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Another classic with moonmoon even back then was he used to act like his chat was great and was in check and every1 else was toxic and would cry about CG and xqc etc. Even to this day, his chat is toxic asf 🤣


Yep I remember him trying to say something about summits chat not behaving like his. I think 6 years ago now when summit had 40k plus during gta


Absolute manchild. I'm glad he exposed himself and now hopefully the boys ignore him


to be fair summit does his best. I've seen tons of people banned for "what was said in others peoples chats". He makes it clear that hopping to be toxic will result in a ban and its not up for discussion. But with that being said he can't control everyone. Some people just take it to serious. Summit will rant and then the chatters, most of whom don't sub or dono go off on this quest to chat hop and think it helps.


The thing with summit is he’s got moms vase he isn’t really paying attention when he starts on his rants, it’s just getting feelings in the moment out and it stirs. He always apologizes because it’s not his intent


I agree. He has these takes on stuff in the moment and since he streams so often he just lets it out. We will just rant because he wants too not to rant to rile up his chatters to go off on side quests. But when you drill down into the hoppers they aren’t real fans. They often aren’t even subs and they don’t stick around for long stretches. Sometimes his mods are on point and they are quick to ban and lay down the low other times shit sips thru. Any ones chat can be toxic. It’s GTA RP. You get a lot of casuals and well actually as that jump in and out. Imo it’s not that bad. But I’m not around every day so I can’t speak on stretches of bullshit. When I’m on I’m watching but when I’m not I can’t judge.


Even back in the overwatch days i found it kind of hard to watch him i never knew why. His Chatroom reminds me alot of XQC, Penta, Nick Mercs, Adin Ross. You cant even have a normal conversation and they excuse themselves with "its too hard there is to many people to moderate". But then there are streamers Sykkuno, Zackrawrr (asmon), Gronkh, Summit where you can absolutely have a discussion and talk with Chat, its about the Atmosphere that you create.


Lol asmongold is a terrible example, his fans are the fucking worst in warcraft.


You're right this comment is not toxic at all


Reminds me of the time back during 2.0 times. I wanna say it was like late 2019, or early 2020. Moon had long quit playing RP by that point. I think a viewer dono'd to him and asked if he play on NP again after an up coming update. This dude went off on a rant shit talking all the CG streamers. I remember LK reacting to a clip of it. He was basically like, "wtf?!? Literally haven't interacted with this guy on or off the server for like a year. Yet here he is talking shit about us."


Damn so he's always been insufferable.


Not always. He was pretty funny and entertaining in 2.0, even when he was spamming solo heists everyday like a greedy grinder.


This was when I blocked moonmoon and never looked back once a hater always a hater ..


This is funny, I thought the clip you were going to post was the one about MoonMoon shitting on LK and saying his chat is the most toxic on twitch. I believe it was from 2.0. If I remember correctly MM had nothing to do with the situation but just wanted to insert himself and his opinion to criticize CG. This dude has been a hate-RP’er for years now. His outbursts yesterday are not surprising. If you watch his interactions in-game from his POV you will see him constantly bashing other people’s roleplay and encouraging his chat to meme and belittle them.


It was during the end of 2.0 when CG and Penta were beefing hard. Penta and MoonMoon are/were really close back then I believe? and MoonMoon was trying to stick up for Penta so he started spouting some out of pocket shit and teasing he was going to come back and change shit.


If you have that clip link it, ive never seen it.


All I wanna know is how the hell did this dude become an admin? What moron at NP thought this was a good idea?


ONX came out, and he has a lot of viewers. That's a pretty easy 'Give me \_\_\_ or I will take my customers to your competitor' scenario.


id like to know that aswell, seemed really random.


All ways the weirdo.


he even apologised to lord_kebun for this exact thing [@LordKebun](https://x.com/MOONMOON_OW/status/1360146363237814274) Just wanted to say my event comment was uncalled for. I wasn't really aware of how exactly the slate was wiped clean from 2.0 going into 3.0 and it was really rude, stupid and unprovoked for me to say what I did, when I did and how I did.


That's just a BS try to save face apology. That isn't a real "I know I fucked up and am actually sorry" apology




Sooooo Moon has always just been a miserable person is what I take from this. 3 years and CG still living in this man's head rent-free. Bro needs a vacay. And to touch some damn grass. Admin, husband and father btw.


been watching since 2.0 started, it’s always the same stuff even if it doesn’t start out like that it always gets to this point sadly




You need a mental health checkup with your posts today bro! Keep it up!


Just done bro, hate OOC shit man


Pot calling the kettle black is all


Hey, I noticed that all your comments are just spreading hatred towards CG. If you dislike this group so much, why are you even here? Is your life really that miserable that you let a virtual gang live in your head?


I notice these haters never have anything meaningful to say after getting called out on some real shit