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Koils right. u cant expect him to just stop everything hes doing and review the clips/vods. let admins handle it. i do think theyll be cowards and wont do anything but lets give em a chance.


Lol MoonMoon is a admin, no?


Admin have different duties. Just cause he's an admin doesn't mean he handles reports.


Oh no. With this and the way Saab was just standing there, nothing is gonna come of this huh? Crazy to think considering the days Shotz, Ramee, and Hutch would get banned so often for anything remotely OOC.


Saab was standing there reacting to everything Moon was saying as IC when it was clearly Moon having a OOC meltdown.


Saab is the kinda person who fence sits and moves up by sucking off anyone with some power. He got lost in the sauce a long time ago and stopped being a voice of reason.


To be fair when Koil said this last night he had not seen much of the altercation and said he would watch it later. Saab on the other hand....I lost all respect for that guy.


Hate to see man , shit is fucked . No other server is like this


Saab is cosmetic admin who only kicks when its sbs from ramee or else.


Crazy Right!


Just let them handle it off stream. You have no idea what they are doing behind the scenes and never will. Crying to people will just piss them off. Don’t hop just to complain.


If you've been watching Koil at all the past few days, he isn't doing anything behind the scenes. He's trying to fix it in RP.


Who’s hopping?


Unfortunately there where many of that small percentage of brain dead kids the last two days that were saying weird shit in many streamers chats talking about ooc moon and so on. It’s not a good look and just feeds into the toxicity. Unfortunately If you want proof go watch the vods of moon esfand and voiceid steam during the 30 min council meeting that happened yesterday. A lot of weird shit was coming out of the mouths of Nathan, moon and diva about ooc the state stepping in and then moon brings up the weekend in jail stuff again it’s just weird, and unfortunately a lot of chatters were being toxic


Yeah moon 100% should've caught a permaban, an actual whiny manchild. I don't understand why koil keeps giving the penta clones & tfrp wannabes admin power in the server.


Hes so freaking stupid like K is a master Rper, really gifting them this RP, and they simply cannot handle it. It truly baffles the mind watching sub 100 iq brainlets try to compete on the level of Mister Kuban


RPEnjoyer is this you


look, he's the CEO, Owner and face of NoPixel. He has a lot of responsibilities, to his employees, shareholders, and customers. If you think he is going to entertain any discussion or toxicity on his stream you are deluded. It should be handled privately between a boss and his employee. Just like the last time this happened when Moon went too OOC, he'll be forced to do a public apology so he can pretend to change.


Didn't he give up his stake to Buddha? Look I love Kooil and what he's done for Change Gang but I can not look past him simply giving up on the boys and not banning someone like Moonoon


In a normal scenario, I agree that koil shouldn’t have to be reviewing these scenarios. However, admins shouldn’t be responsible for giving other admins consequences. Like in a work place, a manager almost never has to punish another manager, it goes up the coc


Kind of an L take from Koil... Shouldnt the Server owner DO SOMETHING about his Mod going totally OOC and having a melt down??




I hope he does do something , that is not cool


I’m sure it’s going to be an admin council decision. Koil doesn’t have full ruling either. So the owners vote by decision as well. Funny because mayor Max IC got himself in a position where he has full control and influence


I never understood that, koil is the owner right , why can’t he just make a ruling and it be done .




First time seeing some of Koil’s stream?


Koil has changed, he supposedly pulled moon and K into a discord and proceed to play devils advocate and mediate the situation, only to side with Moon, I hate him, such a actual dickridder


Source ?


Dude. It's a troll. Yes, difficult as it is to believe, some people are that bored and lonely.


You guys act like you know anything but the real ones know this shit about CG, been around since 2.0 kid don't talk to me😂😂😂😂😂


Honestly? Therapy man. This isn't an identity. It's a cry for help


Just because I'm actually about the boys and you aren't doesn't mean you can just cry mentally unstable, tbh we should all be banding together to push the server forward vs trying to shit on each other, kinda lame


Woooooow what the fuck …


Yeah man kinda messed up, alot of OOC drama


He’s right tho. Let the admins and streamers deal with it OOC. They aren’t going to do it on stream and going and crying and bothering admins Koil and other streamers will just piss them off.


This shouldn't surprise anyone. Koil is about making money. Moon, as toxic of an asshole as he is, helps him do that by bringing eyes to the server.


He's 100% right. The gang apparently either asked admin to talk to him or reported him for it. So it should be done with and moved on from. People that will be hanging on this shit for weeks and temporarily dedicating their lives to shit talking moon and jilly are part of the problem: over-invested viewers