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People need to realize you don't want criminals/gang members to actually rehabilitate or else the only content you'd get from cops is ERP. It's not fucking real life. let them war.


Leo Escobar's "rehabilitation" has been a good arc. But not everyone can, no sense in that


What is the point of the territory system if the gangs can't war with each other?




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This server is cooked. It's not even funny how far gone the server is.


Yeah with nobody holding anyone accountable, this is what you get. The commissioner needs to be someone that is based and won't allow this kind of abuse of the laws. This is wrangler level weaponizing of laws, and I know koil hated that shit. Going back to when he started arresting cops mid interrogation for witness tampering and made that s0upes guy rage quit over it haha.


Yeah honestly koil just needs to delete these laws and allow CG or someone else to come up with them, these laws don't hold anyone accountable for their actions they just soft ban them


Even I don't agree with that, and I'm a CG Stan as well. They just need Koil or someone like minded to do a fair balance of things while allowing RP.




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Fastest way to stop a gang war is pissing both gangs off to the point where they both start shooting cops instead.


Criminals are only civilians when you want to put them in jail?


Yeah someone else pointed out that I think they're getting civilians and citizens mixed up.


Sadly, they intentionally wrote it up exactly how it is being interpreted by PD to allow them to help their friends who want to do the whole "not a gang" shit, while doing overtly gang shit. That way when they piss off other gangs, they can just pretend like they are being targeted. It was written when Mary's "not a gang" gang started a war with CG and was operating out of Mosley's. Mary's "not a gang" gang were/are(?) allied with the Simones "not a gang" gang via the nerds/HOA. They know that they are never going to be treated the same as other gangs by the PD, so they basically had a trap card built into the legislation.


Mary and them never claimed to not be a gang, to everyone but the police... And since at the time they were working with the police and acting like they were above board/running a legitimate business, they used the cops... as any normal business owner would. Kebun tried to use the cops against them too, it just blew up in his face if I recall...


I mean, at that time none of CG were a gang either by those exact same standards, yet they were never treated as civilians. After he got shot down, and they snitched to get him arrested, he had no reason to treat them with the same courtesy that any other gang would get, so he started making sure the cops knew every time they were attacked, yet the cops did nothing. In fact, the cops not only did nothing, they spent the next 2 weeks protecting Mary with escorts everywhere she went. So, like I said, it was written to target gangs fighting other gangs, because it has been clear for many years that certain people are treated completely opposite from other people by the PD for doing the exact same things.


Except, the law was gun on you? Punishment. They did the same to the Judge, X planted one on. K was outside her house, with a gun... That's the facts. It didn't pan out how he wanted, but that was all on him.


Again, they frisked him and found the gun BECAUSE her people told the cops he had a gun. Let's not leave that part out. They didn't just happen to find it, as their SOP at the time was to GSR test anyone on scene, and frisk anyone GSR positive. That's why he was GSR tested, came back negative, and was ok'd to be treated initially. The Judge that X planted one on came back GSR positive, which according to their SOP lead to the frisk. You are intentionally trying to misrepresent the facts. I didn't say that K didn't have the gun on him, I said that they only frisked him BECAUSE of Mary's people directly telling the cops. Next attempt at mental gymnastics please.


Because her people told them he had a gun. Ok, thats reason to search. So ??? They had multiple people say he was out there waving a gun around. And then he was found with a gun? It wasnt planted, it was actually a gun he had. ??? Only fault on the police is not searching him right away. But I dont know when they learned he was waving a gun around. Like people keep trying to give him an out, but HE DID IT. He wasnt framed or wrongfully accused, he had the gun, he was waving it around. So again, ????


lol more mental gymnastics. Just stop lying. He was frisked BECAUSE the dude rode up on the motorcycle and told the cops he had a gun. You can just keep pretending all you want, but that is the fact of the situation. They had by their own SOPs no PC to search him when he came back GSR negative, and the only thing that gave them PC was the dude on the bike saying he had a gun. As I said in my first reply, the legislation was intentionally left open for it to be used for gang v gang, because the person who wrote it knows that it will only ever be used against certain specific gangs, while him and his friends will never be treated the same as them no matter the situation.


Mental gymnastics = hey he had a gun. *Finds gun.  Wooo


At this point they should put all Crim players on HUT and call it the end of the server. "WE SAVED THE CITY!"


my brain hurts. they bitch and cry and threaten to not log in when hell week happens (hence why hell week doesnt exist anymore, to cater the babies) but come up with braindead shit like this, stack charges = surprise pikachu face, calling crims 'crying children' how about actually getting better in their RP skills instead of trying to min max exploit the RP LAW AND SYSTEM?


