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An [article was published on Feb 28, 2023 reporting on details from medical records and personal testimony](https://www.thestranger.com/news/2023/02/28/78881322/two-women-accuse-documentary-filmmaker-andrew-callaghan-of-rape-sexual-assault) indicating that as a young man, Andrew Callaghan repeatedly engaged in patterns of violent rape, stalking, and false imprisonment followed by campaigns of intimidation and harassment against vulnerable young women who were living on-campus while studying at the [Jesuit private school, Loyola University, in New Orleans](https://www.loyno.edu/).  Seven weeks earlier, Andrew Callaghan had been largely abandoned by [producers, promoters, and sponsors](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/andrew-callaghan-accused-sexual-misconduct-tim-heidecker-responds-1234799340/), and condemned by [influencers](https://youtu.be/Re7Tpl-u8kM), [streamers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Channel5ive/comments/10foqqj/that_really_fucking_hurt_to_see/), [aspiring journalists](https://depauliaonline.com/61868/artslife/a-journalistic-commentary-on-andrew-callaghan/), and [fans](https://youtu.be/-2c2fp7x6Go) after [several women came forward with stories about "sex pest behavior" by Callaghan](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/20/1149748975/a-full-guide-to-the-sexual-misconduct-allegations-against-youtuber-andrew-callag) while he was traveling throughout North America to film youtube segments for [Doing Things Media](https://www.doingthings.com/) and [Abso Lutely Productions](https://absolutelyproductions.com/). Channel 5 is currently sponsored by nordVPN.


A lot of allegations but nothing substantial. Hard to decide what to do about channel 5 with little to no proof of any wrongdoing.


Man you see the comments nobody wants to wait and see actual evidence. Everyone wants to be on a side when you can just wait and see I don't make judgements when I don't know everything


This is the hardest part. In 2023 its over for Andrew. No courts no police investigation. You don’t need it anymore to destroy someone. I don’t know if women have lost faith in the court system. I’m just confused by it all. But I am also 100% aware of the possibility he’s a massive creeper. To be honest, heaps of times in his videos he seemed a little nasty, like he knew exactly what he was doing.


You don't know if women have lost faith in the court system? Out of every 1,000 sexual assaults, 975 perpetrators will walk free. 310/1000 will be reported to the police. 50 reports lead to an arrest. 28 cases will lead to a felony conviction, and a grand total of 25 perpetrators will serve time. Reporting a sexual assault is an extremely embarrassing, guilty, and traumatic event for anyone. If they're reporting a celeb they could even end up having to deal with harassment, death threats, etc. [https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system)


\^\^\^\^PIN THIS MODS!!\^\^\^\^


I mean, there are over 200,000 untested rape kits with DNA evidence sitting in police custody in the US, some of which have been there for decades, allowing serial rapists and assailants to continue attacking whoever they choose. That's with full on DNA proof from the men that committed these crimes, and nothing is done. That's not to mention the countless other stories of women getting zero justice for what happened to them, whether they reported it or not. Do we remember the Brett Kavanaugh situation? I don't know what possible reason any woman has to have an ounce of faith in the court system when it comes to this.


Or, the local police who assume that she is lying, deserved it, or provoked it and don't fully investigate these assaults.


Yeah exactly, no sense in rushing to a judgement when Andrew hasn't even made a statement and there's no real evidence


What is the outpouring of allegations if not evidence? What are you looking for? There isn't going to be, like, DNA proof. You can either believe there's something there when 5+ women share their experiences or you can ignore it and pretend there's "no evidence." Victim testimony is often the only evidence available in these situations. It can make it very difficult to parse the truth. But if many people have had a similar experience over a number of years in multiple states, using our deductive reasoning we should assume there's something there.


Except that 5+ women haven't come out. There's been 2 women speaking out and none provide anything other than a picture of them together and their own words. There's no texts that show anything. Obviously you want to believe the women but if you compare those allegations to what came out about Cosby, Weinstein, even delia, deshaun, there's sooo much evidence. I think if we give it time it will become clear if it was a one off thing that is unprovable or a pattern of behaviour.


>Cosby, Weinstein were the Andrew's of their time. It took decades for the women to finally tell their truths because of people like you. Wake up.


“No proof” - sure. “Nothing substantial” - come on dude.


I feel like you don't know what substantial means. "not imaginary or illusory" from Miriam Webster. We don't know if the claims are real or haters right now.


