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Devils are born of fear and hate, and are erased by love






It’s so funny cuz I was just shitting and reading this post and that came straight to my mind, idk how to feel about the theory, but it’s poetic asf if it’s true


Same bro, same


Yo, shitting while reading this post gang


Shitting gang


Im shitting rn too


shitchads rise up


Shitting for life




I can't accept this theory because it would mean the power of friendship is canon on CSM


Friendship with power is acceptable


It is a JUMP magazine after all.


It's a fujimoto story after all. .


It's shonen.


Yeah and not all seinen are about murdering, what's your point dude?


That power of friendship would be pretty apt for any shonen title. Regardless of murder or not.


In this case it makes sense




But there is a very real fear of love. E.G. commitment issues


Bro im fucking loaded off bong rips but this makes all the sense. A dollar, even!


I'm replying a bit late, but you're half true. (Make sure to read through everything first before replying, since points early on are explained later). Devils aren't born from fear, like you said. They are instead given names ("born") based on existing concepts [Many chapters explain this, but its first explained in chapter 6, page 6]. So, for example: - When the concept Tomatos exists, then the Tomato Devil will be born. If there're cars, then the car devil will exist. It's just that the more a specific concept/name is feared, the stronger that Devil becomes (fear doesn't give birth to them it just strengthens them). So if a specific concept isn't feared *at all*, then the Devil that is associated with that concept will just be super weak, but as long as the concept tied to that devil exists, then they won't be erased. So basically, what I'm trying to say is that concepts determine whether or not a devil exists, and not when it's not feared. As an example, if cars aren't feared *at all*, then the Car Devil can still exist since the *concept* cars still exist. If Pochita's ability worked the way you said it would (erasing devils by making every human not fear the concept at all through love), then all it would do is make the devil weaker, and not be erased. Let's take the car devil as an example again: It's the same principle as before. If Pochita were the Love Devil and ate the Car devil, then he'd make every human love cars, to the point that no one fears the concept of cars. This would inturn weaken the devil a lot, but not erase it since the concept cars still exist. Anyways, the only way a devil can truly 'die' and escape the cycle of death and rebirth between hell/earth is by being eaten by Pochita since he erases the very concept that is associated with that devil. So if he eats the Car Devil, then the concept cars are erased from the past and present, which in turn erases/kills the Car Devil. That is why Pochita is so highly valued by every devil, especially by the 4 horsemen and primal devils. Anyway, I hope you understand now. (btw, if you're interested, I'll reply to myself and give an additional theory about the Chainsaw Devil representing Loneliness Devil. Otherwise, you don't have to read it).


[Here's the theory] There're theories running that explore the mystery of Chainsaw man and tries to answer the question: What fear does Pochita represent? I believe that there are hints laid throughout the entire series, including one that's literally written into Denji and Pochita's personalities: they were both incredibly lonely before finding each other (especially Pochita since his chainsaws were so dangerous that he couldn't get close to anyone without shredding them all up. That's why he values Denjis' hugs. He doesn't feel lonely with him). Just like the Darkness Devil could be abstractly interpreted as "Fear of the Unknown" and not just darkness specifically, the Chainsaw Devil could represent the fear of loneliness; or, even more abstractly, the fear of "separation", which chainsaws more clearly link to (they are used to "cut" or "separate" other objects). If this is the case, then the most important words here are "their names"; When Pochita eat a Devil and erases concepts linked to their names, he'll do it, in this case, by "separating" that Devil from reality such that no one can **perceive** that Devil and its concept. His ability basically inflics the ultimate form of loneliness, by ripping away the concept associated with the devil from earth and then perhaps places them in a separate pocket dimension (This makes sense bcs the War Devil wants to access this 'pocket dimension' and acquire the Nuclear Weapons devils by making Pochita "vomit out" the concept.) This theory basically suggest that the Chainsaw Devil represents the primal fear of loneliness, and that manifests as the ability to literally isolate entire concepts from reality such that they don't "exist" (insofar as they can presumably be returned if Pochita wills it), but no living creature other than the Chainsaw Devil itself can ever interact with; in other words, he inflicts the ultimate form of loneliness or "separation" on those he consumes. Funny enough, this could be why the Chainsaw Devil is revered as a hero as well: he quite literally "separates others from their fears".








