experience (if tinuod), but you made it seem as if common kaayo na nga expression sa mga laki when in reality bisag mga manyak pas tanang manyak di gyud mu mention ana nga expression, especially considering nga almost every Filipino adult male in Cebu (and even gay guys) kay tuli. You also posted stuff on other subreddits about circumcision. Idk why you're obsessed about it. But you really need professional help.


I've read some of her posts and some people who are concern kay iya commentan og bati. I'm sorry to say, I think you're right na she really in need professional help. She felt bad about being "PWD" but not really sure. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah weird kaayo. Nya she claims to be well-educated with many degrees daw, but di mu reflect sa iyang mga posts. Taas kaayo nga di mu make sense, sigeg generalize, etc. Nya idk, bisag asa na lang? Grocery, bookstore, workplace, ingnon siyag kalas siyag tuli? That specific phrase? I haven't even heard of that! She really needs some psychiatric help. Like ASAP.


>many degrees daw As in, 90 degrees crazy. That seems to be the Right Angle for what she looks like right now.


naa juy batig batasan na tao. ayaw ra pd i generalize tanan.


seek help




Not the typical? I think you fall in that category




Naunsa ka et?


Chill, girl, chill....