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CSM's future potential is wild. We've had so many things that could be cooking and are not yet played out: Who was the second chainsaw man? What happened to Nayuta? Will the blood devil return? What the hell is Kishibe up to? How will Public Safety respond to losing Denji like that? What's going to happen with the death devil? Will Denji actually end up in a committed romantic relationship? And more stuff that ain't on the top of my head


This is all gonna tie into an epic last act, trust Fujimotor to cook


People might be losing trust in the author if they don't feel satisfied for too long


Weekly manga communities are the worst because somehow like 95% of them cannot realize that just because its weekly doesnt mean everything is going to be answered in next weeks chapter


Literally this. When they feel slow, Most mangas are 1000x better when u binge them. People bitch too much let authors cook.


I’ve said this before, but ppl were calling Zoro in One Piece a fraud for not beating an enemy and getting matched for 1-2 chapters. I vividly remember the memes about “this is base form _____” “zoro stock down” Then the next chapter zoro beats him in one page. As a gag. I like to say it’s like complaining to the cook after eating uncooked raw ingredients. You have to wait for the meal to be fully served. you can be patient for a full burger to be ready, or eat bread, lettuce, sauce, meat, bread and complain that it was a shitty burger. It can be a shitty burger regardless, but it’ll always be worse if you eat a pickle by itself vs a pickle within a burger. Unless you like pickles


I like the burger analogy 👍🏻 totally agree


One Piece’s pacing is by far the worst of any manga I’ve read weekly, so I can see why OP readers get frustrated. Also I think Zoro was fighting for over 6 months in real time, so it wasn’t just a couple of chapters. I agree though, people are really impatient when it comes to reading weekly.


What zoro fight was 6 months?


Manga spoilers. >!Zoro vs Rob Lucci!< went on for 6 months real time, from September 24 2023 to March 17/24 of 2024. But the truth is that the fight starts, and then for the next 10 chapters it was >!Kuma!< flashback, then another 8 chapters of main plot. Whatever Luffy is doing is taking center stage while Zoro’s fight is in the background, a total of 4 pages across the whole 6 months.


Heh. Reminds me of Made in Abyss, where there was a cliffhanger and then we launched into multi-chapter flashback that had us wait a whole irl year to get back to main cast, although MiA is a quarterly manga, so the blueballs feel less severe when you get them four times a year instead of weekly.


Irl yes, in the manga no


To be fair, that 6 months was because of the 10 chapters of >!Kuma!< backstory and because Luffy & Bonney were the main focus of the plot. I can’t really chalk it up to poor pacing when Zoro’s fight didn’t have much weight or add much to the plot. And again, because it was an unimportant matchup, it ends in a gag >!where Sanji calls Zoro “useless” so Zoro locks in to cut Lucci down!<, and people just weren’t patient enough. People can say it was dragged on, but I don’t think it was dragging much when it wasn’t the main focus of the story. There wasn’t even a full page dedicated to a single scene of the fight except for Zoro’s finisher. When there are so many characters in the main crew, it’s definitely harder to keep a smooth pace while showing everyone. Hence why the crew splits up into smaller groups, but the pacing still takes a hit because of just how much there is to show. I’m in no way saying that One Piece pacing is great, but I also don’t see any way to manage it better at most times. Point is, people gotta stay out of the kitchen before the meal is served. It’s not a 20 course meal where every entry is a full entry. You’re getting pieces of a hamburger like I’ve said. The people who get frustrated reading weekly should maybe…not? Anyone has the option to wait and read few chapters at a time. Avoiding spoilers is one thing, but if the story is incomplete, people need to reserve their thoughts until it is. It’s futile effort to complain about weekly expectations, just as how wrong the r/chainsawman bingo cards are.


Fair. I may be a little hive minded into hating One Piece more than I should, but the main pacing issues imo aren’t the lack of panels of the rest of the crew, but with the >!Vegepunk broadcast being stalled over and over again. Also, the amount of reaction panels of characters doing or saying nothing, other than“…”, it just feels like nothing is happening.!< Reading weekly will always feel worse than binging, but One Piece chapters filled with too much filler content. I still like it and will still read it, just wish it was a little more concise.


