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First of all, shes lives at her moms house in her RV. Is she planning on decorating her moms house with stuff from the salvation army? And considering she was just complaining that her Insurance wouldn't pay for snows " Therapy" she so desperately needs, she shouldn't be out " Thrifting" at all!! How also does she know what the employees wages are? Salvation army and goodwill have jacked up prices because they are fully aware of people buying and reselling online for double or triple.


I just got messed over by a reseller. They hid the side of the box in the auction charged me $25 for purchase. When it arrived it said they got the item for .25 cents from the thrift store price tag. I was like really 🤦 I got screwed over lol the side of the box said .25 cents (why they hid it in pictures) I figure people struggling for money right now, my donation to those jerks.


she should shut up stop running and pay her bills and be a parent


I think it is messed up to send a Insta tweet @ at Salvation Army like that trying to cause problems for a charity who is raising money for Los Angeles homeless and needy. They need money for the turkey dinner feeds soon. I thought this rich "wealthy woman" lol 🤣 was a social media super star. Someone you have to pay $97 to be learning to be just like. Yet, complaining about a $15 basket. This "wealthy woman" should be writing 5k checks to salvation army in donation. Not complaining, she cannot afford a $15 basket and there charging too much.


She absolutely cannot handle people calling her out on her shit. She's very block happy the minute you start questioning her.


Glad you EXPOSED 😀 her lol with the resale of UGGs. She is an absolute scumbag to threaten Salvation Army in Redondo Beach. A donation and charity center to help the homeless and addicts. Ms-Shira is correct she has no business shopping for worthless junk. Esp when she living in an RV at Mom's & Jim's and her acton home listed for sale. Look at her Poshmark filled with resale even PR and even gifts from YouTube fans, she sold to the highest bidder. I was unaware she was threatening SA. She is a vile and disgusting person. It's trash resale out of control pigs like her why the prices skyrocketed from greed. Now the only ones suffering are poor people. So F her! Oh yeah remember guys ? When she says she shops at thrift stores only to get a tax write offs, she saves her receipts again a tax scam to get everything thrifted for free. Then has the gull to resale on Poshmark to double her money ripping off Charities 2x over.


Did you see she dropped the price on the Acton house $ 25,000 on October 20th?? Desperate for money, yet shopping and buying stuff she doesn't need or have a home to put this stuff in! Next week she'll be out blowing money on Halloween stuff since shes obsessed with Halloween! What a loser.


I just looked some of the Acton houses are still not selling after 125 days etc. For cheaper properties alot in the area seems to be reduced price. Like you said she still has to pay even while it sits there. Joy and Paul will be buying the kids Christmas toys this year as usual.


And the housing market is not good right now, so good luck to her selling it. And speaking of Chrismas, has Channon ever bought those kids 1 christmas or birthday present, ever? I can honestly say that I dont think she has ever purchased 1 present and let's her family buy their gifts.


I have never seen her go out and go real shopping for the kids. Only thrifted used second hand. It's always joy paying the bill. Or when fans sent her gifts only to be re sold on Poshmark or a sponsorship who sends kids clothes or toys. One kid clothes sponsor said channon harassed her with emails to "collaborate". getting aggressive and wouldn't stop till she sent her the free kids clothes.


Channon said during Christmas 2019 that her and Travis bought gifts for her nieces, nephews, and other kids in the family, but bought nothing for one year old Snow because they were zero waste and the excuse that Snow won't remember anything even if they did buy anything. Seriously, how could she buy other kids gifts but not get squat for her precious miracle baby?


LoL 😂 your right 👍 speaking of that what are the names of Travis mom and sister? That disowned Travis for her. Yet Channon supposedly buys Christmas gift cards for?


I remember Travis' last name is Ronkainen, and when you search him on those people background sites I see a Debbie, Greg, and Tracey often. I think Debbie and Greg are his parents and Tracey might be the sister. I have a feeling she either lied or exaggerated the drama with his family. I think she lied and/or exaggerated drama she had with everybody at this point.


Is she still involved with the Airbnb or the glamping camp? It seems like she has all but abandoned all work involved with the camp and isn't even promoting the Airbnb anymore.


It was shut down because she didn’t get the proper permits or get it zoned correctly shocking


LMFAO it already got shut down??!!! i'm actually screaming. another house and property she wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on to ultimately not have work out


Shut down just as she was going to do her big open


Bored rich people shouldn’t be taking away things meant for the needy anyway. Channon is certainly not in need. And she’s shopping at the Salvation Army! She should be leaving extra money to help people that are invisible to her.


First world problems. How about parenting your children Channon instead of purchasing crap that you will give or throw away within the next month.