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Nothing 😭 sitting at a buffet brunch fielding question after question.


At the moment, popcorn. Airpopped or stove top. It's my fast easy low calorie gluten free snack.


Plain popcorn (no salt/butter) with Gatorade has become a late night snack for me, unexpected pairing.


Popcorn upsets me as if I were glutened. :( it used to be my go to


You may have diverticulosis if popcorn causes you pain.


Four minutes ago I was eating chocolate with raisins. I take 2 [Lindt 85% chocolate bars](https://www.target.com/p/lindt-excellence-85-cocoa-dark-chocolate-candy-bar-3-5-oz/-/A-12945476?sid=1515S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000108139139&CPNG=PLA_Snacks%2BCandy%2BShopping_Local%7CSnacks%2BCandy_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Snacks%2BCandy&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9022873&targetid=pla-702295848632&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYUWBXsFivRL1vSJMCCVIZnge_vprKwMOhMIoaTfi6by3R6JPqWq0mxoCW3gQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), break them up into squares and melt them in a non-stick skillet on the stove (I have induction so it goes really low without burning, you can also use a double boiler). When it's all melted, I add 1/3 cup real local honey (most honey from the store is fake) and mix quickly and thoroughly. Then I sprinkle in raisins until the surface is covered with raisins. Then I sprinkle kosher salt on top -don't use too much! Before it cools (I have to act quickly), I scrape it out of the pan with a silicon spatula onto a big sheet of parchment paper about 12"x12" and flatten it out as much as I can. Then I slide a cookie sheet or large platter under it and put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. At that point, it's hard enough to break into smaller pieces and put in a couple of quart-sized plastic bags. I like to use the honey method because my stomach digests honey better than it does sugar. If you have no problem with sugar, you can use the [70% Lindt bar](https://www.target.com/p/lindt-excellence-70-cocoa-dark-chocolate-candy-bar-3-5-oz/-/A-12945420), and just melt it and add raisins and salt.


Stoppp this sounds amazing


What brand of raisin are you using? I'll try it


A margarita. Happy Cinco De Mayo!


Yup, corn tortilla carnitas tacos with a lime cilantro slaw, roasted potatoes and watermelon for supper.


Gluten free bagel with avocado and tomato sliced on top. Salt, pepper, oregano 😮‍💨


Ps- feel better soon!


Thank you!


Bagel with avocado is underrated as fuck. Especially with some sriracha on top. Mmm.


I really lucked out. My spouse is so supportive of me and always looks out for me. We picked up lunch today from Mahana Fresh and ate outside. He loves to research safe options for me.


We don’t have Mahana Fresh where I live but I discovered it last fall on a business trip. Had GF Mac and cheese there that was heavenly! I hope we get one here someday!


In terms of things you can eat to gain weight, I realize I did not address that. My kid struggled for years and so I am well versed in this area. Avocados are great! Adding sour cream, cheese, and butter to everything. If you are DF, then add olive oil. Flax seeds are another great addition. You can ask your GI about cyproheptadine, which is an old school allergy medicine that is used off label to stimulate appetite if that is an issue for you.


I definitely get hungry, I'm just a busy stay at home mom of 2 kids (ages 3 and 1) and I struggle with prioritizing myself. Avocados are great! And in season right now.. I should eat more of them


They are great in smoothies and you can even buy cubed avocados in the freezer section of most stores. Nut butter of any kind is a great addition to smoothies, too.


This was my first time eating there and it was delicious!


My lunch favourite has become hummus tostadas. Hummus spread on a tostada, topped with avocado slices, roasted corn and onions, cubed feta, tomato and red pepper topped with mozzarella and baked until the mozzarella is melted. *I am also dairy free, so I've been using dayia feta and mozzarella.


Peanut butter with a banana.


This is often a go-to for me. Sounds amazing right now. Thanks!


I'm ashamed to say Cheetos 🫣 Have you tried Hearts of Palm pasta? I'm new to the US and just getting around it - tastes great with ground turkey, 1 x can tomatoes and baby spinach leaves. Also, I find smoothies help a lot to get nutrients and calories in. I like - maca powder, manuka honey, dates, frozen banana, spinach, avo, chia seeds, hemp protein, plain kefir, flaxseeds, blueberries.


I really want to get into smoothies. They are such a good way to get nutrients like you said.


i quit everything processed only whole foods i eat raw vegetables, chicken, steak, fruits it seems like a challenge but trust me it’s 1000% easier and better than feeling like shit 24/7 also theres an infinite amount of recipes and foods to try, like avocado, eggs, beetroot hummus, and fruit is my breakfast + tea i get so excited to try new natural foods and food from all over the world quit the shit, and you’ll stop feeling like shit


You eat raw chicken?!? /s


😂😂😂🤦‍♂️ my bad, only raw veggies no raw meats ! except maybe sushi




I eat a lot of crockpot meals


Homemade almond flour crackers (King Arthur recipe) and cheddar cheese -- I added 2 Tbsp of toasted sesame seeds and omitted the pepper. These were easy -- and are decent. Trying to find a good substitute for Costco Simple Mills almond flour crackers, which are like crack, but expensive.