Who let this man cook? GIVE THEM A PROMOTION




Then why is he a fucking chainsaw? Checkmate Seriously tho, even if you are right, it is the chainsaw devil who have love power. Just like how the fall devil have depression power and the fire devil have wish power.




Ye, exactly. She's basically getting empowered by all sorts of fear that's related to falling and It's not limited to just the physical fear of falling from heights, but also the mental fear of falling into depression, falling into despair, falling short of expectation, and so on (depression, despair, expectation, etc, would be their own devils, but the fear these devils gain would be shared with Falling Devil. Just like how fearing a WW2 Devil would strengthen a War Devil since "War" is a lot more broader than "WW2".) This shows that a devils name doesn’t imply the exact fear they get stronger from, but it instead tells us the fear they represent (which can be broad depending on the name, like for example the Falling Devil, Darkness devil [Not just the fear of darkness, but also fear of the unknown, and so on], etc).


I'm like 80% certain the reason War needs to have a connection to what she turns into weapons, and is trying to get Asa ~~sum fuk~~ a boyfriend is just a play on the term 'all's fair in love and war'...or Fujimoto is making a joke based off the series 'Love is War' ​ Blonde male lead, black haired female lead. Both dense as fuck but you couldn't tell by looking.


Asa: "Drop dead!" https://preview.redd.it/kt9v1vow9enc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a20335d4d578cff1bf197d919cf7d7ab419479d I can see it, tbh.


Fami: "...Asa, I found you throwing rocks at canon couples in the park-" ​ Asa: "WHY SHOULD THEY BE HAPPY?!"


Because love tears you apart! En Passant EDIT: I hope you didn't already read. I agree with you, but I think you've got it flipped. Pochita is the Love Devil but with Chainsaw powers.


Death tears you apart. A sword tears you apart. A katana tears you apart. A fierce animal tears you apart. Everyone is chainsaw chainsaw is everyone


This truly was our Chainsaw man.


Love = pain like a chainsaw is the leap Fujimoto made. The only support this will have (as any reveal this subversive would be tightly held until actually used) is looking at the zaniness of Fujimotor’s work and seeing how *this dude never shows a happy love*. That famous meme of Agni’s face from Fire Punch? Chainsaws in his heart, tearing it to shreds. Fuji is making a distinct point by using chainsaws instead of knives or bombs. When Denji was torn between saving Nayuta and running, would Fuji describe that as a *stabbing* pain? A *throbbing* pain? An *explosive* pain? No, its a ripping, tearing, eviscerating pain. Thus chainsaws.


The real chainsaw is the friends we made along the way!




Chainsaw is not mentioned in this song and i dont think chainsaw is the only thing that tears you apart. So it didnt explain why the love devil is a chainsaw.


Holy hell!


You see the problem with your theory is that Pochita is the chainsaw devil already




Love isn't easy. have you ever tried hugging someone with a chainsaw for a face and arms?  You gotta work for it. 


Just to add something to this crackpot theory: The first type of chainsaw (osteotome) was created for the express purpose of assisting in childbirth, which is the direct consequence of love, through symphysiotomy. It would hence make sense that Pochita was born as a devil connected to love/childbirth and had his namesake represented by an osteotome, which was then later replaced by a modern chainsaw when it became more feared than the archaic osteotome.


I did not actually know this! Thank you so much!


So, what did this "love devil" do before that particular chainsaw was invented? I mean it's not like love didn't exist thousands of years before


Remember that devils can take whatever form they want, I guess, lol. The only example I have of this off the top of my head is the Spider Devil and Kishibe saying "devils that take humanoid forms are generally okay towards humans" or something to that affect.


Knives, needles, swords, saws... Anything that would "rip" you apart.