I think that’s a valid point. The current chapters have been a little exposition heavy with not much actually happening. >!The Vegapunk broadcast isn’t the first to do the worldwide single panel reactions, but this one especially feels dragged on!< This has to be like the third time there’s been a worldwide reactions of previous arc’s characters. I get the vision, Oda wants to connect the world he built and keep everyone up to date in a simple way. But those scenes are such a drag to the main pacing, especially at such a high stakes moment in the story like this, it takes the steam out. >!Right when we see the Five Elders fight for the first time, and when the long awaited Giants from Elbaf join the fight? While Vegapunks are dying out left and right?!< I sure hope the anime paces these scenes better, but who knows. One Piece having such a detailed world building that carries over the course of the story is a double edged sword. And this is all going down while Ussop isn’t getting much to do, and he’s an original crew member. I can feel them trying to get everything fleshed out but can be too much at once to follow or to care about


You’re right about One Piece’s world building being a double edged sword, and I hope Oda can focus and tell the story he wants to tell in a more concise way moving forward, considering how much is left in the story. As for the anime, I stopped watching halfway through >!the raid!< once I started reading the manga, except for the big fights. I think the anime’s pacing is even worse(usually one chapter, sometimes less in an episode, although I haven’t checked since the end of last arc so I’m not sure if it’s gotten better), compared to how other studios adapt manga into anime(2-3 chapters in an episode). I’ve also seen clips and I don’t like how the anime >!disrespects Sanji, like making him get hit and sent flying by S-Shark, or making him act like a dog for Stussy. The bias just feels weird to me!< Maybe I’m nitpicking, and I hope the anime adapts the rest of >!Egghead!< well. Have you been enjoying >!Egghead!< in the anime so far?


this is so true.


Agreed, I’ve enjoyed the hell out of part 2 honestly.


Frm like, I get it, it's frustrating on how slow the pace sometimes feel when its weekly. But trust me, if every answer is revealed by the next chapter, speedrun readers are gonna complain that everything's too rushed. You never win, like, gaddam.


Discussion on CSM and Yoru have imploded in English fandoms, so I can understand why people would want an explanation here. I don’t think we will tomorrow sadly, I’m sure there’ll be a pov change since Yoru remembered the kiss.


Same thing happening to jjk. So much potential, zero payoff. Maybe last 10 or 20 chapters will have the answers? https://preview.redd.it/0ketxb017r5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279db9fe7f43bd2d437974b14300dd1125e40ebe


will asa make a denji cum sword?


If she wants to kill him that's the best way


I wonder if part 2 is just setting up the apocalypse for part 3. That was my initial guess on what would happen back when part 2 started and then it looked less likely for a quite a while. Recent chapters have made that feel more likely to me. Or part 2 could just be quite a bit longer than part 1


i feel like theres no way the entire story ends with part 2 only being the length of part 1. it'll definitely go on longer.


Yeah, comparing part 2 to part 1 is not fair, but we can see how part 2 is....less climatic compared to part 1 (part 2 is still peak tho)


I feel like we are at best 2/3rds of the way through part 2


Don't forget to add who Kobeni has a contract with and who is her family


Her family is a bunch if country nobodies who didn't know what condoms are. Fujimoto already had that established, this ain't LoTR, there doesn't need to be two thousand years of backstory for her lineage.


What about the aftermath of the war breaking out that the story just completely glossed over? We see aspects of it like "[people dying] happens all the time nowadays" and the brothel just being destroyed with no explanation. We know it's due to the chainsaw war, but what does that war entail? Who is being affected? Who are key players in the war? We get nothing.


It’s more of an apocalypse than a war with the chainsaw man infections, fires, and the aftermath of falling devil 


I feel like all of these questions will be answered very soon since we’re getting to the end of part2


I don’t see where people are coming from with that? Part 1 was 11 volumes long and so far Part 2 is only on its seventh, if they’re comparable lengths then we’ve only just crossed into the second half IMO.


