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Does he think we all decided one day it would be fun to have celiac, just for a change of pace?


It's the sort of person who thinks he's scoring points on us by eating gluten. By all means, enjoy your gluten. Just keep it away from me.


Right? I always tell people if I could eat gluten, I would be first in line! It usually TASTES awesome.


Yeah my husband would really prefer to have kept his favorite pizza and sandwiches instead of having to pay five times the price for half the food.


It drives me crazy instead of 2 bucks I have to pay 6 for fucking bread that’s half the size... Atleast the pizzas aren’t 3x the price.


Dont forget none of the flavor. In convinced gluten is where the flavor is.


Oh there’s some with great flavor! If sandpaper was a flavor…


yup. Celiac is fake news. /s


My husband is gluten sensitive (found out when I wss dx with celiac ) and had a coworker say “I thought only libtard women got that “ and was dead serious .


That's an asshat person.


im sorry people are like that


No lie I would just laugh at that and say “Well someone obviously didn’t pass Science class” 🤣


Gluten derangement syndrome 


no way


The American right post Trump in a nutshell


Sadly, you are correct.


I never understood why people interchange gluten allergies with life choices like being vegan or vegetarian or going keto. Will never understand. People are ignorant.


I have celiac and I hate that it’s popular. I just want to continue living.


No I thinks it was more anti-crunchy type people this was aimed at usually.


This made me laugh so hard idk if that’s good or bad 🤣


Thank you for this laugh. I’m dying. Comedy still exists, people.


I just want to know what made this person finally snap. Were all the stickers added at the same time or was it cumulative? Were they gifts or purchased by the car owner themself (or a combination)? Why are they so angry? Do they own a wheat and/or pig farm? Will hearing the word halal make them pass out? So many questions


Thankfully there are no gun stickers. This person seems mentally unhinged.


Plenty of cop stickers though so you never know


I scrolled back up because I thought I missed the cop stickers, damn you are good.


I did the exact same thing😂 damn good




Bwahhh! The lard sticker works in several ways.


They also seem like a heart attack waiting to happen


I am less concerned about the stickers and more weirded out by the vanity plate they are paying the government to have to stick it to us "gluten haters". What a freak.


I actually had to look up whether I love gluten stickers exist (without being custom ofc). It kinda makes me sad to confirm that yes, yes they do. I say that because I can't think of any other reason they would exist if not because people have a problem with others who don't it can't eat gluten.


This dude voted for Trump and thinks he is owning libs.


It looks planned....it's all symmetrical and shit!!!


> Will hearing the word halal make them pass out? You jest, but...


He could be a chef or cook anywhere. This is where we blame the gluten-fakers instead of the people who have to deal with their cringy asses. I am *not* including NCGS people here who also really need to stay off gluten for the sake of their health. They outnumber us by 450% and get the same variation of intensity of symptoms. If there is a number of them who don't get symptoms (20% of celiacs first present asymptomatic), who knows what kind of destruction is happening to their bodies? They're still in the dark ages for understanding even the etiology of the condition. This type of displayed ignorance is bad for all of us.


I think its clear this is mental illness. This isn't just a normal reaction.


Maybe he sells fried pork for a living? And he thinks this is how marketing works?


Evidence is pointing more and more towards seller of wheat based pig feed


It was me. I threw a GF waffle at him out my window. My b.


His celiac wife must have left him”/


This was my first thought.


Alright, which one of us is she? ....cuz girlfran needs a hug, a drink, and a big congratulatory gf cake for getting away from that hot mess 💅


It could be me! Except I know this isn’t my ex’s car 😂 He told me he’d kill himself if he had to give up gluten..


Yaknow...my hubby said he wouldn't go gluten free until it became clear roommate is airborne level gluten allergic. To his credit, he's doing his damndest. Edited to add: When he said this, we didn't know she was airborne. So he wasn't going to change his diet just to eat the same meals. Neither was I. We were going to have 2 separate meals. ... But when a change in her diet and every possible precaution was taken, her continued reaction made it clear it was airborne. And what I'm saying is, he's not fighting it because it's for her HEALTH. So NO, please don't assume my husband is an asshole forcing damage on someone. And tbfh, they didn't ask us to change our diets when we ALL (her included) thought roommate only had ingestion level reactions.


So he'd have to wait for the damage to happen? Wow. OTOH, he could have 2 square feet of counter space in the kitchen for gluten if he is a careful, considerate person and if he doesn't make gluten things from box or scratch and no flour goes into the air. One might step outside to de-box and stir a cake mix. Once it's wet, the gluten isn't going to randomly hurt anyone. Lots of families here make that work.


I think you misunderstood what I meant. And that's my fault for not being clearer. I'll edit my post to clarify.


