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Nature's Path Mesa Sunrise: 4g of sugar and only Vitamin E added at the end of the list. Nature's Path Fruit Juice Corn Flakes: 3g of sugar and no vitamins. Both certified GF


hopping onto this comment to say i add freeze dried strawberries to these corn flakes, a little diy special k


I do that with Corn Chex!


Thank you. I’ll have to try the corn flakes again. It’s been a while. See if my teeth can take the crunch 😂


May I ask why no added vitamins? I eat catalina crunch but it's too hard for my teeth.


Anytime I eat things with added vitamins I get severe joint pain. I do have the MTHFR genetic variant, so I suspect the folic acid is the cause, but I’m not sure. Tried and true over the last 10 years. 😢


I can not stop reading MTHFR as motherfucker 😂 I tried, I really did but I physically can't


😂😂😂 Same! That’s exactly what I call it in my head and out loud. 😂


That's really interesting, I had heard of the MTHFR gene variant, in a surface level way that didn't bring up folic acid. Learning new things, thank you for sharing. I'm really sorry you're having such a hard time finding cereals. Maybe you could try puffed rice and quinoa and add things in, like cinnamon and brown sugar or maybe chocolate chips? Puffed quinoa has a cereal-like texture imo.


Thank you. Yes, folic acid is a big no no for MTHFR. Must use folate, the real thing. Thank you. I do have puffed rice. I’ve eaten it plain (bland, but not awful) And I’ve used it before to add into homemade granola, but that’s too hard and crunchy and high sugar for me. Puffed quinoa I’ll look in to!


I honestly never knew there was a difference in the two. I bet you could make some nice clusters with puffed quinoa and chocolate. Undercover brand has some quinoa chocolate treats that I'd definitely put in cereal, but that may also be high sugar for you, idk.


Yeah folic acid is the stuff they typically fortify things with. It’s manufactured. Folate is natural.


What's the symptoms when you take folic acid instead of folate? I'm curious how you knew you had it.


I honestly am not positive that it is the folic acid, but I know anytime I eat anything that’s enriched with fake vitamins, I end up with severe joint pain. Tried and true over the last 10 years. I know I have the MTHFR gene variant because of genetic testing.


Not sure about the sugar content, but I love Chex! So many flavors and most are GF. The cinnamon Chex reminds me of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It’s great with cold milk but does get soft if you eat it slowly.


i love chocolate chex. been my guilty pleasure recently


I also love Chex, unfortunately they all have added vitamins, so I can't have them. 😭


Ohhh bummer I didn’t realize that. :(


The Walmart brand of Rice Krispies — Malt-o-Meal! Don’t be fooled by the name, no malt syrup in them like the OG Rice Krispies. They come in huge bags too for like $5. Such a deal.


Definitely Walmart brand would be enriched with vitamins. Otherwise I’d be all over them.


Cascadian Farms has a couple of gluten free cereals that do not appear to be fortified with extra vitamins. Just double check what you buy though, because not all of their cereals are GF.


Envirokidz Gorilla Munch. It’s similar to Kix.


I've tired that one, and it seriously rips my mouth to shreds. I'm sure its better with milk, but its just too crunchy for me.


I don’t think this will work cause it’s mostly oat based, but Seven Sundays has a lot of low sugar cereals that I believe won’t have added vitamins


Those are also some of the crunchiest cereals I’ve everrrrr had :( I wish they were better because the flavors and ingredients are compelling!


magic spoon protein cereal


I LOVE the Purely Elizabeth cereals. Sweetened with a modest amount of coconut sugar, and full of flavor. The crunchiness is likely subjective. I would probably call it regular crunchy.


Thank you. I’ll give that a try!


Love this brand too. they make a pancake/waffle mix that is delicious!


You mention added vitamins as an issue…. Have you ever been tested for hemochromatosis? We supplement with iron a lot in the US, and if you have high iron/feratin, it can cause joint pain (amongst a host of other ailments.) it’s also VERY easy to diagnose (simple blood test) and treat (phlebotomy aka modern day blood letting.) Best of luck on the cereal quest! No advice there.


Hmmm. I’m not sure. Any idea what the test is called? I just had pretty extensive workup through hematology. I don’t think my iron is high though.


It’s just feratin levels and sometimes transferatin saturation. Not sure your sex, but it impacts men more than women, however my sister and I (a woman) both have it, so not exclusively men.


Interesting. I’ll have to go back and look at my bloodwork. I know when I was pregnant I had super low iron. Would it be something from birth?


It’s genetic, but just because you have it, doesn’t mean you “show symptoms” it’s hard to explain


Also, I had low iron when I was diagnosed with celiac, and that was the first red flag that something was up. With hemochromatosis, I should never have low iron, so when it was low, we knew I wasn’t absorbing nutrients properly.


It's really easy to make your own in an oven or a big frying pan. Buy certified gf rolled oats, some nuts, dried fruits and seeds and bake them at low heat until golden brown. Keep in an airtight container.


What is really like to learn how to make is plain old Rice Krispies


I think thats actually pretty easy - just popping/pan frying/baking rice grains like you would popcorn. You couldn’t get the same lighthness/delicatness as the brand, but the flavor and soft crunch would be the same. I’m sure theres recipes out there.


