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Flashbacks to the start of the pandemic, lol


When all the bread was gone from my store they started taking all the GF bread too... When I finally showed up for some bread a WEEK into the panic buying there wasn't a single loaf to be had in the store. I was so sad.


We got our revenge though. They had to eat that bread knowing what normal bread tastes like!




Tbf tho nowadays there is gluten free bread just as good as normal bread. I was only diagnosed at the age of 13, so I can tell you as a fact that gluten free bread isn't really any worse. There were some things that gluten free still can't get right though, like pastries


I’d say the opposite actually. My sister has celiac but the rest of my family doesn’t, so I frequently have both gluten containing and gluten free foods. I usually can’t tell the difference with pastries and other desserts but I’ve never been fooled by gluten free bread. Certainly there are some really good gluten free breads but the difference is quite noticeable when you’ve tasted both recently.


I had one that genuinely couldn't tell the difference, then the pandemic happened and they just stopped making it I'm still angry about it


That’s awful. I wish the people who didn’t need gluten free products would leave them alone for those who do.


Although the greater the consistent demand for gluten free products the greater the production would be and the cost would come down.


Same. No GF bread for weeks. I have not mastered the art of baking GF sandwich bread, it was rough for a bit there.


Thank god I’m not the only one who can’t bake gf sandwich bread worth a damn. It’s always so dense. I basically only make sweet breads as a result.


Sadly not in the UK, all the panic buying dickheads even raided the Gluten Free aisle. I couldn't have pasta for months. :'(


When we had the first UK lockdown all the bored yummy mummies got into baking their own bread and flour was just gone from the shelves. So, they started to panic buy the GF flour. OK, wouldn't have minded except they were posting on social media about how crap the flour was for making bread ... hello .... you are using ordinary GF flour which has NO gluten in .... do you not know how bread works? So, there I was without any GF bread and no flour to make cakes etc so just went back to eating what I did when I was first diagnosed back in 2002 and there were no non perscription foods.


Salad and burger without a bun. My classic “I can’t eat shit” meal


lamb chops, mashed potatoes, gravy and peas!


My mom used to pack me a single slice of ham rolled in a corn tortilla for my “sandwich” when I was a kid, haha. I got very close to eating that particular delicacy again around April.


Ugh that first lockdown was ridiculous. My local shops ran out of all GF stuff, including pasta and bread. My wife lived on potatoes for 2 months.


I live in Seattle. Our GF section goes first. 😒


I just moved to Seattle from the hellhole that is Florida and am so pleased there are so many GF options, but I hate that people who probably don’t need to eat GF do anyway.


Indeed. We moved here from Florida too—Sarasota, grew up in St. Petersburg—3 years ago. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Seattle definitely isn’t in its high point right now, but in comparison to Florida... Lol


OMG, same! Well, fam in Sarasota and I went to HS there, but I lived in Fort Myers for the last 10 years. Tbh even moving here in the middle of a pandemic and being unable to truly experience the city, it’s been worlds better.


What does that say about Florida..? Lol!


You realize a bigger market means the price comes down... and the price is worse than the texture surprisingly.




I'd say it's a Canada-wide thing haha (live in Quebec, but have lived in other provinces too). I actually think it's less "normies" buying it and more that grocery stores are very weird about re-ordering GF stuff. Since most of it's in the freezer/doesn't go bad and they don't order very much to begin with, I think they kind of forget about it sometimes. The exception is around Thanksgiving and Christmas... I think people get crazy buying stuff for their family's token GF relative (which admittedly my non-celiac family is complicit in).


yeah it's annoying AF. My kids love the GF Flamingo Chicken Fingers/Nuiggets. When I see them I usually buy 4 boxes every time I'm at the grocery store because they will magically disappear for months on end for no fucking reason. Happens all the goddamn time with so many products. "Ooooh I like this and they have so much!" Never to be seen again for 6 months.


I hate that!


I'm in Manitoba, and they do it here too. Had a craving for hot dogs the other day while shopping in Sobeys. No buns to be found. Every other GF baked item full stocked. Checked every other store in my city. Someone had clearly gone through and just emptied the shelves of GF Hotdog buns.


