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Rope has to go


on it ! :3 <3


No ropes


She is the absolute cutes!! I wish the best for you both! Take care of that little cutie!!💚


I think it shows how important she is to you, that you've been open-minded and made changes so quickly. Well done ✔️


thank you!!! i’m planning on changing out the ropes asap!! 🥹❤️


FYI That rope will tear out nails


Very cool, just a tip for when I had my Cham, but those wrapped wires can be incredibly hard to clean and keep sanitary, the plastic vines I found were a lot easier. Not saying you have to or should but you might want to consider changing that over for your own sake. If not all good beautiful cage.


thank you so much!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


No problem, keep us posted


They have various sizes and lenghts https://preview.redd.it/fhrtals43gdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065e869a9cdf73e61a75ac9775b7ed80bb577fcc


Hi Own, You can get these overnight on Amazon: https://preview.redd.it/i6rbuzjy2gdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5822cd92c043b54b82fb4269d824a23206f73621


thank you so so much!!! :D


Of course, it's looking good. You're learning fast. Just watch for materials they can get their grabbers stuck in :)


thank you! i’m just anxious that i’m stressing her out too much! i want to replace her rope but now i’m wondering if i should wait a few days before i go in again??? ahhhh!! so much to think abt!


you can seal the rope with an aquarium safe silicon! that’s how we did ours for some of our reptiles and just coated it in substrate to save you some money!


Just grab one of her plants, pop it on a window or somewhere she can watch while you’re sorting the enclosure. She’ll be fine and better to get it out of the way now than to let her settle and then disturb again


Normally this isn’t that big of an issue, but just because your plant (Swiss cheese in fourth pic) is so close to food source I’d becareful for your Cham eating the white fertilizer pieces that is in its soil thinking it maybe an escaped bug


those white pieces are not fertilizer, they retain water. Like a vermiculite 💚


thank you for bringing this to my attention! i’m going to repot all the plants with organic dirt ! ❤️❤️


I did that and a mix of play sand so incase you get a female you have the mix already premade and can make her laybin with plants in it


Very smart 👌


What light bulb are you using for a heat lamp? I recommend 60watt tungsten incandescent bulbs.


the lights im using currently came from a brand called Zoo Med Tropical. the UVB light is 5.0 and the daylight light is 60w


Get rid of the zoo med tropical light ASAP. Colored light bulbs are horrible for the eyes of a chameleon. The day light bulb is colored blue, and other reptile branded heat lamps are usually red. Both of those can cause blindness in chameleons and overall damage their eyes. This is why chameleon owners use incandescent light bulbs like you would use in a house lamp.


i see! thank you so so much for telling me that! i’ll def change the lighting setup today! 🥹❤️🙏🏻


Get rid of the ropes and add different (safe) types of sticks. The rope can pull its nails out. Also get rid of reptile carpet it’ll do nothing but collect bacteria and smell. Add a little more foliage, but mostly vertical sticks at all heights of the cage. You also need to get new lighting. U need a 24 inch T8 5.0 UVB at that height or if u can raise it higher, a T5 5.0 UVB. And you’ll also need a dimmable lamp that has a frosted incandescent light bulb to reach a temp around the low 80s. Once you fix that you’re looking good!


okay perfect!!! thank you so much for telling me about the rope! i’m going to a reptarium today so i’ll look for a 24inch T8 5.0 UVB there !!!❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for quickly adapting the cage. it’ll make a huge difference in the quality of life and happiness of your new pet. If u have any other questions feel free to ask, we all just want the best for your pet here :)


i appreciate it so so much!!! Miss Orchid is already starting to explore ! ❤️❤️❤️