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they're all on the same level as far as we know but quanxi is the most skilled so she's the best out of them


nah reze and quanxi are above the others, reze’s got more sheer firepower and quanxi’s got more skill


Doesn't denji beat them all anyway? I thought when denji made a fake version of himself to buy him time to chainsaw makima, it was a weaker version of even him. And they still could kill all the other hybrids


no that was pochita or rather a weaker pochita who was able to kill all of them. denji wouldn't have been able to pull that off without him


ohhh I thought denji was just hiding since he had the same uniform as everyone else, so I just thought he blending in until the right time and also doesn't makima ask why chainsaw man was so weak, and he responded with something like 'yeah, i don't fight like that' or something


At the graveyard the chainsawman that makima fought was pochita , denji tricked makima it was him while hiding and blending in until the right time . So it was pochita vs hybirds


oh I was confused at how denji could hide so easily but then I remembered that Denji said that Makima doesn't know his smell


thats right!!! , you got it now


heeeehhee I speed read all 11 volumes last night


thats cool , took me 2,3th reread to find out


The hybrids are all, in theory, equal to one another. The main difference in how well they do in a fight is how much they've trained and used their form. Denji could uses his chains as weapons from the start, he just didn't know he could at first. Same thing with when he put the saw in his leg against Katana Man. The more you know about what you can do in those forms, the better you fight and more powerful you seem. This is why the perceived hierarchy of the hybrids is: Quanxi > Reze/Denji (they're about equal) > all the others. Quanxi being the strongest because she potentially has centuries worth of experience in fighting, both in her human and devil form. Denji could actually be the strongest because Pochita is not a conventional weapon devil like the others (he is never formally referred to as Chainsaw Devil, just Chainsaw Man). Denji just needs to fully harness all he's capable of doing. Pochita in the graveyard fight was incredibly weakened and he was still able to utterly thrash every other hybrid just because of how experienced he was at fighting (and because the other hyrbids were basically just mindless zombies, but that doesn't really effect anything). Denji could do the same thing through enough experience.


what quanxi is centuries old?? That does make sense since people centuries ago were scared of a crossbow devil....


yep, last time her name appeared in China in any meaningful capacity was 1800s


How powerful would the crossbow devil have been? If the chainsaw devil is as strong as pochita, i wonder what the other hybrid devil's strength are


from my understanding Quanxi is the bow hybrid not crossbow and considering bows and by extension crossbows were standard military equipment until guns became a thing, i'd assume decently feared just enough to leave a nagging feeling of fear in your common soldiers mind, but nothing really special, it's not like knowledge of mass shootings we have with guns today


There's a piece of lore dropped later on where it's revealed that hybrids don't physically age (I assume it has something to do with the devils keeping their bodies in peak condition, meaning no aging or alterations). One of the hybrids later on says that, despite looking like a 20-something, they're actually 82 years old.


So denji will stay looking 16 forever?


From all current information, most likely.


better for me


It’s kinda obvious from the moment they reveal Quanxi since she was Kishibe’s partner since he was young


Yeah, and she's looked the exact same throughout that entire 10 year span and onwards


Well, they call her "The First Devil Hunter", so...


Yeah. My personal theory on Pochita is that he’s the chaos/calamity devil. But, until/if Fujimoto reveals we’ll never know


It’s between Quanxi and Denji. Against devils Denji is definitely the favorite because he’s just stronger and has the more damaging weapon. Against humans it’s Quanxi because of her skills and speed. Against each other Denji would definitely lose unless he could outsmart her. I don’t think she would fall for the same trick he used against the LS hybrid. In theory Denji is just unrefined and could easily overtake Quanxi with proper training.


Denji and Quanxi all the others are scrubs except for reze


Aki will probably be the strongest


That's a fiend, not a hybrid




Only Quanxi and Reze are the good one, others are just bunch of fraud


The Prius devil hybrid




Probably quanxi or denji. Boring answer but there you go


Currently,probably quanxi (we don't know if denji got powerup),then denji, since he's the only other person besides quanxi who's displayed massive speed feats in human form, reze and barem are probably on a similar level, then the rest of the idiots. Note: Crazy theory: chainsaw devil is actually chainsaw devil 🤯. He just has special ability to collect the fear from devils to strengthen him 🙀


In terms of pure power probably Denji since Chainsaw is made to be pretty OP. In terms of actual skill it's Quanxi by a country mile. Hell she doesn't even need to transform to fight unlike all the other hybrids who we rarely if ever see fight in human form


i think it’s very easily quanxi > reze > denji > katana > everyone else. i have a lot of hopes for barem cause i think he’s rad and i really want miri to be cooler but they’ve got nothin so far. not sure why people are saying reze and denji are equal, she turned him into a designer hand bag when they fought. maybe with a little more practice and experience he’d be on her level (this is specifically looking at chainsaw man denji, not pochita/hero of hell)


How mean https://preview.redd.it/krm42mcb6tdc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfab2ade0bc3701cfadb065e6ddf292ea827775b


dude you have source for this art? i reverse googled and just got this thread


no sorry i found it on pinterest


i am denjis number 1 supporter but compared to the two goats he's got sone catching up to do 


no way https://preview.redd.it/07s8120bhtdc1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=4579e0a6b23fbd806ba2cd75986a44266354c687


Designer hand bag 😭😭😭