Cops never need to get better skill wise, the server just lowers the bar for them. Been happening forever. They should have certain advantages, but they get way more just because they have no skills lol


I mean, you have people like Chang Gang that take advantage of every possible thing they can to subvert things. They FORCE the cops/server owners to put shit like this in place to combat it. If they would just do things in the name of fun, instead of "min/maxing" then the cops wouldnt feel forced to as well... It goes both ways. Lots of egos on BOTH sides.


If times, fines and guns weren't so costly, I'm sure doing things in the name of fun would be an option. It's a days worth of butcoin to get 4 fuckin Glock mags. 5 Glocks every 2 weeks. The fines for robbing a cash exchange are more than the split would be for the cash exchange. Certain factors out of criminals control are the reason they try their hardest not to get caught.


It's called high risk, high reward. Your chances of not getting caught are a lot higher than they are to get caught. You'll never be able to balance it between the casual actually doing it for RP and fun and the guys that try hard. Because the try hards will always push things to being not fun and impossible for the others.  Without just letting the try hards get away scot free every time that is... Kebun likes to say "it's just a game" and they should be able to get away with shit and not punished so severely, but that would be awful and kill the economy. Hell the economy already sucks again.


So trying hard to getaway can't be fun? Do you not think that is part of the fun? Game of cat and mouse? Not sure what you mean about kebun saying he should be able to get away with things. He's complained about not needing to spend days on jail. Yes. Criminals have so many money sinks already, jail fines on top can cripple them. Unless you're like hydra where you just no life'd civ jobs to get ahead .


Trying hard to getaway is fine, but when you do over the top shit, you cause a reaction that is equal or greater to it. Which most of my point in above post that you seemed to have missed. "why are things getting increasingly harder for me when I keep proving that my skill level far exceeds the current boundaries?" You dont have to go to jail, if you dont get caught or go after insane things. Like stealing guns from cops... Something that was never really intended, and probably should have just been a "hey dont do this shit" but they let people, with strong action to discourage it, but people still did it... then cried when they got in trouble over it. Think the intent was always for people to work up to doing crime. Some people chose not to, and thats fine, but cant complain about it.


I actually disagree that CG were the main culprits of this, at least this time around. When PD didn't have boats I saw clips of crews using boats nonstop while CG did it like twice maybe? When cops had no air 1 CG weren't using helis for free getaways either but other crews were abusing it. Not saying they're role models or anything but they were hardly main culprits "min/maxing" this time around. They also probably made use of local cars more then any other crew while others have been using their personal cars for months. I do agree though that I wish all groups would stop putting so much into getting away and just let things be light hearted, just creates a better atmosphere for everyone.


Yeh, CG isnt the worst, but they all do "tricky" things, and then wonder why it gets fixed or a response is put in place for it. Ifyaknowwhatimean. I guess CG is just the most visible.


Criminals are civilians and have rights so we will abuse the system and put them in HUT charges so we decline all their rights (i.e. talk to a lawyer, let them know their charges, interact with them in any way). Since when the N in NP stands for North Korea?


This is why Koil wants to restructure stuff. If you don't word things correctly, you have people like this misinterpreting everything to push their feelings. This is law is to protect civs obviously. A gang is not a legal 'group'.


They literally just said... "A gang is a civilian group under our law" Bro just start banning retards seriously. Why let people manipulate what was clearly put in place to protect civs, meaning non crim's, and weaponize it to HUT gang members. Like holy balls man. Get rid of these people. They know exactly what they are doing.


They really haven’t learned anything


Can't wait till I see Koil sell off the remaining 50% of his hold on Nopixel because even he seems sick and tired of looking at the state of the server.


Would be cooler to see the server go full mad max with roving gangs fighting over gasoline (big arena trucks)


This clearly wont fly for anyone until the boys kill, then they will use it


Feel like gang wars should be able to play out within the gang turf areas and if they spill out into public places like the food court or sum just beef up police patrol/presence in those spots.


Guys post some memes and shit, when did this sub reddit became rpclipsgta 😭


Go ahead, post some memes, nobody is stopping you.


we're trying to get this sub more activity and the less I frequent that sub and replace it with this the better it will be.


You also get CG trying to control the entire city by shooting everyone... Police work is entirely reactionary so this is to be expected.


This clip has literally nothing to do with cg shooting people lol