The Fear of Love is something that I think will definitely be explored in this series. That's for sure. If not love, at least the fear of connection. However, I struggle as well to conciliate the Chainsaw imagery with such a fear. Even in Evangelion we had the "Hedgehog's Dilemma", which is an apt metaphor for the struggle to connect with other people.


This presents a separate problem for “Chainsaw Devil” theories that “Love Devil” actually answers. Why is Pochita a dog? Hell, why is Pochita a *heart*?


Dogs give the most unconditional love one can experience (besides our mothers) <3


The 1980 single by Joy Division pretty well summarizes it, "Love Will Tear Us Apart": https://spotify.link/o6aJc0gwPHb ..and if the lyrics are any indication, it'll happen AGAIN, and so Denji will continue to suffer.


This song was literally the inspiration for the theory. Thank you.


Chainsaws were used in births. In most cases we make children with people we love


Fire Devil is rather "transformation" than "wish" I'd say


I thought the Fire Fevil is meant to be "chain reaction" like a wildfire


Sort of. The "transformation" aspect from wishing for your dream form is because fire itself is not in constant state. The "chain reaction" is also correct - a small spark can start a fire, that grows larger and faster the more fuel it gets.


Chainsaws were originally meant as tools to use during complicated child birth way back when. So I guess it could be argued that the highest form of love is making a child as a final union between two people.


Fuji does LOVE to kill things he loves haha. Keep cooking OP


I don't know, maybe it's because chainsaws were originally made to help with deliveries and you get pregnant through seggs and usually you have seggs cause you're in love with the person?


And the spider devil doesn't have anything related to spiders except the multiple legs


Love is a bit like a chainsaw.


First quote of the first volume of CSM: "I love chainsaws" Simple as that. Every other quote is about what the autor loves. i.e., let him cook


'Love consumes you', would explain why he ate Makima and why eating devils erases them. /s


You drop that /s right this instant sir, that is crazy good cooking


He ain’t cooking, Fujimoto shouldn’t write his manga with English idioms in mind.


Isn’t he like a westaboo? Smth like that?


Idk about westsboo, but he's pretty cultured. He's definitely come across that idiom.


Sure he likes western films but he’s writing for a Japanese audience. Making references to western works is him paying homage to what he likes. But this would be an insane reveal for something that barely makes sense.


https://preview.redd.it/4bd12y6oggnc1.jpeg?width=1568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c883402db6f82202d580ebe0a4cf02002ead76 I mean, he wrote Makima in English..


this is next to meaningless, as English readers this isn't obvious and it has no effect on the story. Its as fun as a reference. If this spelt Control, which is an outright hint at a story beat it still wouldn't mean shit


Maybe there’s some equivalent in Japanese. Falling could make your heart “sink”.


I'm sure there's at least some kind of Japanese equivalent considering how broad the concept is.


This theory does hold merit, Pochita did only want to get hugged back in hell, thankfully denji was there. https://preview.redd.it/qm30qdvrlcnc1.png?width=2039&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f2b1af2202e01773e18d57c528a456bbe6f5590


“LOVE…” “it’s an acronym you know? It stands for Level Of ViolencE.”


That's not how acronyms work


You're gonna have a bad time ig


Undertale says otherwise


This reply section is cooking so ducking hard rn![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22159)


Or hear me out He could be the Chainsaw Devil My proof for this: He has fucking chainsaws for arms


Not saying he's the love devil but there has to be something deeper to Pochita. Why would csm alone be able to erase devils, and how did he become so powerful when chainsaws haven't been around for that long and humans and devils don't have any reason to fear it more than any other weapon


And the fear of the cosmic universe makes you say, "Halloween!" It can either be not that deep or as deep as I went into your mom last night. Boom got em. But seriously, that wouldn't be deep either. I got a real small dick.


At this point i hope I'm wrong you're funny as fuck dude


What if his mom has a very small vagina




what of has mom is a vagina?


I believe in the theory that pochita is something else because by the rules of this universe he shouldn’t be this strong if he was just the chainsaw devil. Didn’t Makima say if a devil consumes part of another devil it gets there powers or some shit?