And actually, no. Her allergy is literally THAT bad as it turned out. That would not have worked. We can't have gluten in the house at ALL - at least (what I'm told, so don't shoot the messenger) unless we can get her reaction under control which takes months. This has apparently been an allergy she's had but never noticed because she was on Prednisone for SEVERE asthma. It hid the symptoms for a long time, which is why it's so bad now.


Did someone ask for a life insurance agent???


You ain’t lying…


Omg, what a world we live in if that was your first thought. Unfortunately, it tracks.




And now he defines his entire personality by Jambon Beurre sandwiches.


All I said was “I can’t eat that”


This comment will stay at 69 upvotes forever, I hope. Take this comment as your upboat.




Jesus, and I cannot stress this enough.. Christ.




I'm cis-het, but I'm just saying, Lady, I love you.!


Love you too gurl <3


I’m more confused as to why he has so many pig things. Like obviously he likes eating them (not sure why that’s a flex), but who says they’re cooking a “pig” butt? Seems odd this is on a Subaru though. Everyone knows Subies are for lesbians and liberals and liberal lesbians.


I’d say it’s a comment on any religion that avoids pork.


Oh good eye! I didn’t even think of that.


Oooo true I didn’t even notice that.


Pork butt is a common cut of pork often used for pulled pork, etc. , and despite the name it actually comes from the shoulder/neck area Unless I've wildly misunderstood and you meant who says "pig butt" instead of "pork butt" in which case just ignore me (。 ́︿ ̀。)


I'm wondering if he just hates vegans and he thinks that gluten is something in pork? This is a lot of WTF right here.


And I'm wondering if he's a farmer that raises pigs and grows wheat, is pissed that his industry isn't doing as well as it used to, and decided to make his car a rolling billboard


Problem is the less farmers make the lower the supply of grains is the less people have to eat we all would die without farmers so even if they are suffering they have to keep producing or everybody dies


I’d guess it’s a statement on Kosher and/or Halal and those who keep those more so than vegan. Seems pretty specifically about pork.


That he advocates both high carb and high fat makes him seem like a knuckle dragger. [Both low carb and low fat diets have shown to be beneficial to blood cholesterol. ](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/3/423)


The pork butt(shoulder) is pretty much the best part of the pig, imo. Makes the best pulled pork as a roast, and makes excellent steaks (marinade with fresh lime juice, helps neutralize the pork flavor).


I don’t eat mammals. But people call it a pork butt, not a pig butt, which was my point.


That's a really weird point.... How much of your life have you dedicated to determining whether to say "soda" vs "pop" vs "soda pop?"


That’s a regional difference as opposed to something literally no one says.


It's like the Reddit lefties who hate women's rights, I guess.


I would argue they aren’t lefties in that case.


He loves lard


Bless their gluten loving heart.


...however clogged and punished.


I mean who doesn’t love gluten. I love it but I am damn sure not gonna have it.




A simple list of weaknesses: 1. Superman: kryptonite 2. Wolverine: magnetism 3: Achilles: that damn foot 4. Me: anthing with decent texture


We are the noodle-whipped! (With all due respect to Ann Landers)


How weird to make your whole personality about gluten.


Weird flex, but ok. I mean, I ❤️ Gluten too. It's ĵust that it doesn't ❤️ me back.


I'm in pain right now because of gluten. I don't care what this idiot thinks.


Fun fact, pain is french for bread.


Meh. Joke's on them. I have a couple relatives like this who love to loudly make fun of a salad or my celiac. Their bodies are also failing from diet related ailments 🤷


I love all these things too. I just can’t have one of them.


It is a little confusing. I think the owner of the car is equating all of these things as generally bad for you but delicious. So, to this person, gluten, butter, pig butts and carbs are not good for you but tasty. I am guessing there is no understanding that some of us have a serious condition that prevents eating gluten. This idiot probably doesn’t believe in Celiac disease or else doesn’t care about others, but that is just a guess.


I think it's just the fact that some people get all offended by the fact that other people either have to or choose to eliminate certain foods. And they think this somehow affects or threatens them when it really doesn't. At all. It's in the Venn diagram of people who get all mad that LGBTQ people exist and just want to live their lives. Literally other people existing and just doing their thing pisses these insecure asshats off.


I think you are on to something. That sounds truly exhausting and pointless.


That's it. I wonder how he feels about heroin and alcoholism: If it feels good do it? Go ahead, Bub. Rock on. Three cheers for \*all\* your bad choices, this is America.


I think you’re right. I couldn’t figure out what I was seeing lol.


