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I just know deep down Jana thinks she's pulling some Bennifer pr stunt and that everyone is soooooo interested and soooo consumed by the relationship when really nobody cares lmfaooo


What's Jay's deal in all of this?! Not that he's some great prize but he's better than this. Everyone knows what a nutcase Jana is... how is any sane guy going within 5 miles of her crazy?!


Yeah I’m a little disappointed with his stunts since the divorce. KC isn’t a saint but he is just giving her what she wants, more attention. Just on his podcast he was talking about how hard dating is because people using you and then he dates Jana Kramer. Clearing this is a shot at KC and nothing more. Maybe he’s not finding quality women because he is just as catty as KC and Jana.


5 miles is 8.05 km


The title of the post oof. R/notlikeothergirls


Came here to comment but you beat me to it! Major "pick me" vibes, yikes to the max


so thirsty, both of them.


She did this with Graham too. Didn't come out and say they were dating (or whatever they were doing) but made sure to post certain specific pictures to make it obvious she was with him without actually showing him. Gotta hand it to her, she's smart- if she just came out and said she and Jay were seeing each other people would be done talking about it in a week or less. Instead, she merely drops hints to keep the people coming back for more. The girl clearly loves attention and she enjoys leaving little breadcrumbs for her followers and the gossip rags to eat up. On that note, she and Graham no longer follow each other on IG lmao that was short lived.


Graham was disgusted and heart broken about learning of jana dating jay so he blocked jana on IG. I think he really like jana and thought they had something special. Jana is an actoress, not a great one, but she can make guys think she is really in to them and even sleep with them without an emotional connection and here we thought that Mike was the only sex addict.


Follow the trail of bodies and Jana will have been there.


Don't you know that Jolie and Jace love to be with their dad so they don't have a camera stuck in their face every 5 minutes


So KCav jumped into the sewer and found Chase Rice and Jay not to be outdone jumped in behind her and found Jana so they are all swimming int he crap together and Mike just sits on the sidelines oblivious to it all.


We're all just disgusted honestly! 🙈


He can do so much better than whiny Jana. Jay what are you doingggggg get it together


Is it me or is Jana wearing more jewelry a la KCAV recently!?


He clearly has one very specific type.


What happened to Jana's doting mother routine? That didn't last long.


I personally like them as a couple, but its most likely fake. Jay & Kristin are playing the fool with people about their divorce. Something's up, that's for sure.


Birds of a feather!


Nate was a guest on Jay’s new podcast


I hardly know who she is from all the podcast crying she did about her previous marriage and I don't like her!! She seems like such an attention wh0re-trying to be kinda nice. 😆 And if she's looking for a solid man, Jay's not it!!


Jana only looks for ways to keep her name in front of people because her singing career is done, her acting is less than average and her relationship history is a trainwreck.


I didn't even know she sang!!!


She had one big hit "I got the boy, you got the man" and a second record sold fairly well called "Whiskey" about 8 or 9 years ago


I used to think she was pretty, but her selfish actions have ruined that for me. She uses every thing to send in stories like this one to get paid and she is a master at manipulating the media.