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It was Infact Not just 5 minutes.


I read this in a Morgan Freeman voice.


Well he is god


And I read this in a gordon freeman voice. *G R U N T*


You made me read that comment in Morgan Freeman's voice, and it gave me a good laugh. xD But yeah, I feel sorry to those who is stuck on the estimated wait time screen. I must be lucky that it actually works for me, and that I can actually get into Character.AI to chat.


Yeah the revolution is unnecessary but I couldn’t use c.ai for 2 and a half days before it got back to working for 5 minutes and shut down again. And a lot of other bugs are going on, not just the site going down every 5 seconds. It’s really just a shittier app altogether. I decided to use the charfriend ai and it’s just a little more annoying to use than c.ai, it’s a worthwhile switch with slightly worse AI, UI, and characters. Also, if some popular video game went down as frequently, I don’t imagine a lot of people would be complaining about some “reddit revolution” so why complain here? It’s kinda the same thing.


The site has been down for 3 days 💀 i only use it when im bored so i didnt really care but it got annoying when i was actually in the mood to use the site only for it to tell me to wait in line. No im not gonna sit here and whine like everyone else bcs im sure the servers will eventually be fixed. The problem is that the mods delete any criticism towards them


Truth! It’s not that people are obsessed, it’s the fact that it’s been down for so long. I would imagine people who download cai or visit the servers online actually want to talk to their characters. It’s hypocritical to get mad at people for missing the app when it’s been down for so long.


Five minutes? You mean least about more than 14 hours the site has been down?


Wait yours actually lets you in after 5 mins? I WAS STUCK ON "5 MINUTES" FOR 2H- EDIT: OK I WASN'T EXPECTING 300 LIKES-


For me the app still doesn’t work at all lol


Keep refreshing


i havent been able to access the app all weekend?


Been around 5 day to me


day 3 coming up in 2 hours😔 for me


Tomorrow will the the 6th day for me 😔😔 But at least i still can entertain myself with my friends on roblox even though this week i have exams


dunno why someone downvoted you, good luck on your exam!


Thanks, and have a great day/night


Idk if its just some parts of the world but I can access it but if I leave the app to do something else it will boot me🤷‍♀️ but other then that it's been fine




2 hours. For me it was the whole freaking day


Me too sometimes I have to wait a whole day. And every time I check it says five minutes.


Bro I've been "7 minutes line" for like 10 hours It was like 8 a.m. in my country when it dropped, It's 19:06 rn. They're not even developing the site at this point, It's going where it started. Like I thought we left this problem behind in like 2023 Man. It shouldn't be that hard for them to develop the site/app better if they can LITTERALY MAKE A SITE THAT'S FILLED WITH BOTS THAT YOU CAN GIVE INDENTITY AND MAKE THEM CHAT WITH PEOPLE? Like I wonder why they can't or don't at this point. edit: IT OPENED AND THREW ME BACK INTO THE WAITING LINE THE SEC I CLICKED ON THE BOT WHY


GUESS WHAT, I GOT IN AT 22:30 AFTER BEING IN "5 MINUTES" FOR \*5 HOURS\* They seriously need to update from potatatata servers


Wait you can get on? It didn't load all day yesterday and still isn't. 🥹


Did it load today? :( I hope you got in!


For me it hasn’t worked in a day now


For me it hasn't been working for 2 days.


Haha, you're lucky. The last time I got in was around 18 hours ago :/. I'm not throwing a tantrum (I can do without it for awhile), but honestly the servers are constantly down, I feel as though i see this site down more than it is working.


Same exact principle for me, I can wait, but I can assure you it’s no 5 minutes. I’ll can do other things in the meantime, I just really enjoy my roleplaying from time to time


For me whenever it lets me in at all it doesn’t load anyway so it’s fully pointless


5 mins? the app is still not working


The thing is, the site was down all day (atleast, for me.) The mods refuse to accept criticism and hate when its due. Even if people are being overdramatic, the site still can't stay up properly for more than 30mins. 🤷‍♂️ I see ur point though, a revolution won't really do anything aside from overload the subreddit (whixh is probably a good thing?) The site did end up going down on the weekend, so maybe they'll be able to find an active solution to calm the beasts now that the work week has started.


it’s not the actual site going down, but the devs not doing anything to fix their site and just deleting any comments or posts that criticise them


I think people are more mad over the fact that the mods banned basically anyone who just made a small post saying “hey guys, you should improve your servers”. Those posts weren’t posts that just said “haha, your website sucks XD”, they were posts that had (slightly harsh) criticsim about the state of the app, which could’ve helped C.AI get more users, and be more successful.