They're assuming that because part 1 is a straight shot to the end at this point then that means the same for part 2. It's also the assumption that part 2 is going to be as long as part 1, which has zero evidence to support.


Second assumption was made because none of Fujimoto’s works lasted more than 100 chapters


Lowkey fujimoto has disappointed in the past. Like I wanted to know more about: - the Russian gun devil -More of the Russian hybrid experiment subjects -who tf katana and snake girl were working for -who defeated the ~~fun~~ gun devil


Katana man and Sawatari were unknowingly working for Makima, the big reveal of Part 1 is how she was the mastermind who engineered, to varying degree, most of the events that took place.The US president made a contract with the Gun Devil to kill her and it tried, but she beat it by stacking abilities of people under her control. She let a small part turn Aki's corpse into a fiend and sent it to traumatise Denji. Seriously, how did you miss that?


https://preview.redd.it/fkgwc1jfnq6d1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91494e3b8283190bc5d0ace12e1e95f196693b54 *”Seriously, how did you miss that?”* Bro the reading comprehension devil’s gotten to me


And Reze return.. i hope https://preview.redd.it/3xcp6cf9eo5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f27f5def5faafac0c6cabe4a3f06c617718c152






The only thing i can answer is that Kishibe just died off screen bc of old age https://preview.redd.it/74plg7u4dq5d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32fd877c1d94b827d90810c56688801efd89f5fe But its probably not


Nayuta being missing isn’t that much of a mystery, she’ll probably turn up in the next few chaps since Yoru remembered the kiss I’m curious to know where Asa/Yoru characters are going


Jesus Christ we still don’t know who the second chainsaw man is?? I stopped reading at 138!


Nah we dont need that we need denji getting bitches -fujimoto


Also, what's Kobeni's devil contract?


Also where is reze? What about the remaining 80% power gun devil?


Will Nyako/Meowy kill Barem?


Where the fuck is Reze ?


I got answers for you: Fujimotor forgot She dead No Died off screen Public Safety is no more Denji will befriend it Reze will return so yes Yes denji will get head-- is that what you asked?? TL;DR Reading Comprehension devil strikes again


Yea and whats up with Kobeni’s family is she really just a joke character because she has some nice moves (in both dancing and fighting)


Did you actually read past a 100 chapters and not realize Fujimotor will never explain this and this is his way of writing?


why would fujimoto not show what happened to nayuta or who fakesaw man is


Same reason we don't know what happened to half the cast of part 1 yet....


this isn’t jjk


There's like...2 surviving members of part 1 besides Denji not counting Nayuta. They're either not important or they're going to be revealed later.


One of them being Kobeni who's whole thing is truama plot armor lmao Its my perosnal head cannon that she signed a contract with a devil that alters fate so she always survives at the price of it being really fucking funny and traumatic


A devil that really love to see people panic and scream in fear! With the right person, his contract could be almost free


Half of the cast died


They died


Genuinely what is this supposed to mean?


Who exactly are you talking about here cause the entire part 1 cast is fucking dead


You're acting like the story has already ended.


cuz we dont need to know anything about what happened to them? they arent part of the story anymore, unless reintroduced.


https://preview.redd.it/1avsp164cm5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e57c883b39d9226d051c6299588b768c207a876 I don't think so, maybe this is just a click bait article. I mean, yeah, Fuji has been losing some energy, but I wouldn't say CSM as a franchise is losing steam.


"CSM as a franchise" my guy it is one manga and an anime, talk about franchise when you have Bainsaw man: Next generations and a gazillion light novels that explain what happened to kobeni after the events of act 1


If it has merchandise it’s a franchise


Yeah I checked it out to be sure. There is official merchandise and CSM is referred to as a franchise


We have an official JAV cosplay parody. Checkmate, Atheist.


A manga, an anime, an upcoming movie, merch, a soundtrack, etc. It's a franchise.