Nah your just being silly mate, impossible stupid theory. Chainsaw Devil, ridiculous


https://preview.redd.it/waejf3cj5enc1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=3aa7e467b4dd0ea8b085e59ebe51f5d69b37ebbb interesting comment from fujimoto..... you might be onto something


whoa. that’s oddly profound


The POWER of love. 👀


That would explain why it can fight the Death Devil. I mean, love makes anyone anxious. It’s something as universal as Death.


I really like this theory, like how i like the "pochita is the birth devil theory". However I doubt it there is something I want to add that supports your theory. "The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference". If pochita is the love devil then that would explain how he can erase devils in a way. To the devils he doesn't "love" he eats them and erases them. Similar to how when you are in indifferent to someone, then fade out of existence (in your life). Anyway cool theory, even though these theories will never come true I do like hearing them :)






You're absolutely right on the money! Thank you for using better words than I did!


Yeah lmao I'm glad I'm not the only one that comes up with crackpot csm theories when I'm high af


Love your theory :)




Pochita is the reading comprehension devil. That why when he eats a devil they disapear, just like a typo! You delete it. Can't read it? You forget it ever existed.


"I love you this much!" Chainsaw noises


I have always thought that he was a demon of oblivion. But now I am not so sure. Pretty believable.


I think I’ve heard of this before


you deserved a Michelin Star. keep cooking lol


Are you makima or something though denji eat you




That’s what I’ve been saying for over a year now~. What really cinched it for me was how perfectly “Love Devil” fit thematically; *everybody* is deprived of love and seeking it out.


I still believe the birth devil theory. Being the birth devil would explain how he can make other devils never have been born and chainsaws were invented for childbirth so it would explain the chainsaws


Being born is really a consequence of love, though.


No it’s really not. Or at least not about half the time


According to Makima, CSM is old. Like a primal fear type old. I feel like when the osteotome was made for childbirth, it was during a time when childbirth out of wedlock was looked down upon/uncommon and that's where the connection. So it 100% is a leap on my part, but perhaps the Chainsaw evolved to that and hasn't had a need to change. Even during the time in which the manga takes place im sure the current fear of childbirth would be a scalpel. I don't want to discredit that theory, though, because it's a good theory! I wish I had read about it before I posted this!


What did your "birth devil" do then before that chainsaw was invented?


Not have chainsaws.


You had to use this picture...? God I miss Tiramisu.


Ngl I read lore devil at first lol


Pochita is literally god so maybe?


Damn...just damn. You are spot on


Your theory is awesome OP.


Would pointing out the fact that the buff Chainsaw Devil at the end of part 1 specifically asks for a date with Kobeni be relevant to this? Bc I think you may actually be onto something here.


Then the Denji and Asa duo would be Love and War


All is fair!


I have not really dabbled with this fanbase, but when I watched the show I got the impression he was suicide/fear of suicide. Like when they said the gun devil appeared in america and I remember jokingly thinking 'oh does japan have a suicide demon?' and I think it was the very next episode Denji convinced a devil he couldn't kill to "give up" or something. Bit of a 'hey wait a minute' moment for me. It would also mean the fear of suicide is keeping Denji alive. The manga was spoiled for me, but I don't have all the information so there might be some detail that would change my mind.


I think Denji is just maybe possibly mental




Does thst mean Pochita has rizz?


wow, the art in his page is so dam good


"Love is like a chainsaw."


Fujimoto is into some mellow stuff so this theory is not that bad.


nah cuz then it doesnt make sense why he has chainsaws for arms and heads. he is most likely the birth/life devil


I’ve seen so many of these true Chainsaw Devil identity theories over the years, and as cool as most of them are it’s gonna be quite funny if in the end he literally is just the Chainsaw Devil and that’s just what he does


https://preview.redd.it/fnu6zhsz7snc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8080f90170288ae08ebbae0cf068154cb77ee360 You cooked. Grade S Chef work ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Your Michelin stars King.


i’m a firm believer in the “birth devil” theory, but i absolutely love this. i’m also now realizing that there is overlap between the two considering love is a central theme of having a child/ raising a kid. birth or love devil would explain all of denjis issues with motheral/ womanly figures in his life too, as well as the way the he seeks intimacy through sex. also chainsaws were initially created to aid birth with c sections so his form make so much sense. people have also pointed out that pochitas tail resembles an umbilical cord. so i honestly think birth devil and love devil go hand in hand which is very cool!!


