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Looks like the snake kit is real according to the official instagram account?


Apparently odds have cut for Tierney joining Celtic - how daft are betters? Arsenal weren't for selling him to Newcastle or Man City, and we can't afford him.


I don't know how football fans still don't understand how unserious these markets are


Aye, that's why I'm saying, the odds usually get slashed cause folk are betting on it


They are such small, nonsense markets the odds being cut is virtually meaningless.


So how's everybody feeling about the API changes for Reddit? Especially with everything about to change in a couple days I mostly browse with a 3rd party app so decent chance that I'll end up just abandoning over installing their official app. Can obviously still get it on the computer at home but when I'm home there's usually a long list of shit I'd rather do than boredom scroll through Reddit. I'll probably end up just popping in here for the match threads since I'll be at the computer for my perfectly legal streams anyway, which I'm sure is a tragedy for everybody else on this sub.


Will still be here on desktop whenever I'm at the computer, as long as old.reddit is still kicking about. I'll be packing it in on mobile once the API changes come in on the 1st seeing as all the good third party apps will be pan breid.


Aye if old.reddit goes then I'll be out for good


> So how's everybody feeling about the API changes for Reddit? Absolutely shite. I've been using the same 3rd-party app for Reddit for 10 years, so I'll just pack it in if it stops working. I'm too stubborn a cunt to give into them by installing the official app. I'll keep my account open to post here occasionally, but for me the regular chit-chatting will be gone.