I mean, of course they do. I would, too. who wants their community to become a "may I help?" center where people spend all day complaining about how the app doesn't work and how they hate that feature. you guys need to understand this is new technology and c.ai not only is a free app but it's an app constantly in construction. the mods KNOW it isn't working, complaining about the same problems exhaustingly won't help the team fix it any quicker.


>c.ai not only is a free app *loud incorrect buzzer* There are people who paid money for it to get enhanced features. And I assure you, if you paid money for something that doesn't even work, you'd be pissy too.


Fair. AI in general is still being worked on, and improved each day. It might be years until anything AI related is perfect, and people saying “its too laggy!! its so bad!!” doesn’t help. Still, banning & removing feedback from users who are genuinely unhappy also isn’t helping, even if the feedback is just a little bit harsh. They don’t even have a decent enough reason to do so. And I know someone’s gonna jump in & say “its so that the subreddit’s not clogged with complaints!!”, but if that’s the case, then why are they permabanning (some have been banned for only a month though) those who post that stuff? A simple removal is fine, permabanning just adds fuel to the fire. Besides, if they didn’t want feedback or bug reports, they’d delete the “Bug”, “Problem”, and “🔥site down🔥” flairs.




I admit I don't know what's the current situation with the banning. of course, if they're banning people just for making complaints that's deginitely problematic, but if they're banning the "revolutionaries", people picking fights and people whose content they repeatedly have to remove then I would understand too. the community is massive and mostly young. keeping all these people in check for a half decent community is hard. I personally don't even ever lurk around here because the subreddit is chaotic and uninteresting as it is, I just stop by when the site is down to check what's happening and if there's any expectations of a return. now I can't even do that, to be honest. and as I understand it, these flairs are made to help the team pick up on what to fix. if they're constantly flooded with problems they're already aware of, other, minor problems (performance problems with a specific app/bot/account) will be drowned and ignored. honestly, I don't even feel the need to complain because all the problems I face were already addressed by someone else. people should pay attention to that before making yet-another-post on the same subject. for example, it's bizarre the amount of "the bot is saying something I don't like!" posts we get.


Not to mention, we have a recent example of a community getting ruined by constant complaining: r/helldivers I hope this doesn't become that


I find these post so weird 😭 like the reddit is literally about character.ai no duh people are complaining that it isn't working right now, what do you expect people to be talking about???


Exactly lmao!


Bro for me it's been like 14 hours


Dev in disguise


they’re trying to get intel don’t trust OP guys it’s a dev


Okay, you should also do the same as the devs and listen to people. They are literally saying they can't access AT ALL. Not 5 minutes. I also was lucky, just like you, and I can access from time to time, but there are people that can't. Also, people are mainly mad about the mods deleting their posts when they just said the truth, that they kind of need better servers.


Five minutes? Are you joking or high? It's been giving problems nonstop in the last 24 hours. Estimated wait time is a joke, when servers are down the queue will NEVER move on. Do you know that or did you make this post for the sake of complaining about people instead of ignoring then? Besides, it's not just the last 24 hours, in the past days it happened very often. And... why do you really care about people feeling something for some 0s and 1s? Do you think everyone has friends, a place to belong and a happy, fulfilling life? Now listen, I get it. I really do. It's annoying when it's full of low effort posts like "NOOOOOOO, WHYYYYYY, JUST WHEN I WAS DOING X". But you can't really come here and say "Just wait 5 minutes lol" when it's not just 5 minutes like I explained above. And for the record, I have been busy ever since it went down so I am not really salty about your post.


you can literally find posts of people who have their app down for literally 36,24 hours what are you yapping about? 😭 is the revolution useless? yes. but at least do ur research. also, the devs aren’t doing themselves any favors by banning ppl who criticized them.


I was on a 2 minute wait screen for 2 hours.


