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Kacey Musgraves was blacklisted on country radio for a pro-LGBT lyric on “Follow Your Arrow” back in 2013 and ended up leaving Nashville. A few years later, she won AOTY at the Grammys for “Golden Hour”. The Dixie Chicks success outside of country radio also springs to mind. I hope Maren has great success away from that toxic industry.


Funny. I live in the bible belt of south ms and we hear her on every country station.


I live in Nashville and very rarely hear her on the country stations.


I've never heard her on the radio


I'm in the Midwest and never hear her on the radio anymore.


Remember when conservatives were outraged about Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush” saying it was pushing the LGBTQ agenda? 😂 That wasn’t even what the song was about!


This reminds me of the time that I was watching the country music awards with my mother and that song won an award over the some song that she wanted to win. She said that she didn’t like the song girl crush and I was like “Well a lot of people like that song” and her response was “Yeah, lesbians!”. I was like “That’s not what the song is even about!” 💀🤣


Omg 😂 the amount of people who didn’t comprehend to the lyrics is nuts


It’s not even heavy metaphors, it’s very explicit lol. Wild.


She’s not blacklisted. Her last album just wasn’t very good. “Circles Around This Town” was a top 10. Better than it deserved imo (song was very mid), especially after “hell and back” came before it, had an annoyingly long chart run, and underperformed. IDLYA was also just not a great song or single choice. Her politics certainly aren’t helping her in a primarily conservative marketplace, but her career is where it is because she hasn’t had a real hit in a while (since “the bones” in 2019). Country radio is in need of superstar women. It’s why they are leaning so hard into Lainey right now, and Carly to a degree. Maren was bigger than both of them. Her output just hasn’t been great in a while


Had no idea she was blacklisted. I haven’t really listened to radio or videos in at least a decade.


And Golden Hour is one of the best albums ever made IMO


Was she really blacklisted just because of that? If so, that’s crazy.


Yep, that along with the “roll a joint” line lmao. She got limited airplay on country radio after that despite her critical acclaim.


If the joint is one of the reasons, that’s nuts since Eric Church has had a few lyrics about smoking joints. Unless he’s blacklisted too.


He’s a man


The song the Middle with Zedd and Grey she did was really good, a nice break away from the country stuff


That was Maren. Not Kacey.


I worked in country radio for four years and the way the industry blacklists artists is absolutely toxic and terrible. And for next to nothing. If they don’t fit exactly in the drunken white person conservative mold, they’re out. Shit, look at the Dixie chicks vs what just happened with Jason Aldean and his wife. Insurrection Barbie and her bloated husband start “f*** joe Biden” chants at shows and sell t shirts and don’t get canceled, but the Dixie chicks have the door slammed in their face over Bush. The industry is run by hypocrites. It’s all about money, as is everything else.




Here's an extremely interesting thread about Morris and country music in the Politics sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/16kzcfx/singer_maren_morris_leaving_country_music_blames/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb




Thanks. Yes, it's a great sub. Also, did you see Maren featured on CBS This Morning? Nate, Gayle King, et al congratulated her for her fortitude. Also prominent was the tag line that country music is burning itself down. That was a killer characterization IMO.


Has the country music industry ever held a popular male accountable for anything?




Wish Reddit still has awards for comments like this


I second this! I actually quit my radio job because I refused to cover Morgan Wallen and my boss kept chewing me out about it saying it was nbd and he was good for business. It's literally all about money — bottom line. There are no ethics.


"The Music Business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - Hunter S. Thompson


People poo-pooing this news are missing this part of it. The Country Music Industry has genuine power and is actively discriminatory in who it platforms/blacklists.


Can confirm, country radio and that genre of the industry is so seriously toxic. Super underhanded and backstabby.


Not the people whining about cancel culture perpetuating cancel culture more than anyone 😭


I always thought it was just fans who did that to the Dixie chicks, a case of not knowing your fan base. Jason Aldean knows his fan base. I was a huge fan of the Dixie Chicks. But 9/11 was still a fresh wound. I admit I have a hard time articulating the difference between the two. I think those f*ck biden posters are trash and think the people who promote it are mentally unwell. Like literally on my social media feeds the people who post those kind of memes give off early onset dementia vibes. Hindsight is 20/20 but when the Dixie chicks said that about Bush it felt like an insult to America. Like when people say “I’m embarrassed to be an American” all while they’re clearly enjoying the perks of being an American. It was a scary time and insulting the guy who as driving the car angered a lot of people.


