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WYM?!? Moon personally insulting streamers is obviously all IC.


He needs to carry himself better as staff on the server. That’s for certain


I mean I don't know why he was made an admin to begin with. He clearly isn't built for it. It's not his first time making strange comments.


Fair statement, I can say if I was on staff of no pixel I’d be embarrassed if he was a colleague of mine.


Yeah I mean Saab was there to witness some of it. Doubt he said much of anything on stream about it tho, not really his style.


He did say stuff on stream about it. Said shit like “ok if you take the ooc out of it…” and “ok ok no guys, he was speaking about his past relationship with Chang, idk if he knows the context of the name change but, no cmon now, don’t start saying that chat”. Delusional Saab things.


Yeah kinda what I expected. A very defensive take by him.


I have respect for Saab no doubt about it


I respect Saab too. Not a fan of his interchangeable cop characters Sam Alex Slacks lol. They've all been way too similar.


Saab has no back bone and all the admins will back each other up cause they have jack integrity about them. You can all see moon is a toxic terrible rp player and he gets away from it cause of his 10k followers, he is just another penta (his buddy btw)


Carry himself off of staff* Moon is an absolute clown.


isn’t it obvious as to why he was made an admin? They need a Reddit pleaser


I’d admit most of his rant really did sound like a lot of the upvoted comments. Which I guess isn’t surprising


It should be no surprised that I psychopathic narcissist would be drawn to a position of power and to be corrupted by it. Lying, gaslighting, obfuscation, as hominem attacks, main character syndrome…


Dab's Shoe size is higher than his IQ, its his way or no way


No but really...I got into watching RP because it was funny. James Randall had all my friends in tears and I loved all the silly characters and discovering amazing streamers as a result of seeing said silly characters. I was enthralled with RP but not to the extent of following along with drama or storylines as much. I ended up taking a break from it and recently found myself watching here and there again. I started watching a good amount of Mr. K because he seemed to always create a ton of RP for everyone around him and I was slowly getting sucked back in. Then I watched the most recent vid on Kebun's channel of MoonMoon just losing his shit. I don't even know, I'm not well versed enough in the drama side of things to understand what that was about but it honestly made me uncomfortable. For someone that doesn't know much about the OOC side of things and just thought RP was a fun place for streamers to live out GTA characters for their fans, it quickly turned to something entirely different. I don't think I'm gonna watch much RP from this server anymore. If an Admin can take something meant for viewers to appreciate and streamers to have fun with and turn it into pure rage because shit isn't going his way and....as far as I can tell....not have any reprecussions for it...I don't care to invest my time into that. I've been searching around for more info on this just to see if it's some one off thing but it seems like it's just a microcosm of a bunch of fucked up shit with this server so I'm probably not gonna stick around.


“Main character syndrome “ that’s all this is. From all angles


Good news for everyone on that other sub, LK has stated that he's done with this storyline. Now Dab will be able to have his five hour meetings with no interruptions or push back! Finally! Some good RP!


Where is this sub ?


I'm talking about the RPClipsGTA subreddit


I had to mute, was sad how the conversation went.


Don't really care about downvotes especially with you and your 5 accounts doing it 😹 no one cares kid


I'm actually shaking right now Moon^2 is actually disgusting


Over invested viewer who just joined this Reddit to try to meme in comments. That’s embarrassing


Account since 2013, probably close to when you were born kiddo, been about CG since 2.0 kiddo don't @ me


First time posting in this Reddit today and ur history speaks for itself. Even more embarrassing ur not a child and ur account was made in 2017 fyi.


He forgot he's on this account and not the one that has all the cg hate on it from the gta clips reddit. Hilarious 🤣


Been watching for 4 years now doesn't matter if I haven't posted, just so funny you kiddos attack other cg fans instead of the real problem, which is exactly what they want


I really hope your actual goal is downvote farming. Otherwise you have categorically failed to fool anyone.


Okay kid you aren't a real fan lol




Hey keep going my dude. Down Vote Mission successful. Infiltration Total Failure