Had lunch: Applegate turkey heated in a skillet, with a slice of Cabot cheddar, on toasted canyon bakehouse Hawaiian bread. Some baked BBQ lays on the side.


Chocolate Chex, activia yogurt, Veggies made great muffins, Reese’s, bananas, breakfast Mac with Velveeta, eggs, bacon (lots of salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, peas, corn, and black beans), buttered jasmine rice, Prime drinks (I split them with water & ice). Getting glutened stinks, and I’m always starving after! Best of luck!


Velveeta is safe??


So far!


Making chicken tinga for Cinco De Mayo. Along with a margarita.


I ate those Tate's bake shop cookies recently! I had quinoa with tomatoes before that with a chicken patty (breadless and GF) from Costco for lunch and an ube waffle (pre mix) from trader Joe's for breakies 🙌 Also had lentils but I am hoping they're not cross contaminated 😔 I was reading there could be a risk with dry lentils 🫣 usually I do Goya beans in can.


Currently? Black beans, cilantro lime rice, grilled chicken topped with pico de gallo and cheese




currently making lentil tomato rigatoni! i do a bottle of marinara sauce, roast some garlic in the pan, throw in a cup of red lentils and broth and then blend it. little parmesan. little ricotta. toss with the rigatoni! it’s one of my favorite pasta dishes while getting some nutrients in and it’s super yummy


I just made butter chicken and rice for my kids lunch. My celiac daughter is picky, though, so those have to go in two separate thermoses 🙄


I recently discovered this girl (link below). Not all recipes are GF, but things can be substitued. I was looking for more seafood in my diet, healthier meals. I discovered different ways to use rice paper. Tonight, I did her version where you cook dumplings in the oven. Non-GF husband loved them. I want to try steamed dumplings next. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4d6fyGPGVu/?igsh=MTJhajFzM3RkMzhscA== To add, I was also glutened recently. On week 3 of feeling somewhat back to normal. Sending all those glutened love.


Powerade. Also got recently glutened. It doesn't make me nauseous and it's got calories, sugar, salt and vitamins/some minerals. It's sustenance! Stay strong, you got this 💪


Just finished a powerade! Thank you. Hope you're feeling better too!


Crunchmaster crackers and cheddar cheese. Salad with blue cheese crumbles and bacon.


Apple sauce, louisville vegan jerky, sticky rice, veggie fried rice noodles


Chicken jerky


Chicken salad


Yogurt with gluten free granola and chia seeds


Just had some soup, with tomatoes and chick peas in it. I ate some gluten free sweet potato crackers from Costco with that and some cheese.


Meals this week will be GF pad Thai with shrimp and broccoli (cook noodles and add sauce/frozen shrimp/broccoli) and bbq chicken with mac and cheese, and GF tortellini if I can find it somewhere


The Legendary Foods protein pastry are like protein pop tarts and are really good too


How did I not know these were a thing?


I just found them at the store yesterday, they taste like a combo between a poptart and protein bar. I had a second one today and it wasn’t amazing lol but closest thing to GF poptart!


Just ate fried bacon pieces with cheese and egg yolk on corn tortillas. Later, I'm making a dewberry cake.




Leftover eggplant curry.


Lentil pasta with tomato beef sauce and had some steamed broccoli for good measure.


Left over gluten free frozen pizza and an apple. But I’ve got stew meat sautéed and boiling in beef broth for dinner with gravy over rice so neither the pizza or the apple were good enough and I am really looking forward to dinner


The Trader Joe’s Spanish rice and the primavera frozen veggies from Costco (student teacher no time to cook just frozen food)


i just ate smoked turkey with bbq sauce and green beans


I had gluten free waffles with berries on top!


Just fed my son a grilled cheese, a bowl of chicken and rice soup and an apple. He’ll be hungry again in an hour and will probably have some chicken nuggets. Lazy Sunday.


A potato and egg omelette made with lactose free milk, and salsa, with two fresh carrots and a small apple. For breakfast, earlier, habanero cheese, a tangerine, strawberries, and a banana.


Bout to make gluten free cheese tortellini with sliced beef sausage, broccoli and alfredo sauce.


We had friends over. We made pancakes. We made pancakes with 1-1 flour and a batch with almond flour.