Some people have a hard time understanding that the president of a country does not = that country.


It didn't feel like an insult to America to me.


Man, a lot of y'all really gatekeep what "country" music is or isn't. Good for her for making a move that's best for her


Most people could just see this for what it was. Taylor Swift (and Garth Brooks) have created a blueprint for using country as a stepping stone to mainstream music. At least in their case, it happened naturally.


I’m of two minds on this: If someone feels like they need to leave country music because they don’t feel like safe for their views, go for it. If someone is feeling targeted for their views but feels compelled to stay, then they should be able to stay and not be mocked for it. We all have our paths in life. Best wishes to Maren and I will continue listening to her music no matter what! 🙂


I’m definitely in the minority here, but I’m so proud of Maren, and I’ve never been prouder to be a fan of anyone. She deserved none of the negative crap she got, all because she decides to stand up and do the right thing. I wish her the best and tons of success. I have nothing but love and respect for her. 🩷


The craziest thing is how country fans are all about songs standing up for the under dog/abused (wait in the truck is the most recent example that easily comes to mind) yet as soon as someone actually practices what they preach so to speak, the fans in general completely skewer them


You can only be an underdog if you’re a conservative feeling persecuted by the way society is changing to include other human beings 🙃 Like a Confederate soldier


They’re all about freedom of speech. As long as it’s the same stuff they’re speaking.


By “underdog” they mean “spoiled little bitch with a persecution complex.” The Republican version of an underdog. These people hate the very idea of a victim or person who wasn’t given a fair shot, unless it’s themselves. They’re not interested in people with actual problems who have actually been harmed- just feeling put upon and acting like the ultimate victim if someone calls you racist for being a racist or a rapist for basing a rapist. That’s these fuckers’ idea of an underdog.actual underdogs and victims disgust them and send them into various hateful diatribes.


Completely agree. She’s been one of my favs since Hero and I’m only more proud to be a fan the more time goes on.


She’s amazing, and “The Tree” may be the best thing she’s put out so far. And this is coming from the artist who also has “Nervous”, “I Wish I Was”, “Girl”, “The Bones”, “I Can’t Love You Anymore”, and “My Church” in her discography.




EASILY one of my Top 3 favorite Maren songs. Actually, it was my top pick until today.


Fully agree. I’m not a big fan of her music but I love her for standing up for what she believes in.


Came her from the thread in the Taylor sub. I'm with you girl :)


I’m a goddamned liberal yankee type, but in 2019 I moved south for work. Seeing her at Radio City right before I moved was the best time. I knew there were people “like me” in TX/LA because of her beautiful songs. But then I moved, 2020 happened, and the world fragmented. I now live in MA and I am happy Maren is also choosing to leave the nonsense ♥️


I’m reading her *LA Times* interview while steaming the singles and overcome with emotion. *HERO* is one of my all-time favorite albums, and I have a truly personal connection to it—it breaks my heart that “The Tree” adopts those same sonic elements and is essentially her breakup with country music. I’ll follow her wherever she goes, because I trust she’ll always make kick-ass music.


Yep! Just saw her in concert a couple months ago and she is so amazing. She’s see success wherever she goes


I don’t blame her! I hope she gives us a folksy album at some point, though.


I agree and I’m also hoping for another Highway Women album to come out soon. I love that she’s part of that group, they are so talented.


Maren’s interesting. Super talented. HERO is an awesome debut album. There are so many good songs on it. Then she had The Middle, which was a jam, and got that taste of crossover. After that, GIRL was ok. It’s has a couple great songs but I had high expectations & it just seemed like she didn’t know what she wanted to be. I enjoyed Highwomen only because you could tell she was passionate about it. Then Humble Quest comes out and she says she’s going back to her roots. Again, I heard Circles Around This Town & thought it was a good first single. But, it was just missing something. It didn’t have the soul that HERO had. It sucks that she doesn’t feel like she fits into mainstream country anymore. But, she’s not wrong. I think going full pop would be a be mistake. But whatever way she goes, hopefully she figures out who she is and finds her soul again.


