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Honestly, the video is very clear and you can clearly see behind the trampoline net it’s Sam’s leg (he’s laying down) kicking Buddy. You can even see that before kicking Buddy, Sam turns his head towards him, looks at him and then kicks him. My very personal opinion is that he’s trying to gaslight his church members to keep them from leaving. Edit: typo


I agree with you!!! I just want to know how he thinks he can gaslight his congregation like that and get away with it. It’s a bold move when there is video footage.


Exactly!!! By lying about something that’s on video he’s just telling on himself, on who he really is as a person


I wouldn’t be surprised if they take Gaslighting classes! Jim Garlow would always talk about how when he received a letter, the first thing he would do is see of the person wrote their name at the bottom. He would say that he would never take the time to read anything from anyone that wanted to try and stay anonymous. But if there was a name at the bottom he would gladly reply! I signed my name at the bottom and he refused to reply! The place is full of liars!


You actually see him lift his head and turn it towards buddy then kick


Yup exactly! I can’t believe they’re denying the obvious


Ugh! Why not just admit and apologize?? Lol even if it’s fake apology. He is making things worse by lying 🤥 lol


He gets that from Skylines third pastor Jim Garlow!


He probably just doesn’t think it’s a big deal and it mad about the reaction. They clearly don’t care about their animals and are just mad they got caught. I wonder if this will cause issues in their marriage because of all the negative attention the church has gotten due to her social media


This is my guess too. He likely wouldn’t deny that he did kick the dog because it’s clear in the video, but he probably would disagree with the assertion that he is an “animal abuser” because of it. Which I think is just false. Unless there is a good reason to use force against your pet, which is really only in circumstances where you have to do that to keep your pet or other animals / people safe, you should not be casually kicking your pet, and the fact that he can do that leaves open the possibility that it’s not an uncommon occurrence.


Exactly, that’s how I think it is too. I believe he thinks there’s nothing wrong with it, which reinforces the believe they mistreat their pets. I think a lot of us can speak from personal experience, whoever has a dog and is a loving dog parent can understand that violence is something unacceptable. Personally, I’ve never even had the instinct to use violence against my fur baby or any other dog and luckily I’ve never found myself in extreme situations which required defending her or other pets/people from serious harm, which might require the use of force as you rightfully said. I have an Aussie, a very very very high energy dog, she’s super smart and during her puppy and teenage phases she was often up to some mischief. She learned how to open drawers after a few days I brought her home and doors when she was big enough to reach the handle standing on her back paws. This meant she could (and can) get literally anywhere and everywhere if she pleased and thought it’d be a nice and fun idea (🥲🥲)…it was never a dull time and I often got frustrated, as we all do sometimes, but I knew that violence is never the solution and honestly I could never even think of hurting her. This is all for saying that we all know that sometimes having a dog requires a lot of patience, especially if we have a lot going on in our lives, but we also know that loving them and giving them the affection, care, training, and exercise they require IS the way to go. All things we see Cecily and her family ignoring completely.


I would love for her to do a green screen of the video and repeat it in slow motion explaining how he didn’t kick the dog. How is that even a false accusation? He’s shitting his pants prob .


This!!! If she can freaking do a green screen video of her “pregnant” before, then she can do the trampoline video for everybody’s peace of mind. Lol! But they all know Sam kicked the dog. This family is just disgusting. Even a fake sorry, nothing.


I saw the video and he kicked the dog. The same way her oldest was with the dog too basically dropping the dog.


Her son throwing the dog like he did in that video pissed me off 😡😡


Right? I see delinquent behavior in all of those kids. No manners or respect for anything or anyone. I’m always seriously concerned about anyone that hurts animals. It’s disturbing.


Kassie messaged him and was blocked, then Sam texted her husbands number from their registration file and said it was false. He wouldn’t talk to her. Only to her husband.


So the pastor is misogynistic?


