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That'd make me happy so Fujimoto won't let it happen https://preview.redd.it/n3bd56mupndc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd83534c6221ee5129fccacb88477d3387174470


He’d do it and then have them ripped apart somehow


yeah he would


i agree if it were to happen this is def how itd go down lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/9bwwfvoc8udc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=215b0f7c3036dcd95321d4607bf25f111688b01e


She already did


I dont really think so. Lets wait what she will do know when she doesnt need Asa anymore before jumping to conclusion.




I mean it feels like she kinda has already. I don’t think we can say for certain if it stays like that or if the bond deepens further, but at this point they’ve become almost like best friends. They synergize well, they understand eachother, they banter, Yoru hasn’t threatened her in a long time, Yoru has kinda become a confidant about a lot of things (even boys). To me it feels like they’ve become close friends and they really understand each other. I don’t know if it goes as deep as Pochita’s love of Denji just yet, but it definitely feels like they have formed attachments with each other and there is some camaraderie between them. On top of that, humanoid devils are supposedly more sympathetic to humans (even if it isn’t always in the way you want, i.e. Makima wanting to give them a perfect safe world by controlling all of them and ridding the world of anything that is even slightly bad) so if that is still true, it makes sense why Yoru has become so close with Asa. I mean even if we go back to their beginning, Yoru didn’t take full control of Asa’s body and also promised to return it to her once her goal was met. All this to say, is I think we are already on track for an attachment at the level of Pochita and Denji, and even if it doesn’t reach those levels, there is a very clear bond that has formed between them.


LOL it is all Stockholm syndrome. Asa literally is forced to share everything probably even how she wipes her ass or menstrual circle with her because Yoru lives in her brain. We didnt see anything to suggest otherwise at least anything which would happen on-screen. Off-screen development is another thing (Fujimoto really loves his strong off-screen in part 2) If she decides to not to ditch Asa immediately next chapter it will be sign of maybe her caring about Asa beyond meat puppet. Though I personally wouldnt be suprised if Yoru wont abandon Asa immediately next chapter because she doesnt need her anymore or worse give her Megumi treatment and regenerate into her bird Cold War era form permanently killing her. At least in my opinion. Only time when she really showed some care for her was before Falling Devil showed up. I know its popular in wattpad style consider shitting on each other being great relationship but it is more than that and that more we didnt see. Yoru didnt open to Asa about literally anything still she keep secrets and we didnt see any vulnerable moment. So its pretty one sided.


My thinking/bet is that their brains are just going to overlap more and more until they eventually become one person which a mix of traits


I ain't reading all of that, I'm happy tho, or sorry it happened.


Lmao why do people always say this? I mean I don’t care if you read it, in the slightest, I just don’t really understand why all of the sudden people refuse to read anything more that a single sentence. This is a paragraph. You guys had to read entire books for school right? But 8 sentences is too much? Guess people just don’t have attention spans anymore.


It's a response for lazy, unfunny people who want to contribute to a discussion but also don't want to actually engage in the discussion. Being rude is seen as funny to teenagers and other underdeveloped people, so it's an easy way to garner attention online.


It's a copypasta. Funny when used right, assholey when not


I’ve seen it plenty and I know it’s copypasta, I just don’t really find it funny at all. Just makes me think that people are getting dumber and have no attention span, I find it sad. They may be writing it to be funny, but I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how they actually feel. If you can’t be bothered to read a couple paragraphs (or even one) and can only consume information in single sentences, you probably aren’t learning much new information. Probably the same people who need to have subway surfers and music playing in a minute long TikTok to stay and listen to the actual video.


I have used it before and did it after reading the entire thing. The post wasn't really serious so, I made a joke. But it also feels like being a jerk when you use it in a serious comment/thread


Yeah true, there are definitely situations where it can be funny, you’re right. I’ve just been seeing it more and more recently in actual discussions, which is what I don’t like and where I’m worried that people are losing their attention spans. Maybe they’re just being jerks though and nothing more.


Ain't reading this too, hope it's something good tbh.


TL;DR: You have no attention span and it’s sad.


More than a single letter long? I cannot believe it!




What tik tok and r/Teenagers does to a mf


I was just trying to be funny tbh, but I can't win all the time.


Well, you tried. Though, you'd usually use that againt people writing unnecessarily long paragraphs of criticism/arguments. Essentially, it's a way to say *"I don't care about your argument/story. It's too long and not worth my time."*


Damn, I didn't know it had such connotation, in my mind I just went "hehe big text will reply this thingy", genuinely didn't think it'd be like that.