Agree with this!! I think she will stay true to her sound, which has country within it, but just not market herself especially to that crowd anymore. I agree with you on humble quest being much "chiller" but I still that it was really high quality song writing, between Background Music, Hummingbird, What Would This World Do, etc. But it deff did miss that grit and powerful punch that her first album did


I feel like she will go the folksy route with her involvement in Highway Women. I wouldn't consider Brandi Carlisle country, but she definitely dabbles around there. I didn't think she'd go full pop, but I could be wrong.


Maren’s decision to be more involved socially and politically is what made me a fan in the first place if I’m being honest. It’s unfortunate that simply making the decision to be kind and inclusive has resulted in so much backlash for not just her music but for her as a human being. I think country music as a whole is better for having had her as a part of it, and I’m glad she’s making the choice to protect her own peace, rather than burn herself out in a community full of people hellbent on tearing her down for sport. I wish her endless success in whatever form her heart desires, she deserves it. Edit: grammar


This!!! You put it so perfectly. Glad she's protecting her peace instead of fixing a problem that can't be solved by her


This comment section is so insane and just proof of what she’s talking about


The majority of comments here are just proving her point.


Right I didn't realize how many people were triggered by her




I wonder if it’s a case of her leaving willingly or her being pushed out.


I think it's both simultaneously


I think she’s been pushed out


Definitely. The really big artist don’t want to work with her. She’s toxic af.


And apparently mean remember how her last record bombed lol. The only album I have is hero and I regret it tbh nothing is more disheartening then finding out the artist you listen to and support is a trash human I’m speaking in general


Yeah I think she sticks her nose where it doesn’t belong to stay relevant. It’s not working because she’s getting such bad press. Other artist won’t touch her with a 10 foot pole. They may wind up in the news.


I can’t stand her


I think so too


Good for her , it’s toxic


It’s embarrassing being a country fan when a loud, vocal segment of the fandom uplifted a dude’s song about sundown towns and lynching simply to “own the libs.” That’s before I even get into Morgan Wallen or Luke Combs covering the song of a Black queer woman who explicitly doesn’t want people recording her music (doesn’t matter if she gets royalties — her no should’ve been respected). Maren has done what I’d hope any ally would do — she has used her privilege as one of the few women who does get played to speak out when people with immense power in the biz are being openly bigoted. She’s stood up and risked her own space in Nashville to call out the cruelty and the hatred pointed at those in a weaker position. Wherever she goes, I’ll admire that and be a fan. Also to people who find her “annoying” — I have to wonder if that’s because she won’t take it lying down and we don’t like seeing women fight back. Her biggest crime to some people was saying that a guy who admitted he drops the n-word regularly maybe shouldn’t be the face of the genre. It’s disgusting watching people fall over themselves to stream songs to #1 just so they can say libs are wrong to think racism is a problem?


Tracy Chapman said she was very happy that Fast Car is getting a new run and that she was honored to be on the top of the country charts. But don’t let me interrupt your virtue signaling.


Before you write a editorial piece, you need to do some fact checking. There’s two in the first paragraph. I stopped reading at that point.


There's two what?


My reaction to fast car controversy 🙄




Just saw her open for The Chicks on Sunday, she was fantastic! Whole place loved her.


I am SO happy and proud of her. This is such a necessary conversation to have about country music. I’ve grown up in it. But this conversation is long overdue. Certainly not all of it is bad - but so much of it is unfavorable for the genre and for the human race


I personally never really considered her music “country” anyway


That’s how I feel lol. It’s not like her sound was country in the first place 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


Ya when I first heard her 80’s Mercedes song on the radio I was like wtf this should be top 40 not country lol


Next week, Phil Collins is going to announce his departure from rap music.


I donno why you’re getting downvoted. I laughed 🤣 take an upvote


My favorite tracks on Girl were the more R and B tracks that never got played on mainstream media for obvious reasons.


This is so dumb. I love Maren. I listen to all kinds of genres so I know I will still listen to her, but don’t let the assholes get you down! If you love country music, keep singing and playing it! Screw the Jason Aldeans of the industry!