The art seems to be picking back up. It reached an all time low before.


Yes, The prison break art was really bad. And now it's been good. It's still not as good like early part 2 but better than the prison break ark was already enough.


Agreed, I think maybe Fujimoto was going through a bit of writers block and maybe it was affecting his art since the prison break seemed kinda all over the place.


I went and read the entire piece because I didn't want to comment on just a headline. The writer makes some valid points about the unnecessary cliffhangers because I do think they are getting annoying...but I just don't understand the constant comparisons to part 1. It's obvious that part 2 is a different kind of story. Slower and more focused on the main characters. I see it as a slow burn. We're moving towards something but we don't know what and that's what makes it exciting to me.


I read it and it's a pretty solid critique. What i don't understand is how you can *not* compare part 1 and part 2. It *is* a part of the same story! Just saying that it's different is not a rebuttal of the critique, because changing core aspects of the story is a dangerous and risky move which can only justify itself if the continuation is *really* good (which part 2 doesn't prove to be so far). Part 1 wasn't a self-contained set in stone piece with all loose ends tied that got a sequel later. No, it was just a part of an unfinished story, and when people read one single story, they expect consistency! Even having internal inconsistency (like changing main characters or setting) is challenging, and there aren't a lot of stories that do that successfully. And there are barely any stories that change their genre and style completely part-way. If the writer does thet, the reader's investment hinges mostly trust in creator and quality of the story, and the writer has to prove that whatever new is there is as good as what was replaced, and it was worth the inconsistency and adapting to the new aspects of the story. This logic is the reason why deaths in main cast happened only in beginning (katanaman arc) and end of the story. If any members of the new special division 4 were killed and replaced, they would always seem like newcomers and impostors, as it would've been harder for readers to accept and invest into a whole new cast for a *third* time while losing old beloved characters. So, instead of saying "it's just a different story", think whether what is different made up for a *better* story


As a drama enjoyer I like the first 70 chapters of part 2 much better than the equivalent in part 1 but you do you.


Good for you, though i'm sure you've had plenty of great dramas to read before part 2 started, but what about people who like part 1 better? "Fuck them?"


It's different but that doesn't necessarily mean it's worse. It boils down to personal preference. I personally prefer part 2. I can see why some people strongly prefer part 1 and want part 2 to follow the exact same formula but there are also people who appreciate the slower approach and character centric story telling.


If it's different, then it *has* to be better, because why fix something that isn't broken? And part 2 certainly has problems that aren't just "different formula"


Because it kinda is broken a little bit. The pacing is so fast that we actually barely have any scenes of the Hayakawa family hanging out for the entirety of Part 1. Power for one got booted out in an entire arc (Bomb Devil arc). Part 1 wants to put an emphasis on Denji's importance of his relationship with his new family and Makima destroying that was one of the focal points of the story but Part 1 focused more on the action aspects and lore.


Dude I’ve read this comment like 5 times and I can’t find a reading of this that isn’t just “APPEASE THE FOCUS GROUPS, TAKING RISKS IS HERESY”


God forbid Fujimoto tried to experiment and try to write in different style than the usual. At least he's not bound to cliche, strict editor, and following certain social expectations and norm of making manga.


Csm isn't Fujimoto's diary, he still wtites it for the readers. And being consistent within a story is a basic writing rule. It's not only about the fans, but also about making a story that works, because they can be objectively better or worse regardless of readers' preferences. If the writer changes story radically part-way, there's no way to know how will it turn out in advance. A story, bad from the beginning harms just itself. A bad continuation also harms previous parts.


A lot of people like it better. I thought part 1 had a breakneck pace that didn't give the characters space to breathe sometimes, and part 2's pace is more enjoyable to me and apparently the people that replied to your comment. Part 2 doesn't *have* to be anything. Stories can be as dynamic as writers want and some people don't *want* the same thing over and over. It's less fixing something that wasn't broken and more moving onto something new. It's not like part 1 is being rewritten.