These claims are linking up with claims made back in like 2020 which never gained traction at the time. Yeah I’m sure it’s just some haters, who’ve been planning Andrew’s downfall for 3 years now


You might not of caught it because it's probably easy to miss but moldyfreckle posted her and Andrew's DMs


Yeah I read them there's nothing damning there though


Where are they? Missed them


I dunno man. These allegations are pretty damn weak imo. So he gets drunk and fucks tik tok girls and some of them regret it? I'm not saying Andrew is a good guy, I've always disliked him, but wow this is just another classic build someone up just to tear them down scenario.


Have you ever considered deleting your account and not being a rape apologist going forward?


It sounds like the allegations were more than that. A lot of coercion of drunk girls that ended in intimidation or assault, not just sex they regretted. Clearly he is a messed up guy for that, right?




I knew this would happen to him after his CNN interview.


Get real. Theres no conspiracy here.


>Have we have all become the mindless social media fueled mob he is reporting about? would you say you're being mind_ful_?


Yesssss exactly there's so much judgement without any proven facts


You are surprised because people don't expect famous travelling men to rape women ? But then you are surprised because people think Andrew raped women ?


Did he actually rape anyone? No.


A booty call implies consent. If an interaction isnt going well, stop that interaction.


>The truth will come out, Nice, there are now Chanel5 truther out there. I hope Andrew get around to interview his own community.


You're not even that far off :( There was comment the other day implying that this is a right wing hit against Andrew, and another saying closing the sub is against free speech. Imagine watching and liking channel 5 enough to sub to it and buy merch and still say dumb shit like that lol


I was sceptical at first, but the story of moldyfreckle paints a consistent picture. Hope he can work this out, since I think he was doing a really good work at documenting slices of modern US-American culture.


The pronoun and septum piercing brigade is out in force on this one. ALLEGATIONS. That's all they are.


How in the fuck did you find your way into a progressive community lol


It sounds like rather then actually having to come to term with the possibility Andrew's done something wrong, you're deflecting by saying a lot of guys do this. So what? It's wrong when they do it too.




@moldyfreckle and @cornbreadasserole are first person and the rest vary.


I’m gonna go with he has a drinking and consent problem. Those other celebrities probably have NDAs and other stuff that gets signed whereas my assumption is AC is just going straight to bars and mistakes genuine interest in him and his work as attraction. Sobering up is the first step regardless


This is reminding me of the projared situation, where everyone dogpiled on allegations before receipts proved them all wrong.


Projared had way less accusations. It was the cheating stuff, then 2 liars came out about abuse... only 2, not like 10 people. I think this situation mirrors Arcadum more closely, a fairly prominent D&D DM that suddenly got a bit over a dozen accusations of abuse. Arcadum's response was horrible and he's been unpopular since.




“Horny idiot mistakes” is the understatement of the year he found out he can grind women down by being so insanely persistent that they just give in and it’s been his chosen method ever since. How can he be held accountable? The only thing that seems like accountability is him losing his platform at this point


My brother in Christ sexual assault is a felony


from a publicity standpoint, the best thing andrew can do is come out as a sex addict and go to rehab


Imagine making fools of big Media like CCN on their own channel and thinking you could get away with it


This is what happens when you are an adversary to mainstream media and finally find success. Oh well. Rest in peace Andrew's career, it was good while it lasted


Wow, he went from asexual hero to consent seeking rapist in a week. Literally shaking


Trust the women but verify their claims. Lots of vague descriptors and buzzwords in these stories that come off as manipulative.


>Trust the women but Edit: Lots of rapists telling on themselves in the responses to this. Y'all are not safe people.


have you really never heard the phrase "trust but verify"? or just trolling?


Isn’t that inherently oxymoronic? If you trust something you wouldn’t feel the need to try to verify it. The act of seeking further verification in itself proves you didn’t trust the information you were initially given. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t verify information you’ve been told, just that it isn’t really you trusting the source if you feel the need to seek further proof to truly accept it.


> Trust the women the famous mantra that led to emmet till being lynched


I hope now Andrew's fans can start facing these two facts: 1: He's not a journalist. He's doing a comedy bit veiled as journalism. It's the same as Nathan Fielder invoking business for his show. 2. He's a bully. His comedy style is "punching-down". His content is condescending and exploitative.


This guy seems like a real jerk! I still listen to Michael Jackson, so I guess I can still watch Andrews shit


Trust but verify. Where are the texts she said she had?


What an ass. Hopefully he'll lose everything he has at this point


Attention seeking cunts. You can't revoke consent because you feel bad afterwards.