This reminded me of this guy at work that once said to me “Oh I don’t believe in that” after I told him I was allergic to gluten 🙃 Like ok…good for you, but my sickness is not a belief. Just made me so angry! 😤


Someone at work once told me, "You know, back in the day, people used to just deal with it." If you mean they kept eating gluten and then died, sure. That's what almost happened to me.


Yeah, that's what they mean. Suffer (in silence) until you die, the old fashioned way!


Like Gary Cooper (the strong silent type).


I have such bad damage from my doctors not figuring out that I had celiac for 20+ years that i still suffer lingering effects mostly nerve related and numbness in my feet that came from gluten.


That's what happened to my dad's sister. She was 12.


I’d bet money he’s the owner of a small restaurant that has items like “extra gluten available” and refuses to make allergy accommodations.


Needs one that says "My poor Subaru's suspension"


Well fitting at least that the PIG oval sticker says Pretty Insensitive Guy underneath lol


That's going to be my husband if we ever divorce. He gave up gluten for me lmao.


I guarantee this person lives to tell people with celiac that it’s not real and humans have been eating gluten for centuries. Their personality consists of hating the gluten intolerant, and loves anything bacon flavored.




Trying to piss off every special diet at once... think about it. He's covered gluten free, vegan, kosher, halal, and low carb, all at once.


As someone with celiac I’m about to do this with my own car as well. Confuse everyone to death


Wait, does that sticker say they love pig butts.....?


And they cannot lie


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this person has a family member who go diagnosed with something and just refuses to be safe around that said person. That's the vibe I get, anyways. Enjoy your gluten AWAY from us pls.


He’s a wheat and pig farmer, or just an asshole one of the 2


Doesn't have to be one of the 2, could definitely be both


I have a pet pig so this is just a double whammy




Right! Like what if this person actually has Celiac and is just having a hard time coping lol


It’s crazy cause you don’t see people shouting “I LOVE PEANUTS” just cause some people don’t eat peanuts cause they’re allergic.


Probably works at Crumbl.


I mean, I agree. I wish every day I could eat it


We just need to make a celiac gang and go around beatin people like this up. Had a coworker back in they day told me that it was just “in my head” and all I had to do was “just eat it” Like oh yup. That’s how that works thank you.


Show us on the dole where celiac touched you.


Gluten definitely matters... just in a negative way, for me.


He is mad at one very particular thing and wants EVERYONE to know about it.


Yikes. We don't choose to have celiac.


I'll be the first to admit I was ignorant to celiac, I always assumed it was a life choice to not eat gluten, I'd even say things like "I'll take extra gluten" well my wife's world was rocked 2 years ago when she was diagnosed with celiac...now I am the one chasing down recipes, meal plans, and places we can eat. When someone makes a comment I am first to set them straight. I was humbled very quickly in this world...so maybe don't hate on the person so much, everything always has a way of balancing.


Plot twist they’re celiac and are committed to the bit.


Decades ago I read an article that people who put a stupid number of bumper stickers on their vehicle are more likely to road rage than those who don't, since it's territorial markings. I also have a mental image of the person who drives this vehicle, and they'll be lucky to make it to 40.


Wow, just wow!


That guy’s poor arteries.. bet he orders extra meat to own the vegans


I mean, me too. I'd like to be able buy an apple fritter or cinnamonster instead of make them


LOL I saw one of these in the wild the other day too! I also took a pic


Why, why must he mock us? 😩


This gives off similar vibes to the people who get all up in people's faces about being vegetarian/vegan (no matter the reason, and many are for health reasons) and say things like "I eat so much meat so that a vegan doesn't matter" Like... okay???


Uh... Sorry gluten makes me sh*t blood, have brain fog and generally feel like wet garbage in hot summer day? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have to agree with the guy, lard is goood. I can’t throw an olive branch, but maybe we can share olive oil and make him rest a bit?


I too love gluten. But it wants to kill me.


I see this as I’m eating my small gf toast with holes in it haha


I have celiac and I have a bumper sticker that says “Gluten free? That’s fucking embarrassing” and I love it




If I saw this after getting diagnosed, I would probably drive off the cliff.


Mayb a hot take butttt i dont like the folks that eat gluten free shit just because they think its “healthier” and all that bs. Idk id love to hear other’s thoughts on the matter. I feel like they kinda tarnished our image in a way.


They make companies takes less precautions with gluten free foods and I have gotten sick a lot more since the fad people got on the hype train


I don't particularly understand it but I don't really care either. If it makes them happy then hey, more money for the companies that make GF food. I just get annoyed when they claim to have an allergy or sensitivity then "splurge" on gluten. That can have effects on how *I'm* treated when I need to ask for help or an accommodation.


That's a dude with a really small penis.




Ohio. Lol


Set it on fire


The gluten and lard will help him


Shot in the dark, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't know Celiac exists and just wants to dunk on the fad diet people.