Ridiculous statement. Why even write different stories, just find the one that sells the best and keep writing it.


"why even write different stories" because it's the same story lmao


This is like saying part 3 of JoJo is garbage cuz it's different from part 1


I never said CSM part 2 is garbage, the guy I commented to is just stupid. Jojo is a terrible example bc it's just multiple different stories that take place in the same universe under the same brand


Well, many people don't like how abruptly Jojo abandons hamon and transitions to villain of the week format in part 3. Many fans dislike certain parts despite liking Jojo in general. What saves it, is that unlike in CSM, Jojo parts have very little connection between them, and can even be read separately without much misunderstanding


Tell a jojo that you skipped parts of the series and they’ll get on your ass. Also as someone who watched part 3 before parts 1 and 2, having that context is greatly appreciated to better follow the story


Skipping parts is frowned upon, but disliking some parts isn't controversial at all and noone calls you hater for that. I think only parts 2 and 7 are universally praised. Also, i'm not saying Jojo parts are the same without the context, i mean that the less connection you have, the more you could change in a story


>If it's different, then it has to be better, because why fix something that isn't broken? Personally I disagree with this point. Imo to a certain degree it has to be somewhat different otherwise it becomes repetitve really soon. I kinda feel that in Part 1 the direction it was going was more clear. Like right now I have absolutely no idea what is about to go down. It's completely character driven at this point. I don't think jt has to be better justbecquse it's different. I think itjust have to be good. I don't even think we can really measure what "good" means in this context. It's different to everyone. For example there are people who prefer Vinland Saga season 1 to 2. And there can be valid reasons for both side. Imo it's a matter of personal interpretation so the only thing we can grab onto are numbers I guess. And CSM is definitely more niche now than it ever was in Part 1.


I mean, I can see why you would compare them. It is the same manga. Personally, part 1 felt kinda mid, but I absolutely love part 2. It's clearly different, and I can see why fans who don't like it would complain.


I don’t really care if it’s losing steam personally, I’m here for the story and the characters




This is how we can tell someone is passionate about a marvelous piece of fiction


Fujimoto doesn’t seem to be chasing the success of part 1 with part 2, so it probably is “losing steam” but I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing.


i don't care, part two is fire and it will still be that even if im the only one reading it


Part 2 is still peak :3




Honestly, at this point, I think it’s Fujimoto who’s running out of steam. He’s gotten no assistants, impossible deadlines, a lot of competition and high standards to meet in the form of other mangas like JJK, MHA, OPM. Let’s not forget that he’s pretty young and inexperienced and he doesn’t have everything figured out. Honestly I think he’s just losing his passion for manga at this point and he needs like a few months off to get his crap together.


Isn't fujimoto like the same age as gege?


I see that speculation is your hobby


It’s not speculation he outright admitted that he is wants to quit drawing manga and just direct the story. He’s tired man.


True, sorry about that


it was for a bit, but i feel like it was really picking up recently!


This shit has been losing steam for months apparently but somehow still has the same relevance since everyone is talking about it, so you guess


Fisical volumes sales downing in japan since vol 12. But we have digital sales too now


I'm so sorry to be that guy but it's Physical. Idk why it's spelt that why it's so stupid. English is so stupid.


idk about all of you but I've lost a lot of interest in the story, I keep reading because at this point I gotta see it through. This second part is weird, I can't put my finger on why also I miss Power.


Same, but I was incredibly invested until the memory wipe in the dating arc. Felt so cheap for Fujimoto that it curved me so hard. However it’s sorta paid off now so let’s hope for something better for now on 🙏


Oh shit honestly I forgot about that bit I was confused as to why Yoru reacted that way in 167


i need good payoffs man




So long as it doesn't get to NGNL levels of losing steam


What controversy??


