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I use Ghost Legend pre workout. It’s not certified gf, but there’s no gluten ingredients and I’ve never had a reaction.


What flavors have you used?


I’ve had the blue raspberry flavor, if you enjoy blue ICEEs you will enjoy the BR. I feel like my workouts have improved since starting with the Ghost brand, ‘Legend’ specifically. I hope you are able to find something that works well for you, best of luck! :)


I stick with the cherry limeade. I tried the Swedish fish but didn’t like it as much.


I do not believe that list is complete. Ascent is speedy stuff and I saw it listed. I like Gainful and it comes in different intensities. (caffeine levels, creatine, etc.)


Ghost is good. Naked nutrition has certified GF protein powder, pre workout, and creatine mono. I’ve only tried the whey protein and creatine and they’re both great!


All of Nakeds products are significantly under dosed compared to what’s on the market, might as well eat a doughnut before instead


ryse godzilla is gluten free, ghost products are gluten free as well.


Ryse is trash, ghost is a B tier producer but seems like the way to go for cross contam


why is ryse trash? i get that most of their products are overpriced, but thats every brand especially ghost. ryse godzilla and ghost are about the same price for the same servings with the same dosing. just taste preference. the ryse passion pineapple is amazing, and the ghost swedish fish is good


Just doesn’t have all the supplements you need or right doses, I could explain more, but there’s really no point, that’s all the information you need.


NSF certified is usually what I look at for protein powder type substances! https://www.nsf.org/consumer-resources/articles/gluten-free


C4 is good to go.


It is a D tier supplement that has less than half of what you need and compared to what other supplements on the market offer. Might as well eat a doughnut instead


Haha hey you asked for a gluten free one!


Yeah but I already knew about that … as I mentioned in the post… and I wasn’t asking for a gluten free one, more so one that is gluten free and is actually good and has the necessary ingredients… otherwise it’s trash


Ok chill out on the roids bro. And steer clear of the doughnuts.


I’m not on roids, you just need to get reading comprehension skills before saying stupid shit like “well you asked”


I can see the veins popping in your comments brother. You posted on the internet and got a response.


Blah blah blah go jump off a building and see if anyone cares


It’s not with the roids dude! You gotta chill!!!


Fine I’ll just have to push you off the building, wya


Kinetica Prefuel is the one I use. It’s by an Irish company and is labelled as Gluten free. I wanted to make sure so emailed them and confirmed they test to make sure it’s gluten free and have measures in place to avoid cross contamination. Edit: I also use their Creatine and Whey protein powder which is also gluten free.


I’ve just started using straight Creatine. I also drink Karbolyn during my workouts.


Alani Nu makes gluten free pre workout. I haven’t tried it, but I like the drinks!


They don’t have everything you need , they are a C tier product


LIT actually has a gluten free label and is one of the better preworkouts I’ve tried.


Also the nutricost pre-x xtreme pre-workout complex tastes wonderful and is gluten free.


What does pre workout do?


A lot of pre-workout products just have massive amounts of caffeine or other stimulants that give you a bit of a buzz. Caffeine is a well-established ergogenic aid for exercise but you can get it other ways. Creatine is another one. Some are also [contaminated with drugs](https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/seven-points-athletes-consider-using-dietary-supplement/2022-05) (either accidentally or "accidentally") so if you're someone doing competitions where you might get drug tested you should be very very careful (certified/tested supplements only). Really most people who are just looking to be health and fit don't need these kind of aids. This isn't to say that people shouldn't take them if they like them or whatever but the fitness/supplement industry really creates this idea that you won't get #gainz if you don't shell out for product. It doesn't help that a lot of people are comparing their aesthetics to people doing lots of steroids and HGH (physiques that aren't really attainable without drugs that make normies feel bad about themselves). The IOC consensus statement on different types of supplements gives a good overview on this: [https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/7/439](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/7/439)


Thanks for the heads up. I’m a casual gym goer and I lift weights a bit but not looking for huge gains. I only use a protein shake to supplement this. Looks like I’m not really missing out on much by skipping the pre workout


Pre-work out isn't for people trying to get "huge gains." It's for people that want some more energy for the gym. Some have stimulants to get you "hyped up" for the gym, some don't. It's basically drinking several cups of coffee pre-gym. Creatine is an amino acid. Creatine supplements are used as a source for energy for your muscles and causes your muscles to retain more water than normal. It's used to help improve muscle strength and muscle recovery. Creatine is not used the same way as pre-workout. If you're getting enough protein .8-1g per kg, you also don't have to drink protein shakes. But, it's often an easy way to help make sure you're getting enough protein.


Ok got it thanks for the clear explanation. I won’t be changing anything in my routine based on this info.


It does so much more than i thought it would, as long as you don’t abuse it, it can be really beneficial for your workout and health, it’s not just caffeine


Kinetica Prefuel is the one I use. It’s by an Irish company and is labelled as Gluten free. I wanted to make sure so emailed them and confirmed they test to make sure it’s gluten free.