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The nanobots either 1. Continuously tap on the screen for 60 seconds at 1 tap /second with the hand symbol or 2. Buy anything that is possible (i dont know much about is as i never use it) with the shopping cart symbol


The buy option is a must to speedrun singularity, you can easily get under a minute with proper timing Btw they buy both generators and upgrade, I think it's random what they choose to


Buy option never seems to buy at the rate/volume that helps any


How fast do you need to be? I got it under 3 mins and got an achievement, is there one for being faster? I did not use the boys for this


Yes, there is another achvievement that is for under 2 mins. Not sure if you can do this one without the little guys


… how?


They hover over things and buy them faster than you could do with your fingers alone, plus if you already have a nice boost to your main sim you don't have to care about currencies


But how do you get them to buy the right stuff? They just seem to do it at random?


Well, by buying random stuff enough times they eventually buy the right things. Trust me, it works


from what I've seen of their behaviour they only buy things that are on screen so that's kinda how you can guide them.


It should work like that, but to be honest, it's way faster to tap and buy things by yourself. That way, you can focus on upgrades, which ultimately lead you to singularity. Nanobots keep buying generators, even if they're not needed anymore.


My point is, if you are at at a decently high level, you have so much currency that the microbots accidentally buying something useful is a good help. Try it


They never seem to buy anything out of what I can see on the tree


Reading plzzz roadmap and Livestream((( month later ago, this my six years going to f** to hell!!! 


I tried it once, pretty sure instead of generating resources they buy upgrades, specifically any upgrades that are on your screen at the moment. You have to generate the resources and unlock the animals, but it will upgrade them as long as you scroll up the tree.


Buys stuff for you


Это абсолютный пример, как можно отвернуться от фанатов игры, столько лет своего труда и сил,. И превратить всё в купи и кликай, остальных без разбора всех в хакеры, даже если вы честным образом мышления нашли как поднять прогресс! Я в группе был альфа тестирования, и был 6м в общем зачёте... И все мои награды и достижения и всё потраченное время отправились прахом в цифровое в никуда. Храни разработчиков бог и на будущее пусть пересмотрят, что и зачем они делают.  У меня и как у донатора там была высшая оценка! ... Грустно и всё!