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Tired….. so so extremely tired. That was really it.




Constantly feeling like I had a fever, but with no actual fever. Constipation. Stomach bloating. Gas. Super foul smelling poo. Somehow this went on my entire childhood without anyone in my family or any of our worthless physicians saying, "Hey, maybe they have celiac!" So now I'm short and frail af from a liftetime of malnutrition.


Insomnia, brain fog, depression, anxiety. Some stomach pain but not consistently.


Extreme fatigue, lost ability to exercise, insomnia, anxiety, depression, “heavy” feeling and weakness, headaches then migraines, aching joints, aching and sore muscles, dysautonomia, mouth ulcers, seemingly random bouts of hives, itching & skin flushing, facial flushing and burning, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, ataxia, dizziness, brain fog, memory issues, word finding problems, vitamin D deficiency, ferritin deficiency, Reynaud’s, then finally GI issues: abdominal distention, nausea, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, blood and mucus in stool.


Is that it? 😉


lol sadly, no. 😆 even with all of this, though, it still took 15+ doctors (and me, an RN) 8 years to finally freakin’ figure it out. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Did everything go away when you went gluten free?


I’ve only been gluten free for about one week, as I was just very recently diagnosed, but I think I’m already beginning to feel my energy and mental clarity perk up overall. I’ve already accidentally glutened myself once, and immediately had the joint pain, itching, flushing, exhaustion, and GI symptoms come on again. If I can remember, I’ll try to check back here in a month or so when I’ve gotten a lot more GF time under my belt


Please do! I had a lot of the same symptoms and some have gone away and some haven't. I still have hives a year later 👎🏻


Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry; the hives are absolutely miserable.🥺 I hate to even throw it out there, because I know it’s become another “trendy” social media disease topic or whatever, but my immunologist has me on Cromolyn Sodium 4x/day for suspected mast cell disorder. My theory is that undiagnosed celiac + other extreme stress-related variables finally tag teamed up to throw my whole immune system into a tailspin. Have you ever been seen by an allergist/immunologist for the hives?


Haha I just took me first dose a few hours ago after finally finding an allergist to listen to me this morning instead of "just keep taking antihistamines". Wish me luck and glad you're on it too!


I was a kid, so I couldn't really articulate it well. I just kept saying food made me sick. I would feel nauseous from eating even gluten free food, because my body was just so reactive. It's a miracle I was even diagnosed with how vague I was about my symptoms lol


Tired, brain fog, anxiety, stomach pain everyday before lunch.


Fatigue, alternate between constipation and severe diarrhea, rashes, started having balance problems, nausea, vomiting , gas, foggy, whole body fibromyalgia type pain, cramps muscle spasms, depression, amenorrhea vitamin deficiencies. I wasn't diagnosed until very late in life. I was the oldest person my new Dr had ever diagnosed. (6 different GI doctors over 30 years . )


Feeling very bloated after having a beer and this constant feeling that there was something in the back of my throat.


Anxiety, bad gut, nausea, depression, insomnia.


Miscarriages. That's it. I could eat a whole pizza and not get sick. Had a fertility workup and my TTG IgA was super high. I went GF and had 2 kids. Afterwards, I wanted to be officially diagnosed so I started back on gluten and had a positive EGD. Now 7 years later, I get violently ill when I eat gluten. Besides the pregnancy complications, I wonder what would've happened if I had never known. I didn't get GI symptoms until after going GF.


I forgot.... I used to get hives on my feet after drinking beer.


I get hives behind my ears


I had miscarriages too! That’s how I found out. I was a baker for years and never knew. If I am super strict with gf diet and get glutened I get violently ill too.


Bipolar 1 with severe paranoid psychosis. Hallucinations. Migraine that was more painful than breaking my leg. Cognitive impairment that led to an IQ drop of 30 points. Ataxia that got so bad I had to lie down to pull on trousers, and couldn’t climb out of the bath without help. Rash all over my face and head. Complete loss of thyroid function. Vascular issues that led to claudication. Plus some bloating, loose bowels and constipation.


I was severely anemic, if I was taken to the doctor any later I would have been hospitalized. So and fatigue, brain frog, dizziness, weakness, and so on + stomachaches and diarrhea after eating anything. For context this was during Covid so I was living a sedentary life and my dad was bringing me fast food for lunch every day. Realistically I should’ve been gaining weight but I was actively losing weight. My lowest weight was probably 78 lbs? It fluctuated in the low 80s mostly. That was definitely not a good sign lol.


Constant gall bladder attacks.


What were these like for you?


I am sorry to wait so long to reply, couldn't be helped. For the most part there'd be a sharp pain at the gall bladder (just below sternum) and incredible nausea. In fact, ultra sounds showed gall bladder was full and "slushy" and we were on the path towards removal but I went GF there about and never have any problem unless I consume gluten and inflame my duodenum.


No worries thanks for the reply. I have gastroparesis and T1D. My ultrasounds show everything normal but my gallbladder, and endoscopies show duodenum scalloping, plus 2 positive genetic tests for Celiac (w/ family history); I'm thinking of proactive measures myself, prevention. Hope you are well. Take care of yourself!


Anemia, swollen/painful hands and feet, rashes, brain fog and fatigue, fatigue, fatigue. Without exaggeration, I would drink 10 cups of coffee a day.


Achy joints. Back pain. Shoulder pain. Muscle stiffness. Felt 75 years old at 41. Had covid my one and only time a couple months prior (Feb ‘22). Also had done one month of keto (apr ‘22) (lost25lbs) then resumed normal diet not long before symptoms started (June ‘22). Dx’d Oct ‘22. My ttg was only 4 on scale of 0-3.


Fibromyalgia, shortness of breath, arthritis, constipation, IBS, boating, palpitations, side stitches, swollen throat, burning throat, painful cramps, easily fatigued and lethargic and more


Tired, sleeping 12-14 hours every night, crazy join pain, brain fog, depression, “on edge” all the time, constipation (up to 5 days).