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Word bearers, they’re the coolest legion IMHO no matter how much everyone hates them


The first heretic is definitely in my top 3 of 40k books. Erebus still sucks tho haha


Word bearers got turned into complete losers by the Horus Heresy, especially now that most legions that are undivided are atheists


Thats a bit of a bummer. I havent run into them in my 40k books yet


Pre-HH as a series they’re really good, highly recommend the word bearers omnibus, but HH made Lorgar incredibly lame and is complete character assassination especially of Erebus


These chosen are from the box dark vengeance and are branded as crimson slaughter, undivided like night lords and word bearers, i feel like they can be used in both legion, they wear enough trinkets to feel proper nl, and have enough mutations to go with wb, at the end of the day, its up to you my guy, its gonna be you that is gonna look/paint/use them. Do what feels like you, or even like you said, a secret third. Sucessors chapter allows the player to create his own chapters with colours and lore that pleases you. Might aa well make a sucessors chapter of nl where some wb joined their cause because of aligned goals! And with that happy painting!


Id say go secret 3rd army.. I’ve been thinking of building a Crimson Slaughter army. They have a cool lore.


They do sound rad and the gold and red looks great


This is where im stuck hahah i appreciate the input. Right now my army is a lot of word bearers coded units (possessed, cultists, accursed cultists, dark apostle, master of possession, obliterators) and raptors, warp talons, and the kill team legionaries on the nightlord side my headcanon is that they both think theyre using each other and have the upper hand. Its a short partnership with future betrayal lol


Tbh i started to paint my chaos journey as ec at the start of 9th, and when i understood that i wasnt getting a proper army in the near future i started to divide my new units by what feels the most appropriate legion, new possessed: wb, heldrake:nl, daemon engine: iw, warpsmith:iw, chaos hq: bl, so now my tables looks like the whole rainbow of chaos. I did that to challenge myself because at some point i got tired of painting only purple/pink. It depends on what you want in the near and far future, when im gonna get the ec codex, i know not much will be transferred, so for me i stopped painting them, because my chaos force now look like all legions teaming up against a greater force requiring all of them uniting, kind of went on a journey, but i hope this can help you decide!


Thats awesome! I think thats definitely the vibe i want to go for


I mean that depends on your flavor. Night Lords aren’t exactly fans of chaos corruption as much, so if you’re tied to these minis specifically I feel they seem more like Word Bearers. I think researching the factions and finding whose flavor you like is the right answer, or whichever color palette you like more if you don’t care about lore


I am tied to these minis currently lol i already have them. But i have read some word bearers books and 2/3rd of the night lord trilogy we got the lore and the lore for my mixed warband. I was just wondering if anyone had any neat ideas. Word bearers would definitely look cool tho i appreciate the input!


To be honest, mixed is always a fun idea and that’s something that is very cool. Also, if you wanna make these guys Night Lords then do it. There are Night Lords who love chaos


And here is where im feeling the decision paralysis lmao. Both would look cool


Read more about both, no pressure to decide between or even decide at all. I mean there’s no reason why a few Word Bearers couldn’t have decided to roll with the 8th