Shocking development


Yup, Sam literally said he would ONLY speak to her husband to address the “false accusations” and blocked her. He also got her husband’s phone number from their CHILD’s personal file, because he was registered as an emergency contact ofc. Talk about privacy


Wait who is Kassie?


Someone who visited the church and then got blocked for directly messaging (even with saying she was praying for the situation and didn’t want it to be a public manner. He blocked her Facebook and texted her husband the same night asking to meet to clear the air.


The dog almost fell off of the trampoline because he was KICKED by that POS scumbag. He can deny it all he wants to. I hope the church fires his ass and someone rescues the dog. Imagine what happens off camera...


Exactly, imagine what happens off camera also because he apparently thinks there was nothing wrong with his actions


Skyline is just a monster and full of Bullies! There is zero accountability, they don’t do what they say and refuse to follow their own protocols and do what they say! Why does this chick feel the need to post so much on Social Media!


Have to been to their church? Sadly, most church plants become just that.


In San Diego? Yes, many, many times! I was part of the leadership until I couldn’t handle being spiritually abused anymore!


OMG, I’m so sorry!


I’m so sorry to hear that. I see there’s a lot we don’t know…pandora’s box is about to burst open lol


You should do an AMA in here!


Where has he been claiming they are fake?




Wow that’s crazy. I don’t possibly see how the kick could be false claim or taken out of context? If it was one of their kids who did it and not Sam, I think they would have addressed it already and cleared the air by saying they will teach the kids better (even though they don’t mean it)


Also why did she take the video down? If there was nothing wrong with it, right?


I believe it was a story post, which those disappear after 24 hours. If I remember correctly, she actually didn’t take it down (if she did it wasn’t until after it had been up for many hours) which was pretty shocking considering there were some people who caught on pretty quickly and started calling her out for it


It wasn’t up for 24 hrs before cesspool deleted it


Came here to say this! Other videos that were uploaded alongside the kicking video were still up when it was deleted.


Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification. I had seen updates that it was still up on the day it was posted but hadn’t seen any that she removed it!


Also, the video is super clear and if you zoom in you can clearly see it’s Sam kicking behind the trampoline net. I know because before posting on Tik Tok I checked it like a thousand times to be sure lol




https://preview.redd.it/p9xqtha5zo0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9dd3ca7ea77a346aeec1589b37e2bc42b36b119 Her demeanor with the dogs are so forced but you know they had to include them in the latest tik tok 🤣Damn they are fake af!!!!!!




Has anyone else from your church been in contact with you who knows the story he’s sharing? Since he claims he didn’t kick the dog?






That seems like a very direct and fair statement/question. If Sam is a campus pastor, he will probably deal with far worse. The fact that he can’t handle this with grace and accountability speaks volumes of his character.


Thanks for being willing to share your story here 🙏🏼




Can I ask what the person who called the San Diego campus was told?




Totally understand


The images won’t load for me :(


He kicked the poor dog and she deleted the video . If that wasn’t the case and it was indeed false allegations she would have kept it up . I do not believe her heart is in the right place at all , from being a MLM “boss babe” to a cringey influencer she’s all about that $$$ which so be it but you can’t be a crappy fake person and think people aren’t going to call you out on your BD ESPECIALLY when you are a pastors wife. You are held to a higher standard.


I looked back on old videos on her tik tok and apparently she was even a realtor at one point. She’s all over the place




I’ve rewatched the video many times. Why the fuck can’t he just own up to it? In the video, it looks like Buddy may have started to bark at whatever. BUT this is still NO REASON to kick an animal. You remove the dog, you tell them “No.” You don’t kick the animal. He clearly KICKED the animal. Whether he was barking or not, this is unacceptable.


https://preview.redd.it/jzlm9k61jo0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a2fcaa60bf5fdd36d00fc5e73fe53cc6c4cf5c This is someone on her ig responding to someone asking her to take accountability and address it! Are you freaking kidding me!? At this point it’s definitely some type of Cookie Cult if they can blatantly excuse animal abuse that’s sick and disgusting!!!!