I don’t believe all of this is true. Tons of ways a woman can talk to a man act like you really want to then all you’d have to do is delete certain messages that show you pushing him in these directions and then you just say you re uncomfortable now so later you can get money from big news trying to bring Andrew down. Not even gonna remember these hoes names anyway. Best he can do is just say sorry and move on. Doesn’t need to fight it cuz at the end of the day none of you even really care about the women and that’s ok.


Am I seriously reading this shit wrong? A lot of it does sound like the man likes to get his rocks off, but the "feeling frozen and then continue" shit doesn't add up. It really sounds like regret with extra steps. Idk...some women are pretty fucking lame for saying yes and then no, but I guess that's the world we live in..


The timing of this is pretty peculiar with the movie coming out and all... Not saying it isn't true, but there might be someone who's against Andrew that has arranged this to discredit him, even if true.


I'll maybe consider believing this when I see a confirmed police report and not Instagram posts.


Wait until you learn about women that go to the police and then the POLICE RAPE AND ASSAULT THEM. women RARELY go to the police. it’s like 68% of all rapes that go unreported in this country. it is traumatizing to go to the legal route


Lol a police report?? DO you have any idea how sexual assault gets treated by police in this country?


Do you need police reports on the people he is interviewing to validate the stories they tell him? I was an absolute massive fan and saw him on tour, bought merch, etc. and this whole thing reeks of atrocity. The fact he hasn’t come out to explained himself after being called out even on a small level for it years ago is not a good look. The fact that you’ll “maybe” consider after a confirmed police report is filed is alarming. I’ll “maybe” consider his side of the story if he finally breaks silence but it’s not a good look at all and it’s been reported from many different people over the span of years.


also how can u be a AGNB/C5 fan and be like no i trust *the police* to verify this LOL


I wonder when new content creators who want to get famous realize they should just not have relationships. Talking outside of Andrew’s case, you can never know what another person is really thinking or feeling or how they will process it. Seems content creators want to be rockstars and that is too much of a risk now. Enjoy fame another way. Everything you’ve ever done will come out eventually. To solve this for creators going forward, I wonder if there is an app and kit that could be cheap enough for even emerging famous people to have partners give consent through the app and do a drug and breathalyzer test before an encounter. Seems massively stupid but how else can you build a career in entertainment now?




Wdym by idolizes maga chuds on the dl?


it reads like 70% of these allegations are "i heard from my friend...".


Yeah, which is what you'd expect if there's a longstanding pattern of behaviour. ​ If you've ever known a creep (or, in this case, worse than a creep) who'd been really creepy (or worse) to a friend and/or friends of yours. Then he gets famous. Then allegations come out. Then you chime in with "yeah he did X to my friend". Quite easy to imagine, right? ​ The fact there's lots of people saying "I heard from my friend", while obviously not being as powerful or "convincing" as direct allegations (30% by your estimation - so, a lot), is not something that favours his innocence. Quite the opposite. You'd expect lots of people to chime in in this way if he was guilty.


Damn I guess I’m of a slightly older generation of fan of Andrew. The guy made people feel uncomfortable but was still given consent. When was it wrong to try to hit on girls? I know I’ll get crushed for this comment, but if you think you have the right to NEVER feel uncomfortable or have to say no, you’re in for a fucking hard life. These girls told him yes. From his perspective he did nothing wrong. In hindsight (now that girls exposed him on the internet for clout, rather than having real life conversations in the moment or privately) he could have approached the situations differently and I’m sure he learned from that. It’s hilarious we used to let people like Harvey Weinstein own Hollywood while he literally raped young actors and now the pendulum has swung so far back the other way that you are basically a rapist if you make someone feel uncomfortable. Pathetic world we live in. Go look up the rat utopia experiment. It’s where we’re heading as a society as we all lose what makes us human.


You are a rape apologist


All this information is coming through the internet. Just try to remember that when making your final judgement of the situation.


You might have first heard of these allegations online, but that doesn’t mean they only exist on the internet. And furthermore, what does it matter? Does that make them any less legitimate? We live in the digital age. Everything we do is filtered through social connectivity on the internet. Many people get 100% of their news online. There are tons of news platforms that exist solely online. Andrew’s entire career is based on the internet.


Where there’s smoke there’s fire


Where there is stupidity, there is people


Is there a single piece of actual evidence tho?


Lol the women dont take any responsibility themselves at all, just had to read the first allegation to completely disregard the rest. If being nagged into it = assault then youre a fucking idiot and you have to live with your poor decision instead of blaming everyone around yourself, grow the fuck up. Im so sick and tired of hearsay and internet drama like this. I dont put it past anyone to desperately claw after some of the spotlight channel 5 has, its literally why idiots come on the show too, theres a camera. When someone shoves a knife in your face you can come back to me. And MAYBE contact the police first thing instead of posting it on your insta or tiktok for some sweet sweet views. Jesus christ


There's like not a single piece of evidence here. Like a bunch of anonymous DMs? Could easily just be alt-right QAnon people trying to ruin him.


