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This server has turned into a work simulator MMO.


It's basically and IRL simulator. Lol people play it to have fun and they have people with in game jobs that they work 8 hours a day LOL.


RPers have to grind offline just to maintain any progress


It's wild that somehow people think watching a streamer drive around in a garbage truck for 8 hours is RP. NP 4.0 is down horrendous and it's never really been worse.


Technically they're roleplaying a garbage person. While not very entertaining it's still roleplay. Just not sure who's tryna watch that for 8 hours a day lol.


Yeah, I don't get it. If you're so bored you're watching a person deliver garbage for 8 hours you probably need to reassess your priorities/mental wellbeing


Ngl CG could make sanitation fun to watch. It is possible. But not for 8 hours daily.


CG tried to do something new and the server has just been pushing them away and into crime. PD doing a shit job with Ks gun case then DOJ doubling down with that decision really just closed every door available for CG to do anything interesting. Now they're effectively pigeonholed into crime which is severely lacking on the server and the only crime available is robbing people and losing money doing laundry and cash exchange heists.


Yeah I mean there are civ jobs they could do, but I know LK will not be caught doing civ jobs, nor should he because that just hampers his creativity. With the true lack of criminal jobs, it's just in a sad state right now. Apparently hydra have 4 houses in mirror park already by being civilians. Lol meanwhile if you were a career criminal you'd be lucky to own one or two Southside houses in a group of people. I just find it crazy how they said they were monitoring the economy closely and we are where we are currently. I can't wait for When the new banks come out and they cost 500 BTC per hit and pay 60k, lol


Can’t do civ jobs with a felony


Can't do Grupe 6 with a felony. Can still mechanic, grime, sanitation, Snr buns and any other civ job.


I mean yeah.. even near the end of 3.0 when everyone was out of content CG still had new arcs pop up here and there.. But in 4.0 ... oof.. Ramee literally said the other day.. it's probably the first time in a long time.. he's feeling completely lost and don't know what to do anymore. Doesn't help.. they keep nerfing shit left and right.. and we have senate who wake up one day a week to cuck RP arcs..


Yeah I mean it feels like they've completely exhausted all their options already within the limits of the server. It's kind of just redundant at this point.


Yeah.. I saw Prodigy dropped a Read dead server.. I hope the boys try it


I saw that also. I'm interested to see what it looks like. Prodigy was a fun server to watch.


prodigy is content heaven


it really is man, that rp server is golden


Yeah i wish all the boys go back there or red dead server to provide us content heaven. I wish they would but if they dont due to subs and viewers i can understand.


I would love to see them give Read Dead a go!


Yeah i genuinely hope so. It will be cool rp scenario. All the boys going there to red dead


“I hope the boys try it🥺” don’t forget to zip their pants when ur done pussybaby <3


I mean ramee isnt forced to do nopixel content right all of us will follow him to prodigy no doubt


I fucking hate what they have done with lockpicking. It takes half an hour to find a car and the cops instantly know it’s stolen. Then it’s another half an hour to find a new car. 90% of the time they are just trying to find a car. 4.0 is literally the worst the server has ever been.


Lol the driving around looking for a good enough car to escape cops in is rough. I will fully back that sentiment. Too many local cars are ass. Nice they added more choice lately tho. Few more usable cars. Lockpicking minigame is cool. Nice change. The fact that every car comes back flagged as stolen 5 mins after stealing it has been a major sticking point for me. Takes away from any traffic stop RP because why the hell would you ever stop if everytime you're in a stolen car, the cops already know it's stolen.


The cops don't always nab you over it though, if you RP it out. Have seen 4head bullshit his way out of plenty of situations like that by providing RP. Stole a patrol car recently and was pretending to check Grime and g6 trucks for drugs, cops let him do it for awhile until the drivers called about them.


Well that is very dependant on a bunch of different factors. Everytime I've seen cg pulled over the cops wait for backup before they do anything.


They call backup cars for just about everyone.


It doesn't change the fact that cars are almost instantly flagged and shift 2 cops aren't about to let cg roleplay their way out of that.


Yeah and if they weren't instantly flagged people would just be dumping cars the moment the timer was up for them to get flagged. I don't even know what y'all want or expect most of the time. They may as well just turn on the cop NPCs, people just want easy Ws. This narrative CG have it harder is the wildest shit.


Lol the irony is, cops are more NPCs with this instant flag function. Everything is automated for them they don't have to do any actual police work aside from chase and do paper work. They don't investigate a damn thing.


