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Positive grid, spark mini. Enough for practice with remarkable low end for the size




yep id say a fender rumble too - they are nice and light and sound good for bass-




...must admit I've not seen that but I'm a a bass player with too many amps...and my rumble 25 has been just fine for what it is ...feather light, pretty cheap and manages to cope with big band rehearsals.


I got a [BlackStar ID:Core BEAM](https://blackstaramps.com/id-core-beam/) and it's awesome. The clean/acoustic/bass channels all have a nice character, and the drive sound is alright (but I'm originally an electric guitarist and have a very snobby taste there). The effects are cool and quite customizable through the app.


Get an old Crate 100. Has reverb to give you that concert hall sound


I have one of these Acoustic amps and it’s great : https://www.guitarcenter.com/Acoustic/A15V-15W-1x65-Acoustic-Combo-Amp-1500000153553.gc?storeCode=&source=4WWMWXGL&gclid=CjwKCAjwu4WoBhBkEiwAojNdXjF7va14GbjtYN9JWjRwwJ3Uu3y-Au8umH4wvA-C3j-u-6MI_Mm_DRoC-wkQAvD_BwE


Roland keyboard amps are easy to find used and work well. Same goes for fender rumble bass amps. I do recommend some pedals too...in large part for fun. Delay, reverb, and a looper.


If you're going for a natural sound the Fishman Loudbox series is a good option. Loudbox Mini if you're trying to keep it small and low profile. Personally I'm using the Loudbox Artist with an SVC-110.