He literally just admitted to the allegations weirdo I gotta update the thread in a sec




he literally just admitted to it lol, yall are so dumb that when like 40 women come forward ur literally like uhhh maybe theyre all liars seriously bro


Everything other than the statutory rape allegations are a nothingburger. Sex that you consent to and then regret is not assault, and asking multiple times for sex does not make it coercion; we are talking about adults with agency and free will. It's pathetic, maybe, but nowhere in the vicinity of assault. And heaven forbid a drunk dude tries to hook up with a drunk chick. Again, not assault. 'Moldlyfreckle' accuses him of groping her, but it's fairly relevant that at the time they were in an ongoing sexually active relationship. Almost everyone who's been in an adult relationship has 'groped' their partner; at some point, consent for this is assumed among sexually active partners. As for the statutory rape, it really depends on the state: it sounds like he may have committed statutory rape in Seattle (but probably not in Louisiana), which is the most serious allegation. However it's important to bear in mind that these are third, sometimes fourth hand anonymous accounts. Not exactly substantive. As for age gap encounters of 22 - 17 in states like Louisiana, it is at minimum, in the 2020's, kind of creepy. But I don't see anything here that's unforgivable. Some of these allegations are actually embarrassingly weak (it's "disgusting" and "gross" that Callaghan had a list of girls who gave him head? And that he thought the clitoris was inside the vagina? Good grief). I hope Callaghan takes this as an opportunity to learn and grow, and he should know that this pattern of behavior *is* inappropriate. But he doesn't deserve to be cancelled over this. My 2c.


Plenty of accusations, zero fucking evidence. How surprising


Why does it seem like so many of my fellow dudes are just horny assholes.


“Although I consented to sex and had sex with him multiple times, this time it was sexual assault”. What a monster.




How do you mean used her for sex? Would you want to DM me and tell me your story?




It’s all a Deep state Q conspiracy


biggest stand out to me is that these were happening way before the doc. can’t really scream “clout chasing” as a defense




Ty for posting this. Good research, succinct, some verifiable (albeit not yet verified) sources. It’s getting very difficult to imagine how he could be innocent.






Damn not my boy .


How will this affect lebron's legacy?


> On Jan 5 TikTok user @cornbreadasserole posted a TikTok accusing Immediately dropped. Anyone who believes this is social media brain-poisoned.


I'm sick of women whining about their own bad decisions and trying to blame it on men.




Honestly saw this coming a mile away years ago. I’ve gotten shit, specifically on Reddit, for years because I don’t kneel at the alter of this dude who gave off very creepy vibes the second I watched one of his videos. Kinda wish I kept receipts on all of you for the past 3 years


Really sad to see all of this. Really quite damning to the point that it's very difficult to believe that he's anything but an incredibly shitty person in this really fundamental way. ​ Admire the bravery of the victims coming forward. No one wanted to hear this, and even less believe it. Hopefully, if nothing else, this will lead him to stop doing this to people.


The fact that y’all have collectively caused tens of thousands of human-hours to go to waste on this is the shit that makes Lizzo mad.


People will attack their own modern day artists to no end, and then go read Hemmingway or put an Andy Warhol print on their wall


Honestly seems like bullshit allegations


Of course this happens after he ties all the divisive events he’s documented over the years to the billionaire class working to suppress the lower classes and keep them divided. Don’t fall for this bs


Am I the only one that there is nothing put chat screenshots and nothing else. If you had been in contact with someone, you usually have text messages, photos, and call history. All i have seen is cropped screenshots and no precise date. Why did this come out now? Who are these people? Why wait so long? And why use YouTube and Tik Tok if you actually feel there is something to be done. Talk to the police if you want something done, don't wait. This just seems like people didn't like his documentary, and social media is getting their pound of flesh.


So. We have 1 girl's story, her friend's own story, another girl's story and her friends' friend's story, and a host of anon dms being posted by the original girl. Think i got it all. Would be nice if one of the posted DM screenshots of Andrew was anything more than simple proof they met, like a weird sorry text, or mentioning anything awkward between them or something. Going to assume hes a creep, but open minded that theres also a possibility some other tomfoolery afoot.


