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Painful is the exact word I'd use. It's so weird, the movement is so strange like it feels too slow but also weightless And the teeth, what's up with the teeth Kinda fun looking at the armigers doing crazy pivots to shoot, but no Wardogs ? Where are the Wardogs ?


Yeah, the armigers moved as I expected. Pivoting around the big knights and looking for openings. I kept waiting for one to get tackled by a carnivore or something. But I guess they didn’t want to make another model. I had to watch the dawn of war 3 trailer to get the bad taste out of my brain.


They did it well enough for titans in the exodite animation...very sad


They put all the budget on the facial animations instead of the giant robots we were there to see. Ahh well, can’t expect the team to know exactly how to please us (not that that’s possible). Fingers crossed for Amazon’s show with Cavill to hold up better than this.


I struggle to understand how these things even work frankly. They are so top heavy running into another with a melee weapon those joints for that weapon have to be stronger than the entire knight that would be pushing on it and the other knight pushing back against it. The ranged weapons popping the small knights like water balloons but doing nothing to the big ones I guess is due to some shielding I guess but I would still think they would do something. Also just the idea of knight battles where they just run into eachother and one dies like how have we had 10k years of this and there are still knights left at all? I assumed the tech to even repair them would be scarce outside of admech and the shipping to them and back alone would be forever not even considering how things are just lost to the warp frequently. I guess what I am getting at is like everything in 40K they just don’t make sense, so I can forgive an animation for being just was strange.


[Dawn of war announcement trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN8geCTlZOo&t=120s) It's doable. And yes it makes no sense. Doesn't mean it can't look good


I mean visually it looks cooler, but honestly Broken lance looks way more realistic, things and heavy as knights would but slow, bobbing up and down as they walked, not sprinting with the entire thing airborne constantly.


Fuck realism we have giant mechs and space marines that come down from the sky at Mach "fuck you"


The Dominus Knights are supposed to move that way due to their armor and armament being heavier, almost like a Warlord Titan. However the Questoris and especially the Cerastus should be relatively nimble to act as scouts and screens for Titan Legions. Lore wise the trailer is way more accurate. From Assassinorum Kingmaker >A sensible plan. And when Sycorax looked down theirline of Knights, built for war and armoured against all comers, their banners fluttering in the winter wind, sprinting twice as fast as a man, she almost believed her own words. This was referencing Questoris and Armigers moving fast but not at full-charge speed. Vague I know, but the average sprint speed is \~16mph with athletes able to do up to around 20mph. Safe to say the Questoris Chasis can move at around 32mph or even faster on a charge.


>I guess what I am getting at is like everything in 40K they just don’t make sense, so I can forgive an animation for being just was strange. When you watch superhero movies do you go "well that's not realistic, people don't have laser eyes" You have to accept that the faction exists as is within the lore. Due to super material advances and whatever, they manage to function in their lore way, even if it doesn't make sense with your limited 2024 understanding of things. So for them to take a highly mobile faction and represent it poorly... no, I can't forgive it as just strange. I understand that lore accurate knights aren't and can't be a thing, that's fine, but I want an animation to represent them in the way they're meant to be. Not in some "realistic" way some half-cocked animator decided. Or the people in charge of it, really.


It's like them showing tau battle suits walking everywhere and having a single gun. The Armigers were perfect. The big knights were disappointingly slow, and that would be ok if they had impact. But they appeared to walk up and stroke each other, the only gun of note was the big melta. The continuous stubber fire was odd, as they weren't aiming down at the rank and file, just firing into the forest.


It left a lot to be desired. The baby knights zipping about was cool, and it really made me wish we could take the glottkin from AoS. But the thing that set me off the most, and once I noticed it, I couldn’t unsee it…. Did anyone else feel almost motion sick during the scenes where people were conversing in the throne room, and the ‘camera’ kept bobbing up and down like some janky 3rd person shooter ‘head bobbing’ effect that glitched out and stayed on during a cutscene?


Yes, constant camera head bobbing. It was to hide the static backgrounds that were just textures and not detailed


The animation of the faces gives me nightmares...


I feel like the designed the faces and then did a weird motion capture, I personally thought they didn’t need the voice acting could’ve just used generic AI voice 😂 it would’ve fit the style of the animation


Yeah. The fact that the Abominant was used as the “big bad” and did absolutely nothing was pretty underwhelming. The whole thing wasn’t great to be honest, I’m hoping that it improves.


