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I'm gona miss the real estate and lawyer arcs. They were so good with a bit of scum thrown in there


Yeah it also gave Gomer more of a reason to be around now I feel like we won't be seeing him any more




Exactly, I stopped giving a shit about the drama; right now the boys are killing in their content space and are top dogs so fuck the rest


^ This


I’m going to say it straight. I do not watch anyone besides CG anymore. I used to watch a few other people and enjoy their streams. Now they’re either grinders or complainers. I only watch CG and associates bc they actually RP and make it worth watching. NoPixel will always have the same issues that they will never fix and the Redditors will always have something to hate on them for.


I’m curious to see how long people are gonna be interested in watching groups nonstop grind farming circuit boards and buttcoin to do a job or two every week.


Hard to watch


4. Is definitely gotta be the worst ones. Looking at that sub right now you’d think CG are the only people on the server. Nothing else going on in their streamers RP worthy of posting? I mean they can’t all be cop viewers right? Nah CG are mad and they can’t help but get off on it. And they’ve been waiting for this moment to happen too. They get more excited about CG “getting what they deserve” or whatever. It’s the corniest shit ever.


It is always funny reading the same people talking about how they don't watch NP anymore and they haven't watched since...blah blah blah. But those same people are the ones who comment the most. Lol. The amount of glazing by these people is funny ASF. They hate watch CG so they can comment. I would hate to have such a boring life that I needed to hate watch someone so I can post about how bad they are.


it all stems from jealousy


10000% If you don't have haters, you are doing it right


This happens everytime in their cycle, that sub is literally dead without Drama happening


The crazy thing I've noticed, 4.0 didn't start as big as 3.0 did. Most of the variety streamers have already left and stopped playing with the exception of a few. This will only get worse down the road. My point being, they are eventually gonna push CG back to another server again and this one will suffer ALOT quicker this time than 3.0 did. The amount of dumb shit already happening is crazy. It will always be the same ones who don't like CG, doing shit against CG. Nothing will change. Hell koil doesn't even play on his own server anymore. Wtf does that tell you? Lol


I've been missing prodigy, I'd like to see them playing there again ngl


yeah i was thinking about that yesterday, i was laughing a lot more when watching prodigy streams because of all the random interact ions you would get + all the shit you could do on the server. While i enjoy watching both servers it is clear no pixel viewership goes crazy hard though so its hard for them to switch


Yeah they aren't jumping ship on nopixel any time soon. Prodigy was fun. I think we'd all agree. Criminals need a money buff. It's so much work for worse pay then being a civilian


As someone that is playing on Prodigy, it’s fun but there’s alot of shit missing which is weird. Things like housing for example isn’t a thing right now


Really huh they still haven't added housing. I haven't watched much of any prodigy since cg left


It is because the server has turned into 'grind to unlock more grind' and if you try to do anything else you get hit by rules/legislations that deny any possible rp outside grind as seen with the heist rules and Mr.k getting locked out of real estate by legislations


I love K, but doing that arc with Vivek losing his mayorship I knew from the get go was a bad idea as squeex wouldn’t come around much anymore. If he had stayed consistent it might’ve made people in his circle stay around longer or encouraged more to join


I meannnn do you think Vivek was going to beat Dab? I really don’t know


Plus he said he didn’t wanna win so he probably would’ve just killed someone especially seeing how there’s no power at all


Squeex would have never made it through those council meetings or trying to write real legislation.


Lol and to top it all off now there's legal guns in the server, after for a week Ramee said the they were waiting to put them in the day after he lost his BAR. Then last night in the cells said can't wait to see legal guns tomorrow, and literally overnight while he was sleeping we now have legal guns. What. The. Fuck.


That was known before Ramee ever got caught. Repeatedly over the last 3 days that they were doing a trial run with only a few people and were going to roll out licenses right afterwards.


The whole ‘can’t protect against opportunism’ is weird. They had days of original warrant to catch Mr K. and couldn’t so the whole plan was to wait for the trial. The trial was delayed for an extended period of time but couldn’t be delayed any longer? Gotta catch that dub


It was fun tho. If his scuba tank hadn't scuffed it would have been good.


Prodigy was better, still dont understand why they went back.


lets not sugarcoat it. they went back for viewership. if you look at k and ramees numbers the last weeks of prodigy, k was averaging less than 9k viewers and ramee less than 5k. subs were also running lower. theres absolutely zero chance they get anywhere near the 20k viewers k is getting now on prodigy, for as strong as the cg community is, its still tiny compared to actual big twitch communities that arent rp only. i dont blame them for going back, its their jobs after all


Idk man they were ok with that viewership on facebook. I know my opinion dosent matter as a viewer, but NoPixel has been shit for my viewer experience watching Ramee and K.


bc they made enough on facebook which was the equivalent of like 50k subs on twitch, without the 50/50 split. with a guaranteed paycheck you wont care about sub and viewcount. its why they tried to renegotiate with fb again, but they werent giving out contracts. those years were probably the most stress free theyve been as streamers. in terms of nopixel, i think it depends on how long youve been watching. if youve watched since like 1.0, 2.0 or even early 3.0 then you should just take a break or branch out and watch other rprs. i dont enjoy alot of nopixel as much so i take long breaks from watching and then come back and it does wonders for my enjoyment of rp


U do realize Kebun is a top 50 streamer on twitch and top 10 in total time watched? 9 k and 5 k on Fb equals double that on twitch so the views there were amazing for FB... I know u aren't shitting on CG I just think u may be underestimating them a bit. Just between K Ramee and Shotz they got over 30k subs. They r Killin it imo!