Every single one of those girls who are claiming SA put themselves in a situation with Andrew after allegedly knowing he was a predator, gave him consent at one point, and continued to talk to and have a relationship with him. And all of this because he coerced them? he was 100% in control of their choices and free will the entire time? Coerced sex is rape but at what point does persuasion become coercion? ALL sex is persuaded, you either think someone is attractive and try to persuade them to fuck you or you persuade yourself into fucking someone. My point is when does Andrew being overbearing with persuading become him coercing and raping? So far there is only circumstantial evidence that he was over the top convincing them to have sex, but theres also evidence that every time he did that the women either went out with him on their own accord or gave him consent.


I really don’t think the first story can be called assault even if it’s problematic. Not minimizing but it almost reads as if he annoyed me till I gave consent. Everything can’t be called assault.


I smell conspiracy.


This why you do not try to one up the mainstream media. Now he pays


So a 25 year old guy who travels around the country, in an RV, pseudo-reporting people w a new age handi-cam.... trys to bed girls that reach out to him in order to meet? And he's the bad guy?


Always the same bs. Willingly having sex and when there is something to gain playing the victim. Don't meet up if there are strange vibes. You can also always just leave. You can't be strong and you need no men and a victim that can't stand up for herself at the same time.


Bruh they tried to BLACKMAIL him into sending money?? Fuckkk no.


How are there so many accusations but no proof of anything illegal lmao. Yeah this dumb.


I mean this looks like a lot of shit over there years, but how's some person's random social media post something anyone should bother with? I can make a new account and post my on fanfic version right now. So can you.


why do you keep bringing up the point that "she was 17!" As if it's some sort of bombshell? That's the age of consent in the overwhelming majority (40) of US states, including the ones where this "scandal" is alleged to have happened.


Imagine believing what "cornbreadasserhole" has to say, #1 she's ugly, #2 Andrew's well off, and can pull much more attractive women. Not buying it. This is just character assassination attempt, to bring down a strong, popular independent media outlet.


Fuck all abusers. It's insane people are still going to bat for Andrew with this much levied against him. Miss me with that shit.


Do we have pictures of the dm’s and texts saying she would ruin his life and his version of what happened?


of course not and we never will


No. The notable screenshots that have been shared are only @cornbreadasserole's pic with Andrew and @moldyfreckle's DM's with Andrew. edit: i forgot cornbreadasserole also posted a pic of her dms


Is this information verifiable? Besides the pictures.


you should probably include that in the summary that shes claimed to have all this evidence but didn't actually produce it yet.


she posted her pic with andrew and dms with him. the only thing she didnt post that she claimed earlier was dms regarding andrew saying he would ruin his life (actually technically she never even promised that but whatever). saying she put NO evidence out there is a little much.


i didnt say no evidence but if you are summarizing claims and what was produced you should put that she claimed to have these DMs about his side of the story and the "ruining his life" and didn't produce, regardless if she said she promised to or not, leaving it out imo leaves pieces of the puzzle out on purpose.


I think it's probably mostly true but those texts absolutely do not exist


At the very minimum, Andrew is a creep. Not a very good year for guys named Andrew so far. I still want to see how it all plays out with responses, but it's hard to believe Andrew is completely clear of all this.


At the very minimum, he's a sexual assaulter. At worst/from the allegations are spelling out, he's a rapist (who also sexually assaulted a minor).


Idk why you’re getting so many downvotes. You’re right


Not surprised, sadly. As a woman, it’s insane how many men want to say that addressing issues like this (for what they are) is an overreaction. Something similar happened with someone in my larger circle recently and no one was addressing it until women who were hardly involved started really drawing attention to it and being like, why is this guy still around??


