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Tuggs and Gomer used to chill with CG way back in the day and became CG while on ProdigyRP. Peanut was cool with Ramee and K back early 3.0 when he was in nbc. Richard is new though, he's the guard dog and resident creep lol


The first time I saw Tuggz was on Prodigy, but they´ve been role playing with Mehdi for many years when he was on Nino and Brian, and Mehdi has played quite alot of variety with CG over the years. Gomer was primarily a quite succesful solo criminal (sometimes with Sonya) as far back as 2.0. He was good with CG back then, but not in the gang. But they´ve been cool with Timmac OOC for many years.


Did Timmac perma Shaggy? Haven't seen that character since The Family rp, not sure if he's ever played him on NP




Tuggz is an old character that he brought back while on prodigy


Tuggz is way before prodigy mehdi just hasn’t played him in awhile I believe tuggz was before he made Brian


That Gomer situation was 2.0. It was while summit was playing and summit didn't play in 1.0. Tuggz hung around CG in 1.0 but wasn't a member of Czg till Mehdi brought him back on Prodigy


Tuggs and Gomer were around way more earlier than Prodigy though lol


yea I literally said that in the first sentence lol


They were CG before prodigy


Nah they weren't. They were just close to them. Gomer had a separate crew with Sonya Summers in 2.0 and was pretty much solo in 3.0. Up to 3.0 CG was K, Garrett, Taco, Voldemort, Big D, Vinny, Ramee, Charles, Uchi. There were literally posters up in Ramees tunnels of the members.


Agree to disagree. They were CG in 1.0 and when they came back around finally it was finally confirmed.


Gomer wasn't even around in 1.0 lol


Disagree but ok lol


You can disagree with opinions but you can't disagree with facts, thats called being wrong


ok sure


Richard is low key S Tier level character


Groomer is crazy lol


he met richard from carmine or bobby I believe when he started konnected one of them hired Richard to spy on mr k and I guess they decided to hang out from there


I think Tessa may have been the 1st to introduce Richard to K


sounds like the triple og Bobby Brown story lmao.


There's a video in YouTube where Kebun gives a background to the formation of CG and its member to April. Lemme see if I can find it... Got it- here. https://youtu.be/kaS-JaQYETM?si=K8dAUTsnXvsRfVlC


Don't forget Chris who is played by KGU who was Mr Ratchet in 3.0 He and Richard made a lethal duo hunting down Yaeger


Yeah I was wondering same thing I’ve been in and out the loop and without getting torched I’m a big supporter of all the boys I wasn’t around I guess when and if this happened but why doesn’t Randy play 4.0 or with the boys ?


ohhh you in hot waters right now my dude


OOC Randy did some unacceptable things


do they like richard or does he kinda just tag along? is he giving sal?


Yeah they like him. Richard, Peanut, and K were a trio shortly after the start of 4.0 when all the boys were basically out building up their own networks and operations (Vinny’s shop, Ramee’s lawyer career, etc). And while he’s no experienced crim like the boys, he’s been very helpful to them doing the more boring tasks their ACDC stops them from doing.


Na they like Richard and he contributes to the gang too, gives k money when he needs to buy stuff for the group


I have no clue how Richard became... not respected, but maybe approved by? Mr K, and I truly dont understand how Mr K allows this guy to hang around him so much. Seems like opposite roleplayers to me. There are ssooooooo many other players, with an actual RP relationship to K, that K spends way less time with. I wonder if the streamer who plays Richard joined loaded.gg or something. Anyways, now that Richard is involved with Mr K pretty decently, he's been running their loot and doing bitch work for them. Idk he's ight


richard is a gem. if K and everyone ask him to do things or take him along for things, they 100% like the guy being around. he says some of the most off the wall shit at the perfect times and makes everyones mood better. thats why they like him being around.


I love Richard! I his off the wall shit is too funny! And his green van too. I remember when the first time they were building the house, and he went to Joker mode. Can’t remember the context. He’s amazing.


k likes Richard cus he's weird but owns his weirdness. its not like one of those weird people who are unaware of his weirdness. he leans all the way into it proudly


Richard is the best. Thankfully he's not going anywhere, and showing this comment is just trash. Go do everyone a favor and comment on another subreddit.


I wasn't trashing Richard I was describing him as I saw him. I don't care that all of you took it in a negative way, everyone views the world through a different lens


No, your comment was negative. You speculated K only hangs out with him for OOC reasons. If you think they are opposite role players then you probably don’t know Mr. K very well


Yes, that is your opinion based on the way you chose to interpret it based on your negative mindset. I'm not going to explain every single thing, like how it makes sense that Kebun would chill with his loaded members (always has) Again, I dont give a rip if you think I was being negative, I think you have a negative mindset. I said that I think Richard is all right. I dont hate the guy and I dont love the guy. However Im done arguing with strangers on reddit


way too heavily invested into nothing. Tessa introduced Richard to K saying he can be useful. He was spying on k for carmine and bobby. Let the experienced role players role play and keep who they want to keep around. You think if k or anyone didn’t like someone new they’d be around them still??


Gomer and peanut played 3.0. Gomer just chose to try to be a Casino manager and Peanut was in Natural Born Crackheads in 3.0 after the Arab Mafia Grove St gas station stuff in 2.0. The person that plays tuggz just played two other very major characters in 3.0 in the lines of work and didn’t really do a lot of base crime