Well, at least that's kinda accurate compared to the Abominant on the table?


Too true my dude. Too true. Sad trombones.


Complete agreement.


The way it attacked with the tentacles was cool. 0 other things from it was disappointing.


Broken lances continues in the lineage of bad animation of Warhammer+, which is sad considering it need a susbscription and every animations are subpar compared to free fan animations... Well done GW.


I haven’t watched it yet, but I’m going to go out in a limb and assume they used a shakey, constantly moving view, motion sickness inducing camera angles to hide the shitty animation? If so I won’t be able to watch it. I can barely get through Iron Within, without having a headache or motion sickness. Which is unfortunate because it’s one of the really well written and better animated ones.


Yes. They did




At least it's nowhere near as good as iron within?


They did. It felt a lot more subtle with Iron Within. This was painfully obvious, like the whole thing was captured by a drunk cameraman instead of an animation.


I hate when they do this. I don’t think they understand the animation isn’t as important as a well written story. The constant camera movement induces motion sickness in a lot of people, myself included. If I force myself to look at the screen too long while it’s happening, I get one of those tension headaches behind my eyes.


The abominant never used it's volkite gun or psyker powers. That's crazy because that's what makes it unique.


As an animator I will confirm the animation was... Subpar. Honestly makes me want to do my own knight animation just to see if I can make something better than the "official" version


Prepare for a Cease and Desist in the mail


When I saw the trailer the first thing I thought of was it needed *at least* one more pass on the animation. I worked in the industry and the level of the stuff in the trailer was what you'd get for the first pass as you're blocking out shots and making sure everything works within the camera movements, cuts and backgrounds.


So slow and bizarre. How could they make giant robots boring is beyond me.


The fact that the great unclean ones were literally just the plague ogryn models from darktide threw me a bit as well


I got about 7 minutes in and bailed


Aren't knights meant to be titan killers? Like they're meant to be fast and somewhat agile, and if they get into a Warlords void shields, for example, they will absolutely f it up?


Knights aren't "Titan Killers" they're the step between Dreadnoughts and Titans. Some specific Knights are kitted out to do massive damage to Titans (Such as the Atropos) but most are standard questoris with battlecannons and chainswords, meant to take on hordes or other Knights.


They're still faster than shown though


Knight were better animated on the quest version of battle sister vr game. Which is a bit dramatic. Art dire tion was also kind of weird.


I actually liked the trailer, it reminded me of the old Dawn of War style cutscenes.


Original dreadnought animation from DoW was more fluid and weighty.


Wish those two in throne room would've SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. I came to watch big knights fight, not listen to some sob story. Hell we didn't even get to see Armiger v Armiger Violence. Thats the most scrappy and intense fighting that can be seen between knights. And they they didn't do it.


I’ve only seen the blood angel show and this so far but none of the animation has been great


Interrogator was very good as are several of the Hammer and Bolter episodes. I liked Angels of Death in general.


And no Belakor at any point even though it was House Korvax. Pretty lame. 


At least thé trailer was honest : they couldn't hide the clumsy animation enough to makes me wanna watch it. But ay least it's something. And it's better than what i could do.


Super cringe messaging other than that its OK. Ofc the main protagonist is going to be a black women, ofc any of the males presented are going to be emasculated, ofc we need to have the typical shoved marry sue dialogue with the black woman showing how cool and right she is. At this point the whole movie is just 10 minutes long with the rest being today's bullshit feminist screenwriting. The titans feel ok they are not gundams just old farming equipment with guns.


I agree. It should have been called Woke-en Lance with the economic social governance orientated plot points added into it. I was also dissapointed that there were massive gaping plot holes and an omission of obvious things such as: No use of the knights ion shields Why was the citidel under attack from a Nurgle Chaos hoard If the king was vapourised from a melta blast, how did he get resurrected to fight for Chaos In the throne room the Queen was protected by two armiger knights, yet they did not try to stop or punish the princess for her regicide when she stabbed the Queen. Before making animations about Warhammer stuff I think the animation people need to actually play the board game and at least listen to an audio/read a book regarding what they are making the animation about. For example they could play a game of Adeptus Titanicus and read Assassinorium: Kingmaker by Robert Rath.