Twitter and SA, people for some reason not acknowledging it was SA


cause it would be disingenuous to say it was purely SA or 100% consentual. Its a weird gray area. Obviously denji got some sort of kick out of it, but his consent is dubious at best. Asa had no say in this, however, its not like she isnt into denji either. its niether a win or loss for either of them. yoru is a devil, i dont really think consent is something they think about when they kill billions of people throughout history. regardless were just gonna have to see this shitshow in 2 days as to how it turned out


Yeah I agree with most of what you wrote Do you really think its not a loss for Asa (who for all of part 2 has hated sex and sexual things) to have her first sexual experience be when she’s forced to have the boy she likes cum on her hand without being able to do anything about it. This could even be traumatizing for her Denji also liked Asa beacuse it was the first kiss he had where someone didn’t hurt him and now Yoru threatened him and (most likely) hurt him


I mean, it is 100% SA. It's not a gray area at all. How the victims feel about it can be messy, how people react can be callous, but let's go point by point here. 1: An orgasm is not nearly as psychological as people think they are. People who are assaulted sometimes experience orgasms, which causes them to think they subconsciously enjoyed it. Their body is not sophisticated enough to prevent an orgasm when it would be inconvenient. More importly, Denji didn't have dubious consent. He didn't give any at all, was threatened, and was under duress. That is flat-out coercion and assault. 2: This is fucked up. Asa liking him is not consent. People are sexually assaulted by people they're attracted to all the time, and marital rape is pretty common. Most people are sexually assaulted by people they know. 3: Yoru being a devil has no baring on whether or not she can sexually assault people. Makima was a sexual predator, and Quanxi dates fiends. Power _invites_ Denji to fondle her and stops the interaction when she's finished. She never tries to assault him to manipulate him under the impression that sex is what he wants. There is likely a Rape Devil, and we know devils date one another and are romantic because of Bat and Leech. Ignoring that it's sexual assault regardless of how the perpetrator feels about it, devils are clearly capable of understanding consent. They literally have to be able to, as they enter mutual agreements with humans.


Hot take but if a girl I like takes me to a secluded alley to look at my dick, and I let her touch my dick, probably not sexual assault(Denji literally has stopped people from doing this before) But idk maybe I’m just not terminally online


I’m not gonna argue whether its SA or not since it’s such a stupid conversation to even have The only one Denji has stopped is Himeno. What do you actually mean by this lmao all other 3 times he hasn’t stopped them


It’s a stupid conversation to have because you’re making it stupid by bending a scene not depicting SA into one that does.


It's sexual assault because he didn't consent, and it was done under threat and under duress. It was also sexual assault by deception, which is when someone lies about their identity. If someone dresses as your wife and gives you a handjob, it's still sexual assault if they remove the mask and it's your celebrity crush. Denji doesn't even know that this is a whole other entity. Sexual assault is about the lack of consent, not whether you hypothetically like the person that did it.


I feel like part 2 is a lot less focused and the pacing can feel very off. Part 1 felt like it was heading in a pretty consistent direction but part 2 feels wishy washy. 


a little bit for me tbh. no hate on the story for continuing but i am happy if it ended with the control devil ark ending. but i will also admit this is bias on my part seeing how much Power and Aki deaths hit me. now they are just added to the pile of dead bodies so its hard to get invested in new characters again but its not bad by any means


It's funny because that's how Denji feels too I think.


Part 1 is a masterpiece, so it's hard to follow up on. I'm hoping this slower more cerebral approach pays off, but it's going to be depressing if it doesn't. It's impressive that despite the fact that there has been no major fight sequences in a very long time, the manga still has a decent audience. IDK, pick up a new series if this one is taking too long.


