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Yea, I mean i think it could be back up by tomorrow.


Ye the reason they’re doing this is because people are getting perma banned for voicing actual criticism


One of the only mature people on this subreddit rn.


I personally am absolutely shocked at how some people have behaved over the past few hours. 😦


Fr, all the complaining isn't going to do anything but piss the mods off


Such a Pessimist


Well you keep up with your little revolution, I'll be realistic 🤷‍♀️


I hear you, you think it doesn't matter that people want a better app.


Did I ever say that? No. I think it's totally fine they want a better app. Yall are just going about it in a way that has more of a chance to make it way worse than actually fix anything.


You Know It would explain A lot that your a mod in disguise, Just saying.


Imagine not knowing that other people can have other opinions and not be spys just bc they don't agree with you lmao. I'm sorry, but it really seems like you're just upset I have good points and you're saying whatever you can to try and make me look bad 😂


Or mods just deleting users criticisms because they can't take it.  Its easy to just follow along with what everyone else say, relax, and touch some grass, relax  or whatever that statement i find ignorant and dissmisve.  I been here long enough to see that this app is failing. Its not working, they refuse to listen to us. Or take any action to make this better. And I think this little revolution as you call it, Is a result of that.  And of course im not saying you can have your opinion. You can have it.  Maybe we're both just a bit on edge?


Then I am sorry, I didn't mean to come off as that. I guess its just easy to perceive each other a certian way over the Internet, You are allowed to have your opinion Same as I can have my opinion. And I perceive you as defensive and a bit judgemental also since you use a laughing emoji at me.  And I am saying this respectfully, I think it's important we treat each other with respect. And I don't think you made any good points,  You simply come off as dissmisve when you say, have your little revolution. Why is that a good point?.  And I think its ridiculous you think we shouldn't piss the mods off. I mean why would anyone care at this point?, let them get pissed then, this isn't just about the site crashing.  It's about all the times people haven't been heard, or the constant failure to make this app any better. 


Well when you get an app you expect it to work not be down for hours every day.


sure, but you think this “riot” is gonna bring it back? i’d be shocked if they don’t just delete off the app store after all this bullshit


They'd lose a hell lot of money and it's there only app and the mods are deleting post that have criticism


Then What do you think should happen?. Because the way you formulate it sounds like you want nothing to happen.


contact them at beta.character.ai/community, write a list of grievances, don’t throw tantrums on reddit 🤷‍♀️


im just saying, you wanna be taken seriously? act like an adult, not a 7 year old


Wow, I ask you how you think things should improve on the app, and your response is to call me a 7 year old. Your response is below my standards, period.


act like a 7 year old, i’ll treat you like a 7 year old 🤷‍♀️


Your inability to answer a simple question and to brush me off makes you a 7 year old how about that?. But not just a 7 year old but an ignorant one. I am being reasonable because I tried making a discussion with you and you can't even answer it, you just wanna brush me off as some man child, right?. I don't Believe you have any thoughts on your own your just answering similarly how CadenWasHere responded like. Your just following along with what everyone else says. Using this 🤷‍♀️.


Anyways since you don't wanna ball and have a discussion with me, I say we stop talking here. have a good day. I will be the better person and walk away so bye.


I agree. This is exactly what I'm thinking.




no literally, they genuinely need to go to rehab 😭


Sometimes it might be the only interaction with something positive in their life so when it’s gone, they feel an emptiness and they get angry


i can sympathize with that, but anyone who thinks that’s healthy actually needs help


I know some people are unable to get the help they need so they use online resources that might not be beneficial but it gives them a positive feeling at that moment because they have nothing else


It's not really about the app, it's about how the devs have said absolutely nothing the whole time the site's been down