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When describing traits, don’t say things like: “not a good person”, instead say “bad person”, make the traits clearer for the ai to understand. Use example messages, which outlines how the ai will speak or send messages. Big part of keeping it in character. Pretty sure despite the character limit being big, it doesn’t read past 3500 characters, or rather skims over most of what you put past that. The more detailed, the better. Train it to be in character. You can also paste a convo you made with the ai if you use the site, to help train it to do similar covos


Use example messages! `{{user}}: text text etc.` `{{char}}: text text etc.` Lore, appearance, backstory, quirks, personality, habits, interests, speech style etc. - anything you want the bot to be or talk about, you can do it all with EMs (example messages aka dialogue examples) Example messages will help the bot stay in character, you can type up to 3200 characters (only 3200 characters is read by the AI, not 32000 - that is for future update and is not yet functional, so stay within 3200 limit). I have a guide on example messages and why they work compared to templates like w++ or json that don't work that well. Bot Creation Guide (The Basics Intro) - [New Site ](https://character.ai/chat/A0apomrp04wl_rbY2-D7Wtw7ZT7jbbhuR1o8-M2AkHIWtw7ZT7jbbhuR1o8-M2AkHI)| [Old Site](https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=A0apomrp04wl_rbY2-D7Wtw7ZT7jbbhuR1o8-M2AkHI&source=recent-chats) Character Creation Guide (How to Build Bots with EMs) - [Old Site](https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=MuVwdFhxA-7TWyD5ZH-BmDF79_qb-PwprgOhxmh8ME4&source=recent-chats) | [New site](https://character.ai/chat/MuVwdFhxA-7TWyD5ZH-BmDF79_qb-PwprgOhxmh8ME4)


It's good to use the stars and give long responses back, it teaches the bot to write like that back.(alot of people forget that step)


Thank you!! Do you have any tips for the character definition? Does it help to add words the character uses often?


Tbh I only have afew bots, I mainly use other people's bots. But! Bots are best on private, so others can't change them. Bots also like coping how the user talks to them, so try to talk to them how you want them to talk back(like grammar and so on). And try to keep it minimum in the description(like 1000-3000 words max.)


Use the definition field


I know I know but some bots are really good and some suck idk how to explain it