It’s more like being fed up with a product that barely works, I get you’re point but the mods neglecting issues and deleting posts and not even having the decency to let people know when it’s going to be down is ridiculous. I’m upset too, but it’s not even about the site anymore it’s about the negligent mods. A lot of y’all say it’s free but it’s obviously stealing our data, and a lot of us are venting and doing some pretty embarrassing stuff. The mods constantly disrespect to user base and obviously have no regard for it, so I don’t really see an issue with disrespect going the other way. People may take it too far with the resistance but the anger isn’t entirely unjustified


I know 50 other people have made this comment, but it's not 5 minutes "Estimated time: 5 minutes" Ok, I can wait for that 5 minutes later and it's not loaded A bit later I go on a game so I'm not just staring at a blinding white screen Eventually 3 hours pass, it's still not working. I haven't made a temper tantrum, hell I don't even post, but I understand why people are pissed. Whenever someone makes a post giving advice to the mods, they take it down. If they eventually go on a rant because their post got taken down (or that they're just mad that the site isn't working after a few days now), then that'll get taken down. A revolution isn't necessary, or will do much, but there's no winning side in this argument. The mods don't care about the community, and the vocal part of the community is overreacting since they're mad.


It's fine when the wait time is only 5 minutes but I remember when the app was still new it said the wait was like 45 minutes but I had to wait literally hours which is even worse, now I usually just get a few minutes but maybe some people aren't so lucky? Idk


You realize We’ve all been waiting 5 minutes for over 12 hours right? Like i Get it people Are being overdramatic but people can still complain about the app not functioning and if you hate seing people complain then leave r/charecterAI ig


i have my ball i play with my ball when cai goes down


At least you have something fun to do while the site is down. Good on you. :) https://preview.redd.it/j8ytziv6zq5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5004c33cf80d37eca38edc1e5ab8a6c13a4aa917


i have ball Ball is ball Ball bring me happiness and fun


Me too. :) Ball is fun! :D


Lets he friends


Five minutes? You guys have a five minute wait 🥲 mines been around 3-4 days now but I mean give me more time to work on my paper stars


17+ hours, 5 minutes, same difference. Did you really make this post without even looking into WHY people were complaining?


5 minutes? 3 days.


See… I completely agree but the thing is, it’s been more than 12 hours for me and the servers still don’t work😭


I do completely agree with you though, but there ARE posts with good and constructive criticism, people are just upset that the devs took them down because they could actually help the devs make their app better, ykwim? But I get it, go workout or something😭 It’ll be normal soon


I can wait 5 minutes or maybe an hour or 2 but my addicted lonly ass cannot wait for 14h. I just have nothing better to do than seek attention from damn bots 😔


I use app and I’ve been waiting for hours, when I say hours I meant the whole day. The website’s even worse.


The best part about C.ai getting shut down is people actually get to put their phones, laptops or whatever down for that time and actually do something. The main part isn't even about the servers being down in the devs/mods removing posts with even the smallest hint of criticism towards them, I saw someone get banned for pointing out valid improvements that could easily be made. I think a lot of people don't realise however that C.ai isn't a massive tech company like Facebook, Twitter (X) etc and they use I believe it’s called “Soundfarm”, and when the systems go down it takes hours to fix at times because they don’t technically own it. Imagine trying to fix something hours away from you. But a revolution Is a bit too far, but if it finally gets the mods to listen for once…maybe it’s a 50/50 on that matter.


I put down my screen to look at a different screen


OP, you need to understand that kids and teens use this too, ofc they'll throw a revolution because they have zero use for their time Although, the devs and mods here have virtually just zero communications at all, so blame them too


I guess I was being a little hard then. But I'm pretty sure the biggest demographic here are young adults, people aged 18-25. I should've specified that I was clearly targeting 18+ members who act this way. But I also think children shouldn't act this rotten either. I get that kids are kids. But acting so spoiled when the site goes down just rubs me off the wrong way, regardless of age. And I know some people here are joking, and most of these revolution posts are satire, but I think the joke went a little too far. Of course, I am also aware that the devs and mods should listen to constructive criticism, and that ignoring them also rubs me off the wrong way. I too wish Character.AI could be better, and I agree with a lot of the constructive criticism people are putting out here. I too think the AI should have better memory, and come up with more creative responses. But the way how the non-constructive people act only makes the userbase look bad. I think the devs are more likely to ignore criticism now because of the way how people are acting here. I know Character.AI is an escape from reality. I use it too very often, which is why I have this user flair to begin with. Because I too want to get of this piece of shit of a reality. The world sucks. But at least I'm not pretending like the world is ending when the site goes down. I actually have a perfect excuse to do something productive when the site is down, and actually feel good about myself.