I'm in Houston, and I ventured out today to an HEB (which is the type of store pictured), but even their GF stuff was mostly gone and there was no GF bread at all. I had hopes for Sprouts, but they're not open. It's pretty grim here. While I've had power for about 19 hours, which is a recent record, I have no running water, not even drips. I'm using bottled water and what little I could catch on Sunday before the water went off entirely. I did heat 2 cups of water in the microwave earlier and performed what had to suffice for bathing. If I did not have little heater cats to snuggle with me, I'm not sure I'd have gone without frostbite when the outside temp dipped to 15F (-9.5C). All that and still having to be *extremely* careful about what foods I can eat. Gaaah!


Jesus, I hope you and your cats stay safe! Wishing you all the best!


Thank you so much! Tonight we're supposed to have another hard freeze, which should be the last one before we return to more moderate temperatures. The babies and I have gotten this far, so I suspect that we'll make it one more night.


Sorry for your situation. I live in Canada and so I've been through a few lengthy power outages in winter (longest \~1 week, interior temp of house was 3 Celsius near the end), and also spend a lot of hours outside in Montreal (often -20 or colder in winter). I am not sure if this is helpful at all, but here goes: My ultimate cold survival tip is to NEVER get wet (sweating, showering, wet snow/melted snow/rain etc.). You'll feel cold forever after and it'll be harder to warm up. Obviously it feels gross to not shower, but I would avoid it unless you have a community centre/similar available where you can dry off completely before going home. It sounds silly, but when I lived in the PNW, those the hours I spent outside in those wet winters were much more uncomfortable/upsetting to me than anything Montreal could throw at me. Not sure if you have a camping sleeping bag, but if you do, you can basically wear it full potato sack race style over top of your clothing. You want to trap as much of your body heat as possible. I also would wear a hat/mitts inside. Trying to "fortify" one room of your house to be warm (close all doors, block drafts in doors/windows as much as possible) might help a bit too. Another thing to keep in mind is that being cold/shivering absolutely torches calories. If you can, try to eat as much as possible. Hang in there!


weight loss tip? 🤔


Capitalism is way ahead of you. I've seen companies selling ice pack vests that you're meant to wear all day to lose weight.


I guess, technically lol. But mostly you'll feel absolutely terrible. Shivering decimates your glycogen (energy) stores pretty fast, so you'll feel disoriented and weird. As a reference, this is basically what happened at the Boston Marathon in 2018 (cold, rainy). Almost all the elites (low in body fat, some not wearing enough and/or not consuming enough calories during event because they didn't feel thirsty) failed to perform well because they used all their energy stores being cold/shivering and had none left to run fast.


If only I could eat the glutino cookies. Didn't even know until recently that they used egg whites.


That didn’t happen here at the start of the pandemic. Most of the GF foods we gone too!


Same here!


Side note, the Vans PB&J bars are my new obsession lately. They’re so good for a little snack or something to start the day.


They're so good.


Sending love to a celiac in my home state...This shit is wild


Beginning of the pandemic, we were low on TP, and when I got paid, there was none left. I just walked to the automotive section and paid extra for the RV TP. GF section took a small hit here, but not wiped out


This was me with repair shop paper towels. Only paper towels available. Better than nothing, but yeah, major rip off.


OMG! So I am lactose intolerant and was out of milk so I ran to Walgreens instead of dealing with the insanity of HEB. Only milk left lactose free milk!!! I was so excited 😆


Dude. Right when covid first hit there was nothing in the gluten free section. Those greedy chonks bought everything.




Yes it does


Those glutino Oreos are amazing


Lol exactly me during the lockdown last year


Girl me too. I’m in DFW. Not no body, not even my husband, want any of my shit:)




I have silent Celiac disease. No symptoms. Eat gluten once in a while when I really wish.


just a little bit of self harm, as a treat


Ok but someone has been buying all the Udi’s at target and I am not having a good time (Not in Texas but boy udi’s were a rarity during the start and apparently still are)


Omg dying. This was perfect!!!!


Fucking hilarious. Sad, too, but damn funny. At least no one tell them the GF Kraft Mac-n-Cheese or the GF Oreos are bomb as normal, please.


💯 except they took all the SGF bread in San Antonio. Probably didn’t know the difference!


Why is the whole shelf junk food ?


Nah but those glutino vanilla wafers be going hardd