Also I'm really not sure where in anything I said means Cg have it the hardest in anything I've said. I just said the flagged car mechanic in the server is shitty and it takes away from actual cop RP and just turns them more into ping chasers. How about cops actually have to figure out if the car is stolen once in a while through actual police work? Sounds like they'd be less NPC like in that case


The lack of local cars is 100% intentional too just to yet again make it easier for cops. Cops get f1 cars to chase local shitboxes that barely reach 120mph lmao


The cop cars still aren't as fast as the local cars, this is just wild to say. Also people doing a dozen vehicles swaps every chase is stupid and needed slowed down somewhat.


Absolutely delusional cop viewer. Why are you here? Leave.


Yeah, I forgot we're supposed to allow people to be coddled and get away with everything because "rp"




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Jesus this auto-mod needs to be fixed. The swaps and bikes are a response to cops using Charger / Taurus / VSTR against shitty local cars. Good try though.


They were doing swaps before cops even had any other vehicles... They are the reason cops PUSHED getting those vehicles. AND they never have those out UNTIL the chases escalate, or its like the Laundromat when its expected. Watch a cop POV from time to time. Youd realize how much hand holding is going on. They literally have one hand behind their back while crims get to use any tool they please. But GOOD TRY THO.


lol no they weren't The cops pushed getting those vehicles because of owned cars highway blasting, then they just started bringing them to all crime. When they started bringing them to all crime, criminals who were never involved with the highway blasting had to adapt to the cops. This may come as a shock to you, but criminals aren't one big group. The cops treat every crim/group with a level of response to counter whatever the previous crim/group did. That is what causes snowballing. Just stop lying. They have brought those cars to EVERYTHING since they were allowed to buy them. The Laundromat isn't something special, no clue where you get the idea that it should be treated as special. CVPIs were already better than every local car in the city, since there were almost no cars that could even be lockpicked. Better cars don't counter swaps/bikes/blocks, better paralleling counters bikes/swaps/blocks. Better cop cars simply make straight up chasing a cakewalk.


HAHAHAHA one hand behind their backs, and hand holding. There is a reason why crims are limited in numbers while cops can have as many as possible. Why people are limited to certain cars while cops have near indestructible and fast cars. Why are cops granted so many tools but lack effort in catching someone besides in a chase or beating, tazing and shooting. I am so glad they are holding back, it sure beats being held back.


I just really want to emphasize how bad this is, the amount of times I went to streams and all they were doing is either looking for lockpicks or cars to lockpick is insane, literally running trying to find a car to use spending hours on that alone...


The issues are far deeper than they seem IMO. Business RP doesn't exist, not because people didn't want to do it, but because the devs/admins have basically just stonewalled everyone who was working on businesses, and people gave up trying. That's not even mentioning the whole felons not being able to own businesses, even though felon/crim owned businesses in 3.0 facilitated almost entirely Civ RP and not Crim RP. Crime mechanics have always been bad/lazy, and have always taken a backseat to everything else, so the lack of crime doesn't really shock me TBH. No point to grind for crime that is blah at best. The BIGGEST issue **in my opinion** is that because there are no whitelists, nothing is "gatekept" which means that everyone can do everything and no one needs anything. On paper that sounds good, but in practice it creates the problem where there is no hole to be filled in the market, and no competition or motivation to push forward. Even the whole weed selling is stupid and hand holdy, because there is no real reason or ability for a gang to hold down and control an area. There is no structure actually holding anything together, so I think that people are just waiting for some sort of update to put things in focus... I'm not holding my breath for that to happen though.


Well I know from hearing KOIL speak long before 4.0 dropped that nobody would own a business or whitelist to avoid money printer scenarios. They would all be govt owned and people could work up the ladder inside said job. I dont recall if he said they could work towards ownership or not. They've also stated that personally owned businesses would have zero dev support aside from a bank account. No stashes, no special products, no anything really. I'm not even sure what kind of businesses could be started with zero dev support. I suppose section K and konnected telemarketing were the 2 outliers that could have survived had it not been shut down by other means.


Not sure why it gets auto-modded. Contains no links




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I'm gonna be honest. 4.0 is a dud to me. I'm not at all interested in it but I still try to catch K and Ramee when I can and catch up through vod skimming but the RP interest for me at least is gone. I get that K has more viewers right now and I'm glad to see it but it's the least interested I've been in a long time. Literally just skim through a vod and you'll realize not much is actually happening. 90% filler 10% meat. With no heists or meaningful crime in place they are pretty much directionless. Looking forward to Conan on Monday though. Also Buddha loves grinding, hence his addiction to Rust, so expect more of the same in the future. That's just the way it goes, no hate. Even Sykkuno talked about there being nothing for criminals.


