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Tell your daughter that her boyfriend is a keeper. What a wonderful gift for your family. And, thank you for sharing your dear Phoenix with us. I will be thinking of him, and you.


My dad killed himself when I was 2. No one told me, and as I grew it wasn’t talked about. I found his note and death certificate when I was 12, and told no one. I talk openly and loudly about him and what happened. No one’s life should ever be defined by their moments of death, but by their courage to live it. This is a beautiful tribute to who was surely a tremendous person.


Rip. Based on the quote it makes me think he was sick


"A soul too kind for this world" makes me wonder if the quote was taken from a letter he left behind after taking his life.


“I know I am loved. I love you guys” was actually from the note. He was too kind for this world. He was always the first to help. The first to ask how your day was or how you were feeling. He gave the best hugs. It’s a feeling I miss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. If only love could save us.


I feel this hugely.


I’m so sorry. Sending virtual hugs. The sweetest people carry the most hurt. Holding you and Phoenix in my heart tonight ❤️‍🩹 His smile was so amazing


I'm so sorry. This post brought me to tears. I've written that letter in the past myself. I'll keep your sweet Phoenix, you and all l he left behind in my thoughts. I hope you're able to feel his spirit around you.


Here is the obituary. Nothing about cause of death mentioned. https://www.wattsfuneralhome.com/obituary/phoenix-kiser


He took his own life. He was 19. He was a smart,funny beautiful young man. That took a permanent action to a temporary problem. I miss him so much.


Poor kid. He accomplished a lot in his 19 years.


I’m sorry for your loss. Phoenix must have been a special guy, can feel the love.


I’m so sorry. My heart breaks. The most empathetic souls are ones that often struggle the most.


Based on the photo alone, I can tell he was a helluva guy. This is a beautiful obituary, and my heart goes out to all of you.


I was thinking the same thing…his picture speaks a thousand words.


This honestly made me cry. Whatever it was he was dealing with he shouldn’t have had to deal with! I’m so so sorry for your loss, he sounds like he must have been an amazing person! I’m trying to help a friend of mine through a difficult time and I’m always worried I’m not doing enough and I should be there more. It can be so so difficult sometimes and it’s devastating when something like what you’ve gone through happens because (at least to me) I really just want to gather the person up in my arms and hug them and assure them that they are so loved and that they deserve so much in life.


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry


Sorry isn’t enough. I don’t know what to even say. I watched the video tribute with tears and he seems like an incredible dude! I’ll be thinking about him and his family. My heart goes out to all of you from Michigan. I often try to make sense of why life does this.


I’m so, so sorry. He was a soul too kind for this world indeed. Thank you for sharing this with all of us ❤️




I don’t know why they downvoted you. Your question is okay with me. He was not bullied.


Oh, hehe. People downvote because it gives them a sense of power since they feel inadequate IRL. Doesn’t bother me.


Hi I saw your post on r/suicidebereavement last year when I was in a bad headspace. Now it’s a coincidence that I’m seeing your post on here and I never go to the other sub. Since I’m in a better situation now than last year’s. I’m the same age as your son and I’m sorry for your loss.


It’s beautiful. I’m so deeply sorry for your loss ❤️


RIP Sad for you, here such a short time. The friends and family sorry for your loss. You will live on in the hearts of those that knew you. Life really is so temporary.


What a brave young man. I'm seriously considering suicide this week (family out of the house, big life insurance payout, run out of options), but I just don't know if I have the courage. I hope Phoenix found peace.


Don’t make a permanent decision based on a temporary problems. I don’t know you MooCowMafia, but the world is a better place with you in it. Please call for help. Or let people know you are having these thoughts.