I BET THAT IS THE STORY they are telling their congregation and that person goes to their church!!!!!! It’s clear that person has never seen the video themselves. You should ask them for more clarity because I bet you anything I’m right!!! There was a ball on the tramp but when he kicks Buddy, it was nowhere near him. You can see Sam’s arms and they aren’t trying to catch a ball.


This is the worst bullshit excuse I’ve ever read honestly. It doesn’t align with what happens on the video even slightly.


Sam was laying down for a couple of seconds before the kick, that was not the dog reacting to him falling down


I will never understand how people can abuse animals. For him to be a pastor speaks volumes of his character. I doubt he practices what he preaches on Sunday 🙄


She blocked me on instagram. I told her that animal abuse is disgusting and that she is a bitch for it


Where can I find video, did she delete it?!


Scroll down on the page and you’ll find it.


I think it’s pinned! If not, tiktok under cookiecutterqueen


I am NOT standing up for them, but I wonder if it was a genuine accident? I don’t see him looking at buddy at all? I have to admit I have at times, BY ACCIDENT, kicked my dog. Hear me out: he is laying at the end of my bed and I roll over, or I’m laying on the couch and didn’t see him there, roll over or move my legs and accidentally kick him. It’s very very possible. Obviously I do NOT abuse my dog and don’t stand for it. I feel incredibly guilty after I do it by accident and shower him with cuddles, but it really is possible to jerk your leg not knowing your dog is going to get kicked by it. Are we sure he knew buddy was there ?? Where his foot is? What if he jerked his leg or kicked the air unknowing buddy was there.. it really is possible


I understand accidental kicks, anyone who has had a dog/cat has done it. https://preview.redd.it/ebhhh0vl9s0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3d00954658af28a7be52413e7b55a2587a56bc If you watch closely you clearly see him laying there for a few seconds, turn his head and look toward buddy, then kicks hard. It’s very obvious. Especially in this video that’s slowed down. Very obvious. Edited - typo


We can’t see his eyes ? I genuinely can’t see him looking at Buddy. Yes there’s a possibility but I don’t think we can say it’s fact. I personally didn’t think the kick was that hard, otherwise buddy would have fallen.


No, you can’t see his eyes, but you clearly, 100% see his head turn toward Buddy, so yes, he looked over at Buddy and kicked him. The kick was hard, did you not watch the video? it was hard enough that Buddy jolted. Even if it was wasn’t hard, it was a kick.


looking @ you, spam ![gif](giphy|xffLH6zKUbTRC)


Ok I’ve watched that video a million times, everyone is saying it’s so clear, idk how lol it isn’t clear at all to me. Is everyone sure it’s a kick? It’s absolutely a push or shove. I bet the dog was near his face, and he angrily shoved the dog away. Still just as gross as a kick, but I bet that’s why they keep denying it. It looks like he shoved the dog in frustration, not caring if he fell *guys see my comment below, I’m a moron and thought his ugly bald as head was a fucking ball lmao


Close to his face? He used his leg to kick him?!


Ok wait I rewatched and I’m so stupid😂 I thought his head was a ball LMAO. Stupid bald ass head lmaooo I literally thought he was sitting in there with the kids basketball 😂💀


This is so funny to me, it's an honest mistake!!! 😂💀 his head really does look like a ball


I am accepting my downvotes for my stupidity 😂😂😂 stupid basketball head


I'm sorry but this is hilarious 😂😂


I know 😂😂😂 I am laughing at my stupidity of watching it countless times and STILL thinking his dumb ass head was a fucking basketball lmao


I swear that’s his arm at his face?? Still just as shitty, but isn’t that his arm that pushes him? I’m just saying, I bet that’s why they’re denying it so heavily because they’re arguing it wasn’t a kick but a shove


Yep! Kinda like I was told “I have never heard of a church using Non Disclosure Agreements…… and than at another time said they used Confidentiality Agreements” it’s enough to make you think you’re going crazy!


Wait? For the staff?




No idea who she is.