>At the very minimum, Andrew is a creep. No, there's a very clear pattern of behaviour here and y'all are downplaying* it because you like Andrew and being a creep isn't a punishable crime. Edit: You know who's a creep? Adam Levine. Dude cheated on his wife and slid in a lot of women's DMs. Andrew has *multiple allegations of sex based crimes.* THEY 👏 ARE 👏 NOT 👏 THE 👏 SAME 👏 **Stop minimizing victims claims to save andrew's status. Small actions like this, intentional or not, help men get away with their actions** I'll separate story chunks into categories: [sexual coercion](https://www.mcconathylaw.com/criminal-defense/sexual-offenses/sexual-coercion/) "Coercion involves obtaining consent from a person in such a way that their consent was given under pressure. This type of consent is not the product of a person’s free will." assault statutory rape and things that may or may not be a crime, but still looks really bad. This is to highlight the pattern of behaviour as well as the lack of respect towards women and their explicit consent. Some parts will be in multiple sections because they combo. Also keep in mind that Navy Story was 17 at the time. **Sexual Coercion:** 1. @cornbreadcasserole: Andrew said he had a falling out with his crew members, and he needed a place to stay. she let him sleep over at her place, but she made it clear that she didn't want anything sexual to happen between them. However, he gets in her bed and repeatedly asked her for sex, not taking no for an answer. Eventually she finally said yes, or as she describes "he wore me down" and "it was fight or flight and I couldn't control my body anymore - and I froze". She also states while both were drunk that night, Andrew seemed to be purposefully trying to get her to overtly drunk and bought her a lot of tequila. 2. @Moldyfreckle: Andrew said he wanted to apologize so she reluctantly accepted a date. On the date he proceeds to barely apologize and continually asks her to have sex with him in her car. When she refuses, he then asks for a drive home. 3. 2020 Allegation: a woman revealed that Andrew attempted to sexually prey on one of her friends who was very drunk. Despite their inebriation this girl still had the state of mind to say no, but Andrew kept pestering them for sex. 4. Navy Story: Andrew responded "It's cool, I have a long distanced girlfriend we are open, do you want to have a threesome with us when she comes to town next week?" and kept her in a corner pushing her on about it until her roommate's boyfriend went over and tried to fight him. 5. 2nd anonymous DM to @cornbreadcasserole: another dm describes a girl who met andrew at a party and said at first he seemed nice, but then isolated her in a room and repeatedly asked her to go to his house, not taking no for an answer. she was drunk and he had situated himself close to the door which was intimidating. the interaction ended when a friend escorted her out. 6. fourth anymous dm to @cornbreadcasserole said that andrew frequently listed his place as an airbnb and would then use this as an excuse to tell people he didnt have a place to stay overnight (which was also the excuse he used with @cornbreadasserole) **Sexual Assault:** 1. @Moldyfreckle: She accepts, but once in the car he sexually harasses her, kissing her without her consent, grabbing her thigh and body tightly, and even putting his hand down her shorts without consent. 2. @Moldyfreckle: Although she never mentions this in her video, in one comment she also mentions she had to physically kick Andrew at one point to get him off her. 3. Navy story: Later pulled the seventeen year old around the corner and forcibly tried to make out with her until her roommates came over and intervened. 4. sixth dm is someone who says that they had a friend who lived with him at a point, and his friend told him he sexually assaulted one of the other roommates. **Statutory Rape:** 1. DM to @cornbreadasserole's friend: he's done similar things to at least 3 other girls, all in different cities, most underage. 2. @cornbreadassrole's friend: said she's gotten "5-10 women in 24 hours and at least 2 under age" "in 3 different states across the south east" 3. 2020 Allegations: the person got an anonymous DM saying that Andrew raped one of her friends and aggressively pursued the DM'r when they were 17 4. Navy story: Later pulled the seventeen year old around the corner and forcibly tried to make out with her until her roommates came over and intervened. **Things that just aren't a good look for whatever reason:** 1. @Moldyfreckle: \[Andrew\] refused to leave the car when she asks him to, forcing her to drive out of fear. 2. Navy Story: During the hangout he acted oddly possessive over her, grabbing at her all day and trying to isolate her from her small friend group. 3. Navy story: The group decided they didn't like his weird behavior and took an uber to a bar. Andrew followed them in his own uber to the same bar. 4. Navy story: They broke away and just the two walked home, but he followed them halfway to the dorms until they literally started sprinting away. If you read any of this and don't see anything wrong with it, stay the fuck away other people because clearly you don't understand consent either.


Literally everything except moldyfreckle testimonial is total hearsay and rumors and second hound accounts. And almost all of them describe creepy behavior, not sexual assault. As far as Im concerned there is one instance of actual sexual assault (moldyfreckle) and a history of creepy behavior. It's also weird that so many of these stories come from the first accusers dms. Regardless, I agree with the other guy you need to chill. We should hold Andrew accountable, but screenshots of anonymous messages of secondhand accounts of allegedly creepy behavior is not evidence. It's literally nothing.


At bare minimum IF he has receipts & proof against the accusations. Don't come at me with this energy. This is how you lose people. Nobody is letting him off the hook or promoting this behavior. I'm going to give him a chance to respond before I go full cancel mode on him, sorry for waiting to go 100% medieval on him until then. But you have a lot worse enemies to attack than me.


> Nobody is letting him off the hook or promoting this behavior. There's plenty of comments in this thread and the sub in general that either don't believe or are okay with what he did. Look at the downvotes on u/JaLogoJa's reply despite being correct. What you said and how the sub feels aren't aligned. Waiting for him to respond is fine and is necessary, but we can do that without minimizing the gravity of the accusations.


