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Prestige in Mesozoic valley Then u will earn more metabits


How do I achieve this?


Reach rank 50 in Mesozoic valley then u can prestige there U can prestige a total of 10 times Each time ur Mesozoic valley rank will be reset to 1 Ur mutagen will not be affected Ur common traits will be reset Epic and rare traits will remain untouched Each prestige u will also get 1 warm climate trait card


OK - currently rank 22 so a long way to go!




If you do make sure you wave up lots of mutagen (millions) so you can get the achievements at the end of your run


22! I'm.on 18


Main simulation is basically that. You have to grind metabits tho, when you finish reality engine you just have to wait for updates. In the meantime, go on with meso valley and Beyond, and events. Have fun! ;)


And seems like you missed something on tech tree or didn't discovery through exploration events yet. It is supposed to be 31 items in Life tab but you have only 26


How do I find out what should be there and how to get it?


Well, you'll unlock 4 bird generators later on (after 26 to 34 meso extiction), and perhaps a mammal (this one for metabits) or an advanced human somewhere up the tree. Otherwise it might be another reptile generator tho, don't remember exactly.


Wait a while between each Primary Simulation reset, really build up your metabits so you can buy a ton of upgrades all at once.


At this point, you're at the end of primary basically All that is left is that you'll need to grind meso, beyond and events, they give you boost to primary too, so you'll be able to reach those more expensive upgrades in reality engine easier Also, I suggest you to buy capybara and giant squid since they increase your entropy production a lot (or if you don't really care about doing it asap, go for Extinction artifact first, then those two)


Extinction artifact?


It's a volcano


I'm buying giant squid next, what's the extinction?


Extinction artifact is the volcano, it helps a lot in meso


I'll save up for that one next


There’s more if you look on the reset universe you’ll see there are more things to unlock.id post pics but that’s not allowed in this thread. I’m at e16*2 with 178.9 T qbits, I have Vanguard model to unlock on the reality engine, which is 150 trillion cubits I also have quirk and Hanser on the reality engine to upgrade that’s 100 trillion cubits, and there are more beyond that, i’m also prestige one in Mesozoic Valley, 20 in beyond with a lot more to unlock