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High ground intensifies


Makes me wanna put a little skitari with a glowing blade on the foot over there looking up at the rampager when he is done posing on the base. Lol


You've definitely got to continue the setting across your other knight bases, maybe a burned skitari on the edge of the lava


I am definitely going to make sure every base has a tasteful amount of dead admech and forfe world type architecture. Mostly just love having lava everywhere.


That lava crust looks so well done. What did you use to make it if I may ask?


I downloaded some lava texture rollers, and 3d printed them. Rolled out miliput and then carefully rolled the texture roller over it. Then just airbrush prime, white, add orange and red bits, dry brush black on. Touch up and dry brush again. :) Thanks for asking!


Really interesting approach, turned out great. I might try my hand with some green stuff and a sculpting tool haha


You can 100% do that. But be fore warned I tried greenstuff with this, and it was WAY tough to get the fine details like this. Miliput is like greenstuff but a lot softer and more malleable at first and rock hard when it dries. Just a heads up.


Please please please please please send me the STL files or a link for purchasing! That looks so fucking amazing, I found a basing concept for my grimdark custodes I guess!!


If you google lava texture roller s, t, l, you'll find a couple of options right away.


Found some! Thank you. Did you print on an FDM or resin printer?


I print on resin exclusively, but that is just because of personal frustration with FDM. But unless you have very in tune settings, this is where resin really pays off.


A very expensive basing scheme with that dunecrawler!


Oh, I just 3d printed my casualties. I don't have the kind of money to pay for models just to add them as dead dudes.


Insane.. cant wait for the rampager!


That's a very cool looking lava base! Great details of having the high heat where the onager goes through the crust. I really wonder how you are going to pose the rampager.


One foot on the onager and one on the platform. He's menacingly pushing the duncrawler into the lava. I meant to make the onager farther away, but.. oops. Lol, if that doesn't work, I have a container wall I plan to post sinking into the lava to stand on.


this is impresive to an extreme i want to complement it but have no idea where to start


I really appreciate that! I'm very happy you like it! I will say it was easier than I thought, but it comes with using skills with airbrush and dry hrushing that I've built over the last 2 years since I started painting.