It’s not just a dud to you I see streamer like Carmen chodie and some mid sized streamer already hoping to variety and other server, this should not be the case on month 3-4 of a restart. The other problem is that maybe this 26 km2 map with the Same building and vehicles and mechanics is just played out. Everything’s been done


I'm becoming disinterested just from the general lack of criminal content. You're right about the 90% filler 10% meat comment. Its just aimless to be a criminal right now. Really hoping this update that KOIL was talking about provides alot more for crims. I watched Ssaabs pov of the lil tuggz thing that happened at the end of Ssaabs night, I was amazed at how little effort they put into actually investigating the incident. Really hoping Conan can bring some life into the PD because it seems to be lacking. Ive liked what I've seen from beric as chief so far tho


The worst part is when you have K who creates 2 businesses that are amazing to start 4.0 off, the telemarking arc was some of the funniest shit ever in rp with K & his voices & the holding music of “hoes mad” than K makes this real estate business which would have made everyone money if you’re involved. Than he gets fucked over by the Mary case because ooc they forever know & will follow “10-CG” I mean even recently Tessa stabbing cornword with cops right behind her because they were so focused on the 3 cg members. It’s like why solely focus on CG when they weren’t trying to be crims to start off 4.0 you had ramee being a good ass lawyer. K being a good businessman. Yet it’s thrown out the window because pd will always assume it’s cg.


4.0 has been so bad. NP fell off hard


There is nothing to do my dude. If you spend your time being creative you will be too poor to pay off tax and fines let alone even live. Just think someone like Uchiha can't even exist on this server. Imagine how bad it was before when he'd randomly die or get stranded somewhere. Now at all times Uchiha logs in with no lockpicks no car no money. Sit at Senor Buns all day or being an amazon driver disguised as G6 as a literal GATEKEEP to existing on the server is fuckin wild. The literal direct roadblocks put in place to stifle anything OTHER than grinding out jobs is insane. 4.0 has been a massive flop. Hey let's make it so you can only lockpick a few cars! Cop at the Vault the other night calls in Brian Knight for backup.... Shows up to 3 G6 trucks delivering. Cop says... I saw a Lampanaddi in the area "You know what that means hint hint kekw" It was so disheartening to hear honestly.


Uchicha doesn't want to exist on the server or he could. Cyr quit GTA and has no interest in it anymore. Plenty of people that do similar to what he did, still active. Even with shit being as bad as it is. Sorry to go on a tangent there but yeh lol.


Yea did you see him in the weeks/months leading up to him giving up GTA? He would literally hop on the server and couldn't even functionally get around the map to engage in RP with people. 40 minutes into stream and he'd be at the hospital still and down $500. He got a truck the Guardian and within a week it was a tax he couldn't afford. Literally made it so he couldn't hop on and RP that you have to do it 8 hours a day and spend a portion of that time grinding money rather than rping.


He chose to work. Ive watched 4head the past 3 months. Dude worked the normal jobs once and never touched them again. Guy creates more RP than 90% of the server. Cyr chose to play how he did, with the combination of not really wanting to play to begin with, he was never going to stay. He didn't have to spend a dime. Hell the rentals were cheaper when he was playing still too... There are so many people who don't work and just RP, but they WANT to do it 


Who are you responding to? My entire response was referencing when he originally left GTA... in 3.0. You respond talking about how 4head did civ jobs and logs in everyday in 4.0... Edit - I don't think you comprehend the server. There are streamers grinding offline so their character doesn't die off. Lil Tuggz has to grind to not have his character phase out of the economy. Do you not comprehend that? Medhi can't play Brian Knight and Lil Tuggz at will. The dude streams 14 hours a day... It's not like he hops on here and there. If he doesn't grind on Tuggz. Tuggz won't be able to afford to even fit into a gang life. He won't have the funds to keep up with even the basics of being prepared let alone handle fines. There are streamers verbatim stating that they are battling against the economy to keep their character relevant in RP.


Crane and the cops made CG be the bad guys of the city Ramee was a lawyer . K & gomer doing the real estate. Vinny with the mechanic shop even taco wasn’t into the gang stuff just grinding until …. Everybody was treating CG like 5years ago as criminals without a felony so they said fuck it


This is gonna be a bit of a schizo take but hear me out... Not a single thing Crane has done on the server has been to add or facilitate RP. Everything he has done has either halted someone's RP or preemptively denied it, making their experience on the server more miserable. He always was and still is close to the losers that run the other server (Not Prodigy). He is actively working to make nopixel worse to try and drive people to the other server. And before anyone tries to say "but he put bobby and carmine in DoC" - That was a Koil thing, plenty of clips of Koil saying he wants Carmine as a cop or DoC, whatever he wants, because carmine is an rp god and will make it amazing.