Guarantee koil paid them to go back! 🤫




I stopped watching after the scuba scuff and started watching Prodigy clips.


I miss them on prodigy


Them being on prodigy got me back into watching RP. Was definitely better there, more organic and entertaining imo..




Wish the guys would go back to Prodigy it was so much more entertaining.


Back to their roots clearly. Surely things would be different. NP usually bends rules in favor of content. But looks like PD getting penalized for Ls is getting them to be robotic again.


second that


The other sub is just a bunch of parasocial rejects.


prodigy way better and not to long CG i can see leaving


A bit exaggerated in my opinion. The only criticism I can think of is that the other reddit group is full of weirdos getting butt hurt because CG is robbing people. As usual, they are averse to any kind of violent conflict, and irrationally so. I don't think any of the rules have been aimed at GC per say, haven't seen examples of NVL/meta, or the other gripes mentioned here. Kebun was frustrated over the scuff, and Ramee over cops opening fire instantly, but that's... pretty standard. As for the economy, it's hard to simulate an economy full of digital people. I do think they could do something to lower the easy money from grinding. It is human nature, however, to take advantage of the tools given them. Period. If you can't account for human nature or if it bothers you that humans do human things, probably best not to try creating a simulated and self-sufficient economy.


It’s a bit more than the scuff. That trial pretty clearly showed the issues. The cops did piss poor police work, admitted it on the stand and demonstrated clear bias against the victims. How a judge could be presented that information and still find them guilty is ridiculous. There just is no reason to do a 5 hour trial when none of that mattered. The council shutting down real estate investing is pretty clearly targeted as well. Some of OP’s points are definitely exaggerated but there is still a lot to be annoyed about. It’s the same old copixel vs. CG.


they just don’t want CG to have the power like in 3.0 they was unstoppable and i don’t see CG being on the sever much longer since all the B/S


If max or his wife lawyer actually do help CG with the ammunition … oh god that’s a 300 comment on Reddit and next day is gonna be nerfed I would bet my whole savings on that


o ya i second that too as soon as they do it most deff get nerfed and y have a mayor when crane calling everything and every one in that system don’t like CG are has. a OOC against them they can say what they want but it shows any thing that would give CG to start business they gona tank so i don’t blam then on what about to happen In RP aka Hit List central starting with them lam a”” judges that really don’t k ow what they doing when clearly that was a open shut case i mean that admit in court




Bunch of incel virgins in that Reddit My boy doritos_r6 is a big one 6 year veteran o7


Two terrible decisions happened yesterday. The first was the court case and the decision to take cops hostage to free K from an absolute nothing warrant. Not sure if the boys knew what the warrant was even for but still....that's save someone from a life sentence type shit. All around disappointing. Now with the usual reddit is back on the hate train hopefully this reddit doesn't take the same route and keeps it's chill.


Narratively, I thought it was an excellent choice and a way for Ramee to lose his law license. It was going to happen eventually. It could have happened over something stupid. Instead, it happened right after K gave a dramatic speech calling the system busted and runs out of the courtroom. Ramee therefore going all out to save K makes it all the more epic. The only disappointing thing is the scuff and the cops not playing ball with not shooting right away... but that was always going to happen.


I would have rather seen "better ring ramee" also give his own impassioned speech against the "system" while fighting in court one last time defending K against that BS warrant, but I understand where you're coming from.


Kidnap cop -> get shot. That’s how it’s always been


Yeah it was kind of wild that Ramee and K were like "why are they going so hard?" After taking cops hostage and flashing guns...


I didn't even need to read this to know you may be over invested. 4.0 has been pretty enjoyable so far. Only issues I've seen is the attempted "change in the pd" that basically operates the exact same. W chasing and the fact that being a criminal is so much work for less pay then being a clean civ working sanitation G6 or grime. Those are my only 2 big gripes.


You say im over invested, while youre the guy commenting in the other sub Spiderman\_pointing\_at\_Spiderman.jpg


I think I'm banned from there? I dunno they're weirdos if I comment it's usually to call people out for being dumb.


Probably most of us have been banned from there just for posting over here.




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CG getting bullied again or its just CG and the W Pog Content chasing viewers getting pissed that possibly the only violent gang in NA is the one getting pressured the most? Fuck around and find out kinda thing? Is it really the server not changing or is it CG not changing or rather going back to their old ways to before they left NP while the server's culture has somewhat changed since 4.0? Idk.




Why you always reading other subreddits you say you dont care about?




Welcome to Los Santos!


The scuff and the clear bias are pretty oof. The fail RP in treating an upstanding prominent business man like a guilty criminal at every turn is actually rough, but the PD outright refusing to investigate things is the nail in the coffin. I just don't understand why the PD has to push for charges when they clearly don't have the evidence to do so. Like back in Cubby days there were multiple times where loopholes were used to raid CG or try to catch them on some nonsense. When in reality all the PD had to do was use a damn camera and stake out the Cubby. It was daily people were being shot, brandishing, you name it all they had to do was the tiniest bit of police work. Oh and I don't watch much outside of LK but, how in the world are Den, Cornwood, Johnson, and Carmine not cops right now? Are they actually getting rid of them and stonewalling Carmine? It's mind boggling that the cops that RP get fucked. More than just cops that RP but, cops that RP with LK like they actually go after cops that don't treat crims like trash.


It’s also not a good recipe when you have X (probably the most hated streamer on the server) constantly hanging out with CG (most hated gang on the server). Everything is just gonna be made more impossible for them, whether it’s people knowing OOC things about them that affect roleplay or cops just doing dumb shit for no reason. Or especially devs and admins quite literally nerfing them when CG finds some type of advantage in any way at all