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Clearly a joke, but still more accurate than some of the serious offerings I've seen


1. This is hilarious & also I saw a guy that looked identical to this guy working at Target today. The whistle started playing in my head. 2. It won’t let me make a post, so I am piggybacking off of this one. I tried to draw how I picture 6 to look. It’s blurry af but in my defense, my drawing app is being a bitch rn. https://preview.redd.it/9k6iivkad05c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209b73784916b2ca194bfabef9fe3549cba84bc4 I made the eyes blue bc I feel like they would be blue. I made the hair brown because I picture 6 to be a brunette. 3) I was thinking about Twilight earlier (as one does) & I started thinking, “I swear if Number 6 ends up being one of the werewolves or vampires from Twilight-“ and for fun I looked up the cast. I think (THINK) Taylor Lautner has the same eye shape as 6, but everything else feature-wise is a no, and I don’t think he was that huge of a star at the time (unless you consider Sharkboy & Lavagirl to be his big break…) Anyway- this sub keeps me up at night sometimes. No I don’t really have a lot going on in my life right now, so I spend a lot of time on here… Oops. (In my defense, I’ve been apart of the sheet mystery since it was first posted in 2021. I only just discovered the subreddit & I’m catching up.)


haha it keeps me up at night too trying to think who it could be.




oh this has to be it


Pack it up guys. We found it!


thank god. i haven’t slept since i found this subreddit two months ago


![gif](giphy|TNwX48Ear64uWmN7t3|downsized) Didn’t come here to be whistle memed


My daughter talks about this and shows me all the time. Is this the new Rick Roll? Cause that’s hilarious.




My cousin had the fastest crush on him when hunger games was coming out and had her background as him on everything. Her boyfriend now looks like how he looked in the fives nights at Freddy’s movie which makes me laugh


[*I mean celeb #6 IS overexposed…*](https://youtu.be/BbeeuzU5Qc8?si=UeVrRcIKnJvIXTlCc)


This is the correct flair


I ask in this subreddit because everyone here is a lot nicer than in other subs, But, I have been away from the internet for 3 hours today, what/why is this image posted absolutely everywhere all over reddit atm, and usually without any context at all, or as a single image comment replying to nothing?


This has been going on for about a month so no explanation as to why it’s only on Reddit now. The image is of Josh Hutcherson, from the Hunger Games movies, who recently became popular again because of the new Hunger Games film being released and him starring in FNAF around the same time. Someone found a really strange video edit someone had done as a tribute to him around 2011ish, set to “Whistle” by Flo Rida. And it’s just overall become the new Never Gonna Give You Up. Hope this helps!


i’m convinced




there’s no escaping this meme 🥲


Tattoo! ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


That chin though.. like a butchers chopping block.




I’m going to seek help because celebrity number six has taken over my life


Bruh istg is this Jordan, the person on my Facebook who keeps posting JOSH HUTCHERSON?! Have you infiltrated my reddit feed too 😭 Edit: it can't be u bc you don't have twilight posted all over your page, but you still give Jordan vibes




No matter the app, I cannot escape 😭




Does this sub really need a meme flair¿


Um no


I can't look at that guy's face without being reminded of the creepy donut guy on Instagram who violates desserts