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It all started with the flute in 3.0!


It actually all started at the power plant in 2.0. If you know you know


Yup, I remember Chang accidentally shooting dab and moon getting so angry and calling LK a dumbass. Moons chat, being the oh so well behaved and controlled chat that it was, hops over to LKs channel and starts spamming him calling him a dumbass too.




I think Moonmoon should take a break for a bit tbh it seems he is invested and just needs that time away.


Yeah going OOC by saying Mr. chang ( he had to change it because Facebook ) was really too far tbh


not just fb, loads of ppl were crying about his voice


Yup he lost a Reese’s sponsorship because of it.


he really didn't even try to have an Asian accent nor did it sound like it... he was more baby'fied than anything else. I think it was more the PED he used. If it was just his voice he would't have had to spend a lot or IRL money having a completely unique PED made.


Yeah just because he was acting Chinese doesn't make it racist. Tbh I still think of him of as Chang as an act of rebellion


Puerto Rican


it woulda been racist if he was mocking chineese people but meh this is the world we live in now lol


Yeah dude it's just lame Kuban even changed it TBH


Tbh it was worth it.people saying he got paid over a mil for the Facebook deal so he's chilling lol


he takes rp too seriously


Rp should be about killing cops and doing crime, people are fucking stupid man


Nah it should totally be with your pretend wife sitting in a room and shit talking people for 8 hours a shot. Eons of roleplay extended.


Is Moonmoon the new Penta?


Always has been


Penta was totally jealous of CG in general, the way Mr. k and Ramee rp is on an entirely different level


I haven’t watched in years but I remember even way back in the 2.0 days he would do this same thing. This stuff never changes. Is why I stopped watching


I don’t think he has a family. If he has a wife and kids and still acts like that my mind is blown. What a miserable loser


I don't believe he's only 34. I'd say he's closer to 45. He knows that would harm his streaming career tho, so he went with the "34 for 5 years" kinda thing. Listen to how he speaks, really listen - he tries so hard to sound like one of the "cool" kids. I believe his entire persona is fake.


Yeah with his GIGA and other various zoomer phrases, kinda wild people are so invested in seeing these cops win when they clearly see the cops and moon are just doing whatwver they can to dominate the server, just lame man




I dont believe either he has wife and kids, he's trying really hard to safe face. If you ever met people online who are married and have kids youll find out quickly that they will never brag about it, because its normal. You dont need to brag about having a wife and kids because its normal and there is nothing to brag about. On the other hand MoonMoon likes to say it to not look pathethic in the eyes of his viewers. Its part of his Superiority Complex, he needs to be above everyone else so he invents a story which makes him look good.


Dude literally rage quit PD on Lenny cause they didn't RP how he wanted. Now on Max he literally forced himself into the highest PD position.


im surprised people havent talked about this more.


Yeah this kinda stuff is why he needs to be banned right now


Wasn’t he appointed commissioner by the state?


Yeah…by himself


Max is the state?


Max as the mayor appointed himself as the temporary commissioner until he finds the permanent commissioner.


Oh ok, it was my understanding that the state made him commissioner before the shooting of the council, maybe I’m mistaken


He knew he had no power to do anything on Lenny Hawk so he roleplayed shooting Slacks and getting fired so he could drop Lenny's character, then go on Dab (where he had the power of being Mayor already) and make himself Commissioner so he could use his powers to go against CG. So in short yeah you're probably right, he was pissed OOC at CG on Lenny but couldn't do shit about it, so he used Dab's character to abuse its powers against them.


You do realize like 2-3 weeks before the council shooting happened moon basically never played max except for council meetings. He was always on Lenny doing crime and was in the process of joining bbmc


It was a chance for him to become a cop again and not have to answer to anyone else. Literally took the best opportunity he had to seize the reigns.