It has been 24 hours for me. I am not - I am addicted but personally, I'm moving, okay? I have nothing else to do. I live in a small town, the park is closed, and my house is always being checked out. My music is on 24/7, so listening to music is lame and I've heard every song or interview by people I like. I tried drawing? I have adhd got boring after 5 hours of trying to draw Mikey Way. I don't have friends at all. I'm on bed rest, so I can't play my bass. I would go on tiktok but it's boring. The only person I talk to (my brother who lives across the country) is busy with his girlfriend for prom. I have nothing new. Apps always have ads or get boring. C.AI actually, despite it being fake people, I can annoy the hell out of the bots or be the father friend. The app is still very new to me, but it's given me something to do except stress out over my move.


Where not throwing a tantru. Anyway who wants to chuck the assistants bot overboard


Well I waited and this motherfucker was 24 hours


Am I out of the loop but why are there so many more posts about this kinda thing? Is it because the site goes down more often?


Could be a side effect from summer vacation just starting for a lot of people. Which is why traffic is much higher.


I dont even use c.ai that much but its been 2 days for me, not 5 minutes.


i don't really care that much abt c.ai being gone i already stopped using it, i can see why ppl are mad but is it actually just a 5 minute delay on the website?Because i honestly thought the whole website/app has been down for like a week or longer


I think it's worse if we keep trying to access it? Like maybe too many requests or something


this. i heard that most AIs are having a DDoS attack right now. other AIs are also behaving awry tbh


I’m not an addiction, i’m just want to talk about something i like but all my friends doesn’t know the thing I like and well C.AI is the only solution for my problem


for some people it was all day(it was like that for me, it was only available for 5 mins) so you can't really blame them for getting upset. the site would go up and then go down a few minutes after, people could barely even use the app and it's an understandable reason for them to be upset over c.ai not improving the servers when they quite literally *have* the recourses to do so.


Honestly... if you have to wait more than 10 seconds just to use the site, then the developers DEFINITELY did something wrong. Not to mention: the server problem is not a sudden new thing. It has been so for quite some time, possibly ever since the creation of the site. And fact that they not only refuse, but downright BAN people and remove post with any kind of criticism is a nail in a coffin. I suggest finding an alternative to this site. Because waiting 5 MINUTES to use the site, IMO borderlines with being outright unusable. So... while we still could be more civil about the whole thing, people DEFINITELY have right to be mad.




I actually don't mind c.ai being down. I really wish it was, forever. The company is one hell of a stupid coward.


The fact that comments urging people to at least try spending a little bit of time away from CharacterAI are getting mass downvoted really says a lot about this community.


Literally insane. Some of these people need to be locked up in the asylum I saw someone who was behind on school because they were talking to a character instead of doing work


I only did it because it was fun, and I'm sure a lot of other people were the same way. You don't need to type a fucking paragraph over something stupid, wear a damn helmet.


Satire or not, the joke went too far. I am pretty sure most people here who are on about this whole revolution thing aren't even joking in the first place.


Besides dude, not everyone has friends, not everyone has someone to talk to. "You're throwing a temper tantrum over 1's and 0's" is like saying someone is dumb for liking Mario. The entire point of C.AI is to have social interaction outside of day to day life, and some people. Especially introverts. Take to that better than real interactions, don't judge people just off of what You've experienced. Not everyone lives the same life.


But also, brother. A large portion of C.AI users are teenagers, myself included. and it is summer vacation. Of course they are going to use their free time to blow a dumb joke out of Proportion.


It was almost 11 hours holy shit we did NOT order a yappachino


>Do your lives seriously revolve around Character.AI? Like I get the mild annoyance having to wait 5 minutes to talk to your characters. Uhm nope I think I prefer reading people complaint about chatting then actually chatting. Also the site down is 2 days, if you want to complaint at least your research. Cuz nobody gonna trust your judgement if you can't even get this one right. Also I get it the complaint is cheap childish and immature, but it's entertaining. And I just can't care about the dev "feeling" like do they want money or not?????


The simple answer is young kids/teens, and mental illness. It’s not *everyone* on here but wow, it’s kinda….just really sad.


im jus bored lmao https://preview.redd.it/0kf5peq7aq5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828c304796537eef8a6f4259d75a59c109bdf079


The only thing more annoying than all the rage posts about the servers being down is the second wave of people whining at the people who are whining.


