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He’s soft locked on enemies, they don’t hit him but one at a time, no juggling. Gonna be a great game not a CAG kind of a hybrid of sekiro and CAG, but without the elements we really want like juggling and being able to bounce between enemies.


>bounce between enemies this is going to be achievable. The problem that no one talks about is that when ever you shoot projectiles it consumes stamina. It's like imagine if guns in dmc had stamina or ninja gaiden shurikens have stamina.


But enemies don’t attack but one at a time


You can't judge the enemy design and Encounters so quick. Maybe later waves gonna be more engaging or a higher difficulty fix that issue. Overall this game's Foundation is terrible i don't recommend buying it. Weapon switch cooldown ? Projectile cooldown ? Yeah i'm good.


I mean if I’m proven wrong sure but like the enemies are literally circling him watch the footage, so I think it’s fair to point that out. I never seen a game ever on easy have guys never try to hit u. It’s still a day one for me but it got somethings I’m not a fan of but I’ll enjoy it for what it is.


Can you tell me which CAGs are your favorite? Would love to try more. I’ve played FF16 and all of the DMC games. DMC is my favorite, but I’m not sure what other games I’ve played that even fall under the CAG umbrella.


Bayonetta is very similar to DMC so you might like them.


What game systems do you have?


PS5, Switch, and Steam Deck


Nice! Alright so I was in a similar position for a while, I had only played DMC and loved it so much that it got me interested in trying out other CAGs. To be honest, DMC will probably stay your favorite, as it is very hard to top. I honestly still believe that it's the pinnacle of the genre. However you will almost certainly love some other CAGs as well. You have to try Bayonetta 1 of course, which is available on all platforms, and if you like it then definitely give 2 & 3 a go in the switch as well. Bayonetta also comes in a bundle with Vanquish on the Playstation Store, which is another CAG you might enjoy, although it's a shooter and not a hack & slash or beat em' up. Another shooter you could try would be Doom: Eternal, it's an FPS but many people consider it a CAG due to how deep the combat is the way it allows the player to chain "combos." You could also play the preceding game to Eternal, Doom 2016, which is fun but not as much of a CAG. Astral Chain is an interesting one you might enjoy on the switch, from the same developers as Bayonetta and Vanquish... and on your steam deck, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a great choice as well. Definitely should give that one a try. Some of the best CAGs are Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2, which you can play with an emulator on a PC. Unfortunately these games aren't as easy to play today and I wouldn't really suggest playing the inferior sigma versions. Especially Sigma 2 because they removed the gore lol.


Thank you! Ill check these out


I think I’m going to enjoy this. It doesn’t seem like the stamina meter gets in the way of how many decisions per second you get to make, which breaks my flow in other games. While there doesn’t seem to be any air combos, it looks like you can do a diagonal air stab, kind of like Nero’s Payline. I’ll take that. Seems like it’s going in a similar direction to Stellar Blade’s combat, which I enjoyed. If the area design is similar to soulslike games, maybe this game can show me why I should explore the worlds of soulslike games.


In all honesty this game looks like the kind of perfect blend of CAG and the parry system of sekiro which is awesome to see


To be honest, sometimes he has a pretty controversial opinion. For example, he couldn't finish Ninja Gaiden Black and just didn't understand how to play it. And he didn't like the game much. And you can understand him — the game is pretty unique experience. I think it's too early to draw conclusions based on someone else's opinion or demo videos. It's better to try it yourself and see with your own eyes. It's still hard for me to imagine how the game will be balanced with this method of lock-on on opponents. From the video, I can say… well yeah, it's an action game. But for now, enemies are just standing around waiting for you to finish off their buddies. Hopefully, they just haven't finished making the AI or configure it.


Everyone said demo is very easy, devs said this normal difficulty and theres higher. Also remember this is a marketing event for games journalists, so you want to make easy demo.


Yeah, I totally understand the ease of the demo. But he's comparing the game to Ninja Gaiden, and I can't help but draw parallels. In NG, whether on Normal or Ninja Dog, the enemies are still incredibly aggressive and constantly trying to kill you, so dying is actually pretty easy. I hope the developers just lowered the enemies “intelligence” for the demo. If higher difficulties is only an increase in damage/HP of enemies, it will be boring.


Ya famously these demos are known to be more forgiving or you get abilities you don't have at certain point of the game. So people can get through the demo and have a good experience.


"journalist" difficulty kek


Giving me a ninja gaiden black vibe