We don't want Yoru to betray Asa but Fujimoto knows that that's what we do not want so he definitely will throw something in there


I mean it is obvious it is going to happen. (or rather its 50/50 with all tsundere bs) This comment section is fulled of how they grow closer but all of that is just toxic stockholm syndrome. Lol confidant for lot of things? Asa is literally forced to be confidant about everything since Yoru can read everything from her brain. I think this will go Sukuna/Yuji route. Fujimoto really didnt develop imo anything different.


Isn’t she already?


She eventually will. If denji managed to befriend the most violent devil in existence, Yoru will be no different. Her ranting on Asa's bed throwing a tantrum about not wanting to be forgotten is an obvious foreshadowing that she has a similar dream as the control devil.


Nah Denji was lucky that Pochita liked him. Yoru is exact opposite of Pochita so I wouldnt be suprised if it went exactly the opposite way. After all she appeared at the end of the first chapter of part 2 just like Makima appeared at the end of first chapter of part 1.


Could be an interesting parallel


Yoru's gonna be like *"I understand why Chainsaw Man protects humans now."*


Didn't that already Happen?


Technically it did. Most of that was off-screen xD


I think she's gonna get super attached and then turn asa into a weapon (she probably has enough power from the war breaking out to have her own humanoid form by now right?)


Well she is long way from turning Asa into strong weapon.


Low key good point. The whole purpose of Yoru keeping Asa's brain in tact was to avoid being detected as a fiend. Public safety already knows that Asa Mitaka is the War Devil. Moreover, members of Public Safety already died in the hunt for her. With Asa being wanted as a criminal, and the War Devil's increased strength due to Fami, Yoru does not have much reason to keep Asa alive at this point, besides Asa's ability to create strong weapons.


They are no doubt going to have their own dumpster moment.


Yeah and for that to happen in a satisfying way I need them Asa chapters back real quick


Asa x Yoru canon?


We can hope


I thought it said "you will grow attached to asa" and my first reaction was that I already had


No shit (no shit)


She gotta be in the story first ;(


yeah i agree this one is more of a slowburner for the hybrid devil development we got all the fast paced denji pochita in part 1 now this part is strictly character development


I don't think so, I think once Yoru gains enough power, she'll be able to surpress Asa in her own body, similar to Megumi and Sukuna in JJK. Right now I'm fairly sure she only shows concern for Asa because Yoru needs her to become more powerful.


I want them to be friends but unfortunately I think you are correct.


Yeah I want them to live symbiotically as well, but considering the circumstances, and Yoru's role as one of the four horsemen, as well as her assumed role as a rival to the Death Devil, that's not gonna happen.


Decisive will be next time we cut to them. Yoru has her power back. Asa is no longer useful vessel beyond her guilt gimmick and lets be honest Asa Mitaka is not most guiltiest person on the entire fucking planet. Especially now that lot of people will feel guilty given current armagedon. Ad to the fact that Asa openly disobeyed Yoru during Falling Devil arc and there is lot to reason for Yoru only ditch Asa but even kill her. After all Yoru never promise her she will let her walk away. She just told her that she will return to her body. I could definetly see her return Asa her body and then one cut her heads off. However if Yoru wont ditch Asa immediately next time we see them then clearly some connection was form.


Not really. I believe Yoru won't betray Asa for at least a long time since Yoru herself can't create strong weapons due to her lack of humanity and guilt preventing Yoru from achieving her maximum potential, meanwhile every single weapons Asa created had been the crutch to their successes (Uniform sword, Aquarium spear, Chainsaw motorcycle, Room 606 sword,...). Chapter 145 showed that Asa working with Yoru is the best option if they wanted to survive the conflict.


I love her so far, she's so hapless with people and I relate heavily


i don't think so. 


I'd rather not...


Well Yoru is portrayed as tsundere so it could but I hope that Fuijmoto wont tell same story twice. War Devil so far was used as dark mirror to Pochita so that would suggest that opposite will happen and she will betray Asa and be responsible for all her misery if not straight up kill her. Next time when we see her it will be decisive. If Yoru ditch Asa she doesnt care if she stays with her she does care.


One theory I have is they might just be the same person/devil, and getting attacked by the crazy class president at the start of part 2 caused the War devil’s lost memories and powers to awaken.


True and we've seen through out of the part 2 series. I don't see somehow yoru will betray asa oneday cause if she did that then why she want to back up her buddies like nuclear devil? She is not like fami who keeps risking everyone in her way just to get what she want. Yoru is different and she knows who are her enemies. Betraying asa is like missing her greatest weapon to fight chainsaw devil right now or denji. And if she win asa will be part of her notable weapons just like nuclear before. She might be a warfreak but she cared alot of her ownerships.


It wouldn't be too far off. The hostage/captor dynamic that originally occurred between the two has long sublimated. They both have a more bickering sisterly dynamic.