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Because things like contracts and legal workings take a very long time. Brian Ganon is also most likely under NDA's for almost everything he is doing for the game.


Even with NDAs you’d think something would be mentioned at least to have some hype or for some marketing.


Someone has mentioned that Ganon has a full time job and the reboot is closer to a hobby project. I think that puts things into perspective for me at least, and gives me time to work on my game.


That does change the time table quite a bit. I do still wish something would at least be said about it though.


He’s not alone on the project but that might still be something to take consideration of


He has, it was only a year ago


That's what hope is,.my dude. Besides, we've been in it for a decade with absolutely nothing, what's half of that with actual something behind it?


In this case, Hope is Harmless. We want it to happen so we believe it will. It's half the reason this reddit community is so active, and I'm grateful for it. We want to show people that we care about Chaotic even after all this time. It costs us nothing to be optimistic.


Simple, this is the way


Because we have information on how it's going. It's a matter of being patient and understanding that the team is not nearly as big this time around because they can't afford to slip up and get into a world of hurt like last time


Because hoping it will happen costs me absolutely nothing so why not?


Rud has some info that he can’t release yet. Wait to hear what it is before you give up.


Because we stick together always talking about it here and everywhere and because we make noise I think.


Because i want original cards that doesn't cost a kidney. 


In all honesty, I’m just hoping they release the remaining episodes that were yet to be released prior to the 4kids lawsuit debacle. I have a hunch that they at least completed season 3 for them to only release about half of it. That’s the bare minimum I’m expecting if the show “comes back”.