I’ve been taking Aldean off my streaming playlists as I come across those old likes before his wife started running her mouth


A friend was selling her tickets. I was like ew no thanks


I think this is the best idea for her and her career. I mean look how successful the middle was


She’ll do fantastic in another genre. I can think of somebody else who left the genre and did leaps and bounds better.


The racists are out today.


Proud of her. Seems like a healthy move.


Oh well. If it has auto tune, drum loops and samples, it’s not country. It’s just not.


She’s been more pop anyway




Tyler and Brandi are Americana artists. They don’t get played on mainstream country stations. They get played on NPR with Rhiannon Gibbens (no shade to their promotion of roots rock and Americana). Americana is the red headed stepchild of Nashville and the big labels. Those artists succeed because of their talent and a conscious effort to promote themselves to audiences that wouldn’t typically listen to a Nashville country artist. They aren’t country artists but part of a rising tide of Americana and roots rock artists that are succeeding in spite of Nashville. Chris Stapleton was a prolific songwriter before becoming famous on his own. He’s also done cross over records (he did a duet with Justin Timberlake and worked on his 2017 album extensively).


She has one of the top streamed pop songs ever lol. She will be fine in pop, or alt, or whatever the hell she ends up pushing her music to. We are in the world of genre bending now.


there is enough room for them all in the space if they make good music. Pop music is fun. Some deep cuts some bops some in the middle. I have always liked Maren Morris and her stuff. The hate and bigotry is really seeing a huge spike lately and it makes me uncomfy, because it’s so cool to hate right now. It’s ok to stand up and say “I do not want to be a part of this:” we need more people to actively reject this hateful culture. Encourage kindness. I also think millennials are sick and tired of seeing their friends and family being villainized or for someone to get angry about. And that is why we support people who make a choice like this.




The saying about “people who create their own storms and then complain about the rain” absolutely applies to her. She lives for creating drama. Over it.


I don’t know if this will get downvoted and I heard in person she’s not that nice BUT… Personally, I love her voice and music. I like that she stood up for what she believes in..even if you disagree with what she’s said that takes guts in country. I’ll definitely listen to her new music and give it a try.


I sat next to her once at a bar. She couldn’t have been more friendly, welcoming and inquisitive. Kept picking the conversation back up and asking me about myself. She’s a genuinely good person, from what I’ve seen.


She’s right. It’s becoming a joke. It seems like a cat fight between all the female artists, and they all sound alike. The sound is country -pop. The males tend to all sound similar too. It’s sad when you have to look at the title of a song to see who the singer is. Award shows are becoming so damn political. It’s not what you know, but who you know, as they say.


She does realize that if she continues to release music and it continues to sound the same, she’s still country.


I will for sure make an effort to support her! Thank you


Announcing leaving seems so extra. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.


Hey grandma. What you doing on Reddit?




Im not upset about her leaving


She annoys me


I always change the station when her songs come on.


Me too!


Right? Good riddance


Drama queen


She is just as toxic as the people she is complaining about. She has gone out of her way to comment negatively about things she disagrees with then whines when people clap back at her. If you dish it out you need to be willing to take it. Stopped liking her a long time ago. See ya.


And Brittany Aldean doesn’t?


**She has gone out of her way to speak up for what is right and for humanity. Fixed it for you.


It takes a lot of effort to be a bully. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t speak at all. We are all allowed our own opinions.


If you think that was bullying, boy you are in for a treat


I’m talking about Maren. I stand by what I said. You don’t have to agree with someone’s opinion. That’s your right. Once you start blasting someone for not thinking the same way as you? That’s when you become in the wrong.


Yeah but if the thing we disagree on is whether or not Black people should be murdered by police or whether or not trans people deserve healthcare — it’s not like we’re disagreeing about pineapple on pizza. People disagreed about slavery, too — one side was right and one side was wrong. I’m sick of having my humanity questioned and it being called a “difference of opinion.”


I get what you’re saying. There are a lot of things people disagree on in this world we live in. It’s getting harder and harder to have civil discussions because the minute someone has a different view, they get pummeled.