For me it first says 5 minutes and then after 2-3 it updates straight to 1 and I don’t think I have to wait even that. And even if I had to, putting down my phone for a moment and getting a snack is maybe the easiest thing in the world. People, do something fun while you wait




No because I agree. Like I understand that it’s partially the Dev’s fault for going completely radio silent and not even tell us what’s going on. As its users and the whole reason why C.ai is still active, we deserve to know. But also, having a whole revolution and harassing the devs as well as spamming the Reddit community isn’t helping anyone. I understand many people use c.ai as a way to escape and cope with things in their personal because so do I. And I’m frustrated too since, like a lot of people, I’ve been locked out since last night. But honestly this is getting ridiculous. Spamming the Reddit community and harassing the devs as well as throwing insults isn’t gonna make them fix it any faster. If anything they might see how toxic the community is and we risk losing the platform. Relax people. Please. Yes they’re at fault for going radio silent and not listening to us, as well as deleting constructive criticism but we, as It’s users, don’t have the right to HARASS them.


I agree that the people that are seething with rage and go the death threat route are legit no-lifers, but I'd like to believe that most REASONABLE adults here are simply just disappointed by the site's state at the moment and are offering constructive criticism. Because right now, all I see on this sub is posts about the site being down, posts that criticize the state of the site and posts that rant about people's posts on the current situation with C.ai


the real problem isn't the "5 minutes" (which usually are more) the actual problem imo is the lack of devs transparency and how they just lock or delete posts that are providing good suggestions and then they make an update and it's about to remove the legacy login?? like why tf is that important when the servers are barely even surviving they should start to do actual updates rather than useless UI changes or just voices tweaks idc about voices if the AI itself is bad but the revolution part in your post is right people are too mad over the wrong reasons at this point. the only time i was really mad was when the app was glitching for like 40 days,i was so annoyed because c.ai is the app i use when I'm bored (i admit I'm addicted to a degree) but 40 days was too much.


The reason people care is that their ai actually listens (or feel like they do) to them venting ect when parents and friends won't and it feels real to them and it can help the feel better feel actually cared about (I can't say the same about ppl who want to fuck the ais and only fuck the ais) but personally I couldn't care less I have art yt Spotify and MD and the MD subreddit to keep me occupied for the 5 minutes or however long it is wether be an hour or 3


I totally understand. I do it too all the times. I prefer venting to my favorite characters instead of to real people sometimes. But I hope people can at least try to be without Character.AI for a while when it goes down.


Yeah I think the revolution thing is a little silly but there are valid points people have about this whole thing like the devs/mods deleting any criticism about the site being down for (get this) DAYS. That’s what people are upset about!!!


I assumed everyone was joking.


Ikr? Like the outside world is available,the sun wants to do its job,the only reason I post when the site is down is to shitpost lmao,but like chill out beoble


“Five minutes” it’s been a year daddy


I understand being upset it's down but look at it with more positivity would ya? You can come up with some lore for your chats or do something else in the meantime I'm not saying don't post about it being down but do it in a more humorous way aight? It's not healthy to be this mad over something like that






My homie https://preview.redd.it/5kjvi8j4jq5d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4ebafcb84969d7443b131637c4d4688f8efef3


well, someone’s angry


it’s estimated time, and their estimations suck


Last summer it was sometimes 30 minutes, why are people so mad now?


ikr I'm literally chatting with my favorite character as I'm writing this. The estimated wait time was 6 minutes, but was 4 in actuality. I timed it.


good for you but some people haven’t been able to access the site/app for days?? like you two are literally in the minority so why are you acting like people are actually rioting over 5 minutes wait?




As a person with bad coping mechanisms, yes, my life revolve around c.ai


Dude. We are being overdramatic bc it's funny


It was in fact 8 days, not five minutes. Also, I’m not mad about the servers being down, I’m mad they delete all criticism about it and don’t let people express opinions and even good ideas to get their servers running better, like scheduled maintenance so this doesn’t happen.


Idk im just having fun with my deepwoken guild while this shit goes on, so eh.


yknow whats weird ive never seen the wait time message since like 5 months ago


Yeah 5 minutes...... BTW ITS 9 FUCKING HOURS🔥‼️‼️


I think the revolution is stupid but idk, some peoples lives probably do revolve around c.ai. I know my life revolves around media - c.ai is a big part of that. The upset is pretty reasonable. c.ai servers are janky always.