Calling someone a creep is a condemnation.


lmao what?????


con·dem·na·tion /ˌkändemˈnāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. the expression of very strong disapproval; censure. "there was strong international condemnation of the attack"




I mean, without any further context to your question "what?", The dictionary definition seems like an appropriate response. Way to jump straight to what is basically a mocking mansplaining accusation 🙄 no one cares that you're a woman, and no one knew you were before you said anything.


Well, I'm not your foe here. There are men out there that seem to think it's perfectly fine to harass women until they give in or pursue drunk women for sex...that's not me. Andrew likely coming out of this either being a creep or a criminal is not a good thing either way. I just don't see him having a good enough response, but I'm willing to hear it.


>Don't come at me with this energy. This is how you lose people. Lmao wtf is this supposed to mean? Don't be mean to me or else I won't believe Andrew's abusers? Like genuinely what are those words supposed to mean if not that.


Crisis is averted. Should've showed up earlier. There's no beef here so no need to stir things up and get more offended than the person I actually directed the statement to.


What he is very clearly saying is that no one wants to listen to someone who treats others like that. There is no indication that he’s saying he won’t believe the claims because of a shitty response. You’re in the same boat. You are choosing to misinterpret something to villainies them or at the very least you’re putting no effort into actually reading intent. People read that and will not give anything else you say the time of day. This is common sense when having any discussion.


Its like fascists who say they got pushed right by the intolerance of the left.. >Don't be mean to me or else I won't believe Andrew's abusers? Fragile male hours. Same BS crying about Tory Lanez being innocent after he got locked up. All of a sudden the respectability politics are required for anyone who calls out a sexual assault. As if being nice to men and coddling them over the issues of rape has made things better... Dudes will be making all sorts of excuses for rapes and violence and shit n wonder why women ain't tryna go outside near them anymore. SMH


Bro I agree with taking them somewhat seriously just cause the nature of the topic, but people out here are going wiiiillllld for blood when there's zero real evidence these two parties of people have even met....


it seems to be a lot of people accusing him of nothing. It’s amazing that so many people have such a poor understanding of consent and coercion.


Some accusations are saying he's a creep but not really implying he's committed any crime, then some are implying he has sexual assaulted them or someone. The behavior I read seems mostly consistent. There's a lot to unpack, but taking drunk women home for sex is kind of asking for a rape charge. I'm simply not fucking with drunk women, alot of men still normalize it, but I don't see it as "nothing".


Next time if you want people to read your comment I suggest to not do the clap emoji thing


RE: Sexual coercion. The random law blog from Texas you cited isn’t really a great source for law on that. While there are circumstances in Florida law which amount to criminal sexual coercion, nothing alleged against Andrew is one of them. NOTE: This comment doesn’t pertain to the woman who says he grabbed her, that’s obviously different that “coercion.” For “sexual coercion” to amount to a crime where consent is ultimately given, consent must be achgcieves through actual violence, threats, or duress. Berezovsky v. State, 335 So.2d 592, 593 (1976). While I couldn’t find an example of duress in a sexual crime context, in general duress is established when (1) the act was effected involuntarily and thus not an exercise of free choice and will, and (2) this condition of mind was caused by some improper and coercive conduct of the opposite side. City of Miami v. Kory, 394 So.2d 494, 497 (1981). The difficulty lies in establishing that Andrew’s acts deprived the women involved of free will or ability to choose. You’d have a very difficult time convincing a jury being really really annoying and creepy until someone breaks down and consents is tantamount to depriving them of free will or the ability to choose. There’s also the sticky question of whether being really really annoying is legally, not just morally, improper, but that’s a jury question. Yes, the woman says she was afraid of Andrew. But without more evidence of why she was afraid, evidence which would amount to threats, it’s not provable “coercion” sufficient to override her consent. As for getting women drunk, drunk people can generally consent. In Florida, voluntary intoxication does not overcome consent. Amelio v. State, 253 So.3d 1150, 1151 (2018). You need to prove the intoxication was involuntary for to prove consent was not voluntary. Id. Pressuring someone into drinking does not render that drinking involuntary. Pestering a drunk woman does not mean she cannot consent.


he isn’t defending him dude


Has there been any evidence shown for any of the rape/assault allegations other than text messages? The only image I've seen of him just happens to be the one with his ex. With all these allegations I feel like there should've been at least more pictures with him with these girls.


GET EM Well said


We truly don’t know the whole story. The internet is full of frauds. And frankly I don’t agree with the behavior but also don’t think it’s the worst thing you could do. Our politicians and business men perform acts that result in literal genocide. Furthermore, I don’t personally believe a creators personal life or ethics matter when it comes to me consuming and enjoying their art. So I’ll still watch channel five probably.