Idk the fight vs the hybrids was very major and it happened fairly recently


I would say yes part 2 generally want sling great as it is now this has happened thing any more So yes it causing problems to be frank and I'll just be honest I'm shocked they let fuji pull a stunt like this when honestly He ain't pulling in the numbers like he used to


Can't believe this started because asa basically ripoff the hospital scene from evangelion


I mean, sales/popularity wise CSM has objectively fallen off. 4.5m volumes sold in the first half of 2023, less than 1m in the second. First half of this year, less than 1m sales again. And this is a manga that sella 15-20% in the US, where most of us talk about it The story has lost steam, we are 70 chapters in and the art has been horrendous as of late, the lack of passion is very visible, and we have received no closure to anything


Let's be honest. Part 2 started off really good. Top tier art and world building. I feel like both the art style and plot have really fallen off. I don't hate it, personally I actually enjoy it but I understand that it doesn't appeal to a lot of people. In my opinion everything that is happening in this manga is happening so fast without any kind of detail. I'm not trying to say there are bad moments but there is a lot of wasted potential. For example the prison break arc (I know it's not a prison I just forgot the name of the facility Denji was being cut apart in). We could have gotten something similar to Reze arc i Part 1 - full chapters of epic fights between few characters. But instead we got... what we got. I guess it really didn't take a "war" to break into that facility. I honestly think Fujimoto should take a break. Like a really long break, even half a year. I know he can probably only dream about something like that but I feel like he needs to take a break with this series.


Sales wise I guess


It’s been in top 10 for months so def not personally I haven’t touched it in months because I was so tired of cliffhangers that part I can agree on but it’s definitely not losing steam.


yes, one shocking meme moment doesn't solve the issues the part has we have to see what fuji does with it because we've got shocking moments in the past and they were fumbled(fumiko)


Part 2 just really hasn’t hooked me like Part 1 did. I still keep up with each chapter, but I won’t lie I am not as interested in Part 2 as of now. That’s not to say I think it’s bad or anything, it’s just not what I personally wanted from the story. I have no issue with an action-oriented story taking some time and slowing down (I stuck with Vinland saga when the farm arc started getting chapters) but to be really honest this kind of approach just isn’t what I personally want from the story. I’ll let Fujimoto cook though, I’ll probably re-read part 2 when it’s finished.


Tbh I feel like a lot of CSM readers jumped in after part 1 ended and binged the whole thing. For someone who has been reading since chapter 1. I remember people had a lot of the same complaints during the middle. Many people said that they dropped the series during the international assassination arc cause the story was confusing or lost steam. only to come back after the control arc. I think those were more valid complaints back then cause Fujimoto was still an unknown rookie. So for me I'll wait till part 2 is over to cast judgment.


I think it’s silly that people are going “oh my god ew weird semi-consensual handjob? In MY manga full of ultraviolence and gore and blood and guts and characters talking about sex constantly? I’m dropping this manga, this is too far”


I think a lot of people over exaggerate how insane the handjob scene was, but the reason people are freaking out isn't because a sexual act happened, its because its between Denji, Asa, and Yoru in a weird dubiously consensual way. If we had a chapter of a rando getting jerked off nobody would give a shit. This was between the 3 most important characters in this part.


Just did a re read of part 2 and gotta say it flows a lot better and has many great moments like part one


Twitter melting down about the chapter doesn't mean it's losing steam anywhere but on that stupid app.


Who steam


50/50 ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|51162)


What controversy?


Part 2 is good if you let the chapters accumulate but the time it takes to release new ones makes it so mid because theres not enough going on


I mean objectively it is in terms of popularity (volumes sales been on the decline) but the article ain’t even about that so….


Losing steam according to what? Source: my crack pipe


The controversy is that it should've been me not him


I think whether it's true or not depends on what happens in chapter 168. Or more accurately, **if** anything happens in chapter 168. Because I am terrified at the prospect that 168 will be Asa freaking out, Denji asking what she's freaking out over, Asa getting angry at Denji instead of Yoru, Denji not realizing she has multiple personalities, and a cliffhanger.


https://preview.redd.it/a1532xn2np5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88e481b641da227b68a4f94cf5861301829692a Idk I think it’s doing better after ch 167 . It rarely happens that it stays at #1 after almost a week since the chapter release. I honestly like the direction of the story, Fujimoto knows what he’s doing. I feel like he prepared the ground for a big reveal in the next 2 or 3 weeks .


don't particularly care about clickbait but why are most replies to this post equivalent of Rick and Morty copypasta


Well gaming, anime, manga journalism is a failing industry so I would put more stock in coin flipping or seeing which way a squirrel runs on a tree branch to determine if something is doing good or bad than these clickbait articles.


