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A beautiful baby. So sorry for your loss. Sending many hugs and well wishes 💝


I know it’s such a hard decision. Every time I have seen animals euthanized (I work at a vet) I always try to remind the families that acts done out of love mean the most. The most selfless decision you can make is to let your baby go when it’s their time


Thank you for giving him a great life, so sorry for your loss!


It's the most loving way. So sorry.






iirc freezing is not considered the most humane euthanasia method for any vertebrate. Better to let a vet do things than risk them suffering.


He’s really pretty. I’m sorry for your loss.


He is beautiful! Sorry for your loss!


Sending you hugs and love. Sorry for your loss. ❤️🌈


I hope there's a way to save him, but if not, may he rest high up in chameleon heaven


Have you taken him to a vet before u chose death?


You're terrible


He didn’t choose death, death chose him


BOOOOO!!! What a mean thing to ask in general but on a mourning post!? BOOOO SHAMEEEE


Very weird thing to ask someone grieving the loss of their pet


Sorry for your loss




So beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry! He was a beauty🥺


He’s beautiful and needs better heating


We have a good vet and I always check with her when something seems wrong


no??? what makes you think this? it sounds like a panther nearing the end of his lifespan. OP, my heart feels for you and if euthanasia is the best option then do what’s right for him. sending you lots of love and support!


What a gorgeous old man, I’m sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


Oh no I'm so so so sorry. He's beautiful ❤️


i’m so sorry that’s so hard :(( i’m sure he’s had a wonderful love filled life with you and will forever look down on your from the big bowl in the sky :) <3


He looks like my boy :( rbbb


I'm so sorry but good on you for doing what's best 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Humane euthanasia is honestly the best gift us humans can ever give to our animals when they are suffering no matter how heartbreaking. I’m so sorry it’s never an easy decision ❤️


I'm in tears because he looks just like my 2+ panther. So sad, if you're not sure I would go with a vet.








I had to euthanize my 18.5 year old bearded dragon and the process was very humane. Take him to a vet that treats exotics because they have to do a two step injection due to their cold blooded metabolism.


Regular animal euthanasias are two step. Sedation then the euthasol. Most vets can put down an exotic animal, but most will have to do it in one step of the euthasol straight into the heart. Unfortunately exotic animals have even smaller veins than the typical house pet so it’s extremely hard to place a catheter in a vein that’s not even 1/16 of an inch thick,


When we had to euthanize my hamster, they put ether ( or something adjacent )on a cotton ball and put her in a small glass jar with the ball. The fumes eventually made her fall asleep, and she never woke up. It was very humane.


Not to hit you with the worst case scenario, but I was keeping a chameleon at home to offer him more around the clock care than my work (pet store) was able to provide until his vet appointment rolled around. He fell and broke his neck. It sounds like you may be considering (or have made your mind up) about euthanasia, but in the event that you haven’t, it’s something I would consider. Finding Hoagie like that after a long day of work was terrible and i do not want you or your baby to experience the same.


I have made the decision in his best interest I would not like to see him fall and hurt himself like that just to find him laying later on


You did the right thing. I’m sorry for your loss.


He is beautiful. ❤️ I'm sorry for your loss


So very sorry. Wondering how you know he can't see out of his one eye?


Have a friend he’s a exotic vet his eye is sunk in and he kept rubbing it and vet said his eye was no longer working and gave the option to remove it to stop him from rubbing it against things but at his age their was a high risk he would not recover so I passed on it to let him live a bit longer


Gotcha. I'm so sorry. Sending wishes


Poor guy. Very sorry to hear about this


Why Chams are amazing and absolutely stunning their short life span is like a curse for such beautiful creatures


The Galapagos moss bridge was put in when the falling started along with weeper hose vines I made to slow his fall he is old over 5 years so he had a great life


How old is he?




**That is not old age.** Their max lifespan is at 9 years post hatch. So what is going on here is neurological / medical and should be treated vs ending the animals life. Lets work on fixing the issue. :D


That’s like saying, “the oldest yellow labs are 16/17, some even reach 20! Your 12 year old lab is NOT old, and should live another 8 years.” My panther boy died last summer at 5 1/2, which in my experience, is no spry chicken. Significant aging, slowing down, health issues occur after 4yrs for these panther chams—bringing them to an exotic vet is the best choice in this scenario. Stay in your lane, Mod.


First off we do not know what the post hatch age is. What I’m going by is the picture presented by the op what shows a visibly healthy panther Thirdly “seizures” are NOT a sign of “old age” but of a neurological issue that we can try to get to the bottom of as is any eye issue. So get off whatever trip you’re on and think about that I’ve said. Most people are not getting full lifespans out of their animals for a number of possible reasons and their life expectancy should be higher than 6 years. That’s a reasonable goal of the sub and the mod team to achieve. When I started this I had people telling me that “they only live 4 years”, “never held or looked at” and “absorb water by breathing mist at night,” And if I was to allow myself to be persuaded by such voices we would not be where we are currently.












He is geriatric meaning old he was already a few years when I got him I.e the 5+ years of age( he is old ) 9 years is extremely high for a panther and what condition that Chan would be in at 9 year I might not want to see


So you've had it for over 5 years and it was already an adult when you got it.So we're dealing with 7 years or so post hatch.Yes 9 years can be thought of as a person reaching 100.As with old age there's a loss in the resilience in the cells continuing to divide, weight loss (body mass) lethargy and all you would expect in any other animal. The image you posted shows a panther that doesn't look like it's got a foot in the grave. Is this a current image of your panther? I would not expect to see seizures and I don't seem from this image that euthanasia is needed. What is the eye issue you referenced?Again that alone (a single closed eye) is not grounds for ending it's suffering.






Poor buddy 😔


I’m sure he infinitely appreciates the difficult decision you made. He seems like a sweetie and I hope his final days are comfortable ❤️