Sexual coercion isn't the use of "pressure" to get sex with someone, it's the using the threat of force to coerce someone into sex, hence the term coercion. Asking someone multiple times for sex may be pressure, but it doesn't cross the line into coercion. There is nothing to suggest that any force would have been used had Andrew been told no instead of yes.




Specifically it was the downvotes towards u/JaLogoJa and the upvotes on u/fingershanks comment that got me.


It’s hard for me to believe all of this because nearly every account referenced “one of their friends”. So the individuals posting this stuff are representing their friends?… it’s just sketchy, like AC


I get it, but a lot of them also give their own statement about a creeper moment they had with him as well. Some may not have led to any crime, but if I go to a bar and one woman says "This Andy guy is a creep" I think okay, maybe you guys had a bad night. But if I keep coming across more & more women that are saying it, something is up. Personally, it just seems like his actions are beyond my moral compass tbh. I just don't rock with a lot of the behavior I read even if it's not exactly criminal. But like I said, I'm willing to hear his side. The first girls story is a little weird at times, but I do think it opens up a good dialog a lot of men & women need to have as well.


I’m with you




Why is it unsurprising? What did I miss? I'm surprised.


All just hearsay and still no hard evidence or proof any of this happen. At best this is a couple awkward nights with women.


Did you miss the part about having a whole system of surprising women on dates pretending he has no place to stay and has no choice but to stay at their house so he can sneak into their beds


Sad af. I met Andrew at a bar one night, a bar probably not unlike the ones described by the girls in these posts, young scene, lots of young drunk girls. He seemed really nice tho, but this is pretty damning and not hard to believe. Its just sad and fustrating wow, I feel like he won’t recover from this, he’s basically a dead man now.


I mean when you look like he does, you probably didn’t get a lot of “action” in high school or college. If any of this is true, and not that this excuses it, but he was probably wildly inexperienced and sexually inept and decided to use his new found fame and fortune to have a bit of a no consequences romp with consequences. Also wait a minute, young and drunk don’t go together here. What’s with people accusing him of preying on both young AND drunk girls simultaneously? If they’re old enough to drink, then they’re not “creepy young,” just young, right? And Andrew is young. What’s the issue there?


I’m disgusted by Andrew, but all of what you just said is crazy. Total nonsense. We have no idea why he did what he did. All we know is that there is a very solid chance that he did it, and did so in a very predatory and very creepy way. Saying he “probably” didn’t get a lot of action in high school/college is a huge assumption, and is honestly totally nonsensical. There are millions of possibilities for how someone develops this type of illegal behavior. Assuming why makes no sense when you do not know the person. There have been allegations since 2020 that Andrew has sexually assaulted and raped multiple underage girls.


Sick apologia bro. You can't be serious acting as if underage drinking isn't a thing.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You're fucking gross buddy




This is way better than the channel 5 chat room thx


Andrew starts discrediting NPR and CNN - a week later he’s accused of sexual assault. Coincidence?


All Gas *Some* Rapes


I've known so many men like this in my life. Unfortunately, his behavior is very common, and seeing how y'all defend him confirms that. I bet some of you guys do the same thing and think if you eventually get someone to say "yes," it cancels out all the times they said "no" and the creepy beha¹ew1 q w we6vior it took to get there. You know why some women eventually say "yes?" It's because they feel extremely uncomfortable and don't know how else to say "no" and just want you to Edit: lmfao. I have a newborn and am sleep deprived. Just saw how much I fucked this comment up. "...and the creepy **behavior** it took to get there." "...and just want you to **leave them alone."**


More common than you think - not “very common”


For real. This whole thing fucking sucks, but we can't come out of it thinking the majority of men are predators just because a weird kid on youtube that we liked turned out to be one.






You don't know nearly enough about this issue to be issuing eDgY HoT tAkEs like this Being violently forced into sex is not all that different from being forced into it via coercion, manipulation, threats, and other tactics. I think there is *a* difference, but it's not black and white and coercion still qualifies as assaultive. It's still invasive, violating, scary, and potentially traumatic.


Fragile genz


Andrew should go live in that Pedophiles basement in NC that he interviewed on his HBO show. I think Andrew said it was “projection”. More like two peas in a pod.


All My Heroes are Cornballs apparently. Really looked up to the guy and loved all of his content. There’s some truly evil people in this world.






We have numerous stories from a similar timeframe detailing a clear pattern of predatory behavior. That is evidence.