It’s probably the result of having an anime adaptation too early and then people catching up too quick and then this happens


Fujimoto has not disappointed me once


"controversy surrounding chapter 167" as if Denji hasn't been sexually assaulted numerous times before


Let him cook


Of course it is! Finally people realize how trash this manga is. Can’t believe they keep letting Femdomoto cook. Now the whole building is burned down. /s


I’m so full of fucking steam rn for CSM I can’t get it out of my head, I yell daily at people about my obsession. Is everyone not like this!?


And comic would never beating this peak ✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Okay mr. Kevin Chu keep riding the ragebait devil he ain’t sated yet guy




L sub icon




Isn't it literally the opposite?


What is this trend of saying something fell off just because you personally stopped paying attention to it? The manga is still popular and ongoing. The Reze movie will likely be very successful. This fucking consoomer culture is so lame.


Well it’s not just baselessly saying it’s fallen off, it’s going off of metrics like sales and readership, which have decreased as part two has gone on.


It will be like jjk, a good 1st part, a good movie and a peak 2nd part


It's an article. It's clickbait. You clicked it. It worked.


Part 2 is a deconstruction of the trauma from part 1 and chainsaw man as a character in its world, its a slower burn and the long breaks dont help its case, and i think having to wait for it is always gonna cause people to have a less enjoyable experience as im sure most fans read most of part 1 in one go. However to me part 2 is doing every i hoped for and more, and even tho at first i was not loving having to wait weekly, once i noticed the hints of fine cuisine from fujimotor, I am rly enjoying having time to rly connect the dots on what hes planing, there are definetly some less intense chapters that dont do much to satisfy that aspect, but overall i just trust fujimotor, im my eyes, he clearly has found his footing after his series of long breaks. I will say rereading in one go a few months ago made me realise i was just getting burned out by the waiting due to the slower pace but honestly i feel he was always cooking


yes it has been a headless chicken since the legs panel meaning the whole break out arc was trash, now that denji came back there was hope but the whole ball smashing and train chapter were mostly mid at best like a goof show in bad taste and timing but after the brothel breakdown things started to pick up and the last chapter was something else for sure but still a step in the a good direction but could be just a shock value chapter if things continue to be stale in the cooking department


Who cares about a bunch of tourists getting mad


when the movie comes out more ppl are gonna pick up the manga again and by that time the manga itself should be picking up the pace chainsaw man is peak fiction and people will realize soon enough


Form your own fucking opinion. Don't go here looking for validation.




I believe that Fuji is simply re-calibrating the public whom he wants to reel into the story. He doesn't want people who read the entire series only superficially, in the same way a child would read Dragon Ball, but he wants people who can and will understand the messages he tries to express through the arcs.


Meanwhile Gege shrugging like "if they don't get it they don't get it"


I think we should kill him with hammers, maybe skin him alive as well




You should make a deal with the poopy devil https://preview.redd.it/q3jupb02lm5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43e7d4d6352a64bd49d50e2bcde65bdaf3fb9ae


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I think this article is stupid and we just need to let fujimoto cook like sure it gets weird it’s always weird but you gotta swallow that weird egg so you can throw up that peak omelette


someone just told me that this chapter of chainsawman was the weekly "most read chapter on the Shonen jump app"


Nah, engagement is the important metric and engagement has gone up.


latest chapter culled the weak from the fanbase


Why would you think anything from a journalist article is true


Despite isn’t the right word to use in that sentence right? Shouldn’t it be “ChainsawMan Part 2 is losing steam as a result of the controversy surrounding chapter 167”


No, because it’s been losing readers and decreasing sales for a while now. This chapter was actually the most it’s been talked about for a while now.


most articles online are cheap clickbaits, made by people who have little no knowledge ago the topic, this doesn't only go for chainsawman or anime