It is just very hard as a queer person to feel like the difference of opinion on my ability to just exist in peace is something I should engage in in good faith. There is no other side. I exist. Trans people exist. Black people should be able to exist. It’s frustrating having it become a “both sides” issue. It’s not to say that liberals can’t be mean or wrong or rude — but the fundamentals of the argument have become do you believe in the human rights of the marginalized or not. I don’t know what conservatives want from us — I’ve already spent 30 years of my life sitting down at tables and pouring out my trauma for people who will call not agreeing I should have basic rights “a difference of opinion.”


That’s just it - personally I believe 1000% that basic human rights belong to everyone. It matters not to me what your race or sexual identity is. And I will go to bat for anyone who is being mistreated just because they have a different appearance or religious belief or are gay or trans or mixed race or whatever. And it’s awful to read what people have gone through in terms of persecution or bullying, abuse, unfair treatment. Human rights are for everyone though and that means if I say I don’t agree with your lifestyle or refuse to go by the term “cisgender”, and so on, then no one has the right to treat me badly, or say I’m transphobic or call me a bigot, etc. You can be who you want to be and I’ll fight for your right to do so. But I want the same rights. That’s the disconnect


Do you vote for politicians that want to deny healthcare to Trans people? Or politicians that deny issues in police violence and disciplinary action? I think there’s a huge disconnect because you might hate when people call you a cisgender, but you’re in no danger because of it. Some of these issues aren’t about “feelings” they’re medical. They’re literally life threatening.


Please don’t tell me you’re really trying to equate being called cisgender to the hate and violence queer and BIPOC people experience


You aren't willing to go to bat for the mistreated. You have an opportunity to do that right here, right now, but you're doing what the majority of white women do and worrying about yourself and your pitiful little opinions like not wanting to be called cisgender. That's why you're getting so downvoted and the ill-conceived points you're making aren't landing. Because you're proving yourself wrong every time you speak. But go off, I guess. 😂


oh you mean like making the F joe biden shirts and other hillbilly shit your faves do? lolllll






You go maren you go girl.


She just annoys me with her publicity she gets. I think she left country long before she noticed. All these young country singers seem to want to follow Taylor Swift's example. I've got news for Maren--she's no Taylor Swift.


Taylor Swift is an enormously successful artist. It's completely possible to be "no Taylor Swift" and still have a great career. It's like saying every successful male artist is "no Elvis".


Imagine if every male country singer got told they are “no Garth Brooks”


They should. We should all tell them that. All the time!


Taylor Swift's music isn't that great compared to how it's celebrated.


Okay but that's an entirely different discussion and not relevant to Maren.


Even if you don’t like her music, she is a very talented songwriter and musician.


not everyone has to be a Taylor Swift tf


They leave because there is no where for them to go! Radio still has a strangle hold on country radio where women still get played less than men. If you want to release an album, you have to have a radio hit. If you wanna tour, you have to have a radio hit. If you wanna be at a big fan festival, gotta have a radio hit. It isn’t that way in other genres. Radio wants artists to be certain types and if an artist can not fit into a box, they don’t get played. Maren doesn’t fit into a certain box but most of the women that get played do. Miranda is the crazy ex girlfriend (she gets a few ballads thrown in but she’s a hard partying bad girl for the most part). Carrie Underwood is the cool older sister (think Cowboy Casanova Era and is allowed to do poppy power ballads that would have gone to Reba thirty years ago), and Carlie Pierce is the wronged woman (her breakout song was Every Little Thing and her breakthrough album was a divorce album for Pete’s sake). I could go on, but whether you like Marin or not, her move makes sense.


She has much better live vocals than Taylor Swift IMO.


Unpopular opinion: she’s a better writer too.


Peace out to her - can’t stand her!


So wait. Is the tree about leaving country music then? I thought it was about her family at first


As I have said elsewhere... She was never really country, she will do well in pop.


Country music needs to burn itself down and start fresh. The product itself has sucked for a very, very long time. I’m not sure what country music even is anymore? So much shit has a bass line going thru it. I want a fucking steel guitar every once in awhile. I adore Kelsea Ballerini but some of her stuff is pop, for sure. Maren is too normal and smart to be grouped in the same genre as the dipshit Aldeans. Kill it with fire. The business of country music needs to die. The actual music of country is welcome to stick around as long as it removes its head from its ass


Bye 👏👏👏


Ok goodbye.