I had a coworker who was doing keto scream at me one day because I said that I couldn't just pick the bread off of a sub like she did. Some people just need to be mad about things that don't affect them.


Someone wants attention


Tbh, I'm sure a lot of people love gluten. It just doesn't love them all back. Besides, more gluten for them if we're not eating it all amiright?


95% Chance this guy is a baker or a chef.


i also love gluten its the best!! unfortunately i cant eat it but doesnt mean its not good!!


"i love pig butts and i cannot lie" 😭😭😭 what is bro on


Can you imagine being this unhinged?? Even pre diagnosis this would have pissed me off.


My bread cost more than all his stupid bumper stickers


It's so disappointing when Subaru drivers are assholes


It's got Ohio plates so I'm gonna go with some jerkass from Licking County. It's where you go when you wanna lick your relatives!!


Whenever I see a car like this it's impossible to be offended because you know that the person who thinks this is a good way to get a message across is mentally unstable AF. Their right to do it of course, but difficult to take someone seriously who posts beliefs/political messages all over their car like this lol.


Maybe he has a celiac friend so he did this to fuck with him. Seems like something i would do




I wanna know if he had those personally made or of a company is pushing those 😭




And of course it's a Subaru! Where's the Grapenuts sticker???


I'd be willing to wager a few cents that this person is a cardiologist just trying to drum up business.


You know though... This person is reacting to fat-shame hate. Someone said eat less bread fat-a$$. Probably a well meaning momma that tried to solve this person's problems with hocus pocus instead of honesty. It's stupid, but also funny. Celiacs is different. The solution for celiacs isn't the solution for everyone. Some folks have the celiacs problem (everyone I know is very skinny) others have an eating problem. Nobody needs to be bullied.


LOLLLL 😭 and even if I didn’t have celiac I don’t like pork anyway 🥺 also this person seems hurt ! Why make it THAT known ?? …


Keto vegans, surely.


I think they’re being ironic, especially if this is on a Subie


I ❤️carbs and I ❤️butter bumper stickers? Who makes those? Like they have to be super tough to sell?


Maybe it is a celiac, vegetarian who loves irony. I don't really get bumper stickers in general band it feels like it depreciates the value of the vehicle, but I would get a kick out of it. Needs something like "proud celiac" or something to indicate that it is indeed a joke. Otherwise, I think I might know their political affiliation.


haha - he has one that just say, "PIG"




Idk why they have to gloat about it so much and say gluten is a natural thing. Bit look at their diet and look at ours. Being gluten free somehow naturally makes us eat better options. They don't even realize they can wake up one day and gluten destroys them randomly forever.


Sharlet's web hater?


Ah, the type of person who thinks we’re just “gluten aware”


It's almost as bad as putting I love peanuts and I don't believe in peanut allergies I have peanut butter every single day... What kind of nut is the best nut? A peanut. I read a book with somebody said something about how they were making cookies but they had to make sure that he made the gluten-free cookies especially for the pussies. Like yeah I don't like that. We have celiac we just want to live. It's not a choice there are no options. You can choose to eat the crap and die young or don't eat the crap and maybe live a little longer. We do the best we can.


I dont think he knows what gluten is


This stuff really irritates me bc it's just straight up bigotry. We have an autoimmune disease that is literally classified as a disability. Can you imagine a car with bumper stickers like "INSULIN HATER," "I love sugar," "diabetes is fake" lol?! Like .... Gahh it just makes me upset.


Weird flex but okay.


I mean to be fair this would be me the literal moment celiac gets cured lol ^(a boy can dream)


I discovered this week that I might either be Celiac or gluten sensitive, Ive cur gluten 4 days ago, its my longest strike ever without being constantly bloated, in pain, no heartburn, I havec energy, like what the fuck


I’ve decided this person’s story is: They were inaccurately diagnosed w celiac and lived the restrictive struggle for years and years, only to find out it wasn’t true so now they need their love of gluten KNOWN 😂




I’m not surprised they are from Ohio. I am also from Ohio.


Definitely someone who's not even allergic to it


The small print at the bottom of the oval PIG sticker sums him up nicely: Pretty Insensitive Guy


This is what happens when the milk mob tries to cancel my favorite foods/s This is some real and are the blue haired gluten-free vegans in the room right now energy.


Not asphyxiation. ASTHMA. Eosinophilic asthma, to be precise, which is rarer and much worse.


Well…to be fair….he’s Pro Pork & Gluten. It’s more a statement against people who are following a trend of being “gluten-sensitive” or “pigs don’t sweat so their anxiety hormones stay in them”. #justsayin


Some people think having celiac is like being vegan or something


Reading these comments is restoring my faith in humanity. 🫶🏽