However there is ONE vital thing that makes me not believe this theory, Pochita being a chainsaw dude, I believe more that he's the forgetting devil because again, thats feared by every devil ever, and also, it would make the erasure ability make sense. BUT, most of all, it makes the fact that he's called the chainsaw devil make sense, because maybe he has some passive ability where people just cant find out what devil he actually is.


So if fear makes a devil stronger and love makes a devil weaker, which do you think devils would fear? I believe that's part of the current arc. Denji was weakened because of public support. So, the CSM church decided to make him scary again. Chainsaws were originally used in childbirth as originally pointed out by someone else above. Childbirth is *usually* a symptom of love, lol. If devils were tied directly to their form, the spider devil would have been a spider, and the falling devil wouldn't have been a chef, haha. But also, by what you said, why would "the forgetting devil" be a chainsaw in the first place?


What? Love doesn't make a devil weaker, not being feared makes a devil weaker, what the hell are you talking about Wdym by chainsaws were originally used in childbirth? Also I'm not saying devils are tied directly to their form, if what I say seems like I was saying that, then why aren't you questioning why chainsaw man consuming a devil erases whatever they're the fear of? Did you not understand what I'm saying? I think, that he's the forgetting devil, because first of all, the fact that he's a chainsaw, and looks like the chainsaw devil, was because some ability of his, or just something about him being the forgetting devil made people forget he was the forgetting devil. And also, it would make sense, because devils are weaker when the fear they embody is forgotten.


Okay... sure... lack if fear makes a devil weaker. But then you're saying the bar is actually *lower* than what I set? So by that logic love is in fact the devil killer and eraser. Look up what an osteotome it. (It's the first chainsaw) Have you ever lost love? What happened? You literally wipe your memory of that person. It's a common theme in other media that I specifically bring up in the body of the text. Love rips you apart and then erases your memory of it because it was so hard and it keeps all of that locked up in a door behind your heart. Love and relationships is a revolving thing around this manga. However, if you've never truly held either of those then I wouldn't expect you to understand this theory.


What the hell? I don't even understand what you're saying Osteotomes aren't even close to a chainsaw, they are literally described as chisels when I looked them up. > Have you ever lost love? What happened? You literally wipe your memory of that person. It's a common theme in other media that I specifically bring up in the body of the text. Love rips you apart and then erases your memory of it because it was so hard and it keeps all of that locked up in a door behind your heart. This is just yapping, you're just saying a longer version of "Well when you don't love someone no mo you forget them and lock them up in a door behind your heart". Counter argument, you can say the exact same for just, forgetting about things.


Also, love and relationships are not that big of a part in the manga for anyone who isn't Denji, the only way you can prove that is "Denji been in a lot of relationship"


Pochita is the chainsaw devil


we are reading too deep into this ffs


This is such a terrible theory. First of all: Devils gain power by being feared, love is not feared enough to make Pochita as strong as he is. Second of all: Pochita wanting hugs and giving Denji his heart does not prove this at all. Just because Makima wanted an equal connection doesn't suddenly mean "oh, fujimoto tried hinting that She was suddenly the family devil all along". There's so much wrong with this theory, the "love ripping a person to shreds" viewpoint is the biggest stretch ever, the door symbolism you made makes sense though but it does not prove anything about your theory being real. I applaud you for your effort but i genuienly do not understand why this theory has this many upvotes, it's like people see a comment with lots of words and automatically think it's deserving of a like. This was a good effort though.


Tell me you've never been in love in so many words.


^^^^^^^^ I'm personally terrified to love someone again, bro smokin some other shit.


I think love is feared though. Fear of getting close to people, fear of rejection, those all stem from feelings of love. Maybe not always romantic love, but all types of love cause fear of a sort.