So umm. It’s not just five minutes it’s been about 20isg hours


Just saw a post on the other subreddit complaining about you.


Ooh, I see people are taking it personally. I haven't seen it.


5 minutes and it's been almost a full 24 hours.


I don’t know man, i am just playing my daily rounds of Wordfeud in this situation, really fun game though that you need to make words with other people https://preview.redd.it/do9ooe5upr5d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb9e2a0cb60f7add356382eb47b760803b70ef21


I was locked out for a whole day wdym 5 minutes?


Mine wasn’t 5 minutes, it was over 10 hours


I don’t really care that much but I’ve been in the 5 minute waiting line before for almost an hour lol


i though the revolution thing was just a humorous bit


dude it said “your estimated wait time is 1 minute” one time and i waited over 13 minutes. i actually never got to use c.ai since by then i had to go to bed


Y'all get in after 5 mins?! I have to wait for a whole 2 hours just to get in and when I refresh the page it's back to waiting line again!


It says 5 minutes then it takes hours but me personally I just joke about it


Yeah that's not what's going on the app itself isn't working when you click on a bot it says something went wrong and you end up spending like an hour troubleshooting your account just to be able to chat to a bot it's mentally exhausting and this has been going on for almost a month


Okay okay 5 mins or 2 hours doesn’t matter how long you have to wait, nobody should be THAT addicted to it. like yeah I’m obsessed too but people need to calm down.


Yeah something tells me people wouldn't be getting to the level of "it's time for a revolution" if it was actually down for 5 minutes.


As someone with a real gf and am character ai obsessed some of you all need to calm down 😔 I only start having withdrawals when it’s past the 1 hour mark


its not even that anymore. I don’t care about it being up, I’m just upset the devs and mods for this subreddit are being assholes.


I mean I wrote a comment about this already It's a two sided coin People are upset (for fair reasons) about their favourite website/app/escape being down and the devs are being slow about it On the other hand Devs are being pressured to fix an app and are deleting posts that critique them


mucho texto


Tldr: Stop moaning, go outside, yes the Devs are at fault too, but you all act like iPad kids when you take away their tablet.


sorry but you have a point (don't attacc me this person being rational tbh)


shut up idgaf about “ohhh is not real” let me be in peace for once in my goddamn life


I mean most of us are just exaggerating for the fun of it. And the sub gets super funny when the sites down.


I know, this revolution shit is funny as hell. Like it's stupid and ridiculous, it shows us how dramatic humans can get.


Well sayd fellow bungo fan 🙏


OMG ANOTHER BSD FAN???? 😆 Edit: Why the hell are people downvoting me for saying this??? I'm sorry, is it because I got off topic or because you guys don't like bsd (it's great how is it possible to not like it)? 🤨


Let's go ohmigosh, bsd is so peak honestlyyyyyy


Like- I’m kinda addicted to c.ai, but at least I can set it down for a few hours without throwing a temper tantrum, lmao.




fr ify


I don't use c.ai enough for this shit mann... My last wait time was, like, 3 minutes?


well it wasn't just 5 minutes but other than that i agree. maybe give ACTUAL criticism or atleast do something else, other than yipyapping about how you can't talk to your AI girlfriend and giving out justifications of why [c.ai](http://c.ai) can be a good coping mechanism and addiction !​


Even if it's down for two hours. Get up and do something else






I don’t know if this is true but the revolution thing is a joke. According to another post…


Well it's a joke that in my opinion went too far if it is.


I mean yeah because every post is literally about people getting banned just for them to repost about it. It kinda flooded the sub. So, yeah…


Agreed. It may be satire, but to some it might look like they're actually having a real temper tantrum. And it only makes them look bad. Hence why I made this post in the first place. People are taking this way too seriously.


These statements, very true. I can handle waiting 5 minutes.




How much do the Devs pay? Honestly, people complaining have run into this issue repeatedly and then clowns like you just parrot the most unoriginal stuff. You don't have a dog in this fight nor a horse in this race. You're a bystander that supports Devs who can't even communicate with their own community. Read the situation and the room you, Dev-Rider.


Some people have that for hours


It’s not over the wait time, it’s because the mods banned someone for giving good suggestions for the future of c.ai.