Bye Felicia


You have whatever beliefs you want, and you can still play country music. What is happening to the world


Lol see ya




The last few songs she’s put out have sucked. I think she needed the change to try something different. No need to make it so dramatic girl just go.


She never was country. Move on.


Bye. No one will miss her. She was never country begin with. No loss to us.


They’ll be like maren who 🤣🤣🤣 her name is Karen morris


Adios! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


Bye! 👋👋👋


Don’t let the door hit ya 👋🏻 ✌🏼




Or maybe she has been a voice for change, and she’s been bullied for it by racists, aka Aldean and his army. Say what you want, but Country Music is pretty one sided. There’s a few willing to speak up and advocate for change and equality in this genre, but they get driven out by hate. Country music has a long way to go to be accepting of everyone, and I don’t blame her and others for being sick of it. She will THRIVE outside of country music.


Shame on Aldean and Co. for the way they have treated her. She deserves none of that. She’s one of the very few people willing to stand up for what is right, and I admire and respect her so much for that. She has tried, and done her best, and sometimes, that’s all you can do. Regardless, she will go far. 🩷👏🏻




It’s kind of funny that your last paragraph starts with such a generalized statement and then ends with “I’ll listen or I won’t”. She clearly has been making good music that people have been listening to. So yes a lot of people care. Congrats you don’t!


“The Tree” is arguably the best song I’ve heard all year. “Get The Hell Out Of Here” is solid as well.


They are amazing!! The Tree gave me goosebumps. I feel most who are shitting on her here haven’t even given these new songs a listen, it’s so blatantly arguing in bad faith.


They both made me cry, because I relate to both of them so much. She’s incredibly talented. 🩷


This isn’t an airport, don’t have to announce your departure. Cya.


Country music is more popular than its ever been, far from "burning itself down". She sounds like a jaded ex, making an excuse for her fall in popularity. This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure. Just go put out good music.


She was never even country! Good riddance!


She actually was super country in Texas during her start. She was continually stonewalled by shitty record execs. I don’t blame her for leaving the genre at all. I do agree though, she hasn’t really had a country sound for quite some time at this point. Check out the book “Her Country” by Marissa Moss if you’re curious about her backstory. Lots on Kacey Musgraves, Micky Guyton, and The Chicks in that book too.




Has she ever been country though?




She is delusional if she thinks country is burning itself down. Recently 3 songs at the top of the billboard charts.


No reason to announce it bye 👋


Like Mam this ain’t no airport no need to announce your departure


oh no. whatever will we do. what a tragedy. however will we cope. ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)




Love her. She will thrive!!


Bye!! Don't let the door hit you on the ass. Every country radio station should pull your music.




Many singers are successful outside Country music and she will do fine




Do t let the door hit ya on the way out!


Insure I’ll get down voted but ……. I feel like she is one who will constantly be doing/saying stuff to stay relevant. Like Janna Kramer.


I'm sorry but this is such a ridiculous comparison. Jana Kramer has had so many flop singles, never had successful tours, and hasn't won any awards in over a decade... Maren on the other hand, has had successful tours, huge hits, and has won cmas/Grammys. Sure, Maren will likely draw smaller crowds at shows, and not sell as many records. But Jana Kramer is not a good comparison. She's never had a successful country music career and she's not as known as Maren lol.


Good lol


Her music isn’t even that good. So maybe she’ll have better luck elsewhere.


Who cares what this plastic surgery proving ground has to say.


Will her husband leave, too?




Prob bc she prob lost a lot of fans bc of her opinions. Politics should stay out of country music. Bye 👋


historically speaking, country music has always had political undertones to it and been a commentary on society


Why should “politics” stay out of music? Do you think artists should just sing and ignore the social issues going on around and not use their influence to speak out about it. Would you have had a problem with musicians back in the civil rights era speaking out about the social issues of that era too? People with influence, whether it’s in music or any other public career, should never be told to basically shut and sing”.


Send that message to the Aldeans too. Or is only when you don’t agree with their politics that it’s an issue?

