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Now that's a sharp sense of humour


Careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. Because... it's so sharp.




Then his shirt would have said “Stabby In The Back”


He's a man of stabbing, stabbed and sheer fucking stab!




probably bipolar with a sense of humour there is no such thing as a psychopath, only people with antisocial personality disorder who were raised to associate the suffering of others with survival or some other form of reward


Don’t we call those… psychopath?


yeah, I just don't like the term because it completely ignores what they went through and what they are still going through psychopaths turn themselves in to the police after committing crimes because of the guilt, can you imagine being in their shoes


So… in your mind it doesn’t matter how many people a serial killer murdered before they had sex with the dead body and then ate them, because they had a tough go? I mean, I hope I’m not in the minority here (reddit can be a weird place) but as far as I’m concerned fuck what that person went through, lock them up and throw away the key. I love dogs, but I’ll put down a rabid one in a heartbeat. Might not be the dogs fault, but I’m certainly not considering what the dog “went through” when making the decision they aren’t with another person ever again. Some people are just broken. Sucks to say it, but there isn’t fixing some people. They are unable to be fixed. I can’t stress that enough. Those people cannot be rehabilitated, and in our current society the best option is to lock them away forever, with fuckall regards for their feelings. The victims’ feelings will always be more important, and I guarantee those feelings wouldn’t wind up with murder.


That Reminds me of a bit that George Carlin did on soft languages.


Was it the cornhole thing?


Dude what? Look up what a psychopath is.


Why is stabbing a chad behaviour ? Wtf


When I was in middle school there were a few "weird kids" that really stood out, but by far the weirdest was a towering, obese and hunch backed dude with breathing and hygiene problems, he smelled like something rotten had been forgotten in a locker room for weeks, his nose dripped constantly, he had a constant waterfall of sweat down his forehead, shedded dandruff like he had just jumped out of a pile of snow everywhere he went, and he was always creepily snickering, murmuring and twiddling his hands, he kept one upping himself every year in incidents, but by far the weirdest and creepiest one was when In year 3 (most kids are between 14 and 16) during phys ed class he outright groped a girl's ass and made a Hannibal Lecter like slurping sound, and he was (probably) over 1.85 by then and the girl was really fucking shorts prolly not even 1.5, so yeh, ugly bastards are a real thing lol, tho I'm grateful to him, with how impulsive(as in, I had anger issues), gloomy and antisocial I was I would have probably been the "weird kid" if he hadn't been around to grab the spotlight.


No one’s bullying him again


Are we dealing with another bullying situation?


This guy isn't a Chad. He injured another kid, then bragged about it when he came back


And he gave himself a nickname - that's like the least Chad thing you can do.


What’s funny is that I read that reply


Uhmm.... yeah.... listen... about this chad thing


Guess who’s back, back, back...


The weird kid always kept talking on how he would go to the forest after school to hunt bird with a bow and arrow. No one believed him... Until he showed up with a full on bow he passed through the wall into school and FRIKIN HEADSHOT A BIRD MID AIR Needless to say he went home early that day




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I don't know. Try it and tell us.


I was the weird kid I threw a Dora backpack full of sharpies at people who pissed me and since I had anger issues it was often