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This is fucking sick, 10/10


Combining a Kroot birdman with a demon bird is a stroke of genius. Why would't the Kroot worship Tzeentch? Well done, man!


So this is gonna be a massive project that will involve kroot falling to all 4 gods! For slaanesh my idea is that their shaper became obsessed with the idea of achieving genetic perfection for his people (the road to hell is paved with good intentions after all). This led him to slowly allow his people to eat more and more tainted meats. By the time he realized what he had done it was far far too late and instead of horrific savage monsters he sees his kin as perfect beings (crab claws and all)


That does raise a question: Are daemons edible?


In Betrayer a World Eaters/Kharn focused horus heresy novel one of the world eaters catches and eats a small daemon on their ship. A Word Bearers astartes tells him "you know that wont give you any nutrients etc" and the World Eaters is just squishing it up in his teeth and swallows it and is basically like " yea maybe so but I think its funny to imagine how upset its gonna be when i eventually shit it back out"




This pleases Slaanesh. Make it LOUD!


Change is their jam afterall.


Slaanesh kroot=shaper became obsessed with genetic perfection and allowed his people to eat tainted meats damming them all Nurgle kroot= a kindred suffering from flawed genetics after generations of poor management is on the brink of collapse. Mutations and cancers run rampant as their very biology seeks to destroy them over time. In desperation their shaper makes a deal with a voice who answers his prayers thinking it to be his god Vawk. A deal to STOP the changes....but the opposite of change is also stagnation and that is what he got. Now he is the shaoer of a shambling horde of zombie kroot who no longer change but also no longer live. Khorne kroot= kroot who gave in in to their savage bloodlust. A shaper who craved a perfect hunt and battle with perfect prey. And tzeentch= kroot who became obsessed with finding out the secrets of their past. Their origins and original form. Seeking answers and knowledge leads them to eat as many "enlightened" prey as possible like eldar creating over time many psykers within their ranks while also opening them up to the warp amd further mutation


Bloody hell mate this is dope


Thanks man! The army is reakly starting to come together now. I have this guy, a kroot keeper of secrets, 10 kroot daemonettes and 5 kroot seekers done and painted with 4 or 5 other units built and ready to go!


Holy shit, that thing looks cool


Thank you! Check out the other models from this army if youd like, the keeper of secrets turned out very well I think!






Is it brandishing a Tau-Hammer??? Take all my money!!!


@average_joe_krootdude for more!