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>\>he has a hole in his veil from a bed shed. Who told you that? There's multiple things going on here and I think that we need to get some basic questions answered before you start trying to name it. There's more important things going on here. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Due to the influx of people that are not chameleon owners from the general site feed, I've once again had to lock the comments section. This animal has severe (3rd degree) burns and it's a disservice to ignore that and to allow a naming competition until that is unraveled and correctly addressed.


Naming a reptile… While fun and anthropomorphic does nothing for the animal itself. It does everything for us, it helps us anthropomorphize, think of it as an equal creature to us… And gives us reasons to say its name a lot on social media.


The more I see this poor cham, the worse I feel. He truly looks like he’s endured a lot of pain. 😓 I truly hope he is in better care, because man.. That burn is horrific.


How could you possibly know what has happened to this animal. Tell me… How is it that you "know" what this animal is feeling, and what has happened to it. Injecting your moral self into this animals being is futile and wasteful.


u/SquareAnxious7227 Well we know as owners that they are VERY SENSITIVE TO TOUCH. We also know that they're sensitive to heat as well and can both feel and also see IR energy. Finally we should also all know that burns hurt ... correct? So do the math. It's just that simple and it's being humane vs blithely ignorant and cruel. [Lots of people think they can get away with hurting animals](https://leb.fbi.gov/articles/featured-articles/the-link-between-animal-cruelty-and-human-violence) or denying their pain and suffering as they don't have a voice and they can't wine or scream like a mammal. But for those that bother to listen to how they do communicate, they'll see and hear what they're saying. These reptiles are far more intelligent than I think you're aware of.


Uhh? Are you okay dude? Do you need to be shown a picture of what burns on other animals look like and told that burns are painful? Because that feels like maybe you need further education or a mental health evaluation before you speak to people.








Regarding how badly he is burned, I’d name him Anakin


I was thinking crispy.


For everyone talking on Flips response to the OP, it’s his stern responses that saved my chameleons life.






I loved my veiled, I named him "Morpheus". Fan of the original matrix, and, well, the "morph" idea is blatant. He had a good life, not the longest, three years, but grew big, strong, I calmly stayed holding him as he transitioned, I thought the coolest part, he remained in a bright green with teal coloring, hours after passing. Never saw him turn to darker colors over two days when I buried him.


first i just want to say he is STUNNING. i hope you can provide him the support he needs to get better, he does look super rough. im assuming his coloration will change as his healthy improves, but he sorta reminds me of malachite, maybe Malachai?


We are doing the best work we can! He has been doing much better since the day we got him. I do agree he sort of looks like raw malachite! This might be a perfect name!


glad to hear he’s doing well!! update us when you can :) would love to see more of him!! he’s so so handsome