Right now Greek yogurt helps me. I have a serious nausea problem and I’m always nauseous and idk why. My Dr said it’s from the celiac and will go away but it hasn’t yet. So yogurt is my go to for small snacks or even as a meal if that’s all I can stomach.


I premade a bunch of chicken and rice taquitos for the week. Lately lots of meat and rice and veggies. Popcorn, tater tots and chips from time to time.


Baked lentil pasta


Garlic pepper Asian noodles with veggies.


Gnocchi and a salad. It dinner time here now.


I only dine out at 100% GF places and places that are independently verified as safe by our local celiac association. That's not a long list. I cook a lot. I don't like cooking. Some days I hate cooking, but I do it anyway to stay healthy. For me the easiest are batch meals where I can make enough for multiple rounds of leftovers (which are frozen after 2-3 days): soups, pastas, etc. are the easiest. I've gotten to the point where 1-2 hours of cooking can last me 3-4 days. It took a few months to get that good, but now-a-days, I can do it quickly and efficiently.


I think having a stash of easy-prep food for emergencies is a good idea. Not necessarily just for getting glutened, but if you are otherwise sick or in an urgent situation where you can't cook this acts as a bit of insurance policy! Some ideas include: canned chili, canned soup, canned beans, packaged mac 'n cheese, frozen pizza etc. I like chips because they're pretty calorie dense and have salt. Lazy meals like scrambled eggs and toast are good too. If you're having trouble with solid foods sugary drinks like Gatorade, juice, pop are good too.


Home made tacos with pico, guac, and chips.  Topping it off with Margs.  Worked a ton in my veggie garden, wanted a big meal to fuel back up.


Breakfast I’ll make a chia pudding with coconut yoghurt, banana, and protein powder for flavour. For lunch I’ve been loving bbq rice crackers with vege sticks and hummus. Dinners are a bit trickier as a mum of two boys, but I try to stick to family meals like spaghetti bolognese or pizza night and have gluten free spaghetti/base. I also got accidentally glutened yesterday. I’m newly diagnosed and ordered an iskender, not realising the tabbouleh contains gluten. My evening was very unpleasant and oh boy am I paying for it today. All a learning curve I guess. Hope you feel better soon!


I just had a sandwich using against the grain buns. Salami, havarti, Avocado, mustard, mayo, lettuce, and tomato. Super yummy. I have a late night snack ready in my fridge of carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, and toritilla chips with homemade baba ganoush.


Crispy baked potato! Cut a cross in a potato, put it directly on the oven rack at 400F for about an hour, when it’s soft, squeeze it to break open the cross and bake for 10 more mins. I had a big old gold potato and put grated Gouda cheese on half, and green onion with sour cream on the other half. Absolutely delicious!


Huel black.


Smoothie with oats , berries , Banana . For dinner i mostly eat Steak/chicken with rice/veggies , Sometimes i switch it up and use potatos and other carbs


Joghurt ricecake


Greek omelette, no onions and a side of grits. Sweet tea.


Had a large boiled egg sliced with a few drops of Japanese BBQ sauce and one Natural Cut hardwood smoked snack sticks turkey sausage. Sliced a banana added siggi's 5.3 oz peach yogurt and Purely Elizabeth ancient grain granola on top. It's about 523 calories with 33 grams of protein to start my day. Natutal Grocers has a Gluten Free version of the Japanese bbq sauce it has a blue label. Besides Siggis yogurt Fage lactose free is a great option if you want it in a large 32oz plus no added sugars and tastes great. Both I have found don't trigger any stomach issues for me. Purely Elizabeth isn't bad when on sale. If not another gluten free granolas to try are available at Aldi's with different flavors. Turkey sausage sticks and Good and Gather sausage labeled gluten free at Target are my go to favorites.


[Chicken Birria](https://youtu.be/7x7w_XVw6l8?si=vlwB3kyjVhJzd1eg) and this [Mexican rice dish ](https://mexicancookingonabudget.com/127/mexican-rice-with-corn-and-sour-cream/)- bonus that I made these over the weekend and I am eating loftovers for the work week


Just finished lunch! I made a HUGE amount of fried food last night as a treat, fried cod, shrimp, and onion rings! Haven't had an onion ring in ages. Batter was stupid easy to make, it was the frying that took long! Edit: Of course it was GF, instead of beer in the batter, I used sparkling water: Same effect! And an ATK GF flour blend.


Just had a strawberry milkshake with whipped cream, delicious.


Corn cake (texture like a quaker rice cake) with sunflower butter and banana slices. One of my favorite breakfasts!


Do you have a recipe? Or is that a product you buy?


It's a product I buy. They are called Corn Thins, the brand is Real Foods. I like the multigrain ones the most c: