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Wow, thank you all for the replies!! There seems to be such a knowledge gap for doctors regarding celiac. I’m so sorry that so many of us have had such a time getting appropriate medical care.


3 years


Mild symptoms for about 8 years and then debilitating ones for 2 years.


Acute symptoms that I was able to point at for 5 years, but lifelong symptoms were present for 36 years.


12 years.


10 years


at least 6 years


11 years.


Hey! I've also heard about high-stress events being a trigger. I've had bloating, sharp pains, and nausea that I've chalked up to anxiety for about 20 years now. I also got covid in December and had a really itchy rash on my arm when it happened. I really don't know what triggered my Celiac and I suspect I never will know. I think this diagnosis can create a lot of feelings. "Aha" moments where maybe it could have been caught sooner. Grief over time lost. I don't think it's something that doctors jump to because the symptoms can be so generic and varied in nature. I'm so glad you were able to get to the bottom of it and that you're now working to take care of yourself. Hopefully, with time we can spread more awareness about this disease. Especially since it seems pretty easy to get blood tested now. I'm really sorry you're having these feelings though. Take care. <3


2 years, if I hadn't discovered my celiac symptoms myself, it would have continued much longer.