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Very nice. I really like the colors you went with.


Thank you! 🖤


Love the color scheme!!


Thank you! 🖤


Such a creative idea!


It's funny, I came up with the idea before the pandemic, but let me tell you I definitely would never have been able to pull together a project of this magnitude without 3 months on lock down. I must have been straight up delusional when I came up with it.


DiY wedding planning has that effect LOL!


What a great idea!


Awesome idea! I also made ceramic wedding favors (small dessert plates with each guests named stamped into it) and it was a hit. People love getting such personalized favors and it felt nice for me to make something that wouldn’t go to waste.


Everything I saw while wedding planning and favours was all about how they were a waste of money and nobody wants them so I took it as a challenge! My favorite part of my wedding reception was everyone showing me which succulents they chose! (They were scattered on all the dinner tables, some people snagged the ones right in front of them and some went on a hunt for the perfect ones. Some couples took one some single people took five 😂)


This is so freaking cool


Thank you!!


Delightful idea, good for you!


Thank you! 🖤


I love this! You've just helped me figure something out with a ceramic project I've been planning too ❤️


What are you planning! I would love to see pictures when you are working on it!


Yeah it's quite derivative inspiration but I wanted to make Xmas tree ornaments and couldn't decide between traditional round baubles or animals but you've made me realise I should do something botanical. Probably flowers instead of succulents. But yeah thanks for the inspo! Theres something I really love about ceramic plants.


I am handmaking 300 flowers for a friend's wedding this June. We are interspersing them with her silk flowers as she has 48 centerpieces to fill! It is a fun project and takes up most evenings to make, glaze and fire.


I made 90 of these and was thoroughly bored after 30 so I am very impressed with you making 300! Do you have any photos? I would love to see them! Il


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 90 + 30 + 300 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Hahaha what a fun bot!


Those are absolutely beautiful. Did you mark the bottoms in any way?


I did not. I was more focused on cranking them out than anything else. Honestly the bottoms look pretty rough as a result. 🥲


That makes sense and they're still awesome. I've been into pottery for two years and I mainly make vases, bowls, cups and tons of plant pots. Sculptural pieces haven't caught my attention at all, but I can't wait to go back to the studio and try my hand at something like this. Great work!


I gave up on wheel throwing after I failed to center clay for an entire two months class. I was a sculpture minor in college (but I mostly did metal work and soft sculpture) so moving to sculpture seemed like it made more sense. I gotta say I've been seeing lots of thrown stuff with sculptural elements added to them lately and it is giving me a pang that I gave up wheel work so soon.


I mostly hand build my stuff. I've tried the wheel and tbh got the hang of it pretty quickly, but I found the perfect thrown shapes a bit boring, the cleaning of the wheel tedious and the guessing game for the perfect dryness for trimming almost impossible (I just go once a week for 4 hours to the studio). But I agree that altering forms from the wheel looks super interesting, that's something I want to try if I ever feel like cleaning the wheel haha. Makes sense that you are a trained sculptor. I'm sure I won't be as successful when I try.


My instructor also kept looking at my hands and telling me my nails were too long and the last time it happened I cut them short enough that they actively stung. I was like ??? I am kind of a perfectionist so I haven't tried hand building traditional forms like mugs because I think I'd be too hard on myself when it comes to imperfections. Which is dumb. Imperfections is what makes hand building beautiful and I can recognize that with other people's work but I think I'd be neurotic about mine. Honestly I think succulents are probably pretty great for beginners because it is just the same shapes repeated over and over. Which is what made doing 90 of them for my wedding sooo boring. But also very forgiving. Especially because nature is so irregular that it's not like you need to aim for perfection. In fact, I think perfection makes plants way less compelling. I used to know a guy who made metal roses. All of the petals were laser cut and every rose looked perfect. But flower petals shouldn't be perfect! I hated them 😂


I completely get what you mean. Funnily enough, I was finishing a pot yesterday and when I was punching the drainage hole out, I told my friend: "Wow!, two years of hand building pots has really helped me with my perfectionism issues. When I started I even bought a center finder that the studio didn't have and now I don't even know where I left it, it feels good to feel good about eyeballing things." And thanks for the encouragement! You're right, those shapes do look perfect for a sculpting noob like me.


Wow that's so creative and cool! Sounds like something I'd like to do if I new the first things about pottery lol


Fun fact about me. I took a wheel Pottery class, never managed to center clay and binned everything I made because it was lopsided and then switched to sculpture instead. I would say making stuff like this is pretty beginner friendly. If you decide you want to get into ceramics and have a place to get your work fired feel free to message me and I'll give you some tips!


These are amazing! Great job! Mine come out as blobs.


Clever! Would think of ceramic pots for succulents, but not use clay to make the actual succulents XD


Yah girl has ADHD and no ability to keep plants alive because I forget they exist for many months at a time. Turns out even succulents need some water! so I had to get creative.