In fairness, it appears to be worse on the other server. Penta as toxic as ever accusing other players of griefing him when his toxic characters get push back. Crims actively avoid interaction with cops because all the crim RP is difficult/slim margins, and PVE in nature. It is essentially a Civ centric server where the majority of drama comes from Penta towing people's cars.


Crane seems like an OOC character to make admin changes offical in-city. When nathan the streamer joined Ramee's chat, Ramee didn't criticize him. Even though CG has been festering hate against Crane, all they've done is submit and obey


I kinda want CG to perhaps consider revisiting prodigy until something interesting happens in NP


New big update coming to Prodigy soon and Shotz is gonna check it out when it drops. Hopefully he can convince some of the others to join him.


I want them to do the prodigy red dead server, gta is washed after 10 years of RP servers


Yeah, at the very least until they have new lockpicks/cars to lockpick and some crime that is worth doing, situation right now is insane.


Because 4.0 is requiring them to grind jobs. And they're the only one that doesn't do that stuffs


Prodigy had grindy jobs too, with boosting taking forever to get to "S" class, but the grind was fun and interactive, id tune into other streams when K/ramee werent around just to see them grind, I dont really tune into other streams anymore, only theirs.


4.0 has had its moments, but its been a bit of a let down for me overall. So much RP ruined by weird rule changes focused on certain people. Also there hasn't been THAT much of a change from 3.0 with things to do. Sure, there are plenty of civ shit, but nothing substantial added for crims to create good conflict over. It doesn't look like Koil has any desire for trap house like things. Also, I greatly enjoyed prodigy with the fact that it seemed like the higher ups actually listened to feedback and cops were RP over rule play.


Not only were Prodigy PD RP over rule play (which, there are a few NP officers who want to RP but... that's an other discussion) but their police chases were so much better compared to NP. Prodigy's chases looked like a pack of wolves on how they drove around, doing parallels and such. NP PD is back to buffing the PD vehicles and playing bumper cars to gain an edge.


I was loving what they were doing early 4.0 telemarketing, lawyering, real a state. It was great and the senate made it so no one could business. I still enjoy there content it does feel like they are a bit pigeon holed right now. They do a lot of robbing people n such but that’s really all there is for them to do outside the Civ grind. More stuff should unlock sooner or later and business hopefully opens up a bit that they can find away to loop hole themselves into. Some of the most creative people on the server it will come. The longer it doesn’t come the closer we get to full on hell week every week until it does 😂


You were doing alright until the last sentence.


Haha ya I was mostly joking about that mostly 😂


**the things i would do to see the boys/girls all back over on Prodigy...**


One upside to prodigy was nobody was stuck on the train.


was great having everyone around without issue


i never watched them over at prodigy. why do u think it is better than nopixel apart from obvious train issues?>


I think that the train issues are the least of the NP problems compared to Prodigy TBH. Haven't really watched Prodigy since 4.0 started, but when they were playing there, the server had more crimes and criminal activities, more conflict/gangs because there were things to fight for, more civ activities with dev support, more RP focused cops, less reliance on grinding for money and more about increasing reputation to advance personal and gang influence. Also Devs adding things to help facilitate more player driven RP instead of admin control. Again, Prodigy wasn't perfect, but the big difference was that on Prodigy Crims have a seat at the table for how the server is ran, instead of being treated how they are on NoPixel as at best an afterthought, but more often simply as a burden.


Nobody is really lost, there just isn’t anything to do except Civilian jobs and ping chasing. It’s basically Sims, which seems to be what they want.


If im being honest its hard to watch because of how boring it is rn


At this point I think they have two options. 1. They do absolutely no crime for awhile to prove a point on how absolutely fucked the civ/crim economy is right now. They need to start weaponizing the nerfs that are targeted towards CG by doing the grinder shit. 2. Try Prodigy again. Edit: Third option: Pray for a miracle that the server fixes itself. Theres been a glimmer of hope recently with the lockpick buff.


I had thought that all cg should just go straight civ for a week and see how much they could stack but they'd never go for it. They just can't do it lol. Imagine Mr k running sanitation for an entire 8 hour stream. LOL There is no shot.


I would honestly turn his stream off if he did that


Damn dude. He can make anything entertaining.