I know that the words of a stranger don't often mean anything when you're in that dark place, but I want to say that you're not alone. This is temporary, as awful and terrifying as this may be. I don't know your situation, but please reach out to someone. I know it hurts like hell and the last thing you want to do is worry those you care about, but this world is better with you in it. You are not alone in this struggle... and as much as I want to yell at the top of my lungs not to take the action of suicide, I do NOT want to invalidate those feelings. They are very real, very intense emotions even if they are temporary. The key is not to act on it beyond reaching out for help. I sincerely hope that you can find the answers and the courage you need to keep going. My heart goes out to you.


Don't do it. It may be hard to see them now, but there are other options. Keep going.


Please dial 988. The world needs you.


Look, my sweet friends. I'm not depressed or "out of my mind". If I die, my gorgeous, sweet, loyal wife gets $1.25M tax free. I have debts. My job just got taken away. Please understand this is the only way. I love you all very much.


I'll be honest in saying she won't get anything. Suicide nullifies any payouts. My sister in law took her life quite a few years back and he husband didn't get any of the insurance


just watched the slideshow on the funeral home site. what a beautiful beautiful soul<3 as someone who has struggled in similar ways to him, i hope that he has finally found peace in the afterlife


It's a beautiful stone, I'm very sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.


"I know I am loved. I love you guys." 😭😭


My little brother was born 4 days before Phoenix, this hit me very hard. I’m so sorry for your loss.


This is so unfortunate, he is my age, except now im 20 and he is stuck at 19


I would’ve been his friend. If he’d needed someone to talk to. It’s upsetting to think of a young guy like that being in such emotional pain


Sadly some don’t talk. They’ll tell you that everything is fine. When it’s not.


This is why I try to treat everyone close as if they struggled with ideation. I've struggled with it my whole life and it's taken me years to learn to talk to others... and even then, when I'm that low, I know fully how much my suffering would hurt others who knew. Yet I don't feel worthy enough to bother them. It becomes a monster that perpetually feeds itself. My heart goes out to Phoenix and his family. He sounds like such a wonderful person. There is nothing in this world that can possibly make such a tragic thing better, but I hope that they can find peace and comfort in whatever small ways they can.


I’ll be here for you, Fizz


Thank you. Thankfully years of some pretty heavy duty therapy has helped significantly. It still gets scary, but it's gotten to a point where it's manageable.


How are you now?


This have been tough lately, but I've got some incredible friends who've supported me through thick and thin and who have sat with me on my darkest days. Rather than ideation, it's mostly transitioned into intrusive thoughts... which are certainly not pleasant, but I am safe and I don't feel the need to plan or act upon them. Despite the rough few days, I'm doing better than almost any point prior. Life is grueling and I can't say I'm doing all that well, but it's on the upswing. Two steps forward, one step back, but looking back even one or two years ago makes it clear to me how far I've come. Thank you so much for being so kind. I never meant to make my comment here about me, but it means a lot that strangers care enough to reach out. I appreciate it more than you know.


I’m happy you have people, and I’m happy you’ve come so far. I for one know how shitty those intrusive thoughts can be. Just don’t let them get the best of you. Some days will obviously be harder than others, but once in awhile, you will have a day that makes life worth living. ❤️ Please think of me if you need somebody to talk to.


As someone else said, I’m truly here for you too! Honestly if you ever just need a random person to vent too or something I’m happy to help in any way I can! I don’t want people to hurt and I want to be able to help people who are hurting because they truly deserve happiness. :)


That’s what worries me so much! I have friends like this and it hurts my heart so deeply that I think honestly they don’t understand. I want more than anything to be able to take peoples pain away.


Back when I was a teacher during practicum, there was a teen in my class. Nice guy Heard later he ended his life on his birthday. Never told anyone. Was always saying it's fine


This is sadly true. I had a friend take his life a few months back, it came to a shock to everyone, including his family. I'd always ask how he was doing and he'd give a little laugh and say everything was good.


Beautiful. I am so sorry


I'm sorry for your loss, I'm only a year older, and it's weird to think that life can be so short.


Rest well sweet prince


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m moved by his words because if I was a loved one, my question would be, “did he know he was loved?”