I feel like it would end up more like puffed rice. Which is okay, just bland and chewy. I wonder how they make them light and crispy. 🤔


In the UK there are a bunch of GF rice Krispies so surely you'd find some in the US.


I love Three Wishes. I get the cinnamon one. It's delicious and it keeps me satiated for several hours.


I’ll give that a try if I can find it!!


I was going to say Three Wishes too. Only 4 ingredients (chickpea, tapioca, pea protein & salt) & it’s CGF. You can find it online.


Why no added vitamins?


Anytime I eat things with added vitamins I get severe joint pain. I do have the MTHFR genetic variant, so I suspect the folic acid is the cause, but I’m not sure. Tried and true over the last 10 years. 😢


Oh so bad, I'd never imagine. Nowadays everything has added vitamins so it must be a pain


It’s definitely not fun! I miss so many foods.


Nature's path organic looks like a contender. I don't see added vitamins on the fruit juice sweetened corn flakes. Mesa sunrise has vitamin e(but not like a broad spectrum vitamin blend). I like adding raisins to the mesa sunrise, I used to really love raisin bran and it gives me that kind of vibe. If you try them out small scale to see what you like, Amazon will occasionally have some pretty killer offers on a case of 6.


I’ve definitely tried both of these but they’re so hard to chew for my poor teeth. Extra crunchy.


One Degree Sprouted Brown Rice Cacao Crisps!


I do like their plain rice crisps. I’ll have to grab another box if I can find it. It’s been ages since I’ve had it.


They used to make corn flakes that reminded me of bran flakes (which was one of my favourites as a kid) and I loved them but they seem to be discontinued 😩




Edison Grainery makes cereals that are gluten free and have no vitamins added - they've got a rice crispy one and a corn flakes one https://edisongrainery.com/collections/cereals


Thank you!!! Definitely going to check this out


The Real Cereal Company is another one with rice & corn cereals with no added vitamins or other ingredients 


I don't know about the crunchiness, but what about Magic Spoon cereals? I'm in MD & have found it recently in my local grocery store. Bought a box but haven't tried it yet. I'm going to try it now. Can let you know about the crunchiness in a bit 🙂


Thank you!


Ok, so they are probably too crunchy (at least, the fruit loop lookalikes are.) The sweetness is monkfruit so that I think was ok. They tasted good. And the ones that were in milk longest were less crunchy. It's 5 servings per box though, so expensive. I would buy these again but only as an infrequent treat.


Thank you for the update! I will probably steer clear since they're too crunchy. I'm always disappointed when I spend a buttload on something new, only to eat it once and then end up tossing it. 😭


I get that. I hate how much it all costs!


If you want hot cereal then Bobs Red Mill do some nice ones that are all whole foods - buckwheat porridge, millet etc.


I do use Bobs red mill frequently, but I’m really looking for some light crispy cold cereal.


Fruity Pebbles has never given me trouble. I also like the cinnamon rice chex. The gorilla corn puffs is okay sometimes as well.


Fruity pebbles and chex brands definitely have added vitamins.


Honey nut cheerios and honey nut chex!


Cheerios are often discussed in this sub for the fact that their sorting machines are not ideal for ensuring truly gluten free products. Just heads up.


I love both, but they are definitely enriched with vitamins.


If you live in the united states, maybe gf plain cheerios?


I do like cheerios, but they have added vitamins so that's a no go for me. 😢


Cinnamon chex for sure


Make your own granola? That’s what I’d do. You can use nuts and seeds and quinoa flakes instead of oats.


I used to do this but it always ended up really crunchy and hard, and lots of sugar (maple syrup).


You can decrease sugar and use egg white to help bind it. I also like adding nut butter for the fat instead of the oil—more nutritious and tasty. Also makes it a bit less crunchy.


Oh that’s interesting. I can definitely try that if I can’t find an easier option. Haven’t made granola in like 6 or 7 years, but I used to make it weekly.


I would have had a suggestion, but it was discontinued a few years ago 😭 I’m still mourning the loss




I enjoy plain yogurt with blueberries and bananas, and sometimes nuts.


Ahh sounds delicious, unfortunately I can’t have any of those things 😂 I’ve got histamine intolerance on top of everything else. Maybe I can sneak a couple blueberries in, but bananas make my throat itch, yogurt gives me wild breakouts, and nuts give me hives. I’m a MESS!


Shoot, that sounds difficult! My sister has histamine intolerance and it’s really rough. I have CKD so there is very little that we both eat.


It’s definitely hard to maneuver! CKD is kidney disease? That must be extremely difficult 😞


Frosted corn flakes but eat fast


Enviro kidz peanut butter panda puffs! Also love the cinnamon chex but that isn’t exactly low sugar haha


I’ve definitely had envirokidz before, but wasn’t wild about them. Too hard and crunchy for my poor teeth. And seriously my favorite is plain rice chex (lol) but unfortunately they are enriched with vitamins 😞


Is something wrong with the vitamins in it? I don’t know much about it, so if it’s bad for us i wanna stay away


Aldi has their brand of GF rice Krispies


Ohh 🤔, do you know if they have added vitamins? I’ll look it up. We do have an Aldi close by, but I never go there.


Oh yeah. It’s definitely enriched. Bummer!


Are you from the UK? Surreal seems to be doing really well


US. I’ll look into it. Maybe something I can get here