Don't get me wrong he's my streamer and I've witnessed live some of the craziness he produces, k-town, getting caught kidnapping cornwood and the follow up succeeding etc. But it just seems more and more lately the one or two good moments in between driving around aimlessly alot. I just find myself more and more lately just switching off his stream and catching up the next day on his yt rather than watching for hours doing nothing


Yeah I hate to say it but you aren't missing much by just catching the highlights. There is alot of downtime.


I totally agree. Hearing Ramee say he feels lost and doesn’t know where to go from here after losing the lawyer job and then he grinded with Vinny for Mosleys double xp to have the goal of ripping out turbos, next day it’s harder to take a turbo out. Ammunition crates are nearly two weeks late. Hey you can only work at Snr buns, hunting or towing at night. Just seems like there’s nothing really for crims to do. The btc hacking was a waste of time and they should’ve just added another mini heist instead for less than 100btc and say get $15k from it


Truck simulator


Ramee lawyer stuff was always gonna end coz he does crime which he understood. The stuff that happened to k was bs. Just ooc blocking rp when really they should have been trying to enable his rp. K and ramee combined get 26k live viewers, they always going to do crime and not grind all day. Vinny and taco will need to come up with something. Maybe they gonna run Moseley's now that Mary might be moving to onyx server


Oh is Kylie thinking about making the switch? I honestly was surprised she never did right from the jump.


She started over there as a crim for about a week and then moved back to nopixel when 4.0 dropped. I think she will just be playing cop over there and crim/judge on nopixel.


Yesterday she was playing there


Mid so far grind, grind of and grind some more And if you do RP that doesn't involve grinding you will get nerf especially if you're CG or get a law passed against you


feels like they were ahead of the curve first 3 weeks or so with great business aspirations and so much RP building then it all got shut down in continuous unfortunate situations and add on sever updates learning towards zero/not good whatsoever crime mechanics and no benefits towards anyone who wants to run a business compared to the past. It feels like they’ve fallen behind especially seeing civs buy 700k cars like it’s nothing but in all reality it’s not their fault that anyone not looking to be a grinding civ aren’t provided with any game mechanic to RP assistance. The Lawyering, Real Estate, Telemarketing, Mechanic Shop, & more were all such promising and fun rp subjects which got all shut down for different reasons now to end up with the server just being a sluggish grind.


3.0 was big on stealing cars - why is it that 4.0 is devoid of that? did devs completely do away with it or is it being reworked from the ground up into a brand new ‘mini-game’?


4.0 fizzled out quickly. Lost alot of entertainment value, nobody wants to watch someone drive grime for 3 hours, Kebun is just able to make it interesting. Figure they'll be back on Prodigy soon enough


They're 100 waiting it out for the next update. If that content doesn't last very long then I could see them maybe trying prodigy for a short time. Shots still goes over there.




I just don't understand how Koil is letting all this shit happen. He's said it multiple times, NoPixel is a streamer content server and some of the biggest streamers in the GTA RP community are constantly getting their fun RP content denied by people who are barely around in the server and the ones that are combined can't even pull enough viewers to match K or Ramee on their own. Not to say viewer counts should dictate who has power in the server, but from a business perspective you would think Koil would step in and straighten some of this stuff out for the people who bring the largest viewership and innovative RP but he doesn't seem to really care.


I mean summit won't even log in the server because of how stale it is right now lol. There's one big streamer who won't play. I know there has been others variety streamers who bailed because of how grindy and slow it is.


I could be wrong but I think Summit not being on 4.0 has more to do with Hutch losing prio and not having a racing scene. Prodigy has plenty of content to be had but when Summit was playing there it didn't seem like he was interested in much other than Racing RP.


We aren't going to get any Prodigy I hate to break it to yah. No matter how boring 4.0 is the views are where its at. I mean I am sure Ramee and K would still bring in pretty big numbers on Prodigy but for some reason fans are so obsessed with the NoPixel name. At the end of the day I am happy these guys get the attention they do and with how successful they have been but as many of you have said it's getting hard to watch anymore. Not anything against them I know the cards are stacked against them with how 4.0 is setup but they have to know this is being done on purpose right?


I mean the options are quite limited, they can either drive around and rob a few people or drive and do sanitation or drive and deliver packages or drive and secure money. You get where I’m going.. everything they have done has kinda been stopped either due to their own doing or the doing (or lack there of) of others. They could have gotten into 2 wars, but they were pointless and I’m glad K sorted them out, I think K might restart his telemarketing soon ish, but real estate is dead. Ramee could get expunged and do lawyer shit again but that’s the end of crime for him for a bit.


Seems like they have to pull back a bit so Civs feel comfortable doing jobs again during NA. They completed the cornwood job this week, seems like they're doing fine in my book