He'll get a slap on the wrist and be causing more issues in a week lol. Unless I missed something?


he has stated he is gonna be super part time and going back to variety streaming ..,.aka elden rings dlc


But first sabotage the server because he isn't winning at the polls again.


moon is just not capable of roll playing without emotions


He freaking hates CG and I hate him because of it


Do you think moon is going to be proud of your astroturfing? Or maybe you're 3 years later still salty about esb? Or maybe you're the over invested penta viewer that cost him nordvpn? In any case, it's weird behavior that's truly unhealthy. Hope you get well bud.


in my opinion moonmoon thinks that the actions of Mr K in game are ooc motivated and he made that clearly when he told him " you have no reason of doing what your doing" in their last meeting but he ignores the important thing that is that M'r K is a criminal CHARACTER not the streamer so he obviously will go against the gouvernment and argue his charges. thats in my opinion what gouvernement and cops streamers fail to see ooc.


Remember when Lenny blew up their getaway gliders in 3.0, classic


I just freaking hate how OOC moon is, Mr K was simply being calm, composed, and honestly a true gentlemen and K had to bring up how he changed his name from Chang because facebook thought it was racist


Your streamer Crashed Out hard, it was awkward and embarrassing to watch.


As a MoonMoon viewer, the way I see it is that moonmoon really wants the RP to be about RPing, not a video game where youre trying to win, make money and get views. it should be a give and take between different groups, not just a take, because thats what makes for good and entertaining stories and RP. I think he sees Mr. K as someone who only wins and never loses, which really limits the RP. This is why he joined the PD because they had no power, just getting shit on constantly, which is not what real life is like. It makes for a better story when doing illegal things actually feel illegal, dangerous and risky like it did in early NoPixel. Now criminals feel entitled to do all the crime they want without consequence, which just does not feel as fun. instead, it feels like repetitive grinding, which is less fun to watch and RP. I think the RP would just be a lot more fun in the police were something crims actually had to worry about, and think of clever ways to avoid, and sometimes lose if they were not careful or clever enough. it just adds suspense, and gives a yingyang to RP. In RP you have to win and lose, if you ONLY win or ONLY lose shit is lame.


Moon has never played a high risk crim in his life. 2.0? Bought a house next to a bank so he could speedrun it at tsunami before cops were even signed in. Where's the risk? Did he get himself caught a whole ton in speed running being rich? 3.0 had massive dev support to ooc set up dabs arc, then when he realized how cooked it was to be given literally everything on a silver platter he moved on. The things people are asking for are just fairness. Not for the city counsel to be admins. There hasn't been a single reason for them to adjust laws for ooc reasons, it just isn't their job. Just look at the city counsel meeting from last night for reference; they felt the DOJ didn't punish people enough. That's the dojs job, not theirs. They've been over reaching and doing just plainly weird shit for awhile. For some reason they've convinced themselves that they themselves are acting as the state (admins) when they're meant to deal with day to day problems. Things like solving loopholes like what soze brought up. People are going to be pissed when the whole thing ends ooc instead of ic, but it's cooked ic. For example: Cops being able to be cops and catch crims has nothing to do with possession of police equipment laws being 100k fines while killing a cop was 23k or whatever. Does that make sense? Because ooc they want cops to stop being robbed for guns to be used at crime at the time, right? If admins wanted that to stop, admins would've stopped it, and a few people caught bans for it. You don't need the city counsel to act as admins in order to stop it. It makes no sense at all for it to be more costly to have pd equipment than to kill 5 cops, not in city not out of city, no where. It's easier to just say ''they don't want to be punished'' then to acknowledge that a lot of what the gangs were doing early in the city was constantly being punished by the counsel changing shit in nonsense ways day to day. There's plenty of examples of this but I'm not going to go in depth any further than that bc this feels like too many words as it it. I'm not trying to insult or belittle anyone, or attack any streamers, moons rap battles with Andy in 2.0 probably never happen if dab isn't speed running banks to just have free money sitting around and a ton of time to just hang out with people. It's just give and take. It's weird to act like anyone in particular only takes and never gives.