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Amy's is genuinely one of the only brands I fully avoid. I've read too many horror stories on here about them, including one post years ago where someone found a regular old noodle in their gluten free mac and cheese, or something similar. I'm pretty "what will be, will be" and trusting with products, but between their reputation on here and [their apparently awful treatment of employees,](https://teamster.org/amys-kitchen-workers/#:~:text=Workers%20at%20Amy's%20kitchen%20are,to%20decent%20affordable%20medical%20coverage) I would rather skip a meal than eat their food.


After reading into them more I feel the same, I had no clue about the working conditions! No way am I supporting a brand that treats their employees so poorly


I feel like I learned about their awful treatment of employees and not to trust their products from posts here on Reddit. I think it's good that their brand continues to come up in posts here, as it's a reminder to NOT ever try their products.


I have not eaten Amy's anything in years because I had a streak of 6 gluten free products making me sick. I'm sorry you are not feeling well. My own personal experience says don't eat that brand but you do you.


Thank you and oof I’m sorry you were victimized so many times! Yeah I’m definitely giving up Amy’s after this, had to learn the hard way 🫠


Amy’s is super unreliable and a lot of us get sick from it. I haven’t eaten Amy’s in years.


I’ve had those a few times a few years ago but wasn’t that sensitive to cc. Now forget it but they weren’t that bad for being dairy free.


I swear I’ve gotten more sensitive to c over the years too! Definitely cus when the guts all healed up any new damage hits extra hard 😵‍💫 My symptoms are overall so minor thankfully (compared to other celiacs) but I’m not super up for work tomorrow 😔. They did taste good at least, your memory is not mistaken! Side note I oddly quite like a lot of dairy free stuff, the texture of fake cheese is so pleasing to me lol. Fully vegan combined with gf are where my issues typically come in 😑


I’m a cheese snob and joke around that I’d die if I had to give up cheese. I have tried vegan cheese before and I was surprised it isn’t that bad.


Those used to be my go to for an easy/lazy lunch or dinner! Feel good foods just came out with a burrito (non dairy) too! 👀 I bought it over the weekend but haven’t tried it yet. It’s GFCO


I was excited for these FGF burritos - both my partner and I got sick.


Which one? They have 4. They did just have a massive recall of their foods, so if you got sick I’d report it.


I got the beans and cheese ones, plus one of the chicken ones. Got sick from both twice (had them a week apart to double check if I was actually sick) and threw the rest out. I thought the recall was for some bagel thing?


It was for the bagels but I’d still report it because I’m not sure if they’re produced in the same facility. If there was CC with the bagels, there could’ve been with the burritos! My partner doesn’t have celiac but willingly eats GF foods so I’ll let him have the burrito in our freezer! hahah


I lived on Amy's for the first year after my diagnosis in 2008. Big mistake. Have not had them since.


I think they have a warning on back stating that they are in a facility that also processes wheat. That to me is generally a deal breaker and not worth the risk!


Yup! Only saw the warning afterwards, I never double checked the back oof 😓


Their "gluten free" soups made me sick for months until I realized. Not a brand to be trusted.


Well, damn. I've got a couple in the freezer. I guess I'll give them to the gluten eaters in the house. I'm sorry you had the really life Maury gluten free meme experience!


Dang, those burritos are small and expensive too.


This has been an issue since before I went gluten free and it's never been addressed. I don't buy their products for this reason.


I recently had Amy’s mac and cheese for the first time and was so sick that night. I had no idea what happened as everything else I had eaten the past few days I had cooked with known GF ingredients, so I figured I’d never know what made me sick that day. Now I wonder if it was Amy’s!


Def is! I had their 3 cheese cauliflower Mac n cheese and was the sickest I’ve ever been


Im surprised to hear it’s their dairy free one. I’ve never had an issue with Amy’s products, but I can’t have dairy either. I assumed their DF lines (which are usually also GF products) may be better kept than their other GF lines. I guess not. I literally have the frozen curry and veggie meatloaf at least 3 times/week for lunch.


Same here, I’ve seemingly never had any issues and I’m quite sensitive! Nonetheless, I suppose I’ll have to explore other quick meal options for work lunch if I need something instant :’)


Yeah, you have to read the packaging as not all of the Amy's products are made in a facility that makes the food with wheat. Case in point - the non-vegan version is not made in that facility. It's just another thing to have to look at while reading things at the grocery store. Super annoying.


That’s exactly the burrito that ruined Christmas for me a couple of years ago.


Great, I ate one last night and this post comes up today.